Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

teeth capping in vietnam

it's sizzler getting a phone call of n again to my scandal o and happy uh... well i'm sorry it is uh... mm elena kathy harris yalls ... thumbnail 1 summary
teeth capping in vietnam

it's sizzler getting a phone call of n again to my scandal o and happy uh... well i'm sorry it is uh... mm elena kathy harris yalls opinion pageyes how are you tired and i want lab candalyn plane to handle a plea for a permanent

parent date you're calling us from texas yeah where we're all eager be awaiting kaminer rick barry training and drinkmilk they'll have build number three he ran away i'm not familiar with this bill wouldyou please please me annual you know the war on craigslist are currently areentirely area wikia's man andrea banking representative dewayne

abdo aapan and canada rapper nicoleuh... reading now an appalachian public school canplay campaign free cream by tell our children don'thave to wonder want to go in all potential people of the war on treatmentfor him you al all the ppm the attached to trick how much does this really is a recruitment picking it'll this is shot to death

this is the first jihad with chris'sactually travel texas legislature he is scandal paddy heidi i think that thathad no idea uh... house spells relate to the merrychristmas well i think you for room preta a bit but very threatening mary crane man and also danielle we're all because i want to be traveling

ignoring depending on where you know innorth dakota won't even be allowed do you have abortion anymore they won't be allowed to have and i'll help him we are also okay ithink the decline in the death penalty rate in this country and pro-liferswe're very apt that about the candle that decline death penalty in st at beijing tellingscandal date

concernent dot t_ to cc killing scandal gate date bank at the a_p_ i_r_s_ ration carearguably scandal gamble uh... dot it just asked me away at i and this is a little bit off topic isthe many questions i want to ask you but uh... is it that you would be as a uh...having to pay directed by michael kennedy

and part one why is it that you put that that a with theupset that the number of of executions of this country's goingdown gary can you cannot work hang your hatwildlife conservative lead they'll give anything we can toprotect that rethinking globulin sales

but act you know once you're out of itwill take contract act statement not a nanny day if you've got a ny anne all correct and i think it's importantto talk about the false flag weather system in alcohol really they had no idea that you were you were a alex jones jan backpack

ice of yes it's a all like parity andweather didn't gain any banco baba we have to get the government out um... hawaii that's why we need aregoing to camp wagner tours asking where where did they ameen that was we build this dude stayed withher but she was under the old isn't that the otherhand deployment it'll work with go hand in a political activated whenmiss yall

oklahoma started her or on nobility in cape town tonight i can't tell youhow upset market it's about that that week started a new group called portlyjacket dot or back flagship partly just that they have more on a bigcity portly topic dot the discriminationpoint we conduct our property puppet government out the plane frombetween me an actor that's what we played port rejected dotboard back p iced tea okay well

well let's talk about uh... the bargainsbecause i yeah i actually had some uh... audio that i want to play againeverybody want the bombing feature you gotta play that police tape no that isback to you now well that's not back to you can't that's not exactly what i was gonna playuh... i want to play anything i'm glad to hearher top ok well here is uh... michelle bachman apparently she was on with uh... the radio with james dobsonuh...

this past week and c is still talking about uh... repealing obon the care but apparentlyshe has an aids and a supper sleeve let's play thisaudio or you're welcome and again i thinkthat's why meantime the house of representatives mybuilt-up for repeal of obama care last week and that's why our brand newaccount for that that we can see this bill pamplona habitand i think the president will all

tamale be forced to repudiate you don'tsignature people of legislation because the american people booked them banditand i think before his second term is over we're going to be america beforeour eyes ivory got it going to answer a prairie and will be freed they kill ofobama terribly that's going to happen and we found dep one last week with the repeal about their solid with camera that repair of m_i_t_ diedand i believe it could happen he and pregnant we have to get providedno frenzel and amal prasad tracheal unwedpanel

geopolitical laverty right andappropriate power back part don't work yeah well it's let me just ask you howis it that god is going to repeal or opa mchale how does that work theycan take doctor we'll pam dot peak annabel michelle all the time and everything that black cannot be developed as albert dot had then deputy tak

but i think that what pat about thiswhether machine caves get paid link nine like a key part of the alle act of opa mccain supportable care etcwelcome engender andover andrea and eight p and demographicallycharacter you know and a male marine info uniform holding an open print modelfor that black man at scandal now wait a second art i_d_ there's been forty-six votes to repeal obama care what what does godwaiting for and what they have to monica

ham what you think the catholic bishopscarol that about now right behind the pain they'd know the panel knows at big uh...alabama care and portable parent and the whole liar won t but make sure freeh practicallyaccounted well linden and outrage well interests notify evangelical catholicismand the patient annual meeting oc complex after agent

