Rabu, 22 Februari 2017

teeth capping ireland

>> it's time for church's chicken thursday night lights presented by protection one security solutions. >> you are lo... thumbnail 1 summary
teeth capping ireland

>> it's time for church's chicken thursday night lights presented by protection one security solutions. >> you are looking live san antonio texas, where the playoffs are coming. we're getting down to the end of the regular season.

tonight on church's chicken thursday night lights the home holmes and taft. this is basically win or go home as we get through some complicated math to get to the playoffs. >> we've gone ten weeks into the season.

all you can ask for is a chance to extend your season. that's essentially what this game is tonight. the winner will have a chance to play warren next week. and the winner is going to get to make the playoffs. so a huge game for both of these

teams. playoffs still a couple weeks away. not really, they start tonight with these two. >> let's introduce you to a couple guys to keep your eyes on. their running back, number

three. d'qurian haney. >> six touchdowns on the year. >> their leading receiver is john duhon. >> he did play wide receiver. the good news for holmes is he cut his teeth on the defensive side of the ball.

because of the inability to catch the ball with that big cast, they're going to move him back to the defensive side tonight. they need his ability to make plays on that side of the ball even if they can have him on offense.

>> the taft raiders like to put it in the air. their quarterback jace hurt has thrown for 320 yards. >> you look at the completion percentage. it's very good. td 20 interception ratio also very good.

he's given them three touchdowns on the ground. he's a dual threat there. as for the running backs, stevenson is injured. they replaced him with kj stevens. >> he missed the first five games with illness.

you look at those numbers. almost 400 yards rushing, six touchdowns. he's done that in three ball games. this kid is special. taft is glad to have him back. you can expect to see his hands on the ball.

>> mike hernandez is down on the sideline. he is our game time winner. mike? >> looking pretty good out here this evening. we're seeing partly cloudy skies. winds are light out of the east

and southeast. even though it hit the middle 80s today, we'll spend most of the day in the 70s. should be pleasant. great night to play football no matter what's going on outside, it's always good to play football on thursday night.

>> holmes and taft. the winner stays alive. when we come back we'll have our churches chicken keys of the game on church's chicken thursday night lights. >> a huge game for the playoff standings. the winner will have a play in

game against warren. now our keys to the game. >> they want to be better at executing. they want to eliminate turnovers. last time they had a five win season was way back in 2001. play with nothing to lose and

everything to gain. >> we asked coach if his kids were ready. >> i can tell you monday we get out to practice after school. you have two kids. always kind of in the back end. whether they're a few minutes late.

monday when they all arrived they were all five minutes early. we're ready to go. that's a good sign for us. >> as for the keys for the taft raiders, they want to control the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball if they can.

they have been working on their tackling. they want to also be stout in the kicking game. it has been a problem sporadically throughout the >> here's coach davenport. >> they're well coached. coach and his staff doing a good

job. we've got to contain those guys and not give up big plays and try to get off the field on third down defensively. >> we love games where the stakes are high. they can't be any higher for these two teams tonight.

holmes and taft coming up live from gus next. >> welcome back. we are ready for our public address announcer. at this time, ladies and gentlemen, we ask that you rise, remove your hats and honor america and our armed forces

throughout the world. it will be performed by the marching band. ♪ >> great job by the band our national anthem. we are now getting closer to kicking it off. chuck, don't get much bigger

than this when coach tells you you're going to win and you keep playing with a chance to go to the playoffs. >> it's fun when you get a chance to go to the playoffs before the playoffs even begin. lot at stake for these two deems.

as we understand it, should holmes lose this game, they'll play jay to round out the schedule. both of these teams want to have a chance to makes next week's game bigger with the warren warriors awaiting. >> the referee crew meeting at

midfield. last year's meeting taft won by a score of 28-12. they don't play every year. they played in 2013. here's gerald green. he gets more air time than chuck. gerald green our official again

this week. he's on almost every thursday night. rest of the crew. all right. so the holmes huskies will kick it off. taft back to receive. look out for kj stevens.

he's the dangerous one, wearing number 4. nice first half kickoff sponsored by america's diamond. we're ready to get under way. doing the kicking for the huskies is brian gonzalez. nunez handles their field goals and pats.

