
(soft, playful music) - what's going on, guys? right now, i'm onlocation in alaska, filming episodesof breaking trail. now, a couple weeks ago, a bunch of people wrotein and said, "coyote, "do you play pokã©mon go? "your job is kind oflike the real pokã©mon go. "you run around, andyou catch animals."
and i do! and i didn't know whatpokã©mon go was, at first, so i looked it up. and as it turns out, it's avery popular app at the moment. so i downloaded it on my phone. and while i'm here in alaskafor two weeks filming, i'm gonna see how manypokã©mon i can actually catch. you guys are gonnafollow me around, and we'll see what happens.
and according to this, i gotta catch 'em all. here we go! (exciting tribal drumming music) (birds chirp) ready? - [voiceover] yeah. - alright, so we're justfilming the intro, look at this! there's literally oneright there in front of us.
hold on, let me seeif i can get it. gotta get it a little closer. follow me, follow me,follow me, where is it? there it is, there it is! look, look, look,look, look, look, look! it's an oddish, alright, ready? i'm gonna get him.- [voiceover] go for it. - [coyote] one, two, three. oh, yes!- [voiceover] you got him!
- "gotchya!", it says. oddish was caught. look at that, my firstpokã©mon of the trip. this is gonna be excellent! - [voiceover] and thisis where it all began. - oh wow, this is totally cool. i can see why you guyslove playing this. (triumphant music) - [voiceover] coyote,what are ya doing?
- just listening to thepokã©mon go soundtrack. love this jam. dude, are you playing now, too? - what? - pokã©mon, you playing? - no, dude, i'm answering email. i got our ferry passes. - you wanna play? - no.
- okey dokey. (loud thud) (playful music) - [coyote] the first dayin alaska was beautiful. and as we cut acrossthe backcountry, you'd think i would be soakingin this epic landscape. instead, all i could think about was catching my next pokã©mon. eventually, we made ourway to mosquito lake,
where we would be stayingat the swan view cabins, our base camp forthe next two weeks. while the goal was to startfilming breaking trail episodes, persistent rain madethings difficult. so i kept searchingfor pokã©mons. see that dog? that's birch. he also plays pokã©mon go. i'm pretty good at catchinganimals, so it only makes sense that i would be apokã©mon natural.
yes, i got one! - [voiceover] what'd you get? - woo! check this out. (laughs) look, look, look. bulbasaur! pokã©mon, got 'em. yes! good job, birch. alright, going to look for more.
- yeah, we haven't shotany videos this week. coyote had this idea like:hey, everybody wants us to do a pokã©mon go video,it's like the new thing. and i said, "sure, let'shave a little fun." and it's spiraledout of control. this guy is totallygripped by this game. it's got its claws in him,and he can't get away. he's all pokã©mon go.- oh, mark! you've got like pokã©ballsall around you right now.
look at that, look at that! those look just like pokã©balls. only, i can't grab ontothem, it doesn't seem like. - you see what i mean? alright, check thisout. look, i know, look, we caught the bulbasaur. birch, the bulbasaur, come here. birch. (laughing)- [voiceover] (laughing)
you found the bulbasaur, nowwe need you to find a pikachu. go get the pikachu. go get it, go get a pikachu. oh, he's hot on thetrail, come on, let's go. - [coyote] there'sone right there! - [voiceover] whatare you doing? - i got one, i caughtone in this bush! back up, back up,birch, come on, buddy. yes!
dude, i caught one. a caterpie, downthere in the bushes. how 'bout that? right here in haines, alaska. good dog, good dog, birch. i'm telling you, this dog knowswhere all the pokã©mons are. alright, what's next? oh, he's going that way. i'm coming!
(rustling) - [voiceover] mario, what'sbeen going on with coyote, man? - man, coyote hasbeen so distractedwith this pokã©mon game that he's runningaround like a crazy guy, going to different cornersof buildings and stores. sometimes, he'sright next to me, and i turn aroundlike, "hey, coyote," and he's gone. we don't even knowwhere he's at.
(long grunt) - dude, no internetconnectivity. i can't get into the pokã©monapp here, and we're in town. - well, look atthose peaks, man. look how beautiful that is. just enjoy the sceneryand the beauty of this. we're in alaska-- - we come into town once aday. this is the only place i can actually catch pokã©monis right here in town.
without service, howam i gonna catch any? you don't understand, mario. the struggle is real. - you're gonna have to takethat phone away from him on this trip. (gravel stirring) (grand classical music) - i'm just hoping, deep down,that this is part of coyote and how he does things.
anything he does,he takes on fully. he's definitely method inhis approach to presenting. if's there's ever gonnabe another animal video in brave wilderness, we're gonna need coyoteto snap out of this. what's happening right now, we don't have anyvideos, we're out. last friday, no video, poof! (playful piano music)
- [coyote] can't get this one. - [voiceover] tryingto get a photograph? - no, it's a pokã©mon. - that's a reindeer. - no, look how tiny it is, man. that's not a reindeer. that's a pokã©mon. - [voiceover] it'sa baby reindeer. - oh.
