
so how many of you know about rudrakshaalready? little bit. it's said rudraksha memory isin everyone's dna. today even in foreigncountries people are surprised. they have never seen theirgrandparents wearing rudraksha but even they always come and touch, when they see some onewearing rudraksha...'what is this?’ and they find it veryfamiliar. so rudraksha is something that
when a person looks at the rudraksha, a curiosity arises within him, what is it? it's a very mystical bead and it'svery attractive bead. and a very enchantingbead. it has attracted saints, gurus, gods towear it as an ornament ..on the body. more and more people haverealized that rudraksha is notan ornament. today gods and gurus theydon't want to look beautiful. why are they wearing rudraksha?
because it is giving thema certain power. but they have used the powerbasically for empowering themselves. basically for enhanced meditation. to enhance their spiritually. but today in modern timeswe realize we also need the power. even we need this power. that they used. so my journey with rudrakshabegan when i was in indonesia.
i was there for 10 years fromyear 1990 to 2000. so that time, you know, i used to source the rudraksha beads and send it to my father, who usedto maybe distribute among his friends, do a small business. so i used to just be a media,where i used to take the rudraksha from the farmers and i used to giveit to the couriers to send it to my father. then what happened was in year 2000when i came back to india so that time what happened was, isearching for what i should be doing… in my career and if you rememberin 2000 there was an it recession
and i am it person so that timei didn't have many openings in it. so that time i was looking fordifferent fields …and that time this bead attractedmy attention. when i started looking at it,i found that it was very mystical i realized that i use to keep oncleaning the bead to see whether it canbe cleaned further and i realized that people werenot cleaning it very well it has a covering which has to be peeledoff after soaking it in the water. and be a science person i evendissected the beads.
to really understand exactlywhat is there inside it? and you know i found so manythings which people who were doing rudrakshabusiness since generations did not know about it. i came to know who a fake bead is madeand how the real bead looks. and why is it different fromall other beads? why is rudraksha differentfrom any other fruit? so when i started looking at it i gota lot of information. …which i'd like to sharewith you all today
because everyone is very curiousto know what is so special about rudraksha why don't we wear any otherbeads? what is so special aboutrudraksha? so after that, what happened,i read all these religious scriptures if you are science student you’recurious to go deep to know what is writtenabout rudraksha. slowly my house was surroundedby all types of books. there was devi mahatmaya somewhere..somewhere there was janamo upanishad somewhere shiv puran
any book that had even the mention of r ofrudraksha was in my house i wanted to read all the bookseven those written in very ancient times and even the writers whohave written 20-30 years back also so i read everyone’s books just toknow what is the reality of rudraksha. because i'll not believe anythingjust like this if modern books say, girls don'twear, non-vegetarians don't wear the rudraksha i'm not going to believe,i'm going to read authentic scriptures. so when i started to readauthentic books… i was very surprised
when i started comparing modernbooks with authentic books what was written in theancient books …verses what was written in themodern books i found lot of disparity. i found that informationhas been twisted. it has not been conveyedproperly. if you read the shiv puran they have storiesabout women who are wearing rudraksha… there is a story where there was a womanwho was a big devotee of lord shiva …she used to all the time chanthis mantras…
…and even her dog was wearingrudraksha and both were so immersed in chantingthe mantras of lord shiva. so basically when i came to know allthese types of stories… …then i read stores like, there was demon whohad done so many misdeeds in his life …but when he died, there was a rudrakshaunderneath his grave …that's why the pushpak viman (a flying chariot from heaven)came to fetch him that was very surprising i thought that demon we always say, if you have donea bad karma you have to pay for it
..and somewhere it's written thatif you wear a rudraksha… …and even if it touches you at the timeof death, you're going to go to heaven and i know that ancient books likeshiv puran, jabalo upanishad… …they never lie, there is sometruth about it there is some truth in it. so i went deeper into the subject so after i gained knowledge afterreading so many books so i realized that every mukhiis a representation… of a particular god.
you worship so many different gods, right? you worship goddess durga, laxmi,lord ganesha, brahma. all the energy of all the godsit’s inside rudraksha rudraksha is a manifestation ofdivine energy! today if you wear 8 mukhi rudraksha on your body ganesha will activate within youto teach you his lessons. he will activate within youto align you to himself. but of course it’s your choice today if you wish for alignment and if youdecide no, i don't want to align…
…again it's your choice related to ganesh if you wear 8 mukhirudraksha ganpati is lord of the muladhara (root support) so all fears relating to muladhara, he releases them and it attempts to align youto the energy of ganpati… so every single mukhi of rudraksharepresents a god and represents… …a planet which is ruled by the godand represents a specific chakra… …which is ruled by that godin that planet. so ultimately every rudraksharules a chakra
to achieve chakra balancing there isnothing more powerful than rudraksha. when shiv has said jabalo upanishad'i've become shiva because of rudraksha' i'd like to say, ‘i've becomeneeta singhal because of rudraksha today' so this class today i'm takingactually… …to honor this divine bead which hasbrought me where i am today. what is the birth of rudraksha? when lord shiva saw that peoplein this world are suffering… …because of demon tripura.now this demon tripurasur
now what do you mean by tripurasur? it's like three golden words. its three illusionary words. what are three illusory words? body mind and senses today the being is trappedin these three words mind body senses. today why people are suffering becausethey are split within themselves. mind body and senses
when shiva saw that humanbeings are suffering …we are born as creators but todaybecause of mind body senses… …you are so trapped. unless yourealize yourself… …unless you achieve yog to merge the mind, body and senses within you… …you can't be the creator. yes or no? so when shiva saw how much themankind was suffering… …he started meditating to reveal theaghor form within you because when the aghor formdevelops…
…within mankind he is ableto come out of mind. so he was meditating for many years. and then when he opened hislotus eyes… …out of a lot of compassionfor the people… …when he saw their sufferingshe cried tears… and these tear drops when theyfell on the earth… they became rudraksha trees. now rudraksha is a fruit… …which is naturally brightblue in color…
…when you see these fruits on talltrees, you'll see that… ..it's such a beautiful fluorescentfruit. it's called blue berry. the genesis is elaeocarpus ganitrus. it'sbasically produced in nepal… …as well as in indonesia incomplete variety. it's possible that rudraksha isthere in very limited form… …in india, sri lanka, australia,even in us… … but those trees are producing onlyfive mukhis. they are not producing theentire range of mukhis.
so basically this fruit is bluein color… …and when it ripens it fallsdown… …and when it falls down theskin in time… …becomes dark blue or dark brownin time. and what do you do,you take these fruits… …the farmers, you know, they basicallyclean them… …they clean the skin off. to clean the skin off, theyuse sand. they use sand mixed withlittle glass pieces…
…so when they scrub it with sandand glass pieces… …the whole skin comes off… …and then what is revealed is the rudraksha. the same tree can produce alltypes of mukhis it's not that there is afive mukhi tree… …or there is four mukhi tree one single tree can produceall different mukhis. but basically older the tree the moreit can produce the rare mukhis now what are mukhis?
mukhis means every singlerudraksha has got a specific property. it has got a natural holethrough it… through and through i will show you a rudraksha now see this rudraksha, it's a fivemukhi which is the most common. it's nothing, no treatment doneon it except that it has been cleaned. no coloring, oiling.anything else is not done no polishing nothing. it has got a natural hole throughand through.
sometimes the whole islittle blocked… …because of very soft skin and youcan just put a small wooden stick… …or small wire and getit cleaned. and basically it has gotthese deep lines… …and these deep lines arecalled mukhis. now understand, each mukhihas got a seed… …at the back so if it's a five mukhi therewill be five seeds… …if it's two mukhi itwill have two seeds…
…and if it's ten mukhis itwill have ten seeds… …and if its 21 mukhis it willhave 21 seeds… it doesn't matter how smallor big the bead is… …seed will remain the same. whether you take a big fivemukhi or you take a small five mukhi. now this five mukhi comesin various sizes. this one, what i am showing you is anepal origin bead. now this five mukhi fromnepal typically comes… …in sizes from 13 mm to30 mm.
you don't get rudraksha of50-60-80 mm. you don't get rudraksha the size of balls. they are wearable becauseconsciousness… …and nature knows we haveto wear a rudraksha. so rudraksha's shape, sizeis very wearable. okay? and as we said there areseeds inside. sometimes you know theseeds are very small… …it's possible that the seedsare dry…
…it's possible that the compartmentsare very tiny. but please understand the rudrakshawill work. how can we see the seeds insidewithout cutting open the rudraksha? x-ray.-x-ray. very simple x-ray, take themin a dental laboratory… …is sufficient you can just put the rudrakshainside the x-ray… and its structurewill be in front of you. so you can see that.
but what happens is you shouldnot get confused… …because sometimes two compartmentsare very close… …or sometimes the seedsare very tiny… …and you can start feeling, oh may bethis rudraksha will not work. no, don't worry. when rudraksha was produced therewas no x-ray machine. so, god knows that we have tojudge everything from outside. if rudrakhsa looks five mukhisfrom outside… …it's definitely a five mukhi.don't worry.
clear? so, basically rudraksha fruitis blue in color … …and once the skin is removed andthe seed is dried up… …it becomes ready to use… …it has a natural hole through which a silver/thread is passed… …to prepare necklaces andbracelets. now what is rudraksha? it's very large tall brightgreen colour tree… …whose seed is species ofelaeocarpus ganitrus.
