- it's like marvel versus dc. coke will be marvel, pepsi is dc. (groovy dance music) - you can't compare lebron tokobe, britney to christina. they're both great, but-- - britney and christina areboth spokespersons for pepsi. - why do you know this? - coca-cola, just it's a classic can. so when i was a kid, iwas always team pepsi.
i liked the logo, thecommercials, the branding. i was all about team pepsi,but now i'm team coke just 'cause i like the taste better. - my mom used to drink coca-cola a lot so i think that's why ihave a preference for coke. yeah, i feel like ican tell the difference between coke and pepsi blindfolded. - i'm not sure if i'll be able to tell 'cause i haven't had pop inso long but i think i could.
- i feel like i can already tell by the shape that this is pepsi. (popping) - they both have the equal-sounding pop. - this is coke. (hums) - it's coke. - this is coke, i think. - pepsi.
- mine was a coke. - aw (bleep), they both smell the same. - this is coke, this is pepsi. i take that back. - why am i bad at this? - oh (bleep). - i think that's pepsi. god, i don't even know anymore, it's hard - this is coke.- when you're not
lookin' at the can. when you're talkin' aboutcoke, you gotta be together because that's what coke'sabout, comin' together. - man, coke with the christmasand that white santa, aw man. - yeah. - oh, this is harder thani thought it would be. - are you (bleep)ing withme, are these both cokes? - 'cause one is weaker than the other one. this is pepsi, this smellslike some weak (bleep).
- okay, this is definitely a pepsi. i think coke's a little more vanilla. - (bleep), i totally (bleep)edup, the can threw me. i think this is just a big coke. - this is so hard. (sighs) - zach, it's not a test, it's okay. (cheerful disco music) - i think this one is pepsi.
- i think this one is coke. - oh, damnit, i still gotit wrong, i got it wrong. - can that i'm holding up is a coke. - the can that i'm holdingright here is a coke. (groans) (squeals) - i was right. aw yeah. - thank god.
- i sipped the coke and i waslike, "this could be hard." but as soon as i opened the pepsi, even the smell of it, iwas like, "that's a pepsi." - yeah, i think i likethe idea of classic coke. wherever you go you're gonna get coke. - whereas with pepsithey rebrand themselves and i think that's turneda lot of people off to it because it doesn't havethat '50s aesthetic anymore. - pepsi should go all hanukkah-themed.
the can's already blue. - do it white.- you can put a whole menorah around thewhole can, it would work great. - when i was blindfolded,i couldn't immediately tell the difference between the two and so if you gave me a pepsi and told me that it was coke i'd probably believe you. - when you're tasting them blindfolded, you're not seeing the, coke has totally
built itself on being an athletic brand whereas pepsi has built itself on being almost likeentertainment and music. - soda's soda, i'lldrink it no matter what, but i don't think it had anything to do with marketing which one i like more. i think it's just my tastebuds in that current moment. - we take such hard sides on, oh, i'm a coke person, i'm a pepsi person,
but if you close your eyesand you just live a little, maybe you'll learn to like the other side. to each his own. (light electronica music)
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