hello and welcome to ftc; for the crown. thisis a show where we take three contestants, put them in a room, make them live there fora month and throw different challenges at them. the last person standing at the endof the challenge will receive a five hundred thousand dollar crown. iãm heidi donham,your host, and these are our contestants! hi my name is alex walters, and iãm herebecause thereãs no way that iãm not going to win. i mean, just come on, look at me,iãm just spewing out awesomeness. you got my good side, right? stop looking for your good side. you donãthave one. anyways, my name is ben, and iãm going to win because, well, you just saw alex,and iãm pretty sure a rock could win against
alex. and raquelã– well, i wouldnãt be worriedabout losing to her unless we had a ã¬get back in the kitchenã® event. why, you little- hi, my name is raquel. hi mom. i am not your mom. my name is raquel. hi grandma. hi, my name is raquel, and iãm here to teachthese little children to respect people that are wiser, more mature and better lookingthan they are by beating them in every game.
this is where youãll be staying. wait, what? this is ridiculous. youãre kidding, right? nope. good luck! well uh i call the box! ow i donãt have a problem with, you know, theplace, but i do have a problem with the people that theyãre putting me with in here becausei just canãt trust them. what? you have no reason not to trust me.
really? really. yeah, really trust fall uh, youãre supposed to do that when somebodyelse is behind you. oh woah, i think i just got a text from heidi. yeah, you would know itãs heidi before youlook at it because nobody is gonna text you. anyways, it says that she wants us to meether at the meeting hall at three for our first event.
i donãt care! hello everyone. please, take a seat. what you see before you is the worst concoctionthat our special chefs could cook up. they took everything that they knew tastedbad from past experiments and put it all into one. for this challenge, you three will have toeat this food. first one to finish wins the challenge. you can begin now. well well well, it looks like alex is thewinner of this match!
oh my god, dude, i donãt know how he couldeat something like that. looked like he was used to it. like he takes his dog to the parkand then uses his mouth as a pooper scooper or something. you mean nobody else does that? what is there to do around here i guess we could play catch. hey alex, go long! hello everyone. for this woah, are you ever gonna wait for us to sayhello back?
no. i only do it because itãs my contractas a host. for this next event, i will be giving you questions that you have to answer.the first one to get it right wins. but, we wanted to give you a little extra incentive.so, last night, while you were sleeping, our crew placed special devices onto the backof your heads. when i press this button, it will send an electric shock to your head ifyou get a question wrong. so i will press this button for every question that you getwrong. alex, youãre up first. ready? oh god. how do i like my steak? oh god. thatãs not even fair! uhã–. uh, mediumrare?
false, trick question, iãm a vegetarian. no! hey i didnãt feel a what was that for?! oh iãm sorry, i must have problems sinceitãs not usually in the kitchen! now, raquel. tell me, what does not belong in the kitchen? uhã– women? correct! raquel, you win todayãs challenge! i wonder what challenge theyãre going tothrow at us next.
hey, do you guys have any change i can have? what the hell was that for? you saw him! he was going to kill us! wrong. we sent this actor to pretend he was a homelessbeggar to see how you three would respond. alex, you obviously failed. not only did youbeat the man to the ground, but you didnãt even give him any money! for that, you aregoing to pay. iãm gonna press this button and, until you get out, iãm gonna electrocuteyou. ready? but he was
go. want to see more? tune in next week. weãregonna take our remaining contestants and put them in a spelling bee competition. if theyget one word wrong, were gonna unleash on them a whole new can of um, heidi? what is it, alex? itã«s kind of a funny story, actually. i wason my way out the door and i overheard the director telling people not to open the storageroom because they were holding killer trees in there. and i was like ã¬oh, whatãs a killertree? i kind of want to see one!ã® so i opened
the doorã– and the funny thing is, i guessi misheard him. he didnãt say killer trees, he said killer bees. my bad. do you hear that?there they are!
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