Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

rooster teeth immersion surgeon simulator ambulance free

the horror genre is notorious for taking limited resources, minimal spaces, and stylized lighting to create genuinely engrossing and terrify... thumbnail 1 summary
rooster teeth immersion surgeon simulator ambulance free

the horror genre is notorious for taking limited resources, minimal spaces, and stylized lighting to create genuinely engrossing and terrifying experiences, and five nights at freddy's here, is no exception. this enormously popular indie game is a famous example of how you can take a player's limited field of view and their restricted movement to create a genuinely frightening experience for the user. but let's be honest. if our lab rats were trapped in a small room, with nothing more than

lovable characters roaming dimly lit hallways in the middle of the night, that wouldn't actually scare them... ...or would it? *animatronic roar* michael: have they told you what we're doing? gavin: i have no idea. -gavin: i see the suit and i'm like, "oh, this again..."-michael: that's basically it. gavin: i see the suit and i'm like, "oh, this again..." -michael: yeah.-gavin: honestly,

gavin: a: don't care anymore, -gavin: and: don't even bother asking-michael: yeah. gavin: and: don't even bother asking -michael: 'eyyyyyyyyy!-burnie: yeah, shut up. shut up! -gavin: oh.-burnie: shut up. burnie: you guys are probably wondering why i asked you to come here so late at night. gavin: you brought us to where we work! burnie: obviously, we're gonna put you in another precarious situation tonight, burnie: but!gavin: yep.

burnie: you guys have played five nights at freddy's. gavin: we only played every single game. burnie: well, you guys will get to experience all of that again tonight, burnie: but in real life. burnie: in the studio we have a custom five nights at freddy's level for you guys to play. gavin: so what are we gonna be... hiding from? burnie: a series of rooster teeth characters from various shows that have come to life, burnie: and they're thirsty for blood. michael: that doesn't sound scary at all.

burnie: that's why i armed all of the mascots burnie: with one of these. michael: holy shit! michael: where did you get that from? burnie: that is a cattle prodgavin: *laughing* christ...! burnie: capable of delivering 50,000 volts of electricity. gavin: how many volts? burnie: *laughing* 50,000! gavin: is that bad?

michael: yeah! *electrical humming**static* burnie: one of the most iconic aspects of five nights at freddy's burnie: is the security office. okay, barbs? walk us through this. burnie: what will michael and gavin be using, and what will they be able to see? barbara: to start off, positioned throughout our studio barbara: are 8 security cameras, in 6 rooms barbara: and 2 ventilation shafts. barbara: our rooster teeth characters will be moving

barbara: on set paths throughout the facility. barbara: if our lab rats can keep the monsters out barbara: long enough, they will survive. *bell!* barbara: they'll have a switch that they can press barbara: to make sure they lock down the room barbara: so nothing gets in, or out. barbara: if they let their guard down and any of the barbara: monsters enter the control room,

*alarm buzzing*barbara: well, michael and gavin lose. barbara: in front of our test subjects will be a simple barbara: camera switcher that will allow them to view barbara: various security feeds, one camera at a time. barbara: there will also be a wireless light switch that barbara: lights up a certain area that may or may not barbara: scare off unwanted pests. burnie: jeez! *barbara giggles*

burnie: well, barb, i gotta say, all of this sounds very futile. barbara: well, that's because it is. we're not gonna be telling them anything beforehand, barbara: so, much like in the game, they'll have to learn the controls as they go. michael: ohhhhhh, *shit*! gavin: this is *legit*! *door slams shut* gavin: oooh!michael: don't slam the door! michael: ohhhhh, this is already creepy! michael: *laughing* what is this?

michael: ohhhhh, *dude*! michael: we are gonna get fuckin' *killed*! michael: we are gonna get fuckin' *killed*!gavin: how are we gonna handle all- michael: you're already jumping! michael: *laughing* nothing's happening yet!gavin: there's a vent behind us! gavin: aw, there's a filofax! gavin: aw, there's a filofax!michael: ohhhhhh, boy- michael: ohhhhhh, boy- michael: what?gavin: look!

michael: *what* do you call it? gavin: filofax! michael: it's a- it's a rolodex in america. gavin: cultural differences. michael: we need the, uh... michael: the security guard tape. michael: what, are you hearing something? michael: *speaking into headset* gavi-ohhhhh! michael: dude, it's just like a let's play!

