there are a variety of reasons your dentistmay recommend a dental crown. a large filling that covers half the width of the tooth mayneed to be covered with a dental crown. root canal treatments will leave a tooth hollowedout and predisposes the tooth to a fracture or cracking. inmost cases the tooth will needto be restored with a crown to prevent damage to the tooth. if you have teeth that are weak and proneto cracking, broken cusps, excessive wear, teeth that are worn from diet, acid erosion.to restore the tooth properly a dental crown may be recommended. crowns are also placed on dental implantsto restore spaces left from missing teeth.
a dental bridge may also be recommended asa means to fill spaces where teeth are missing as well. there are a few types of dental crowns. yourdentist will be able to provide you with the right composite crown for your needs. the dental crown procedure will start withnumbing the tooth with local anesthesia. first a build up of the tooth will be performedto restore enough of the tooth for adhesion of the crown. the tooth is then shaved downand shaped to fir your new dental crown. an impression will then be made for the atemporary crown or in some cases the process may be completed in just one visit dependingon the procedure your dentist recommends.
after a few weeks the permanent crown willbe placed. any adjustments will be made and the procedure is then complete. your invited to schedule a dental crown consultationwith design dental, please call 319-626-2222 in north liberty iowa.
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