Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

fake teeth covers

hi, i'm nancy albert, the inventor of imakocosmetic teeth. if you have issues with your smile, i know you are searching the internetto f... thumbnail 1 summary
fake teeth covers

hi, i'm nancy albert, the inventor of imakocosmetic teeth. if you have issues with your smile, i know you are searching the internetto find a temporary solution to the way your teeth look and that's probably how you landedhere. you want something that works well and looks natural. in the late '80's, i developeda line of hilarious, fake teeth that could be sold by mail order and customized by thebuyer. i'm not a dentist, but somehow i figured out how to do it. i still make and sell them; they're calleddr. bukk fake teef. one key aspect of the humor was being able to horrify your onlookerswith what's essentially a very powerful pocket-sized psychology experiment. people are so prejudicedagainst bad teeth, i can make them move to

a different table at a restaurant just byflashing a little flirty smile! â  of course, t's not funny at all if you haveto live your life this way. â it was obvious to me a good looking product would be veryhelpful for people, especially with the cost of dentistry in america. â so, i spent morethan ten years, and my life's savings to develop the imako cosmetic teeth.a patent was granted in 1999 and by 2004 i finally had a good product to introduce. â  the competition out there is fierce. on thecheap side there is secure smile. on the expensive side is snap in smile, which is about $1200for the uppers. both those companies seem to think that if you are not a dentist, thenyou should not be able to make fake teeth.

â my product is the only temporary devicethat lets you close your bite naturally. this is they only way you can talk without lisping.it's also the only safe way to use cosmetic teeth. â â anyone who has had a cavity filledknows the dentist is very careful about adjusting a filling so that it does not hit the opposingtooth unevenly. this can kill a tooth and even cause tmj, a painful jaw misalignment.â when someone wears the secure smile, it will obviously prevent them from closing theirbite. they even sell lower teeth, which are even worse in this respect. if you add bondingsto your lower teeth, they have to grind away enough to compensate. even the $1200 snapin smile has this problem. you should not have to jeopardize the healthof your teeth to wear a cosmetic appliance.

â our imako teeth are featherweight, flexibleand thin, so there's a minimum of facial distortion and it's incredibly comfortable. this cannot be said about the competing products.if the product is stiff, it will force your teeth to adapt and within an hour you'll havea headache. with our product, we use the same molding material, but here is the difference:we permanently bond the fitting material to the back of our shell at a precisely calibratedthickness. with secure smile, it's up to you to meltthe same the fitting material and spread it across the back. â you have to get a bit togo into the little holes in this ledge to make it stay on there. problem is, it shrinksa bit and leaves a space between the two layers

where saliva can get in between and make agood home for any number of pathogens. â  now, if you follow their instructions to wrapthe material behind your front teeth, and you leave it in too long. it can get stuckin your mouth. â i think they put this ledge there to make the shell harder to break, butwhat i read online says people have to grind it away. â the secure smile can break if youdrop it on a hard surface. â imako cosmetic teeth are virtually unbreakable. â  do you want your teeth hanging a quarter inchlower than they should be? (horse whinny) â another thing you have to think about isdoes the product go back far enough? â â  in our imako instructions, we show you allkinds of ways to configure imako for all kinds

of situations, like a missing tooth. â and,during business hours we answer our phones and we like to help people. imako is madein the usa. secure smile is made in taiwan. we have an a+ bbb rating. the william robertsteeth company is not listed. imako is in major catalogs. they aren't. it's your decisionto make and i just want to make sure it is an informed decision.

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