it's basically found in himalayas.there are regions called dhingla and lots of interior regions of nepalwhere basically you get rudraksha. and also you get rudraksha mainlyfrom indonesia. there are areas called kebuban,kediri in the interiors of indonesia …there you get the complete range ofrudraksha. other than that you also get inaustralia, hawai, south east asia etc. but trees that produce the completevariety you only get in nepal… …as well as in indonesia. now what are different mukhisof rudraksha?
now every single mukhiis attributed to god and a planet. this is already writtenin the puran. this is not a new information butpuran talks only about the god. the planetary implication has beendevised after research… …and after knowing that whichplanets the god governs. so one is rudraksha one mukhi,this is very dear to lord shiva himself. and it's ruled by lord shiva. two mukhi, it is a rudraksharuled by ardhanareshwar. shiva and parvati andthe planet is moon
what i am saying is all thisinformation what i'm talking… …is available in the bookwhich we have got. so even if you don't write,it is okay. all about one mukhi to twenty onemukhi everything is given. just be present and listenyou will enjoy it more. so this is just a brief. we are not going to talk about allthe 21 mukhis rudraksha… …that's just knowledge. you can always read thebook and get it
so basically 3 mukhis rudrakshais ruled by agni… …it burns up the previous karmain the body… …because it's ruled by the sun. four mukhi is ruled by brahmaand the planet is jupiter. five mukhi by shiva andthe planet is jupiter. so like this if you see all therudraksha are ruled by different gods. you have rudraksha for ganesh,8 mukhi. you have rudraksha for krishna,ten mukhi. you have rudraksha for shiva,eleven mukhi.
you have rudraksha for hanuman,fourteen mukhi. you have rudraksha for maha mritiyunjaform of shiva, sixteen mukhi. so we have rudraksha for all thepossible gods… …that you popularly pray other than 1-14 mukhi rudrakshathere are even higher mukhi rudraksha available. shiv puran only talks aboutrudraksha from 1-14. but there are rudraksha availablefor mukhis higher than 14… …and which are very powerful. i've personally done researchfor rudraksha up to 21 mukhis.
but rudraksha are also availablemore than 21. i've got rudraksha till 42 mukhis. but understand that it's not easyto do the research. i spent three years researchingrudraksha. now, what does it mean researching? i wore rudraksha on the bodyto experience what it does to me… …but in that, you have to be in thehigh state of meditation… …to realize within the small periodof 5-6 days… …that what are the powers of rudraksha,which part of the body it's working on…
what chakras it is awakening within you? so i was able to study rudraksha from 1-21. i hope somebody else is later producedto study about properties more than 21. there is a book called katyayani puranwhich mentions… …properties of rudraksha from16-21 also. so, basically 16 mukhi rudrakshis ruled by our maha mritiyunjay shiva himself. he is the one who has produced therudraksha by crying tears. so 16 mukhi represents himself. when a person wears 16 mukhis,one is- he gets free of many many diseases…
…and at the same time he starts onhis path of self-realization. next is 17 mukhi, this is avery powerful rudraksha… …which rules your third eye. after you wear the 17 mukhi rudrakshayou'll start finding that… …your agya chakra(eyebrow center) willstart getting cleansed. the anger, the temper, theanxiety in the chakra… …you know, you will see that it starts getting released. then there is 18 mukhi rudraksha.this is ruled by our mother earth. so when you wear 18 mukhi rudrakshayou feel very very grounded…
…very connected and basically itopens the muladhara chakra. connected to earth so not only does rudraksha cleansesthe chakra… …it removes the diseases associatedwith that chakra. so when you are wearing 18 mukhi, yousee that you get rid of pains in the legs… ankles etc. when you wear 17 mukhis, youfind lot of relief in headache, sinus etc when you wear 16 mukhi, you find thatyour back pain… …your body pain, your kidneyrelated problems they just go away…
…by wearing the rudraksha. next is 19 mukhi, this is ruledby lord narayan himself. this works on the heart chakra. then we have 20 mukhi ruledby brahma, the creator. and then is powerful 21 mukhirudraksha ruled by lord kuber so when you wear 21 mukhi, you startseeing that money is something… …that starts staying in your life. it stops drainage of money and you seethat whenever you need money… …in your life it's always available.
but definitely to become as rich askuber it will take time. so every mukhi has got a differentproperty. other than this you havegot gauri shankar it's a twin bead where two rudrakshaare joined naturally together. this gauri shankar also comesin different mukhis… …from 2 mukhi to endless now what does gauri shankar do? gauri shankar is very powerfulrudraksha …which works on hrit padma chakra.
hrit padma chakra is chakra locatedbelow the heart chakra. and basically this is the chakraof your ’self’. it open ups your chakra and thisis one chakra…. …which connects to all theother body chakras… and that is why gauri shankar isa twin bead. so when you wear gauri shankarit basically empowers your hrit padma chakra to break the connection with theother chakras of the body… for self-realization. so you can call this gauri shankar rudrakshalike a guru rudraksha.
it teaches you lessons ofself-realization… by breaking free from theother chakras. we also have a very rare rudrakshacalled trijuti. trijuti is a rudraksha which has gotthree natural rudraksha. i will show you after the breakthose rudraksha. little bit first we'll go to how rudraksha ismentioned in ancient purans and upanishads let us just read a few authentic quotes. first. the men who are mlechchha, chandaalor he who is full of all kind of vices… …get the form of lord rudraonce they wear rudraksha…
…there is no suspicion about it. today how much ever you havedone negative karma, sins etc. if you come to rudraksha, youare cleansed without judgment youare cleansed. a man with meditation andperseverance and a wise man… …who wears rudraksha gets ridof all the sins and attains… …the supreme goal ofhuman life. rudraksha mala must be wornat the time of worshipping… …lord shiva to please him.
rudraksha can be worn by chantingmantras or without chanting mantras… …with reverence or without it,with devotion or without it… …with shame or without shame… …with whatsoever procedure a manwho gets rudraksha… …gets rids of all kinds of sins andgets divine knowledge as well. now when puranas are alsosaying whether you pray or you don't pray… …you eat veg or you eatnon veg… …you drink or you don't drink..when purana are saying you can wear it… …why do you have to useyour logic?
if the wearer of rudraksha dieshe doesn't take another birth. he reaches the kingdomof rudra… if a man who is wearing rudrakshaaround the neck or an arm dies… …he lives in the kingdom ofrudra… …after providing salvation to 21 ordersof his ancestors… a man who wears rudraksha withpearls, corals, crystals …silver, gold or any other preciousstones… …takes the form of lord shiva. devotee who worships lord shivain the form of rudraksha…
..devotedly becomes a kingin spite of being poor. a man who performs vedic ritualschanting mantras, yagnas etc without wearing rudraksha,gets no virtue or fruit. a person who wears all rudrakshabecomes like me. so, a human being should try fromall levels to wear rudrakhsa. audience: last one. previous..last one. a man who performs vedic rituals,chanting mantras, yagnas etc you will hardly find any panditor guru without a rudraksha mala.
it's not possible. you have to wear rudraksha onthe body when you do japa,when you pray to god. because rudraksha is somethingthat connects you with your soul. and the ultimate purpose of you doing all theserituals is to get connected to the soul. next. even rudra attained rudrahood onlyafter wearing rudraksha beads. saints achieve the ultimate truthand brahma attains brahamatav. thus there is nothing higher thanwearing a rudraksha in this world.
padma puran just like vishnu amongst men,surya amongst all the planets ganga among rivers, kashyapamongst humans shiva amongst all gods,parwati among all goddesses is the highest and praised. similarly, rudraksha is the highestamongst all hence there is no shloka orfast above rudraksha srimad devi bhagwatam. so, basically you have to understandthat all the ancient books
have highly glorified rudrakshaas the means to basically destroy tripurasurwithin to destroy the separation withinyou of mind body senses... and basically achieve selfrealization. now we come to the next part. most of the people have a problem indifferentiating between fake and real rudraksha. because rudraksha is not availablein very large quantity. so what happened ...so people startedmanufacturing rudraksha also. so because of this manufacturingof rudraksha
people started developing a lotof... you know disillusion with rudraksha. they started wearing fakerudraksha on the body. they did not get the result andfinally, they declared rudraksha doesn't workfor me! for me rudraksha isnot good' but understand in this worldif there is real, there will be fake also. today if real gold is sold thenfake gold is also sold. real precious stone is sold aswell as fake ones are also sold.
if there is real guru thenthere is fake guru also. if there is real dress then thereis fake one also. low quality is also there.yes or no? so can't you see this real and fake versionsexisting... for almost all the productsin this world? even for the fruits, vegetables, milk.yes or no? everybody has seen that whatsapp forward... ...where milk is also prepared from caustic soda even rice is preparedfrom fiber.
and people nowadays are eatingfood in so much hurry... because they have to watch ashoka,they have to watch all these serials... ...so whether if they are eatingfiber also they will eat. they will not see whether i'meating rice or eating fiber. so everything is availablereal and fake so rudraksha is no exception. but just like you know to buyan authentic item you will go to an authentic place which is you know which hasbeen established for a good many years
which has good couple oftestimonials whose address you canverify you will never pick rudrakshafrom a street vendor. you'll never pick up rudraksha justbecause someone has come and told you oh this has been given by my guruhundred years before you have to go to a properauthentic vendor. just like when you have tobuy gold. will you buy gold from a personwho comes to you and say oh this is my ancestral gold.
