this is a list of things that we're goingover today, and you're going to get the top copy to take home with you. but today we wantedto go ahead and and talk a little bit about vaccinations about your dog. so what we'vealready had. so did, was there a breeder that gave them or was it a veterinarian gave themthe first vaccines? it was a veterinarian. okay, and so we like to, we'll talk just alittle bit about vaccinations because they're very very important. some times people don'teven know that a dog needs a vaccination. and the ones, the types of vaccines that we'rereally worried about are distemper, rabies, parvo, and there's a few other ones that wedo vaccinate them for, but those are the real ones that we worry about mostly. and the interestingthing about vaccinations is, puppies do get
their immunity from their mother through theplacenta and also the milk. and, what happens with that is, that's what we call temporaryimmunity. the temporary immunity kind of wanes over a time period and that's why we needto give the vaccines to build up the permanent immunity that we're going to give your dog.unfortunately that's why we have to give boosters, because the temporary immunity interfereswith the permanent immunity, and so that's why we have to continue giving boosters forabout three boosters a month apart, once your puppies starts getting them. and so the differentones that we vaccinate for, distemper is a very very serious disease that puppies getand it can actually kill them. fortunately in the united states we don't see much distemperbecause everyone vaccinates their dog. the
rabies we're going to talk a little bit moreabout later, because that's actually one of the mandatory vaccines that an animal hasto have, because humans can get rabies and it's a deadly disease. again in america wedon't see a lot of this disease, simply because everybody vaccinates for it. parvo howeveris a much more serious disease that we see more commonly and parvo virus is difficultto protect your dog from because it lives well outside the body. if a dog has the diseaseand passes a stool in the park, and your dog steps in it, even four months later and lickshis paw, he could get it. and so that's why i'm going to recommend that you keep yourpuppy really close to home until we get that fourth, or that third vaccine done after fourmonths of age. another vaccine that you may
or may not need for your puppy is one called,called bordetello. bordetello vaccine is especially important in dogs that are either going places,that are grooming or boarding, different boarding facilities. because it's actually called kennelcough is what we're protecting your dog from. kennel cough is both a virus and a bacteriathat colonizes in the trachea, and it's not a very serious disease, but it will keep youup for about two weeks when your dog has it, so we want to try and avoid it. so if youthink you're going to be boarding your dog, or having him in for grooming or somethinglike that, it's very important that we get that done. that's a six month vaccine andwe start doing it when they're puppies and we just keep it going as long as they havethe need. okay.
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