Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

teeth capping korea

it’s a josh rimer parody what’s your intake on would you ever date a drag queen that’s a loaded question hi everybody i’m back with ... thumbnail 1 summary
teeth capping korea

it’s a josh rimer parody what’s your intake on would you ever date a drag queen that’s a loaded question hi everybody i’m back with tyrell hey guys so we are doing our q & a yes i’ve heard of gangham style britney spears just learnt how to do the dance on ellen how come she is dressed like a conservative

i don’t know i was like they way she was dancing she was like a mom her he'll were super fierce too right after we did this video i thought why don’t i do a gangham style parody i don’t think it takes long to film no did i ever think what did i agree to, no i know this guy pretty well so but it was a lot of fun i think it takes like 3 hours maybe yeah and then another like 2 hours in the bed room

q so much so much sexual tension i might keep doing this so the tension will build we are both taken, yes we are not that that means much to people in the community but we are both happily taken we are eating pizza right now actually and i actually did cut this pizza with scissors any kind of good household kitchen scissors will do well cutting pizza just fine those are not actually pizza cutting scissors that we used, they are just my scissors

he didn't bring his own scissors now if i get anything green or otherwise on my teeth tell me ok i promise i shoot with an xha1 it’s like an hdtv camcorder. the videographer came with a fig ring which is like a searing wheel thing then it just helps stabilize it and make it look super pro that’s a good question i don’t know because it’s so true yeah! sorry about it [laughing]

sorry we will be your best friend though take you shopping, exactly i don’t think we even know how we got to know each other well actually i remember i knew josh from watching his parodies and i think i’m pretty sure i introduced myself to you at the lound foundation scholarship oh yeah, i performed actually that was my second time performing and josh was there so i introduced my self good memory

thanks i just have no idea, he just showed up at my doorstep it’s a small world we got to know each other sometimes better than we should well i’ll go first if the right drag queen came along sure i don’t discriminate just make sure you have enough closet space for 3 people because you're dating three you have yourself the man you're dating and the queen i used to think like you know oh no i couldn’t possibly but then i’m like why not it’s just a gig it’s just like people date me and i act like an idiot on the internet

so that’s just their job, they don’t dress like women in normal life that i might have to think about more seriously well it had to be auotuned because otherwise it sounded like a cat in heat it kind of matched the theme of the song in the original yeah it is that was the main reason because he really autotuned it i don’t understand why chris brown does that because he can actually sing really well actually but thank god because it’s such a high note and we were doing it live to me not autotuned like [screaming] not so bad, but close

so autotune is amazing that i could get it up there you go yeah and that we hooked up i guess or the other option is maybe he finally did get it up and the trick was i actually couldn’t get it up ooh there’s a twist [laughing] expect the unexpected at josh rimer's house oh that’s a good question my alter ego comes out when i perform the like inner sexier wannabe me i guess well sex sells

for me i just like to be me but like x 10 i just get excited when i get on the camera so we cant tell i keep it pretty toned down when there’s other people with me though i try to like match peoples energy, but when i’m by myself and i’m just camera the last question is well me i brush often you know i don’t drink coffee and i don’t smoke

i think that makes a big difference right there you don't drink coffee? are you like a daily coffee? yeah i’m like a 4 cup a day kind of guy, heavy drinker well that’s it for the questions do you have anything else you want to tell our friendly viewers? well thanks for all for your support with my music video that was really helpful and for subscribing to my channel i really appreciate it

i have a new album coming up this fall so watch for that its called scorpio [laughing] maybe you shouldn’t put that whole piece of the pizza in your mouth you should subscribe to this guys channel he does some pretty funny stuff and his for the next music video do i have anything on my teeth? [laughing] no thanks for coming and answering our questions of course

thanks for your questions bye [laughing]

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