Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

teeth capping in thailand

asians bears are in trouble habitatloss the pet trade a demand for theirbody parts and the horrific practice of bear bilefarming for traditi... thumbnail 1 summary
teeth capping in thailand

asians bears are in trouble habitatloss the pet trade a demand for theirbody parts and the horrific practice of bear bilefarming for traditional madsen in part one of this insider on asianbears we delve into the illegal pet trade in thailand and malaysia asia is home to a number a bear species there's china's famous pandas brownbears the asiatic black bear or moon bearand the smallest bear species in the

world the sun bear, their natural habitat isthe region's large forests because of this it's difficult togauge population figures but its estimated that moon and sun bearnumbers have declined by at least 30% in the last three decades one of thereasons is that their often packaged and sold aspets mostly when they're adorable cubs this is a particular problem in thailand and malaysia edwin week founded the wildlifefriends of thailand center about fifteen years ago but hasdedicated his life to rescuing wild

animals including bears he's also a tireless campaigner for endingthe illegal wildlife trade he seen first hand what happens to bears who are victims at the pet trade i'vebeen trying to understand the the last fifteen years why people keepbears as pets and i'm i still don't get it if you would be alocal in thailand and you want to have a bear as a pet youcould just actually i'm buy one and a bear would probably costsomething like five six hundred dollars

they're cute when they're very small they're extremelynice they're really cuddly but once they become about eightmonths a year old they get bigger they get more aggressive, unpredictable and they destroy everything they get the claws on. whenpeople get tired of their pet bears they often taken to temples like thisone edwin his team have arrived to rescue a bear who's beenliving in this small enclosed space for a number of years we are now here in a temple in chomp onprovidence out in thailand and be picking up to date is little bear

this bears been here for we thoughtseven years but actually they have just told me almost twenty years today that's gonnachange we're gonna take the bear to wfft in thailand wild animals such as this bear end up in temples quite often the reasonpeople take them in little baby bear still given spacemonkeyz keep them as pets and eventually they take these animalsto temples but obviously temples another quick to care for these animalsespecially when they get older more aggressive becomes a hazard thatthere needs to go

but the bear is given a tranquilizer sothe team can move it safely once the sedative takes affect they cancarry it to the vehicle bears who have beenkept in captivity for this long often have health and dental problems asthey haven't been eating their natural diet medical checkcomplete the bear is ready to go to his new homeat the wfft century he's one of the lucky ones not all bearrescue stories have a happy ending this is a sun bear found living inhorrific conditions by the wfft it had been capped in a dark room ata temple

without sunlight and proper care thebear was in shocking condition they named him klein when the medicalteam desperately tried everything they could do to save hislife but the years have abuse proved too much for this little creature and in the end he didn't make it whilelaws regarding the ownership a wild animals vary from country to country it's clear that even when there areguidelines there is little or no regulation and the practicecontinues unabated keeping a sun bear is a pet

is also illegal in malaysia but thatdoesn't stop it from happening there either one of the biggest sun bear conservationcenters is in sabah malaysia the bornean sunbear conservation center was started seven years ago by one ofthe world's leading sun bear experts doctor siew te wong set inbeautiful natural forest surroundings it's a place of safety for rescued sunbears when the bears arrive here they have tobe retaught to live and forage in the wild again

it takes a long time to rehabilitatebears but doctor wong is determined to get asmany as possible back into the wild the pet trade isn't the only thing threatening thewild populations of sun and moon bears in some countries their body parts are highly priced but the biggest threat to asian bears is deforestation and habitat loss with thousands of hectares of natural forest being cut down this is a real concern that needs theworld's attention even if the pet

and body parts trades are stamped outand poaching stops there's still need somewhere to live ifthere are no forests there can be no bears meanwhile back in thailand the rescuedmoon bear has a new home at the wfft in an enclosure with other bears justlike him it's a far cry from the tiny space it spent the last twenty years ofhis life and thanks to centres like the wfftthe bornean sun bear conservation center and others across asia even though they maynot be able to go back into the wild again

the rescued bears can have a quality oflife they didn't have before in part two of our insider on asianbears we unveil the hideous practice of bearbile farming

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