will you buy like this? no! but when you go to a place likezaveri(jeweller) will you ask is it realor fake? you will not ask, right? because you know that when theyare established when they have got a reputation, whywill they deal with fake gold? so, whenever you buy any authentic itemyou’ve to go authentic source. and if you go to authentic sourcewho has been established for at least five years
you don't have to worry. today, rudra center has been establishedmore than 15 years. we are the first website in the worldon the rudraksha subject. i've translated all the informationfrom purana and put on the website. i've summarizedall the information. in a very readable matter for youto read about rudraksha. so if you come to people like us,you don't even have to worry about real or fake. because we are more worried than you.
so to basically create awarenessabout fake beads. that how do fake beads look, only thenyou can identify whether rudraksha is real or fake. so let’s just see a few slides. number 1 type of fake beads are thoserudraksha which are made out of wood,plastic, acrylic, betel nut. they are made out of differentmaterials. because people have notseen internet. this type of rudraksha ismainly designed for people who are not at all aware of howrudraksha looks like.
if you don't know howit looks like anybody can sell you a betel nut or aplastic or acrylic manufactured bead. can you see this clearly? does it look like rudrakshato you? it has just got lines. lots of people prepare malas, beads etcfrom just berries from the tree. they will take small small berriesand they will drill hole inside it and they will make a mala andyou’ll wear it like rudraksha mala just because it looks like it hascertain groves.
but such berries will nothave mukhis. today even if you see a rudrakshof size 10mm it will have mukhis. just see it closely withgood eyesight you’ll see very clearly it hasgot mukhis. even though the size is 5mm. but in such a berry it willbe just a flat surface. now next type. next variety of rudraksh ismade for a little more aware people
who knows how a rudrakshlooks like. in that case what people do isthey will slice a lower mukhi rudraksha to prepare it into a highermukhi rudraksha. the price of the rudraksha increaseswith the increase in the number of mukhis. so, if an eight mukhi rudrakshacosts 7000 rupees. 14 mukhi rudraksha will cost75,000 rupees. if a five mukhi rudraksha costs45 rupees. a seven mukhi rudraksha willcost 495 rupees. so, you can see the difference.
so what people will do, theywill carve lines on lower mukhis. so, you can see on this slidethe seven mukhi rudraksha it has got an extra lineon the side to reveal an eight mukhirudraksha. jump from 7 to 8 is straight6000 rupees jump. so you have to just carve a line. if you see this rudraksha theyall are with carved lines. now as we saw in the previous slidethe berries are very easy to distinguish because they don't have mukhis
so you can make out but how will you can make out suchkind of beads which have got carved lines how will you make them out? technique is that these lineswill be very sharp. they will be very sharp. if yousee the mouth and if you see the tail, itwill be so sharp and not naturally rounded andanother thing after wearing that rudrakshfor a few days that area will become black
and discolored because it'slive bead if you wound it in any way,it will definitely develop a wound so such a rudraksha is heavilycolored by the suppliers they will make it a deep red,deep brown color so what happens, you arenot able to distinguish the wounded part. and also what happens is if you look at the bead on the left because they cut so many lines,because that person would have told you know, this is 12 mukhi but i want 21 mukhi out of it.
so they wounded it so much that thebead started cracking up and breaking. so what they will do? they will put some kind of glue some kind of paste and glue tokeep the bead together so if you see this bead carefullythere is a lot of glue, paste discoloration put in the bead. can you see that? just so that the bead doesn'tcrack up. because if you take a rudrakshaand slice it
it can take a little bit ofbreakage it can't take so muchbreakage so basically what they havedone to fill up the gaps is a material called lac. one material is there called lac they will fill the lacand make it solid also you know in these beads,specially the bead on the right you see that the hole is veryunnaturally rounded. so basically they reconstructthe hole.
because when they cut the beadsin slices in such, holes getsdamaged so they reconstruct the holeusing lac so this also can be easily determinedif you just look at it properly. look at the lines whether it'snatural whether it's sharp. look at the hole and anotherway is you can take an x-ray. the line will not have a seedbehind it. now these types of beads are madeby gluing rudraksha together. they stick the rudraksha piecestogether.
so if you see the bead on the left,it's a gauri shankar prepared after joining two fivemukhis together. they have taken 5 mukhis andthey have joined them together to create a gauri shankar.you can see on the left, right one is also gauri shankar,these kinds of beads you'll typically find outside hindushiva temples. people are on the streets sellingsuch kinds of rudraksha from prices ranging to rs.5 to rs.10rs.500 to rs.1000 so if you see the bottom rudraksha, thisis a trijuti.
i will be showing you an original trijuti after the break so this is five mukhi, three piecesglued together to form a trijuti. now if you see the central rudraksha,this is a bead which came to me for selling for 24 mukhis but obviously whenyou look it from outside it looks so damaged, so sad,so fearful because someone has really tampered the rudraksha so basically when i found the e x-ray this is how the x-ray looked
because what they did was they joined smallsmall mukhis of different mukhis together to form a complete rudraksha. they took out the sectionsof 7 mukhis, 8 mukhis, 9 mukhis to completely form a24 mukhi so definitely it has got some compartmentsand if you see carefully they are not matching withthe seeds and the bead is actually differentsections glued together. even the top rudraksha, ifyou see people carefully make it in a nicesilver cap
so that you can't see the mouthbut actually they are different sections joined together. what happened was in 2004-2005when i started doing rudraksha business i was really expert in identifyingthe cut lines. so then some suppliers realized thatthis trick is not working. so what they did was they startedputting sections when you see a section there isno cut lines it's only sections gluedtogether so initially, when you buy a rudrakshayou can't make out
that its sections are glued so i also ended up purchasingsuch rudraksha but what happen was if you keepthese beads for just 30 days and you apply slight oil on them, thesection part started becoming jet black. so the beads started dyingafter some time because they had brought freshbead i couldn't make out. so what happen was. if you keep thebead for a month or so the sections starts dying and then thebead ultimately dies. so all those suppliers did notget money from me.
definitely they became very careful. and since then you know, we have gotwith them a big credit period so that any such rudraksh can beeasily identified and it can be returned backto them so now they are not ableto mess up. the last slide is completely dedicatedto the one mukhi because this is the rudrakshawhich means the whole world go aroundand around. because everyone wants the 1 mukhibut it's the bead
which is the most fakebead in the world. but it's the maximum sold bead alsoin the world. so i’ll talk about the 1 mukhi,you've to first understand the shape of the rudraksha is exactlyas per the mukhi of the rudraksha if you see a ten mukhi rudraksh ora nine mukhi rudraksha or a seven mukhi rudraksha,they are quite round because they are very symmetricalbecause of having ten seeds nine seeds...now what happens is you come to a six mukhi rudraksha
six mukhi rudraksha is notcompletely round it looks like a hexagon. if you look it from far itlooks like a hexagon because the six seeds have to symmetricallyarrange themselves. then you look at fivemukhi rudraksh. just look at any fivemukhi rudraksh. look at it carefully. doesn’t it look like a pentagon? it looks like a pentagon because ofthe five mukhis
have to spread themselves. understand? when you lookat four mukhi it looks square. you look at three mukhi,it will look like a triangle. if you look at a four mukhi. can you see, it'slike square yes? you can see square? because nature will distributethe mukhis on the same shape
so, six mukhi is like hexagon five mukhi like pentagon,four mukhi like square so three mukhi will look like...triangle look at any three mukhi in theworld, it will look like triangle only now what will two mukhilook like? think. think... two mukhi will look like...flat! two mukhi will always beflat one this sideand one this side
always flat! impossible to fine roundtwo mukhi impossible! you come to a supplier and say giveme round. give me round what he will do? he'll take a four mukhi,scrub the two lines and give you a round two mukhi it’s always flat! then, how will one mukhi look like?hey, how will one mukhi look like?
round. -how will itlook round? when three mukhi can'tbe round. oval shape. it will look like moon,half flat it will half of the two mukhi it will be half flat. it will be like a moon withonly one line on one side that's it... and that one line on one side willactually be on the curve side
the flat part willbe flat. the kaju dana (cashew nut) that you see, it'snot a rudraksha. half-moon that you normally buyis not a rudraksha! it's just worn for some kindof significance but it's not a rudraksha. a real rudraksha will always be half moontiny shape but the mukhi line will be on the curvedportion. the one mukhi indonesian whichwe sell on our website or on our gallery is theoriginal one mukhi
original! you see the power ofthat bead. you wear that bead and you'reconstantly in the meditation. that bead will remove your migrainein 8-10 days. you can see the effect afterwearing it. and there is a nepali onemukhi also available but it's so rare, it's available inso much less quantity that we also don't sellon our website but it's definitely availablewith us. shape also looks like indonesian onemukhi but it's a bigger portion of that.