u_n_ you can't be can't up with hisrotates let's let's move make there was a as long as we're talking about but withthem on the over into the scandals but now i thought that i rent he can'twait michele dot mackay picnic tree everybody wants a black man at impeached but hiring will haveunprotected and katie okay peer mentor contrary to churchdental records your social calendar your record election they're gonna make funof your jacob help and your g legally

looked on the new sports albums itself helped hardhat grand blanc railway lethal or othersparked they're gonna a look at your netflix studied what you want to be b_r_ finley funeralyou later when i get out from under the you'll under wet why would the i_r_s_alainorellama t kidnapped girl but what would what would the i_r_s_ do with thisinformation why is the i_r_s_ whatever they could take the iraq back topreprint church camp

we could make the i_r_s_ back to accountwhen max gain seventy-three without without being preempted by the hearing buyer player occupier choir events youput a break in here by a our love match came seventy three painful when frank church headcandy totally dot that give the higher rank after the event under their own belovedpresident nixon paid him which would not

have scandal or danny and that could happen if the redgrouping wes uh... exactly maggie then that iran used to collect it you know vietnam protesters inhumanemeridian and people that would really thepentagon papers and abbie hoffman got what we need to get back to you are big people looking into

a party a conservative group that isthat what the father cotton candy we have to take back the frank pam what do you want them looking at yourplace welcome to come blurb agent cut that would help would help a teacher in the client well i'd better i would love them tooalso subscribe to the podcast in addition tolook at how they're not going to be a pattern because now you're just

and that you can't an inmate thinking we have to get them back todeal with iraq does best crashing green p and ant making sure occupy infiltrators make sure people are anything in thestreet in new york kidnap and kill healthcare you know the it's not that states that we are comiccannot pay budget as they do have provided you'llun

but now i tell you you balance betweeneureka anyone how my goodness it it keeping and awaken sharon wet spent forty years and trail deeplyhim and we're looking forward to north dakota on august first when there willbe no abortions you know what twenty twelve they weresix hundred bills to restrict abortion unfortunately in twenty thirteen onlythree hundred effect anything

effect and i like don t but uh... they're before we get thejunction drama decline bleeped paraplegic warrant fake sanction cut you know what happened heinrich to betaken and i'll tell you why certainly write heinrich it's an energybill he voted dol well daniel now that may be a hundred thirty yearsago perhaps think in the last thing that was the door slam her to ramble world

when powerball compact no around walked out because she didn't believeshe was only a wife and mother she thought there was an identity forwomen as well be phnom penh started have pockets from norway of course where they are secular and liam and auntie karen and they believe in reproductive jectedthen no waiting start trend

millisecond your uruguay where the mapswere in preethi tale now unjust i'd i_d_ uh... fairly impressed i you know to tosort of i mean uh... i'm i'm impressed and itwas sort of tweaked couple different ways just that you would blame it's infor well i'm not blaming today met don't get me started on hungerheinrich it's been that norwegian that norwegianracket bucket market started here on the

wannabe yell my body over hurt me that's the bollywood movie magyar w_t_i_ scandal where are you argue with president it inolympia wendy mcclatchy you know what time are you with marcus pocket i went a bit market yet everything connected to point b and he had he about to happen a rallyfor port rejected dot org and you can be played basically carried

in his musical group black mainresilience that payment they do tempe keith efforts i collect and governor crist goofy hadbeen forced to put on himself because of that michelle andrew baur unpaired uh... means that your arts to uh... marriage equality passingin minnesota this is an all and okay blackberry date

and felt angry and i'm telling you but i mean that thewhole plan weather system in ocracoke acute care you helping safety is greathim well how how i tell you what economic package we're gonna start make incompetentinterpreters for those democrats sponsored by george soros simply corn who are building that when their machinepmcc

so wait you're now claiming that hecourted george soros have been building the weather's been finding the rightdirection the weather machine appa neck-and-neck eight d magill mcentee beat involving clippingswhy would not tell you to be involved in building the weather the weather today as well are on on that on the financial discriminate door on onthe fairy

logical comparison to the federal reserve budget in thenational debt to our house hope budget genders please understand how a simpleboth analogy you sound like you just read not tell you this piece of on that downgraded god told me to read actingand with the enemy how to get out from under the you oralca sunflower there paied

matt baby is based in new york area i malso based in the new york area right now you are and don't you think appalled whetherplank system isn't going to comment eachlittle what was hurricanes and passion kinky boots who is a why was that not the weathermachine pardon me liability marked empty nest yet tamil so the machine has just been fixed

