hey guys! so today we are going to learn all about crate training!!! now a lot of people think crate training is a bad thing because it's like a cage. but it's not! crate training can be a really good thing! just like wild dogs would like their own den your dog will want it's own space. it's own room!!! :) it keeps your puppy safe
and out of danger! crate training can also aide with potty training as well. we have a previous episode all about potty training. you guys should check it out with this video after you watch this one! -music playing- you want to create a comfort zone for your pet. with the crate you want to throw toys. oh he's already in it!
but, um, throw treats farther back in the crate so he gets used to being in the crate. if your puppy isn't used to it, throw treats in the crate so your dog is encouraged to go farther in the crate. close the door. open it again before he gets done with the treat (to get the dog used to being in the crate with the dog shut). once your dog is more used to being in the crate, give the dog a chew toy while you're away to work on. supply the dog with lots of fun toys we can put these in the crate with him. next episode we are going to talk about toys
you won't want to miss this! we have some really fun things we're going to be talking about. especially about kongs! look at this baby kong! it's cute! and crates are really good for transportation. now when you're driving you do not want your dog run around possibly causing an accident
because he's on your face so, we're going to put him in the crate! now you also want to purchase a bed that puppy can sleep in remember a crate is his bedroom! this isn't his bathroom! (ever) this is his bedroom.. and for some reason he eats in his bedroom as well (to encourage the dog not to eliminate because that is where he eats). we want purchase a crate that your dog can grow into crates come with really funs dividors
because this needs to be a small area if your puppy thinks that this is a big area he's going to say "oh! well here's my bedroom and here's my bathroom! and --" "i'll get poop right here on the side..." ;) no, we do not want that we want it to be small enough for the dog to sit down turn around and lay down in (only). we are going to put the divider in! -talking to divider- divider go in! um
so we are going to latch the divider (on the bars). in the crate it goes like this i estimated...just now...i think this is a good size for my puppy bueller. he can sit down, turn around, and lay down in but he is not going to want to go to the bathroom! because this is his bedroom. if you feed your puppy in here as well
he's not going to want to go to the bathroom in here! so this is a really good aide to potty training! look bueller there's a puppy in there! just kidding it's the people watching the video... you do not want to leave your puppy in there for too long if your puppy is two months old a good rule is that you should never leave the puppy in the crate for longer than two hours for every month that your puppy ages you should add an hour four months = four hours
never exceed more than 6-8 hours for any age of dog. even an adult dog you want the crate to a positive thing you never want it to be a punishment you want to make sure to give him things that will make him feel better when he's in the crate all by himself! oh look bueller is going in there! i like to leave a blanket on top of the crate it makes it really dark
and makes him want to take a nap i also turn on some music for him the music lets your puppy know that he's not alone and it's going to be okay make sure that you do not leave your puppy cooped up in the crate make sure you get the right amount of exercise for your dog if he makes an accident (mess) in the crate be sure to pick it up right away!! you do not want to leave it in there it helps to leave the crate in one - two places on your house
you want to make sure the location is familiar and will make the dog more at ease. we've been crate training bueller for a couple weeks now crate training does help potty training for us! so please crate train your puppy! we will see you next week for another episode! wednesdays! we sure to subscribe! we will see you later!
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