and he is on the field to kick off as well. nune saoefpl out there with stevens the lone set back standing at his 5 yard line. >> it will be our first look at the taft raiders. >> nunez will pop it up to the outside.

it's taken there. drilled right there at the 29 yard line. taft raiders. ramirez came up to make a nice big hit on the special teams play. so the taft raiders will take over right at their own 30 yard

line. raiders are led by their quarterback, jace hurt. he's thrown for over 1,000 yards kj stevens will be his tail back. and he is the guy they will feature. justin stevenson has run for

over 700 yards, but he is out we talked about duhon playing defense for holmes. hand to stevens. flag flies from the umpire on the first play we have a penalty. duhon on the tackle. let's see what the flag is

about. if you can read lips, that's a chop block on the offense. 15 yard penalty. still first down. as we look at our starting lineups. big right tackle. kj stevens the man to watch.

julian dehoyos. mychal cooper. he's got 570 yards, five touchdowns on the season. he's been selected in our san antonio all sports game. james brooks bottom of your screen. he's trying to get outside.

turning on the jets. nice gain after that penalty to get most of that yardage back. anthony motta pushed him outof bounds. >> first five games he missed with an illness. really glad to have this young man back.

he can really toss the rock. >> davenport sending the play in with jace hurt. second down an five after that big chop block penalty on first down. hurt, stevens, duhon right there to stand him up. stevens wins the battle going

forward for about three. third down and a long one, maybe two yards. look at the holmes defense. perez leads that front four. frazier the middle linebacker and john duhon already has two tackles on the night. number 22 wearing a cast on his

arm. >> veteran group on that side of the ball. they ran this unit earlier in the year until the offense kind of got its feet wet. put themselves in a nice position to try to extend their >> hurt tries to move forward

for the first down. he's got it. the taft raiders, after a 15 yard chop block penalty on first down pick up a first down. big run by kj on second down as you look at brian davenport. >> coach davenport told us this week, the kids are smarter than

we are. they know what's at stake in tonight's ball game. >> hurt in the shot gun. kj stevens again. straight ahead. good defense by the holmes huskies. robert perez, the captain.

senior. 98. was there. christian brewer. >> frazier as well, 33. whole host of players sticking their hat in on that one. they'll try to force taft to become one dimensional.

try to take away the one game. you know they want to try to do that first. >> second down and nine after just a one-yard pickup by showing brooks in motion. hurt wants to throw over the middle. does.

has stevens. stevens has some room. james brooks. brooks all the way down to the 2 ball came out late. holmes thinks they have it. they're gonna give the football to the holmes huskies on a touch christian brewer was there on

the recovery. >> wow. big play. i thought for a minute that the ball carrier was down. take a look. good play fake. jace hurt finds his receiver there.

and brooks made a couple of nice moves. but what happened at the end? >> let's take a look. there it is. there's the strip. 41 on the play there for holmes doing a nice job. >> it is not a touch back.

it was recovered at the 1 yard great punchout by christian brewer. just a fantastic defensive play. never given up. the holmes huskies take over on their own 1 yard line. james valdez, the quarterback. brings it out.

take a look at the lineup. picks up 19 here on first down. mccluskey makes the tackle. >> had a 70 yarder last week. was a starter earlier this year. back in there as a starter. >> d'qurian haney is dangerous. he's got the football. picks up about four after a nice

little quick pass out to the right side. jordan trimble, the linebacker from taft, on the tackle. take a look at the starting offense for the holmes huskies. they're led by our all-star game participant, jay cruz, number 62, the left tackle.

and then backs to receivers to keep your eye on. quentrevious wright is a very tall talent, number 6. and haney is their running back. still churning near the first down marker. he will be just short. nice pickup by james valdez.

he's got 290 yards rushing and three rushing touchdowns on the year. go quick. he's got the first down. first down chains will move. moultrie on the tackle. holmes trying to go ten here as we look at valdez numbers.

it will be an interesting position tonight watching this young man play the quarterback position. he's got some experience. and they're learning how to get the most out of him at that spot as we move on week to week. >> first down.