*static* gavin: gah!michael: ohhhh, shit! gavin: gah!michael: ohhhh, shit!gus: hello? gus: hellooo? michael: *laughing* there it goes! *laughs* *electrical buzzing*gus: hi. *electrical buzzing* *electrical buzzing*gus: i'm here to record a message for you, gus: whoever you are,gavin: it's gus!

gus: to welcome you, and get you acclimated here at stage 5. gus: as you can see, i was once in the same precarious position you're in. gavin: when was the last time you saw gus? gus: uh, "welcome to rooster teeth!" gus: "you are the newest employees of our fine(?) and growing company!"gavin: god, it's like the dharma initiative! gus: rooster teeth has a rich, full cinematic history filled with colorful characters and costumes. gus: and sometimes at night, when the lights go out, gus: the costumes like to get up and take a look around. gus: stretch a little bit, you know?

gus: in fact, you should probably keep your eye out for gavin: keep an eye out for *what*?!gus: now for the controls! gavin: keep an eye out for *what*?!gus: now for the controls!michael: *sarcastically* ohhhhh, thanks, gus! gus: listen carefully! gus: in front of you is a simple video switcher that you can gus: use to scan between the floor pathways(?).michael: *gasp!* gavin, look! gus: use to scan between the floor pathways(?).michael: i'm doin' stuff! gus: next to that's the button that controls the lights in various areas. gavin: sweet! should we save that- ?

gavin: sweet! should we save that- ?gus: but you only have limited uses, gus: so make sure you really use it wisely! gus: so make sure you really use it wisely!michael: *laughing* michael: *laughing* i wasn't listening! gus: there are also speakers throughout the facility! gus: they can be activated with this button over here! gus: i think that's about it... gus: i think that's about it...michael: space bar! gus: uh... oh!

gus: right! gus: if the red light starts flashing, that means our costume friends are in the ventillation system. gus: make sure you hit that button over there to reset the vents. michael: you got vents, gav! gus: just make sure to use your speakers and lights to lure monsters away from the control room. gus: close the vents when the *red light flashes*. gus: and the green light means you survived until6 a.m. gus: okay! good luck! and remember, gus: just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not there, so make sure you look closely!

gavin: all the information's gone! michael: like, remember, *ominous instrument starts*michael: in five nights, though, the game's already started gavin: yeah!michael: during this point, remember? michael: during this point, remember? michael: ??? i totally fuckin' forgot about that! michael: *scared* ohhhhhh, duuuuuuude, michael: this is fuckin' terrifying! michael: they already have the sound effects goin'!

michael: ho-ly shiiiit! gavin: *long, negative groan* michael: it's *pongo*! gavin: *laughing* oh, wait, go back to that one, gavin: there's a dude... michael: wait, where? where? gavin: ...just sat there. [sic] gavin: is that mister diddlez? gavin: *laughing* is that mister-damn-diddlez?

michael: oh, *shit*! michael: we have lights for some room- gavin: ahhh, *ahhh*!michael: oooookay. gavin: don't - put that one on, you're wasting the power!michael: okay. right, that one's- michael: alright, hang on! michael: uhhhh, okay, there should(?)- michael: oooohhhhhhh!!! michael: it's the- camera's already gone out! gavin: which one?

michael: di- is that diddlez? gavin: did diddlez move? michael: hey, let's... *child laughing* michael: i got the kid's laughter button! *child laughing*michael: i'm tryin' to lure him to the conference room. *child laughing*gavin: does it make him go that way or scare him away? gavin: does it make him go that way or scare him away? gavin: wait, wait!

michael: oh, my god. gavin: is that a real perso- ? *percussion jumpscare* *percussion jumpscare*gavin: ahhh!michael: ohhhhh! michael: go away! gavin: wait! gavin: what's that other one? gavin: what is that? michael: 5 and 6 are vents...

michael: ...1 is the office... gavin: jeeeeeeeez!(?) michael: 1 is the conference room, 2 is burnie's office where diddlez is sitting... gavin: d-did he move? *child laughing*gavin: yep! michael: stop *kicking my chair*!!! michael: stop *kicking my chair*!!!gavin: *laughing* you keep playing the sound effect! gavin: *laughing* you keep playing the sound effect! michael: you're scarin' the shit outta me!

gavin: ??? to work!michael: oh, he's gone! gavin: oh!michael: look, he's gone! gavin: aahhhh!michael: ohhhhh! gavin: go for(?) the light!michael: conference room, hit 'im! michael: back, you! *gavin laughing* *gavin laughing*michael: back! michael: *inaudible* we are(n't) able- (?) *child laughing*michael: *inaudible* we are(n't) able- (?)

gavin: that means- that means piss off! michael: but you're supposed to u-use that... gavin: oh, in like, a different room, yeah.michael: ...to lure them, gavin. michael: awwwwww, pongo's gone! gavin: oooohhh, christ! michael: pongo's on the move. gavin: *laughing* that purple bastard! *percussion jumpscare*gavin: aaahhhh!michael: oh! what is that? michael: who is that?!

