[jessi offscreen:] what's in your basket? jessi: keep going. keep going. [kemosabe vocalizing] jessi: come get it. [chewing and lip-smacking] jessi: beep! there you are. what do you think?[kemosabe vocalizing throughout] you have whiskers. that's a finger. good boy, buddy.i know. it's okay.
what's in there? good work, buddy. here. you see how kemosabe only has four fingers?he has no thumbs, this is a thumb pad to help him hold. if you look at his feet here, hehas four toes back here, and then just a thumb pad there. that's gonna help him hold on tobranches better. then see under his belly here, [laughing]that he doesn't really have any quills under there, so all these big quills on top are going tohelp protect his belly underneath. when he gets threatened, all his quills are gonnaraise, and he's gonna bend his head over and charge any predator. that's gonna protecthis belly and his tail, which also does not
have any quills on the end of it there. now, normally, porcupines would have two topincisors, two top teeth there, but if you look closely, you can see kemosabe only hasone. he actually came to animal wonders with an infected tooth, and we had to pull thattop incisor out. so he is our one-tooth porcupine on top, and so he really enjoys his soft foodslike banana. yeah. tell 'em how much you like banana. [kemosabe exclaims!] good? yeah. nom nom nom. isn't that good?
no more bananas! no more bananas. you don'twant to eat fingers. fingers don't taste good.
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