hey mommy, you said when i was a baby i was the most fussy and cried all the time but wasn't toby a huge trouble maker hey yeah you're right amber he was a turkey it kinda all started with him playing in the potty. oh yah, mommy i always remember him clean in the pottty he's sosilly he loved dancing in it owe, toby. yeah i have so many memories oftoby planning the potty, do you want to hear about the first time he played in thepotty. ya, yah, ya, tell us mommy. well it all started when you guys forabout many months
old on a particular monday kristoff wentto work and life seemed really crazy annabell, you spilled apple juice all overyourself so i had to give you a bath at the same time amber was trying to eat her deliciouscereal. i went over to you and was like ooh goochy goo you're so cute i loveyou amber and guess what you did you put some wetsoggy corn flanks on your spoon and just launched into my face ewe, it landed right on my nose
of course you laughed about it and launched some more right on my face oh i was mess sothen i need to watch my face in the sink amber was so kind and shared the sinkso i could wash my face while i was washing my face toby wasgetting bored of eating cereal that had fallen on the floor from amber what hereally wanted was some yummy cereal from the cereal box he started munchingon the cardboard but never got to the cereal, so he decided to do somethingelse this is what i'm guessing toby did sincehe was bored with a serial he decided to have some fun in the bathroom
we had a stool that was next to the sinkand toby was very strong he pushed it all the way to the potty when a smart baby then he started climbing up and oh no, christopher left the toilet seat up toby climbed right in, for him it seemed like it was just a fun bathtub he was splashing around and laughing andhaving a great time well i got all the food of my face and iwas feeling pretty good i looked at amber and she had a kinda crazy look to her
uh-oh she decided to launch some more soggycereal at me ewe! luckily this time and just landed onmy dress, and after i noticed that i heard a whole bunch of laughing what in the world is going on i thoughti walked to the bathroom and what did i see? toby! what are you doing inthe potty? oh i quickly got him out. i don'tthink toby understood what i said but i told him that he wasn't supposedto play in the potty
i said potty are really dangerous youcould drowned and it's not safe and boy is christop going to be in trouble when hegets home because he left the toilet seat up and man i gotta watch you betteryou little turkey well what an exciting day that was i took toby out of the bathroom andmade sure the toilet seat was down and i thought that was going to be the onlytime toby ever played in the potty i just thought it was going to be afluke i had no idea that for years and years and years he would always betrying to jump in the potty even when
he was wearing boots well that's the end of the story besidesgetting more and more cereal chucked on me by amber. wow mom, that was a crazystory yeah i never knew that amber threw so much food at you i know having triplets is pretty hard, you guys were always getting in trouble all at the same time. yeah it does seemcrazy but when i grow up i hope i have triplets too and i hope they are like toby andlike amber and are so funny, man it would be so funny to have a little baby playing in thepotty oh annabelle yeah i don't know if you'llbe wishing that when you're growing up
trust me i hope you enjoyed this video and if youdid please remember to click like and also if you haven't done so alreadyplease subscribe to my channel thank you moms like your fans can also write downin the comments section who did you think was the craziest babywas at toby who played in the pawnee or was an amber whose fruit food and on acall that time i was annabel who got all messy spilling and apple juice onherself i like to know who you thought was thecraziest baby some please write it down in thecomments 6 thanks for watching and
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