hi, this is elise mcmahon for expert village.comand in this video series we are talking about dog toys. if you would like to find out moreabout my services, you can visit my website at www.canineheadstart.com. so we have beentalking about different kinds of toys and we are going to go into rubber toys. theymake toys out of rubber and they come in all different shapes and sizes. this is a ballmade out of rubber. when it bounces it goes all in different directions. quite fun forthe dogs to pick up and throw because they can actually grab onto parts of it. it isalso comfortable for a person to pick up and throw. you can play fetch with the dog orthe dog goes off and plays with themselves with this. here is another example of a rubbertoy. this toy can be stretched out long for
a game of tug of war. it can also be tossedfor a game of fetch. another example of rubber toy and this rubber toy actually has a bellin it. this toy is rather small and it is really only appropriate for a puppy or a smallbreed dog but again you could play fetch with this or this is something that the dog canget out some of its chewing pleasure. rubber toys are actually great for young puppieswhen they are teething because they really need to get that jaw action going on and thisis a nice soft rubber toy. so when you are looking for a rubber toy you might want tofeel how comfortable it is going to be for chewing. for dogs that are really seriouschewers, they would take this and destroy it in 5 seconds. you really can’t give themthis kind of toy. you don’t want your dog
ingesting rubber. they actually make veryhard toys. this one is made by a company called nylabone and it is a very hard bone and idon’t know if you can see this but you can see there are some teeth marks in here atthe top and you can see that if the dog is going to be able to chew on it they are goingto make some dents, they are getting some chewing satisfaction but they are not actuallycapable of chewing off bits of it. so for a really serious chewer this is the kind oftoy that you would want to give them.
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