narrator: in atlanta, undergoing herunusual potty training at the kramer household. potty. we're going to go potty. narrator: bonnie, jeff, and10-year-old daughter danielle are training her to ring a bellwhen she needs to go outside. going down. ready?
ready?potty. [rings bell] as bonnie likes us tosay, you know, potty. -potty.-we say potty. it seems pretty silly to keepringing this bell every time we go out the door. she's not like putting up herpaw or anything like that. narrator: phoebe's notreally getting the hang of it and is still having accidents.
jeff: tonight, we fed phoebe. i saw her looking for aspot to poop in the house. uh-oh. no, no, no, no, no! ugh! so then i rang thebell on the way out. potty.[rings bell] and of course she didn't go. why would she go?she went in the house.
she doesn't need to go. narrator: jeff's strugglingto believe in the idea. jeff: let's go inside. good girl. narrator: but he'snot giving up. ow. ok. ow, ow. every time i take herout, she bites me.
can you see those red marks? those marks are from taking herpaw and ringing that damn bell. it'll be really interestingto check bonnie's hands and see if she's gotany marks on her hands because i got to tell you,i haven't really ever seen her have phoebe ring that bell. narrator: but when thebreakthrough comes, it's bonnie who getsto hear the bell. bonnie: oh my gosh.
did you just hit the bell? do you need to go outside? narrator: bonnie nowneeds to get phoebe into the gardenfast, and praise her if she does go potty outside. good girl! yes, good girl! you hit the bell. i was so proud of phoebe.
she went up to the bell,and she just kept ringing it until she got my attention. i wasn't even payingattention because she's never done that before. and we went out,and she went potty. yes, you knew youhad to go pee pee. so i'm hoping she's getting it. here, let's go back. come on, phoebe.
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