if you've ever been to the dentist and you came out with brackets on your teeth, i'm sure you have been through this to be honest, i think it's one of the most disgusting memories that i have of my childhood. but hey, we are not here to talk about my teeth, so... i was wondering if you wanted to make something like this... or this... as you can see, they are fake teeth that goes from denture to a basic small fangs and what is best of all this?
that they will fit right into our teeth. but to make this, first we will have to learn how to make our own dentures i.e., we're gonna play to be a fake dentist. so if you like the idea, i invite you to stay and watch the video and you're going to freak out how easy is to do this. first, we need alginate. this is the flagship product used to make molds of teeth. they're powders that need to be mixed with water and they become in a sort of rubbery dough.
it isn't toxic, and apparently is also used in cooking recipes. also is very cheap. we also need these dental impression trays. i bought a bag of different sizes to see what was going better, and it's something that i recommend, because also, you can do several tests. i will do you a favor and will put here the link to my website where i will indicate the sites where i bought everything, because it was also where i found it cheaper, so you will save time and everything, because this things are always very boring.
a wooden spatulas. some water. plastic cups, i recommend different sizes. and some latex or vinyl gloves, whatever you like. right first, let's prove the dental trays to find our perfect size. as you can see, they have different sizes. the trays with the curved shape are for the bottom, and the ones with the whole base, for the top,
as you can see they have the shape of the palate. i recommend to use one that isn't too tight to our teeth. loose enough wash the discarded trays, or if you prefer, disinfect them, to avoid problems in its new use. leave the trays close and start with the alginate. i can't say exactly the measure i used, because even i don't know it,
guide yourselves a bit with what are you seeing, and i recommend you to try not to pour little amount because this is totally one of the cases of: "better too much than too little!". when we have the desired amount, we're going to pour it into a larger cup. and we will add more or less the same amount of water than the powders. this varies depending on the brand of alginate we buy, so check out the instructions to make sure that you're doing it right. in this step we will be super fast.
fastly we are going to make the mixture, until it is homogeneous. when we get the dense dough, it will start to harden. take the tray and pour the alginate on it quickly. in my case, i have about 30 seconds to make the mixture, which also varies depending on the alginate that you use. and about 50 seconds to fill the tray and apply it to the mouth. so as i said, we are going to be quick.
place it pushing up as much as possible. not pushing too much, ie, the teeth shouldn't touch the base of the tray, but you must feel that everything is covered, both teeth and gums. while you wait, try to keep the tray without moving it. in this step, we will drool a lot so you should have a tissue nearby. in my case, as say the instructions,
it will be ready in 40 seconds. but just in case i left a little bit more. one way to ensure it is truly ready, is to take the alginate mixture cup, and check that it has hardened. to remove it from the mouth, make a small pull down and it will come out easily. and just rinse the mouth with water to remove any residue of alginate. and if you have sensitive gums like me it's normal to see some blood stains on the mold.
so don't panic. finally, wash the mold with water and dry it. make exactly the same process for the bottom part. now that we have the two molds, we can start making the copies. i recommend you to do this step at the same time you take the molds out because if you wait too much time (like i did) the alginate begins to dehydrate and shrink, and we will spoil our copies if we make them like that if you can, keep the alginate in an airtight bag,
so it will endure much better until its expiring date. to get the positive, we will use plaster. with the plaster, we're also going to find different levels of hardness. the one i'm using is specific for dentists, but you can use any other, it's fine i basically use it because i made the order on the same site where i bought the alginate. for the plaster, we will also use water, so you will have to check out the instructions to see how much is needed.
or just do what i'm doing, pour a little amount of plaster and add water gradually until the mix is good enough to work with but not so diluted the less water we pour the more consistent it gets we take our molds, which must be dried and a brush we don't mind to damage
first, let's take some plaster with the brush, and start filling all the gaps of the molds. doing this way, we will make sure that the plaster reaches everywhere. when the first layer is well covered, start filling the molds with the rest of the plaster. to mix the plaster right into the mold give it a few little taps to expand it well. and keep filling it let it settle until it hardens
one hour in my case. when it's ready, remove it from the mold. in this step we will go very slowly, so we don't damage the positive so lift up the mold carefully from the ends of the tray. if there is any piece of plaster that is blocking the mold carefully break the little piece with your hands and keep pulling. and as i have said an you can see right now, we must be very careful in this step,
because, as you see, there are some teeth trapped in my mold. luckily i had more material and could repeat the copy. but remember, alginate molds are usually for just one use, so it's probably that you will need to make them again. use sanding tools that you may have at home to finish the edges. but please, make it carefully and don't break any tooth. in my opinion, nail files are actually the best to do this, because it isn't an aggressive tool
and we can go bit a bit, carefully. we could leave the copies like this, which is not recommended at all, or make them a base with more plaster. cut the top of a plastic cup. of course, make sure the teeth fit into it. make again the same mixture of plaster and water as before. now i recommend you to get it dense enough therefore we will be adding less water. make sure it mixes well, of course. we don't want our mixture lumpy
pour the mixture in the piece of plastic cup that we cut before. hold well the edges with your hands, and use a spatula to expand all the plaster inside the container. then keep adding more plaster. by the way, remember to do this on a surface we don't mind to damage. for example, i'm doing it on thick paper i won't feel guilty if it damages, to be honest when we get the desired amount give some taps on the surface to smooth the plaster.
it will be better if you make this using a plastic plate as a surface, so you can lift it up and give some taps easily. but hey, we can fix the plaster in other ways, you'll see. place a denture on the plaster. we're going to drop it slightly, trying not to sink it into the plaster. now you can understand why i said before that is better make a dense dough. when we are sure that it is well placed, we can start to fix the plaster.
to do this we will use a brush and water. soak the brush with plenty of water and go over the areas that need it. and do exactly the same for the other copy. a little advice, don't leave it as high as i am doing because the base will have a lot of weight and we may have some kind of trouble in differents future projects. when it gets harden, pull it out now we can start sanding the base to make it look better and if some teeth have imperfections like air bubbles,
sand them lightly with a nail file. try not to destroy the shape of the tooth, please! ok, when we are done, we can leave it like this or do like me and try to strengthen the surface, because the plaster can be stored for a long time if you take good care of but for example, if you scratch it we can get scared seeing how easily it can be scraped. so, we can use materials that create a protective layer for plaster. there are many kinds and many brands.
the one i will use is actually quite thick but it will be more liquid mixing it with water. and i'll just give it a little layer. mind that if we start giving it a lot of layers we will lose the shape of the teeth, and we don't want that, do we? when it dries, i'm going to give it one or more layers of varnish. the varnish leaves very thin layers, so it's no problem with losing the shape of the teeth.
clean well the surface before apply the varnish. by doing all this, i assure you super resistant copies. obviously it can be broken if we don't do it gently but if you treat them well i assure you that they will endure. and now that we have beautiful copies of our teeth, we can start to make the fake teeth. but i will include it in the next videos, i didn't want to make this longer (wich already is). so be patient and they will be up on my channel real soon!
so, i hope you enjoyed it and see you on my next video, people! ;d
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