it can't happen and they can't connectit now in alcoa hama where coburn in hobart going to beforced to take government not anything like the candy moneyquickly voted against it will be totally different it will be totally ashamed tokatie brimming with bonnie i'll be getting blood money but why would they take it because it coconut

it's nothing like if indeed money thatthey put god it's totally different they're beingforced to take it people once behind the pilot's like whether machinists and okfeel ca not what you can you explain to medecide so obviously the weather machine is quite effective apparently apparently depend upon the extent thatthe everything up so the weather machine as is beingdeployed by the i_r_s_ is that we assess

that the weather mission it completelyfor u i would like to meet the habit and youknow what i want you to have a total it's a job killer iran childcare and i reported that memory netballuniform to hold an umbrella over that plant breeding pair uh... take a look at them up on thatrussian bear phir se a responsible for the anybody uh... and and your senator harris i have to saythat you think about it was a declining

in pic in vacation kitni you seem to be conflicting a lot ofdifferent issues here all-round leak back get black khaki matt pgp george still around kathleen hannah and recruitment theseattle and portland a wimpy you safely dirty slater five campaign

andy field well i'd musicians blankie i didn't realize what i have metmusician finally main musician eighty seem to play out use part in in these these scandals a company ukraine it how to make it but don't expect youknow what we have won the war occurred

and packaging we have one now teachers in publicschool felt great mary crane now we're going to have to explain to our childrenwhy at school they hear happy holidays what home baking here married greed do you think i have been ppm evencontacting her children deputy s d post-traumatic stress syndrome from herein happy holiday typical and the recruitment at home it covered a lot of confusion well byxvi honestly i wouldn't know but uh...

i mean i can't hear at the court churcha little camera well-appointed we gave him a miniaturealcohol wait a few miles about the polling indicated johnny can you spokeof it well you know going so idle anybody elsethey don't like the one of the contemplating and cult leader what you want to get back let me tellyou that what you want them to be part ofthe what cop unpack whole well midnight i think it'sa nice name but in the instead we're

saying no not really it kind of manila gate it breaches northgate blackmailedas you keep saying sean dot that is a huge ishwar wise i don't have to do thatbecause it keeps shutting down naming him hall did you not a great colin powell can wenot do it roberta broke it domestic now conversion when he's about to be backmay expect and what the pain going to be what kind of ridiculous they declared ihave met kindly be preside over his hand the with the you know i know three youthink that we know at your monitor

mathematical get easier to be my uh... we have friends who are eligible andi'll have to note that came out from under developed a pit bull well uh... yeah uh... we had a more oilthat's but did uh... but the uh... anyway i think that nationalorganization for women planned parenthood state scandal uh... with a there at that time eka living at the port can well it was justknow it was actually the

italic military and the killing archiebunker staring aunty cactus like that where it fourteen fifty for all the newyork liberal catalytic anticipating hired scenarios and at the end do the work date bpm that we're notcolleges illini vienna calculate the george bushmedium they had just been open were enter cartwe'll tell you why you ball about with immaturity v now uh...

senator harris let me just uh... let'slet's wrap up can harass committee let victory know it's it's that doctor lee educate them has said sender near senator harris probably here no i didn't call you sell maris whywould i call you sam harris i don't know why would you call marshallmclellan what you call him property get everybody's name wrong well i just i mean i didn't uh...

the katherine harris uh... and capital later can compare weldnot really senator and then you're not going to get there thirty effective if you don't think dayscandal get back to you get back if you need a new pad ignitedan american torch my camera john mcenroe withoutpicking up your degree object indicate haven't gained heaven's gate

senator harris i mean michael to nina now says i appreciateyour calling in and getting his uh... up to date on all of the uh... scandals uh... disgusted i forget at the portly jacket back work back flames chunk backlash backslash chuck what what doyou wanna donate get back to war all nobody thought about that issue obama quicker overexposed aren't blackthat homework

endl and ok snow-capped popular began about one hundred captain what just what's next for you what wherewhere where are you headed now you're in texas camped out we're going to be herefor the signing up of the american built and we're going togo to north dakota the backing of the bill happen uh...outline abortion in north became and then we're gonna go might the war onthe ground again penalty because it came to decline

all right well uh... and make surethere's more current available in fact a tornado dutchman acorn finally and took him a splendidmostly complete analyst safety and gilbert well uh... bill near senator katherine harris thank you so much forjoining us blanket came to learn okay scandal and aladdin

sulekha scandal by about uncanny candalyn opened up againdon't weathers juan antonio contempt of gotoscandals all right by the by thank you all rightpele senator katherine harris thanks so muchand that the how are you higher came out from under the yellowthank you for joining us nilay all right but by now we're gonna have to we're gonna we gottago

k_k_k_ anne kidney mhm today i think uh... someone's been dipping into the cookingsherry

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