- look, it's real, see, see that? touch it, it's real. it's not pokã©mon,gimme your phone. - i think that-- (quiet grunt) - he used to be superenthusiastic aboutanimals, but now all he cares about is pokã©mon. (soft xylophone music) - [coyote] so, we were halfwayinto the trip, and so far,
we only had like one episode - i don't know, about asalmon or something. i mean, maybe ishould've been concerned, but i was catching pokã©mons. and that's what icame here to do. i'd already caughtlike five of them. not bad in a week, consideringthe lack of phone service. i don't know what mark'sall bent out of shape about. he said, "catch things."
what's it look like i'm doing? this job isn't easy, you know. anyone out there who'scatching pokã©s, it's intense. the minute your phonebuzzes, and a pokã©'s nearby, it's game-on. i'd like to see mark tryto catch a bulbasaur. - i think i got a problem, man. mark's been pretty bummed outthat i've been playing this the whole time; we'renot getting the shots.
oh, there's one close,though, hold on. just one more. - [voiceover] austin,what do you think about this whole pokã©mon thing? - dude, pokã©mon go is so sick. - [voiceover] so, can youcatch pikachu on this? - oh yeah, pikachu's likeone of the hardest ones to ever come across. i definitely don'thave that one.
i only have six at this point. - [voiceover] oh okay. - [voiceover] what are youdoing, playing pokã©mon? - no, i'm just checkingthe area for pokã©mon gyms, but look at this: we'relike in the middle of the alaskan wilderness.absolutely nothing out here. - [voiceover] yeah, butmark said you shouldn't be playing this,it's distracting you. - [voiceover] you don'tthink this is a problem?
- i don't know, man. it is a little bit, butit's not that big of a deal, because it's pretty sweet, dude. we get exercise, we get to runaround, we're in the woods. throwing, like, little balls, trying to catch thoselittle critters. there's plenty of timein the day for this. we have lots ofminutes, lots of hours. my man's gonna get thatpikachu, i know it.
mad respect. - [voiceover] i gotgrahams, the chocolate, got a few extra mallows there. gonna do some s'mores. - so i caught mythird pidgey today. it's kinda like a mix betweena cardinal and a goldfinch. it says that pidgeyhas an extremely sharp sense of direction. i feel like i've got agood sense of direction.
- wait, is that thatpokã©mon go game again? - yeah, i'm just checkingin on my pokã©dex. - i thought we talked aboutthis, you gotta focus. we're supposed to be outhere making quality content. - i know, this is,like, in-between time. i can't wait to evolve this one, it's gonna be so coolwhen it's fully grown. - what do you mean fully grow? - i gotta evolve it.
you put a little bitof time and effort into taking care of it-- - at what point is this gonna,like, wear off, this fad? - it's not, man. this is, like, the coolest gamethat's out there right now. trust me, this game is awesome. just like catching real animals. - you know what's not awesome? - our marshmallows.
- you had one job. you had one thing youhad to do right tonight. - [voiceover] my bad. (laughing) - you know, we came onthis trip to alaska, because his lifelong goal wasto work with the wolverine, and it's like hedoesn't even care. he's, like, out there,playing pokã©mon go. and now it seems like his onlygoal is catching a pikachu.
honestly, i don't thinkthere's ever going to be another video of breakingtrail, if he doesn't catch one. so part of me is saying:i hope he does it. - [voiceover] woo! - yeah, it's pretty distracting. we've got a set segment to film. - there's no signal! - i'm trying to go oversome animal facts with him to get the flow of things, and--
- what's wrong with this boat,it doesn't have any wi-fi! (loud grunt) - all he's talking aboutis pikachu and bulbasaur. i don't know, i don'thave pokã©mon go, so... - usually, coyoteis always on point. he's the one thing on our shoots that i don't haveto worry about. coyote has enough driveto make any video work, but lately we haven't beengetting anything done.
i mean, i'm here to do a job,i'm laser beam, i'm boom! i'm in there, trying to getthe videos for you guys. and now we gotcoyote running around catching pokã©mongo all the time. and i was hoping maybe in alaska there'd be no cellphone service, and maybe there wouldbe any pokã©mons. they're everywhere! all over the place,and so is coyote.
in fact, i have no ideawhere he is right now. - dude, let's go find coyote,haven't seen him in a while. - my battery died, on my phone. - [voiceover] good. - it's done, ican't even use it! can't get all the pokã©mon out! - i think this is agood thing for you. ultimately, you'regonna look back on this, and this is good.
- dude, dude. they can't evolve, if ican't get into my phone. do you understand? i can't evolve the pokã©mons,if i can't get into the phone. look at my face! - we're on a boat inthe middle of the ocean. - and there's noelectricity, none, none! - no, it's a diesel-poweredengine, there's none. - none, none, my phonedoesn't work, doesn't work.
- [voiceover] calmdown, calm down. - alright, just leave him here. he's kinda gettinga little ravenous. - i had gone over the edge. pokã©mon go consumed me. well, guys, at this juncture,i think it's fair to say that i may have developeda little bit of a problem. i know everybody wanted meto make a pokã©mon go video, but we've gone twoweeks now in alaska,
and unfortunately i don'tthink we got any episodes, other than some ofthis pokã©mon content, and i think everybody'sgonna be really bummed. i mean, i didn't catch, oreven see, a single wild animal while i was out there. i did catch a bunchof pokã©mon go's, but those don't turn intoepisodes of breaking trails. so i guess until wehit the next location, i'm coyote peterson, be brave.
stay wild. see you on the next location. (gasp) look at that, level four! (mischievous music) i'm just kidding, guys. we got tons of amazinganimal content in alaska, including one very awesomeepisode with a wolverine. thanks for joiningus on location. and don't forget: subscribeto join me and the crew
on this season ofbreaking trail. (wild animal noises) (birds chirping)
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