so are we very much convinced thatone mukhi cannot come in round shape? now let’s see what all kinds ofone mukhi sold in the market one type of one mukhi is what is thereon the top left. now this is what happens is theytake an indonesian rudraksha. they defile the mukhis, they makeit very complicated. or they take any kind of berryand they carve one line on it and sell it to you. so this is the one on the top left. then you come down, in thistype of rudraksha
this is again some kind of berryfrom a tree. they even make trishul(trident),om, sarp. understand that natural beads can neverhave om, trishul, sarp..never so this is another kind ofberry that is sold when you come down, there theyhave natural five sarph (snake) four sarph, seven sarph,ten sarph so this is another sarpha aakar (shape)one mukhi sold. and this rudraksh basically comesfrom south india. in south india you have thatcashew nut one mukhi
in the same tree you have got acashew nut two mukhi that two mukhi part they will defile it,they will make nice om sarph lingam and they will sell that bhadrakshain that. and then the center one i've shown centre bead was something givento me by a client for testing. now this client has purchased itfrom a himalayan baba for us$ 2500... fifteenyears back and he told me, 'neeta' i've got veryprecious, i don't know how to take care of it'
i bought it from a himalayan master' and he showed me this bead and definitely i know howrudraksha looks like so i told, no it's not arudraksha no no neeta, it's a rudraksha, iknow he is so authentic' so finally i told him, ‘okay whydon't you send it to me i'll make it into nice silver cappingand give it to you’ so he couriered to mefrom us after that what i did was i putit in water
after i put it in thewater for one day it started smelling and thenit broke open. and inside that i found this gum the bottom part what i foundinside this. you will find in many templesof india people are worshipping sucha big tennis ball. they are worshipping this tennisball as a pure one mukhi rudraksha but sadly it's not a rudraksha and finally when i showed this picture to the person, he said, ‘eek, throw it.’
so that's there...commonly, you know, in nepal you have got rudraksha which are veryunderdeveloped rudraksha. when you look from outside theyseem to have only one line or may be no line but if you look carefully thereare small lines on the mouth. so, what people will do, theywill either scrap up the mouth openings or they will cap it nicely so thatyou can't see the lines on the mouth and they will sell these under-developedrudraksha as one mukhi or zero mukhi. but understand, they are also fourmukhi or five mukhi only
now there is this rudraksha ingold capping this is also sold verycommonly in ashrams also sadlyas original one mukhi and there is another one mukhiwhich you find, the fourth one on the top row this is the rudraksha whichcomes in haridwar but it's not a rudraksha it's a seed which comes from thetree of rudraksha of a haridwar tree. it's a bead which comes from a treefrom haridwar. it has got naturally onlyone line
but understand it's not therudraksh. what is the proof? first it doesn't havea natural hole. second, the seed is in the middlejust like any other fruit when you eat mango, the seed is in the center, right? now if you drill a hole in it,from where will you drill a hole? it will pass through theseed, right? but in case of rudraksha the seedis on the boundary the hole is the only openarea.
but this haridwar bead... one day a person from haridwar,you know, they sell lots of these rudraksha as one mukhi. this person argued with me, he said, madam, i'll show you the x-ray proof, here it is.' ‘there is only one seed.’ i asked, where is the hole? he said that i'll drill the hole. from where will you drill a hole,through the seed, right? i said then in mango also there isone seed, so mango is also one mukhi
so basically this is thatrudraksha just as your awareness will increase,you can protect yourself from buying such rudraksha. okay? any other questionsyou want to ask? what is bhadraksha? see, bhadraksh is you know the peoplewho cannot sell rudraksha. they don't have rudraksha, they don'thave money to buy rudraksha. so, what they do is they sell some fruitfrom a tree which looks like rudraksha but whichhas zero properties of rudraksha
that is bhadraksha. there is nothing called bhadraksha this is very nice question, what whyrudraksha never spoils? i'd like to say rudraksha is definitelyit is a seed it's a seed but within a seed alsothere is a seed okay. if you'll protect rudrakshacarefully what do you mean by protect? what do you protect it from whom? you have to protect rudrakshafrom what?
from...worms.yes or no? if it's a seed, there will beworms coming to eat it but today if you're wearing arudraksha on the body there will be worms coming,yes or no? if you're worshipping the rudraksharegularly you’re washing it once a month,you’re cleaning it it's in your altar where you're offering incense sticks offering camphor, flowers etc then also it will remain preserved buttoday if you've got a rudraksha mala and you just keep it insome cupboard
and you forget about it, if youtake it out there will be a lot of powder and the wormswould have a nice lunch and dinner so understand, if you wantto maintain your own rudraksha either you keep them in the refrigerator,they are very happy in the fridge nothing will happen to them. they will be back to himalayas. and they will be with you foryears and years and as effective as ever as effective as ever!
so what i did was...see i am a science person. so i'll dissect, cut, break in orderto increase my knowledge. so i had a very old rudraksha andwhich was little bit broken also from the top so i knew i could not sell it but i was very curious about itso i sliced it very old one, i sliced it. after i sliced i was shocked to findthat inside the seeds were fresh, they were moist can we understand that how thehard structure
protect the seeds insidefor years? it has got no life because itis eternal. now let’s come to the main question. how does rudraksha work? now you got the bookishknowledge, right this is written in the book... how does it work? let’s come to the main question,okay number one, everything in this world hasgot a frequency
and rudraksha specifically has got veryvery clear, distinct frequency because of the presence of groves,it has got a very distinct frequency as per the mukhi of the rudraksha. you take eight mukhi fromnepal or indonesia of any size, it will show thesame frequency. okay? now what is thisfrequency? this is the ideal frequency ofthat chakra. rudraksha will give you theperfect frequency of the chakra now what will happen, when youwear the rudraksha on the body
that chakra will start getting it'snatural perfect frequency. today the chakra is blocked because you'veforgotten who you are. the chakra we know gets blockedbecause of fears. because of stresses, when youwear the rudraksha it will give the perfect frequencyto the chakra. and because of the law of resonance,the chakra will start vibrating to the naturalfrequency of the rudraksh in course of time,as you wear it. are you understanding?
today, why do we go to temple?why do we pray to god? because in the temple whenwe look at the god's idol which is made in a perfectgeometry as god should look, as the godshould be wearing the outfit when you stand in frontof the idol you get a perfect frequency bandbecause of its resonance ...your negative comes out and youstart trying to align with that perfection. it's the law of resonance. now how one shouldwear the rudraksha?
we've to understand, it's a seedfinally. today if you sow a seed in the earth… today if you sow a seed in the earththen what will happen? will it immediately growup into a tree? what will happen? what has to be done?audience: -it takes time... yes. now what happens when yousow the rudraksha in the earth now why does rudraksh growsin the earth? and why didn't it grow inyour plastic box?
yes...why didn't it grow inthe plastic box? and why did it growin the earth? yes.. audience: atmosphere... so can you see that every seedis very intelligent when you had put the moong ki dal (split green gram),chane ki dal (bengal gram) in a plastic container. it was lying just like that.you boiled it, ate it and digested it also. but today if you take thesame seed and you put it in the mud,what will happen?
it will sense, oh thereis mud oh, there is water oh, there is carbon dioxide oh, there is sunlight, so whatwill happen? it will check. sure, is it that it's justfor two minutes? it will check one day, two day,three day, four day fifth day it will decide, hmmyes, i am at the right place it will sprout
and it will throw its rootinto the ground and slowly the shoot will come up then there will one leaf, two leavesand then gradually it will start flowering same about rudraksha onyour body when you wear the rudrakshaon your body as a mala or as a bracelet,what will happen? first it will check,oh, i've come to the right place it's a human skin which is a skin, it could bean animal skin also
why i say animal skin because i hadtreated animals of diseases using rudraksha last year we gifted many cows,who were not milking rudraksha. so we donated more than 2000 rudrakshapendants to the cows and after that we got report theystarted giving lot of milk because they were in a lot of stress. so, basically when youwear the rudraksha on the body nothing will happen, one daynothing will happen two day three day four day, fifth dayit will say, oh god i'm in the right place
there is heat, there is human touch,there is a skin then what will happen, suddenlythat rudraksha will sprout and when it sprouts what happens,you start feeling very good. you start feeling very nice, yousuddenly feel, my stress has gone. why was i worried? you feel the stress going away,the tension going away... if you've worn the 16 mukhi rudraksha,your back pain will just go away within 6-7 days of wearing if you're wearing one mukhi rudraksha, yourmigraine will go within 8-10 days of wearing.
if you're wearing 15 mukhi rudraksha,the pain, the grief, the hurt in your heart will just dissolve within 7-8 days of wearing. it's so powerful. so basically when you wear therudraksha on the body for the continuous periodof 5-6 days that's why when we tell peopleto wear the rudraksha for the first time we tell them, please wear itcontinuously but once it gets awakened, after that,if you want to remove in the night
it is okay you can remove in the night,6-7 hours without you it can survive. but when you get up in the morningplease wear it back. even if you don't wear it for24 hours, it is okay but don't take the risk of not wearing itfor more than 2-3 days. what will happen, it will againgo in slumber then what will happen,when you wear the rudraksha you'll feel it's not working
because again it needs 7 daysto wake up. so people who have derived the maximumbenefit from us from our combinations are thosewho have worn the rudraksha 24x7 they have just worn the rudrakshaand forgotten about it i tell them just as you see all the saints,priests and gurus they are wearing rudrakshaduring sleeping during toilet, during bathing i said, why also you don'twear it all the time?