gavin: what on earth?! michael: who is *that*?! gavin: is that like, demented pongo? gavin: my heart, michael! michael: my god! michael: *laughing nervously* this- michael: they ha- gavin? michael: i am immersed! alright? michael: one o' the vents is out!

michael: it's- ! hit the vent button! gavin: *stammers* michael: hit the vent button! gavin: ahhh! *metal clanging* michael: one camera went out in the vent, so i'm assuming he was in it. michael: i know this! i've played this game before! gavin: i hope that chicken's just a part of the- michael: oh!

michael: hit the vent!gavin: aaahhhhh! michael: hit the vent! hit the vent!gavin: aaaaaahhhhhhh! michael: hit the vent! hit the vent! *metal clanging*michael: hit the vent!gavin: bad! michael: holy shit, diddlez ??? !gavin: baaaaaaaad! michael: holy shit, diddlez ??? ! michael: holy shit, diddlez ??? !gavin: piss off! gavin: you're not welcome! michael: dude, we made it!

gavin: wooooo-hoo-hoo! michael: woooooooo! michael: we beat night 1. michael: dude. michael: when he was crawling through the vent... michael: so we did one night... michael: that night 1 michael: was way more intense than the video game night 1. michael: vents are clear.

gavin: i'm on standby for our team(?). *percussion jumpscare*gavin: i'm on standby for our team(?). *percussion jumpscare*gavin: i'm on standby for our team(?).michael: uhhhh... michael: oh, *god*! gavin: what? gavin: oh, he's like- !michael: it's diddlez! michael: he's right up against the camera! michael: he's probably diddlin' himself *right now*! michael: pong-ster's gone...

michael: uhh... oh, you know what?gavin: pongo is gone... oh! michael: let's-gavin: check by the cage! michael: aw, i'm losing cameras *left and fucking right*! michael: they're all going out. michael: ohhhh, god... michael: what is that?! what is that?! what is *that*?! michael: hit it! hit the cage light! michael: is it already on? gavin: aaaahhhhhh!michael: oh, *god*!

gavin: aaaahhhhhh, why am i still lookin' at it?! gavin: aaaaaaaaaagh! gavin: ohhhhhhh!michael: oh, is that- michael: is that pong-ster again? michael: what was that?! michael: what was that beep?! michael: red light! gavin: hit the vent! the vent! michael: hit the vent, hit the vent!

michael: hit the vent! michael: oh, did you hit the vent? gavin: vent! gavin: bad light! bad light! bad light! (?)michael: did you hit the vent again? is it still shut? gavin: aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!michael: oooooooohhhhhhhhh! gavin: his eye is properly out! gavin: i'm gonna check my heart rate... michael: all the cameras are not working! michael: we are gonna get got.

michael: oh, he's outta the vents, he's outta the vents. michael: chickeeeeeeen!!! gavin: it's a mental rooster! michael: diddlez is gone... michael: pongo is gone- michael: they're not on any feed! where are they?! michael: is(?) barbara the rooster? gavin: buuuuhhp!michael: aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! michael: aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

gavin: aaahhh! ahhhh!michael: aaaaaaaahhhhhhh! gavin: jesus alive!michael: jeez! fuck you! (?) gavin: what even *is* that? michael: go away! gavin: green light! michael: whoooaaaa... gavin: i don't wanna do night 3! gavin: so i checked my heart. gavin: uh, 122 bpm.

gavin: there's some of gus' pizza. gavin: ??? hideous!michael: have you tried it? gavin: ohhhhhhh, gavin: come off it! gavin: that's- that could be, like... michael: *coughing* oh, god, it's *so* not good! gavin: has it been, like... (?) michael: we're lucky- gavin: what was that in the conference room?!

michael: what? what? michael: what? gavin: oh. gavin: it was- gavin: it was just a chair. *laughs*michael: it was a chair. gavin: so, pongo's out, but he's not- michael: pongo's out, michael: diddlez is o-on the run, michael: 'cause i don't know where the fuck he is.gavin: pongo usually-...

