there are times in our lives that we haveto be away from our dogs for more than 6-8 hours, for this i would call for a long termconfinement space. the reason for a long term confinement space is to puppy proof an areathat is safe for your dog and your belongings. if your dog isn't fully potty trained yetbut you have to leave for more than six hours well...looks like you're going to be havingsome accidents because it just isn't fair for your dog to spend that long in a crate.they will probably have an accident in the crate anyways being in it that long whichwe do not want to happen. you never want to push your dog so far that they have an accidentin their crate. if they're easily having accidents in the crate it's not small enough or you'veabused the crate too often.
so remember we have a potty schedule log setup, we're using the crates for sleeping/quiet time with a chew while we may need to haveour bathroom break soon, and we're using the long term confinement space for when our puppy'sbladder is empty/they don't need to poop and it's time for some play time while you cookdinner or watch your favorite tv show. puppy can enjoy learning to be by themselves andfind something fun to do with their chews and toys. this is also a great place to learnsome independent with, because you don't want the dog thinking it can always be with you.otherwise you're going to get separation anxiety when you leave them alone. here's a resolution however if you're oneof these people that are away from their dog
far too often and that is dog day care. dog day cares are great especially for puppies!!!it gives them a place to get their energy out, socialize with other dogs which is extremelyimportant while they're young, and a place to work on their potty training. a lot of dog day cares will work with you tohelp teach the dog to be potty trained but then again some do not because they allowthe dogs to pee and poop whenever they please. do your research and try to find the bestdog day care that fit's your needs. teaching your dog to use fake grass will help in somecases where they use it at the dog day care. now don't get too excited yet. most dog daycares require for your puppy to have at least two or three sets of vaccinations and forthem to be spay/neutered. a dog walker or
more time with your dog may be needed to accommodateuntil they're old enough to go to dog day care. even if you are with your puppy constantlyi still suggest dog day care to get your dog the socialization it needs with other dogs.but before your dog goes to dog day care take a puppy class that has puppy socializationtime so your dog can learn to socialize while doing it with other puppies. plus you getto hang out with a dog trainer one on one and learn from them as well.
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