just wear it! so when you wear rudrakshdon't take it off for more than 24 hoursat a stretch because if you take it off,you again have to awaken it by wearing it constantlyfor 7-8 days. it is there... then second what i'd like to say is, somepeople ask me ma'am will i become dependenton rudraksha? once i've worn rudraksha,my chakra gets balanced
will i get dependent? so my answer to them is,initially you'll be dependent initially...because initiallywhat will happen when you take off the rudraksha, you'llstart feeling the negative energy once again initially you'll want to wearthe rudraksha again i've got cases of people they forgottheir rudraksha and they came back all one hourback to home to wear the rudraksha andthen go back to office so people don't want to staywithout their combination
but what happens is when you wear itconstantly one month two months three months and you stay in constant state ofpositive vibration then you develop the courage tohave the positive vibration on your own without using a crutch just like a baby, when you teacha baby to walk don't you give them a walkerinitially because the child is not confident,so you give him a walker okay walk with a walker but a time comes when he doesn'tneed a walker and he can walk
so rudraksh, you can wear it for coupleof months you can wear it for a year,you can wear it for 2-3 years if you evolve internally, you don'tneed to wear it life time if you want to wear it, that'salso okay everything in the world which isnatural can be a douser what is douser...because it has energy if you keep it on your hand andyou focus on it and don't move it with your hand..see see you can decide, you want tomove it left and right
...every bead rotates little if you see anything in the world canact like a douser anything that is natural...in this the thread is very heavy otherwise it will rotate very fast,it can rotate in very large speed if the thread is not heavy so for dousing people are usingcrystals, some people are using rudraksha but what i am saying is...as much you'll go deep in magic ...this thing pops up from rice,this thing does this and that... in the world there is nothingcalled magic
why don't you realize your birthitself is magic today you're breathing,itself is magic why do you want to look at thesekind of miracles? just understand rudraksha isa frequency it will heal you because of thefrequency you don't need any otherkind of proof yeah audience: is there any medical useof this rudraksha? when i went to hardiwar they gave meone mukhi rudraksh
and asked me to soak it over nightand drink that water early morning and that will cure diabetes. did that help you? water was very bitter soi stopped it. that was not one mukhi it doesn't happen (question asked is inaudible) i'll just tell do you want to ask something?
see people are very much worriedabout do's and don'ts of rudraksha because they have been told thatrudraksha is very pure sometimes i've such peoplecoming to my office they will keep their slippers outside,they come very carefully they will touch rudrakshlike this with hand you know...i tell them when it wasfallen down from the tree in himalayas it had fallen in mud only it fell on the ground only it's not that when the rudraksha had fallenit was picked by some lotus flower
there is nothing of that sort first of all, there is nothingof that sort you have to understand when chandalcan wear it when a dog can wear it.rudraksh can be worn at all times it's a scene of a frequency but what happens is, indeed peoplesay that rudraksha doesn't work when you go to toilet, when you goto funeral grounds because in toilet are you inmeditative state? when you're eating non vegor alcohol
are you in meditative state? so why will rudrakshawork at that time? forget about eating non-veg, even eatingfood rudraksha doesn't work at that time. so they have not told removethe rudraksha at that time they have told rudraksha doesn'twork in these times like funeral ground, toilet, duringany type of activities it doesn't work, it's just the way oftelling it doesn't work at that time because you're not open to suchfrequencies at that time because rudraksha will workon your soul
how will you connect to soul…when you are in meditative when you're satvik (pious)activities andnot in tamsik (vengeful)activities so in all types of tamsik activitiesrudraksha will not work now whether you want to remove itat that time or whether you want to continue wearingat that time because of comfort it's absolutely fine there are people they say, removeit and then you eat non veg after eating non veg wearit back my some customers tells me,ma'am what i do
that day whole day i don't wearrudraksha, next day i wear rudraksha when you say god is everywhere,whether non veg is outside or inside in you it's one and thesame thing i said today because you'rehaving non veg or alcohol, do you stillgo to the temple? you still pray, do you still feel you'requalified to pray? if you feel you're qualified to pray,you can wear rudraksha there is no restriction, i'd say youcan wear rudraksha while eating non veg while having alcohol, when ladieshave periods
when you go to toilet, you can wearrudraksha all the time, it's okay it's okay. you've to do thingswhich are very practical when you go to toilet, will youlike some bracelet, some malas hanging, no. it's better you remove it that time after you've taken bath,wear it it seems more comfortable but if you're in the office andif you've to go to toilet you cannot be removing your malabracelet and losing it
please wear it and goto toilet so basically what we tell people thesimple routine when you go to sleep, it's more comfortablethat you remove the mala because unnecessary the malawill keep on shaking with you at night it will disturb you also and alsothe beads can get damaged so we advise people to removethe mala at the night but if you're wearing a bracelet,we recommend people if it's possible you can continuewearing it for continuous energy but when you get up in the morningand you're doing your daily routine
it's advisable, remove the rudrakshafor that half an hour one hour because if you take rudraksha for bathall the soap will enter water will enter, thread willbecome sticky sticky and then you're wearing a dress over it,you'll not be comfortable we tell them you remove it beforeyou take bath and after you've taken bathyou can wear it back so that is more a comfortablething so any other precaution?any other doubt in the mind? you can wear all the virtue21 mukhis?
i'll answer this question one is what i'm saying is i talk alittle bit more about precaution so that we are sure about it so one we're saying that rudrakshadoesn't matter whether you're wearing rudraksha when you go tovisit a funeral ground or when you go to visit someonewho has just had a child what you say 'sutak' because it actually doesn'tmatter but if you want to be careful,you can always remove the rudraksha
you can just purify by showingthe incense sticks with perfume, with incensesand you can wear it back but it's not actually that the rudrakshawill defiled if you wear in those places or it will get polluted in any way,if you wear in those places it's nothing like that you can wear close to the bodywhich is purest form of you and nothing will happento the rudraksha okay? second is rudraksha isnot restricted to only men in some modern books, what somepriest did
they first said, only mencan wear so 50% population gone then they said only hindu mencan wear again a large population went so that they didn't want the rudrakshawhich already a rare bead to be so much available tothe mankind but i personally believe thatrudraksha is available for everybody mother will produce thatmuch rudraksha as that much is requiredfor us today
people are not attracted torudraksha easily if you are attracted to rudrakshatoday it means you're ready to starton your spiritual path because rudraksha will make youvery much self-reliant you have to take responsibilityof your life many years back you saw rudraksha,you just walked past away you didn't care about it but today if you're curious aboutrudraksha that what is this, i am attracted towards it, it means yourtime has come
to destroy the demon tripurasurawithin you if you are attracted towards it that's why it's written in the puranas,a man gets attracted towards rudraksh only when hehas done so many punayas (good deeds) in his life only then he gets the visibilityof rudraksha in his life so one is there is no restrictions,women can wear people from any religion can wear they can consider it as a bead givingyou perfect frequency
and what about maintenance andprecaution of rudraksha? does it require lot of maintenanceand precaution? so what i'm saying is, if you wear therudraksha regularly so it is advised that twice in amonth you can clean the rudraksh because all the sweat, the grimecan enter the rudraksh so what you have to do, you justhave to soak the beads in water plain water without soap, becausesoap is harmful for rudraksh so you can just soak the beadsin water overnight and in the morning youcan take a hard plastic brush
they are very strong, they canwithstand the brush and you can scrub the beads andafter you've scrubbed the beads you can put the beads under the fan,in indirect sunlight not in direct sunlight, we don't want therudraksh to become very dry so what you will do, you'll putrudraksha under fan let it dry for another 8-9 hoursand after that you can take some perfumed oillike sandal oil or olive oil mixed with sandal oil,any light perfumed oil and you can apply on it witha toothbrush
let the oil be soaked by therudraksha for another half an hour one hourand then you can wear the rudraksha back this is the way you canclean the rudraksha and when you wear the rudraksha,you should avoid using talcum powder because it is something when it entersthe pours of the beads it is difficult to come out so you should avoid that, youshould avoid wearing the rudraksh when you take bath withvery hot water because understand thereare seeds inside
and what will happen if youwill put very hot water? they will die or they willbecome boiled there are people they say, ma'ami got my rudraksha and i thoroughly boiled it i boiled it and it didn'tnot break there are no lines so itis real it's real but it's dead so what happens is there is nouse boiling the rudraksha once you boil it, it is notgoing to be alive anymore
because there are some peoplethey say that the test that the rudraksha is genuineis, they boil it it's going to die after that so this is the thing, now you say thatis there any disadvantage of the rudraksha? what i am saying is, number onethere is particular way of wearing the rudraksha rudraksha you just can't take 1 mukhi,2 mukhi, 3 mukhi or 21 mukhi, see the hole, put thethread inside the hole wear it like a mala andyou're ready not possible!