michael: we need to... michael: blast him with sounds, michael: do some of this... michael: i'm gonna fuckin'... hit a light over there. gavin: you don't need to-... michael: i wanna *live*, alright?! gavin: turn the light off! you're gonna ruin the... ! gavin: the electricity! michael: *mocking* heh, yeah, we'll ruin the electric-

michael: oooooohhh, god! gavin: veeeent! michael: hit the vent! gavin: his eyes are gone(?)! michael: hand is reaching for us! michael: hand is reaching for us!gavin: aaaaahhhhhhhh! gavin: aaaaahhhhhhhh! michael: oh, god... gavin: wait!michael: oh, god, uhhh, uhhh- michael: oh, god, uhhh, uhhh-

michael: cage! gavin: ahhh, you! ohohohooooo!michael: cage! there's pongo... gavin: you bastard. you wonky-eyed prick! michael: jesus christ... gavin: aaaahhhh! michael: oooohh, god!!! gavin: they're hungry!michael: what?! aahh! michael: fuckin' great! *cattle prod crackling*

michael: okay! stop, stop, stop! michael: stop! michael: uhhh, daytime, please! michael: is that the ursa? there's the chicken. michael: the chicken's on the set. gavin: oh, did he get... faster?michael: there's a- there's diddlez in the vent, michael: there's a guy in a fuckin' thing! gavin: everyone is everywhere! michael: anything at that window yet?

michael: nothing. gavin: i feel like the- it's end of days! [sic] michael: the end of days are upon us! [sic] michael: jesus christ, gavin, i didn't know where you went! gavin: sorry! gavin: maybe it's hungry. michael: the- the- the-... michael: get the pizza *ready*! michael: we are about to

michael: get. michael: killed. gavin: i'm feeding pongo! michael: and they're still in the vent, like(?)- gavin: michael, it's not taking the pizza gavin: michael, it's not taking the pizza! michael: i don't see anyone on a *single fucking camera*!!! michael: where did they all *go*?! michael: ohhhhhh, god, vent!

michael: vent, vent, vent, vent!!! gavin: *what* is *that*?!michael: oh, god! michael: aaahhhhh, that's the- ! michael: ooohhh, god!gavin: aaah, it's the damn rooster! michael: is that the fuckin'- ?!gavin: aaah, it's the damn rooster! michael: oh, god, there's a... rooster and pongo in the vents! michael: oh, god! what?! gavin: *laughs* oh, he took the pizza! michael: he did take the pizza!!!

michael: ohhhhh, god! gavin: aaaaaaaaaahhhh! michael: be *gone*, you! michael: be *gone*, you!gavin: aaaaahhhhhhhh! gavin: aaaahh! michael: oh, god! michael: they're gonna put us in the suit! michael: they're gonna put us in the suit or something! michael: i don't see anybody but pongo; pongo's in the vents-

gavin: aaaaaaaahhhhh!!! michael: oh, god!!! jesus fucking christ!!! michael: are we dead? did we die? michael: i'll just go this way... michael: i'm fine! gavin: *mutters under breath* son of a bitch... gavin: son of a bitch!!! gavin: it was all a bad dream. gavin: it was all a dream.

burnie: well, guys... burnie: ya died. gavin: yup.michael: we're dead. burnie: so what was the scariest part of the evening? burnie: i mean, besides... obviously this... michael: i- oh, god. gavin: can i see that for a second? burnie: absolutely not! burnie: thank you for asking, though!barbara: mm-mm.

michael: can you zap me? burnie: you wanna get zapped? barbara: no, don't!burnie: do you really wanna try it? barbara: don't.michael: yeah, do it. michael: ah! *ffffuck*! burnie: so was the fear there? burnie: i mean, could you guys- ? michael: the fear was there! gavin: somethin' about, like, just the 4 enclosed walls.

gavin: terrifying! i think if michael wasn't here... gavin: i would've hated that. burnie: alright, well, i'm sorry to say that you guys died on night 3. burnie: that's too bad. so nobody wins science this week- burnie: oh, well, i guess, actually, the *monsters* win science! burnie: you guys are the big winners this week, so... burnie: congratulations! michael: congratulations to you. burnie: but! you know... it *is* the game five nights at freddy's;

burnie: you guys only made it to... the 3rd night. burnie: so... we're just gonna leave you here for the next 2 nights. burnie: alright. have fun, guys! michael: with them? burnie: kill the lights! burnie: yeeep! gavin: *with effort* eeehh!burnie: d-don't worry, i'll give 'em the cattle prods! burnie: d-don't worry, i'll give 'em the cattle prods! gavin: someone's holding the door closed.

michael: [to the] desk? gavin: yup! michael: there's more pizza under here! michael: you think it's any fresher? michael: gogh, god, it's not! barbara: pongo's the scariest motherfucker! barbara: please do not have him barbara: pop out anywhere! barbara: you have... lights and sounds.

lindsay: and taunting. barbara: let's not do that, just in case. lindsay: aww, remiiiiix! barbara: i am horrified! barbara: lindsay, focus! lindsay: sorry! barbara: visit roosterteeth.com to watch this very special episode of immersion, barbara: exclusively for rooster teeth sponsors! barbara: pongo! stop- exploring the office and go home!

lindsay: you move really fast for a puppet. barbara: it's almost the sabbath! lindsay: yeah! /captions by koser and biaå‚y

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