what’s up enpsychopediacs! i’m tubbymoraand i’m nengo from the enpsychopedia, and today we’ll be delivering a story spotlighton the fall of shiganshina arc from the attack on titan anime series. titans… big, brooding, naked giants whohave terrorized the human race for over a century. even without any genitalia to speakof, the titans have the balls to eat and feed on mankind like they’re just a pile of potatochips. very soggy potato chips i might add since 60% of the human adult body is water.yes, the enpsychopedia, where we bring love to science. because of these hulking giants, mankind isforced to live in fear within various villages
and settlements tucked away behind the safetyof 3 gigantic walls. wall maria, wall rose, and wall sina. the story of attack on titan begins with ayoung boy named eren jaeger in the town of shiganshina. now eren is a special littleguy. most people would crap their pants just from the very idea of leaving the safety ofthe walls. but not eren. in fact, eren would rather die chasing afterhis dream of exploring the outside world than continue living within the walls like filthytitan livestock. this kid must seriously have a death wish. and do you know where peoplewith death wishes generally go tubby? the scout regiment?
exactly the scout regiment. a branch of themilitary that is dedicated to exploring the world outside the walls, defeating titans,and gathering any kind of intel that can potentially aid mankind in their struggle. driven by his desire to see the outside world,eren yearns to join the scout regiment like a child who yearns for a jar of cookies. however,eren’s mother carla, and eren’s adopted sister mikasa ackerman, refuse to let himeven go near the scout regiment. which makes sense since these particular cookies,aka the scout regiment, have enough cholesterol and titan action to get you killed. oddlyenough, eren’s father, dr. yeager, doesn’t seem too upset with his son wanting to enlistin the scout regiment and potentially risk
his life. he actually may even be impressed.i can definitely sense some daddy issues in the near future... before eren’s father leaves, he promiseseren that when he returns, he will show him the room in the basement which he has keptsecret all this time. but what could that secret be? who knows, but i swear if attack on titantakes a chapter from 50 shades of grey and just puts a bunch of bdsm tools in that basement,i’m done with the series! oh gawd… that would be awful. anyways allenpsychopediacs be sure to jot down the whole “secret basement†thing on your neighbor’sforehead because it’s going to be an important
detail for later. shortly after, eren and mikasa lay the smackethdown on some bullies who are harassing one of their closest friends armin arlert - sincehe believes that the walls won’t protect humanity forever and that mankind needs toventure outside the walls if they want to do anything to stop the titans. just likeeren, armin is labeled a heretic and is deemed insane in the membrane for having such radicalthoughts. after playing hero and saving the beautifulman child known as armin, crap hits the fan…. and it hits it hard! suddenly an incrediblylarge titan, aptly named the colossal titan, appears out of nowhere… easily toweringabove wall maria at approximately 50 meters
in height. with tightly clenched butt cheeks,the colossal titan #rekts the wall with a fierce kick and bam. the wall is breached,rubble and debris fly everywhere… oooh it’s about to get real. titans begin pouring into the shiganshinadistrict and all chaos breaks loose. like an assortment of delicious costco samples,the titans begin devouring any humans that are unlucky to come in contact with them.no one is safe from the wrath of the nudist giants at this point. during the widespread hysteria and panic,eren and mikasa rush back home to find that eren’s mother is trapped and pinned undertheir collapsed house. with absolutely no
way to rescue eren’s mother, hannes, oneof the yeager family’s closest friends and a soldier of the garrison, forcibly grabseren and mikasa and drags them to safety against their will. fleeing for their lives, eren is unable todo anything and watches in horror as a titan devours and consumes his mother. the titanmasticates and chews her entrails with no remorse, and grinds her bones into a shatteredpaste. the titan then proceeds to finish off the delicious meal by using her rib cage asa teeth cleansing toothpick. nengo… that is disgusting… did that evenhappen in the anime? probably not, but it sounded pretty cool inmy head.
agreed, that sounded like something off ofcorpse party. the remainder of the townsfolk of shinganshinaall evacuate the vicinity along with eren, mikasa, and armin, while the soldiers do theirbest to hold off the naked barbaric titans. unfortunately the soldier’s efforts to containthe titans is quickly brought to an abrupt end when out of nowhere, an armored titancrashes through the final layer of wall maria. mankind is reminded that day, that the titansare no laughing matter. even if they may walk funny, look like freddie mercury at times,and have no genetilia…. the titans were to be taken seriously. with a mixture of emotions boiling in hispre-pubescent head… eren vows that he will
eradicate all titans from the world and makethem suffer for not only killing his mother but for also putting humanity in such an abysmaland pathetic state of existence. some time later, eren has an incredibly strangedream where his father, dr. yeager, forcibly injects a mysterious serum into eren, andgives him a very peculiar key. whether it was a dream or reality? only time will tell.also very important by the way, be sure to jot that down on your neighbor’s foreheadtoo. if the fall of shiganshina and the breachof wall maria from the titans wasn’t bad enough, a food shortage begins to take placedue to the high amount of refuges. it isn’t long before the government orders the refugeesto go back out there in order to fight and
reclaim wall maria. but of course… things don’t go accordingto plan and around 250,000 people are killed and wiped out by the titans. that’s nearly20% of the population, that’s close to the amount of times me and nengo have died playingleft 4 dead 2 on expert! that’s just insane. following the tragic events of the snackrifice,eren, mikasa, and armin all decide to join the army in hopes of creating change in thistitan infested world. will eren do it? will he get his revenge? will armin arlert sharehis trade secrets of how he keeps his hair so silky fresh? find out in the next storyspotlight when we go over the 104th trainees squad arc.
and that concludes our attack on titan storyspotlight on the fall of shigashinyshins arc, this has been tubbymora and nengo from theenpsychopedia. and we will see you guys in the next story spotlight for attack on titan.thanks for watching and if you enjoyed the video be sure to like, subscribe, comment,and throw teeth cleansing toothpicks at the channel.
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