there is a science of stringing therudraksha there is a particular way in whichyou prepare the rudraksha so that they work for you. you have to prepare as per yourblocked chakra as per the planetary dasha (state)you're going through as per the particular concernsyou're going through and then when you wear thatcombination then you see that the effects will startpercolating you very fast today this similar mukhis cannotbe combine together
in the fashion what is traditionalstringing today in this traditional stringingpattern today this is the traditionalstringing pattern these are all seven mukhirudraksha make like a kantha we all can see this now in this if you see all the rudrakshwill be facing in the same direction like a circuit because they actually startgiving you currents when you wear on body
anyone experienced itin this room? after wearing rudraksha... so basically what happens, it startsgenerating current in your body so when you string it in a sequentialmanner the current flows and the current comes out fromsumeru so this type of stringing is usedwhen all the mukhis are same 5 mukhis, 6 mukhis,7 mukhis and in between the mukhis you can eitherput a knot
or you can put gold bead, youcan put a sandal bead you can string them with silver caps gold caps, in this we have strungwith woolen spacers this is how gurus likes to wear it andit looks nice nice red colour. and when you wear it the sumerushould be in the front and not in the back clear? now basically if you see this,this is all gauri shankar gauri shankar as i told you, it's a rudrakshawhich works on the hrit padma chakra
it's the chakra of the self. and this is a chakra which connectsto all the different chakras the gem stones that works is diamond and the rudraksha that worksis gauri shankar so this is a kantha made from 6 mukhigauri shankar till 18 mukhi gauri shankar it's not easy to find gauri shankars of18,17, 16 mukhis even the 6 mukhi gauri shankar is veryrare to find commonly gauri shankar beads are availablefrom 8-12 mukhis beads only other ones are very rare
so this is the gauri shankar kanthaand if you see all the gauri shankars are facing the same direction this is the way kantha mala is strung whereall the mukhis are the same or all the beads are of samevariety then we come to differentmukhis...dissimilar mukhis in dissimilar mukhis… you see this… now this is how a pendant is made whenthe mukhis are dissimilar this is what we call rudraksharatna science therapy.
this is what is the culmination of my research is that how rudraksha shouldbe strung in the right way there is a particular directionof wearing left and right which mukhi goes left andwhich mukhi goes right. how the beads are strung ina pendant sometimes we string themwith a kavach (shield) to get some extra power. thesemukhis we also string… we can also string these mukhis withgemstones so that they look nice and attractive, so we necessarily don't needto wear the boring malas
so we can make them nice. when i enteredinto the field of rudraksha i realized that a person like me cannever wear that drab type of mala and kantha being a modern person i wantedrudraksha to look beautiful so that people will liketo wear it daily because only when it's worn regularlyit's going to give the results you just can't keep it in templeand expect that the result will come to you it's like keeping the medicineon the table praying to it and expecting itto give you the results. you have to wear the rudraksha, itonly works when the frequency reaches you.
but yes if you keep a rudrakshavery close to you just like on my table i alwayskeep a 21 mukhi. so if you keep a rudrakshavery close to you definitely you receivethe frequency constantly but if you keep it in your templeand you're working in office distance is little large forthe rudraksha to work so this is how we stringthe rudraksha we also make rudrakshalike bracelets if you see this, this is anindonesian version
indonesian rudraksha aresmaller than nepal rudraksha now what is difference betweenindonesian and nepal? because at rudra centre, we dealextensively in indonesian rudraksha so i want to tell you a littlebit about the difference between nepal and indonesia nepal vs. java java is an indonesian islandis called java basically if you see, indonesianrudraksha produces the completevariety of rudraksha
today i've got rudraksha from 27-42 mukhisbut they are all from indonesia nepal trees have also producedmukhis like 23, 25, and 27 but we have not heard of them producingmukhis above that but definitely when these mukhis areproduced the higher will be producedsome time so basically the main differenceis the size if you see the nepal beadsare very clear very big in size and the mukhi lines arelike very deep groves on the surface. if you look at the indonesiancounterpart
the mukhi lines, they arelike white threads on the surface. very clear white threads onthe surface. but all these threads can becounted to 100% accuracy today we can't afford to count a14 mukhi as a 15 mukhi it's a total difference.yes or no? so they look different, indonesianare small in size. typically, indonesian rudrakshaare available from 8mm to 13 mm. and nepal rudraksha are available from13 mm to 30 mm.
so this is the basic differencein the size shape etc. but if you see the innerstructure the left side is all the indonesian beads three mukhi, seven mukhi,fourteen mukhi on the right side are nepalibeads three mukhi, seven mukhi,nine mukhi if you see the internal structureof the seeds it is similar now because of the size, nepalibeads will start working faster when you wear nepal beadson the body
in 2-3 days the bead will awaken on your body. but if you take an indonesian beadit will be awakened in 7-8 days indonesian beads will givefrequency at little slower pace as comparedto nepal rudraksha but understand because you're wearingrudraksha all the time on the body eventually the indonesian beads match upin power with the nepal ones. because you are wearingall the time. if you're just wearing forvery short period of time then definitely nepalones are very good
but since you're wearing them allthe time on the body the power of the indonesian beads,the effects of indonesian beads will start matching up with theeffect of the nepal beads. so indonesian beads takea little more time to awaken the effect is a little sloweras compared to nepal beads but they are very wearable. you're very comfortable inwearing them as bracelets and as necklaceon a daily wear if you see this...
if you see this..can everybody see? if you see this, this is indonesian beadbracelet and this is a nepal beadbracelet so there is the difference. indonesian and nepal so indonesian are very small,wearable, you can easily wear on wrist or upper arm. nepal you've towear on wrist or upper arm but it's a personal choice, there aresome people they absolutely love nepalbeads
and they say, ma'am i'll waitbut i'll take only nepal. they will save money and slowlytake nepal or... and there are some people when theyfind the power of indonesian beads they go for the indonesian beadsonly because cost wise, thereis a huge difference. indonesian beads are almost 1/5 or 1/10th theprice of nepal beads. and the price is not because theyare more easily available. they are as rare as nepal beads.
but the price is less because weat rudra center we have a very large holdon the market we're the ones we're purchasing90% of the saleable stock. because we are purchasing so muchof quantity we are able to control the pricesand keep them lower and these are not... the rarity of nepal and javais identical. it's not that indonesian one are producedmore than nepal they are produced in thesame quantity
but because we are buying so much ofthe produced because of very good contacts, we'reable to keep the prices low so it's not that the prices are cheapbecause they are cheaper. every year the prices of rudrakshakeeps on increasing. because as the awareness isgrowing as more and more peoplecome to know about rudraksha more and more they are attractedand they want to buy it. so definitely the priceswill increase every year. so it's an asset, there are some peoplewho have bought
rudraksha 5 years back, their rudrakshahave already increased in price 3 times so they say, ma'am it's betterthan gold. so it's like that and as i toldyou, the beads can be used for generations so that's not the problem now i've done this research on rudrakshawhich i call rudraksha ratna science therapy where we string rudraksha with gem stones. they string them with gem stones,instead of wearing gem stones on fingers they wear gem stones withthe rudraksha combination. you can wear rudraksha, gem stonesboth in pendant form
as well as in bracelet form. as per your blocked chakras,you're given either bracelet or pendant or both towear on the body. every rudraksha has got a typicalway it will work typical style it will work and typicaldirection it will work. so we're using all that knowledgeto make all these combinations for you today if rudraksha is not strungproperly. definitely it can give younegative effects. there is a science behind stringingrudraksha
and if you don't follow it, when youwear the rudraksha you start feeling lot of heatand a lot of discomfort after wearing the rudraksha. the problemis not in the rudraksha problem is in the selection andstringing of rudraksha. because as i said rudraksha isthe bead of frequency it gives current and you knowif you don't join different capacitors properly, becauserudraksha works like a capacitor. it can awaken, it can close today when you wear the rudrakshait's not all the time awakened
note that, it will bring you to an optimumlevel of frequency what you're ready for today but you'll notice that whenever you'rein a moment of stress or panic suddenly you'll findsome activity happening in the rudraksha and rudraksha willabsorb your stress and worries this is how rudraksh conservesits energy. it awakens at proper time and sleepswhen it's not required. so today when you're not wearingrudraksha on the body you're keeping it on your side table,you'll notice that it goes to sleep automatically.
it will go to sleep andit will get awakened. so on the body also it is notawaken all the time. it will awaken only when it's required. so rudraksha being a capacitorhas to be strung in the proper way so that you get the full results. if you don't string properly, you'llget lot of stress and lot of disturbed energy by wearing rudraksha. see this is one bracelet i've beenwearing for many years. i've chosen this personal combinationfor myself.
i often wear a pendant which isthe wisdom pendant for communication because i do communicate a lot. but i had a very very good incidentwhen i wore all these combinations like all these combinations youknow, they taught me at different times like i'll tell, what happened waswhen i was doing this research and i identified this pendant that it'svery good for removing shyness timidity, for increasing your confidence,so we had already put it on the website then you know, that time what happenedwas i got a chance i was attending a businessconference for three days
when i went there for the first day,i noticed that i was feeling very shy becausethere were lots of speakers and all of them in coat and allhaving corporate companies etc. and here i was a lady coming with rudraksha. so somehow i started feelingvery shy there in the business meet. so i wasalso surprised that i'm able to talk confidently, whatis happening that in the business meet i am not able to talk whenever i thought of talking, i felt therewas somebody was holding my throat tightly
so it was very uncomfortable andthe whole day went very whole day went with lot ofdifficulty for me i didn't want to meet anybody, ididn't want to give my card to anybody i was not comfortablethe whole day and then in the night i decided, it's difficultfor me to continue two days like this then you know by god's grace, i decidedto wear the wisdom pendant myself. because i was in the modeof research i used to research what it isdoing and wear the next item because i had to go fast inmy research.
so i wore that wisdom pendantand whole night i wore that pendant and morning when i went there,i realized i was the first one 'hello, i'm neeta from rudra centre' i realized i developed somuch of confidence i was able to talk in frontof people that choking feeling went awayand you know, after that i never took outthat pendant i used to continuously wear itfor many years because i realized it just openedme up
to express what i wanted to saywithout thinking all the clients who have wornthat pendant they have reported that yesafter wearing that pendant they were able to express so manythings to their colleagues, to their boss,to their wives what they could never dosince many years then this personal combinationwhat i wear for myself is one of course is 16 mukhito honor shiva then i wear 14 mukhi. hanuman
because basically we all need tocontrol our senses in this spiritual journey andone for lord ram...12 mukhi so i wear this combination 12, 14 and 16constantly for the energy that i need in my life. everybody needs a different kindof energy some people need energy ofattraction they want to attract, theyneed a 13 mukhi. some people need energyof dynamism they need 9 mukhi.
some people need harmonywith others they need 2 mukhi. some people need...basically they needto make very good strategic decisions they need 17 mukhis. many people in politics they say thati fear that someone will take away my seat so they are all the time fearfulof competitors so they need 18 mukhi some people find it verydifficult to trust they feel i'm all the time betrayedby people
but till i don't trust i can't bein power so they need the 19 mukhi so depending on your particularconcerns you need that particular mukhi some people what they do is, they buya particular mukhi on the body they wear, they see the energy,then they read the properties then they wear another mukhi,you can keep on adding mukhis and see the propertieson you you can yourself choose whatrudraksha you need to wear you can just try with anyone
and they are not expensive if yousee the lower mukhis or if you see indonesian, theyare not expensive at all indonesian 9, 10, 11 mukhi, they allare in range of rs.1000-2000 only 13 mukhi is rs.2800 only powerful 14 mukhi is just rs.5000 only so you can go for different mukhis,you can try some of nepal you can try some of java but see theeffect they have on your body chakras. any question? very good question...what happens issuppose today i'm wearing this combination
and i feel that i've already worn it,i've already got the energy and now i want to move on. i can easily give my combinationto another person what is the procedure? when you give the combinationto another person it's like taking the plant fromone pot and putting it in theother pot. the plant has to again growits roots in the new soil..yes or no?
so what will happen, you'lltake the rudraksha you'll wash it, the person who isreceiving it he can either take it toshiva temple when the abhishek of the shivlingis happening he can place the rudraksha at theplace where the water is flowing clear? your old rudraksha don'tplace it above the shivling place it at the place from where the water flows out or whatever is the abhishek water, youcan take that water and wash your rudrakshwith it
clear? so after the rudraksha isfully cleaned you can touch it to theshivling you can chant the shiva mantrasand after that you can wear the rudraksha it will again take 8-10 days and then thefrequency will become for the other person. but it's not possible, today i'llwear, next day somebody else then next day somebody else,it’s not possible. it will take 8 days to put it'sroots in the soil it will take 8 days to alignwith the other person any other question?
audience: you said that you cannot wearrudraksha 1-21 by stringing together so suppose first time when the personwants to wear rudraksha is it necessary to show the astrological chartand this is what is required in your life and... this is what is good for you? okay...see basically as we know rudrakshathey work on chakras that is the most direct way of checkingwhat is the bead suitable for you once you know which chakraof mine is imbalanced we can identify the rudrakshafor you. because we know which rudrakshworks on which chakra
there is lot of informationavailable on our website we've written which rudraksha workson which chakra also but basically once you know,suppose you know that my swadhisthana chakra needs balancing. the rudraksha ofswadhisthana chakra is maha mrityunjaya shiva, 16 mukhi you start with the 16 mukhi,another rudraksha of swadhisthana chakra is 2 mukhi. you start with 2 mukhirudraksha so depending on your chakra if youchose a rudraksha that is the direct method but thenpeople can also use astrology
because when you see the alignmentof the planets it gives you a fair idea, that what kindsof problems i'm going through because of the planetaryalignment so you can wear a rudraksha representingthat planet today you know you're goingthrough mangal dasha (mars) mangal dasha will bring lot ofinstability to you you can 6 or 14 mukhifor mangal aydience: for ketu, ma'am? ketu is ganpati..8 mukhi
see basically you can enhanceyour combination you can enhance because as you need,okay, let me try a 12.. let me now try 13, let me adda 14 once you understand, how it worksyou can keep on adding your rudraksha but see, we human beings areconstantly evolving we don't need somethingfor all the time so it's possible that once youevolved sufficiently in your spiritual journey, youdon't need rudraksha at all. you can go past rudraksha, youcan go beyond rudraksha
and you don't need it. it will notmake you dependent as i said okay? any other question? when all the 7 chakra are closed,you wear 1 -20 see, we have got a very goodcombination, “sarvsiddha†now sarvsidha has got rudrakshafrom 2-16 mukhis (faces) i feel that is the combination whichaddresses major chakras it doesn't address the agaya chakrabut it addresses the major chakras 2-16 mukhis, so you can wearall from 2-16 mukhis in a specific manner what we'll prescribedit will be one mala and a bracelet.
so you'll see that many of your chakraswill open. but understand that when a person has manychakra blockages the root cause is only 2-3 chakras. the other chakras have got blockedin sympathy like we say, if swadhisthana is blocked, thevishuddha is always blocked swadhisthana means your self-esteem. today you don't know your identity,you cannot express. but there is no problem with yourvishuddha. so only healing swadhisthanais enough
and you will start talking. so when you come to a counselor,that's why we’re sitting on that chair. if you want to do all the workthen what will we do? that's not done. come to us, we'll tell youwhat you need to wear it's our job. we'll tell youwhat you need to wear as per you blocked chakras, what is theminimum combination you need to start with as per your budget, so that at leastyou start getting relief then you can add, that'sup to your choice
how much ghee you have toadd in your vegetable how much you need to garnish,is your wish we'll fulfill the minimumrequirement. audiene: can we wear nepal andindonesian combination? one with nepal and other...perfect... very good question can nepal and indonesianbeads worn together? of course they are the same frequency so many people are taking 3-7 mukhisnepal one
then they are taking 8-9 java,no problem and understand you don't haveto go sequentially also that i'll wear 2,3,4,5..no when you come to me anddiscuss, i'll tell you which chakras of yours needbalancing and once you know your chakras,i'll tell you what all the beads you need complete for yourself you can just start withthose mukhis you'll know i need 8, 10, 12, 13,15, 9 mukhi total
what you can do? as per your budget you can say, ma'ami'm going to start with 10 and 9 first then you can keep on adding then you can say, okay this is2000, i'll buy it next month this is 1500 i'll buy itnext month you can keep on adding adding adding there are many many clientswho are doing this many... now every week rudra centre receivesmany bracelets and many pendants
from customers abroad, wherewe just add the different mukhis and send it back, it's very constantlove affair between us that we take the beads, we re-string them,we send it back so it's okay you can keepon enhancing your combination sometimes you can add gems in it next class i'll be educating youall on gems stones so you can gems stonesalso to it and you can enhance it but yes when you come toa counselor
you can at least limit yourselfthat i need these rudraksha because when you see the properties,you will become greedy you need everything because you'll see 7 mukhi..wow laxmi 9 mukhi. durga..10 mukhi ...krishna you'll say, i want everything but practically to wearall of them is little difficult first narrow down, to what mukhisyou really need and buy those.
audience: touching our body rudraksha becomesblack, does it pulls off our negativity? first of all, why do youconsider yourself negative? no, i don't think so. but when ishowed someone that it has become black ...they said it has pulled off yournegativity. not me, they said so. like some people wear gems,after they wear the gems the color goes away,why the color went off because the gem was treated!so then he goes to the astrologer sir, color went off. he will say why? your planetsare leaving the color.
they are leaving color. the planets are leaving you, they areleaving the effect on you. he took his rudraksha whichwas becoming dark. then they said, your negativityis going inside the rudraksha. first understand logically why it'sbecoming dark because it's absorbing the oilfrom the body. it's a wood, right? it's a wood which is absorbingthe oil and moisture from your body and becoming dark, don't worry,initially it will look dark from one side
like my rudraksha when i started theywere very light brown in color. all the rudraksha in the world theycome only in this color this color only! they don't come in any other color. there is no...the myth that rudrakshacome in four varnas (forms) one is fair, second is dark, thirdis red and fourth is brown nothing of that sort happens. rudraksha is a fruit and it comesonly in light brown color. now what happens is because it absorbsmoisture and oil
it becomes reddish brown like thisis got little reddish brown or it becomes little more darkerbrown but if it becomes black, understandrudraksha is of very low quality. if it becomes jet black,it's lifeless. it has to become rich deepbrown in color. if you see this mala… in this the beads are slightlycoloured this is not the natural color. they are very lightly colored.
because many sadhus andgurus like this color but when you wash this 2-3times the color will just go off the gauri shankar string i shouldyou is natural 99% of rudraksha what we sell inrudra centre they all are natural color but yes, the higher mukhis it's possiblethey become dark with time because when we keep with us for storage we keep them oiling them becausewe don't want them to become very dry because we oil them,what will happen they also become dark dark becausethey absorb the oil
so the old beads becomedark in color basically you're asking is it possiblethat we string the rudraksha only in thread and notin metal. my question is...basically what i'dlike to say that when you string as per thescience therapy you need to keep the rudrakshafacing in a particular direction. to face them in a particulardirection you have to use metal whichis more durable which is more comfortable.
that's why rudraksha science therapycame to being renowned when metals were introduced shiva produced rudraksha manythousand years’ back but rudraksha was not popularat that time but why today rudraksha has becomeso popular because metals have taken birth so rudraksha has to be strungin a very typical manner so that you can receivethe energy and for that stringing inmetal is very important.
we do make the same combinationsin thread also. so it's possible to make in thread butwe should be open to wearing in metal also but i'd liketo tell you metal is only a carrier. it's only a carrier of rudraksha! there is no difference if youwear the same rudraksha in thread or metal, thereis no difference metal works like a metal andrudraksha works like a rudraksha. there is no difference, so it'syour choice you want to have in gold
or you want to have it in silveror you want to have in plain thread but for durability because you wantthe bracelet and the mala to exist for long time with you,it's good to wear in metal. we make our bracelets with thisadjustable spring so that very easily you can take it outand very easily you can wear it. i believe in a very practicalway of wearing so this is how we designedmost of our rudraksha jewelry. yes... as i said that there has been absolutelyno research done
for mukhi more than21 mukhis there is no research done. so no one knows about theproperties so we don't know whatis the effect yeah, he has taken 27 mukhi but we don'tknow what result he has got. because i've not studied, unlesswe study we'll not know but definitely it will be workingon your different chakras only. have you documented the research? i've not documented as yet becausei never got time
because immediately aftermy research you know i discovered rudraksharatna science therapy then we started our business,our distributors in a very major way, we're inoperations since 2000 but after the research things becamevery fast for us and i just didn't get any time but what i would like to sharewith you is i had miraculous experiences, verypersonal miraculous experiences when i did my research,like i'll give you one example
i was researching 14 mukhi rudraksha,you know, now 14 mukhi it was told is the bead of shani(saturn) that time but it was of course in books it waswritten that is ruled by lord hanuman now i didn't know how 14 mukhi workson what chakra because when you say it'sworking on shani it should have been workingon the third eye. so what happened was i was researchingthis 14 mukhi and i tried for 3 weeks ondifferent different chakras and i did not get the results, infactit blocked my chakra
first i thought 14 mukhi isanother form of shiva like in ekadasrudra formhanuman name comes so i said it must be workingon the throat so i tried wearing for thethroat chakra it blocked my chakra theni visualize hanuman that hanuman shows off his chestand there is ram and sita inside oh yes hanuman is for the heart,so i wore it on the heart and the heart chakra blocked then again i had to heal myself,then i said hanuman is power
he ate the sun, he will work onmanipur chakra then i tried on the manipur andmy stomach went for a toss then again i had to heal myself every time the chakra got blocked,you've to heal yourself so that chakra opens. so what happened then i triedon the third eye again it did not work, theni gave up then i started testing anotherrudraksha then you know, the time came,after i tested rudraksha
i again came to 14 mukhi so what happened was i has already triedfor the crown i tried for this, i tries for the vishnu,i tried for the heart then i tried for the swadhisthana yes, they united ram and sita,he is union i thought about lord hanuman keepingthe word union in mind then swadhisthana was blocked. finally i said, muladhara..then i said,lord hanuman will work on muladhara it was difficult for me to imaginethat time
right but then finally what happened,i remembered that day i was sitting on my sofawhere i meditate and instinctively i wore therudraksha on muladhara because when i tested, i used to wearthe rudraksha on the chakra on the body physically not aspendant or bracelet i actually wore the 14 mukhiinstantly on the muladhara immediately you know i wentto google and i typed 'lal deh lali lase' i came to know, ‘oh i'vegot a red body’
‘i am red monkey!’ my body is so strong like vajra you know, 'jai jai kapisur' i was surprised because i never heard thissentence also before and that time i realized, oh god,muladhara is red hanuman is red, muladhara is body,hanuman is the strength of the body hanuman is muladhara chakra so you know, still you will see many websites,they say 14 mukhi is shani. on our website you'll see 14mukhi is mars
because when i started this website,i wrote shani so everybody copied but when in 2008i took a detour they didn't get time to change soeverybody writes shani. so like that on our website thereare many differences in planets because for me, it's experiential,i actually experience so like that every single mukhi hastaught me what am i made for what do i do because after i wore14 on the muladhara instantly i felt so much strengthin the body that i could just lift the sofawhere i was standing...like this
i felt so much of energy, courage,fearlessness and immediately so many tears came in my eyesbecause i saw that you know when laxman needed help,he didn't get the herb doesn't mean that he came back,sorry i didn't get the herb he brought the whole mountain so much power, so much devotion,so much surrender i found so like that i learned about gods,so when i actually research rudraksha, i came to knowthe secret hiding places of the gods. i realized that where these godsmanifest in your own body.
you have to understand all these godsare inside you! hanuman is within you,krishna is within you ram is within you today people have divided gods. it's like looking at an elephantfrom different angles. some says, it has two tails,some says, it's huge some says, it's a pillar just like that some are prayinggoddesses only some are praying ram only
some says, we're vaishnav,some says we're shaiv so understand, no you cannot divide,it's like riding your chakra one person is saying only muladhara,one person is saying only crown one person is saying only heart,you can't achieve salvation that way. if you want to achieve yog, if youwant to achieve salvation you have to pray to all the gods every single god. you've to takethe energy of every single divine entity in this world. only then you'll achieve yog!
don't go on gold,don’t go for money! look at the mukhi these are 1-27 mukhi rudraksh. if you see it has all the rudrakshafrom 1-27 mukhis if you see this indonesian mukhi,you look carefully ...it's threads are very clearlyvisible there is no mistake, no fault or doubt at any lineand there is a specialty of indonesian rudraksha they cannot make fake ones. because there is a white line andit's not possible to create white line.
that's why in indonesian rudrakshanothing is fake. so this is a nakshatra mala,1-27 mukhi in gold. there is very beautiful rudraksha,trijuti (three pieces joined naturally) this is nepali trijuti, this is naturallybrahma, vishnu and mahesh this is brahma vishnu and mahesh rudraksha yes, this is worn as a pendant that'swhy there is loop naturally three rudraksha’sare joined and it works like “dattatray guru†also it gives you lot of wisdom,lot of power
when you wear it. this is in gold. there is without gold also. i've achieved this two years’ backbecause people bid for them when you want to buy such big mukhis so there is a kind of biddingin nepal people bid...some for 5 lakhsand some for 10 lakhs and i bid 15 lakhs and i gotthis bead because this is nature’s wonder.
now when it's sold, it reallyhurts me so this is the problem with me,my higher mukhi beads remains in collection, they arenot sold because i am so attached to themthat when i sell them i very doubtfully look at the person,will he keep it carefully or not? so i'm a collector, i like to collectall the creations of the universe and then there are different mukhis this is kuber, 21 mukhi, it'sselling price is 55 lakhs audience: 55 lakhs?
selling price is 55 lakhs. price is dependent ...actually there isno demand and supply because there is no bead available,so this bead our next competitor, he sellsthis for 1 cr. rudra centre prices are 50%less than others so we're selling this for 55 lakhs one is kept on my table andthis is another one. so, we have two kuber rudraksha with us. then...this is very beautiful pashupathi,15 mukhi
it's called beautiful because it's veryclean, big, well formed it's heavy and has very goodstructure so this is called “collector†so we've made such sets2-19, 2-18 this is 15 this has different types ofbeads this is 16 mukhi big one this is 18 mukhi
big...very clear it's every line can be counted and this hole is quite open, youcan just put a thin stick and it will open up. there are different mukhis rudraksha beads. there is a rudraksha which isis called sawaar if you see sawaar, it's like agauri shankar rudraksha but it's top part isone mukhi so it's called sawaar rudraksha,people are quite interested in this also and then i'll show you the one mukhi
this is the original one mukhi now the good things comein small packets this is indonesian one mukhi,i'll show you the nepal one also which is of 1 cr. this is of just 24,000 rs but don't think, tiny oneto be inferior. our nearest competitor sells thisbead for 2.5 lakhs. but we're blessed with lots ofgood suppliers of one mukhi because in indonesia when i was there,i bought a small piece of land
in kebuban which produceslots of these one mukhis so we're selling almost atthe cost price whatever is our farming price because it's a very healing rudraksha you can ask rates of original one mukhito any competitor not less than 1.5 lakhs..2 lakhs...2.5lakhs but this bead has so much power,such a small bead if you wear it on your body, you'llfeel entire day you're doing meditation constantly you'll be in the stateof meditation
migraine will go away,obsessive thoughts will go away and you'll become very focused. we've a doctor in usa, he says i alwaystake my one mukhi to surgery because i'm able to do surgeryprecisely because he does very minutesurgery so he always takes his one mukhi. and now i'll show you the nepali... this is nepali one mukhi now see its shape...
if you see from here it'slike moon half flat..yes or no? it looks like moon but if youlook from here there is no mukh can you see? it's a flat surface, totally flat from here it's surfaceis totally flat can you see its mouth? mouth.
can you see the natural hole? if you see like this, can yousee the tail? it has the natural tail also and this is it's mukh this is natural one mukhi! this is one crore rupees! so look at it... actually it's shape is half moon one you get in shape of cashew nut,is not a one mukhi
this is the actual one mukhi..how it looks like okay many such collections are there on our websites if you goto rare collector beads you will see lots of 19, 18,17,15...different mukhis 1-27 i've already shown you just as 27 there is 28,29,42..just there are different lines otherwise there is nothing else in it
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