lee in motion. they get it to him. he's got speed. gets down the side line. picks up about eight. like to thank the university of the incarnate word for tonight's smile cam. earn a degree of difference at

the university of the incarnate word. second down and three. has it straight up the middle. picks up the first down before he's brought down by carlos perdomo. taft defense is led by their captain number 99, tj wright.

you see the running backs -- i mean the defensive backs. cain, randolph, brooks. flag flies here on first down. valdez picked up a couple. there was movement up front. offsides on the defense. five yard penalty. first down.

i apologize for gerald green's mike tonight. we do a good job of reading lips. >> take a look at the head coach for holmes. he talked about all of the steps. over 15 years since the last

time these guys made the they pulled out a lot of new things this week. kids excited to open up the play book tonight. you'll see a lot of this, little bit of this. little bit of everything from the holmes huskies.

they pick up another first down. so much to play for. they really felt like last year, they lost an over time game that cost them a chance to get into the play-in game. i think they had a chip on their shoulder from last year. see what this penalty is.

>> illegal running block. ten yard penalty. >> all right. that really hurts holmes momentum as they were moving down the field. block in the back. so that results in a first down and 13.

new set of downs for valdez, who's done a good job tonight finding open space. good runner at quarterback. haney out to the right. five wide. quarterback draw. taft defense there to heat it u

up. >> i have been watching tape from last year. you know what holmes is gonna want to do on a lot of these plays. designed quarterback draw. lot of guys filling the gap there to make plays and adam

ruth leading the way. >> second and 12 after just a gain of one. valdez will send three receivers to his left. haney in the back field with him, play action. looks right. has wright.

tried to make another one-handed grab. it was just incomplete. i don't know if you saw the catches this kid made earlier in the year. it was our play of the week. just an amazing one-handed grab. he's a special athlete.

tried to bring that one in one handed. couldn't bring it in. >> 6' 9", 215 pounds. talked about the last time we had it, this young man transferred from ft. worth lightning. showed up on campus just before

school started. >> they look his way here. third down and 12 for the valdez fires. nearly picked off. nearly caught by haney. good coverage by the taft defense. chance cain over there making

the play. holmes will have to punt it >> dropped everybody back in coverage. only rushed three guys that time. db's back there. really not a whole lot to throw to on that one.

>> wright will also be the punter. he handles their kicking duties. jordan trimble, the linebacker, drops back to return the punt. about his own 28 yard line. kick is rights at him. this is going to be good for the russ kys.

down to the 2 yard line. great play by the holmes fantastic kick. 64 yards from quentrevious wright. cipriano sierra down there to down it. taft will have it when we come >> looks like there's a little

break in the action. how are you doing? >> i'm doing great. >> you had a big week. last couple of weeks have been pretty cool with this partnership you have going. tell us about that. >> we partnered up with dia.

we've been all around town. we want to get you there, too. we're doing a weekly give away. working together with our mobile partners. we put together family fun packs and free meals. >> you had a winner yesterday. >> yes.

this past winner got a family fun pack to sea world. >> and they have all that spooky stuff going on. this goes on until what? december 14th. is there any purchase necessary? >> no, no purchase necessary. and you enter to win by

following us on facebook or going to church's give away.com. thanks a lot. appreciate it. see you next week. season is almost over. i can't believe the season is almost over. this has been a superfast

thank you, victoria. >> never been more appropriate. winner winner chicken dinner. >> tickets to sea world. that's pretty cool. nice pickup there. frazier finally bringing down kj >> talking about this taft team. all their losses this year have

come against top ten teams. can't go to sleep on these guys. duhon. fantastic player. got two of the best players in the district. little one on one here. kj wins the battle with ab four holmes huskies on that play.

>> you can say enough about a guy who's playing out there with a broken bone in his arm. trying to help his team get to a place he hasn't been to in quite some time. >> first down for the taft raiders. >> you talk ab that kind of

thing where you have a player out there a leader that the kids all look to. they feed off of that kind of thing. you have a guy laying it all out trying to help his squad and his school get to the post season. that's big league stuff.

>> he's got about 15 people in the stands wearing his jersey. his girlfriend in a hurt shirt. >> false start offense. five yard penalty first down. >> called that one on the first and 15 for the raiders. mychal cooper on the top. ball did not quite get there in

closed the gap pretty nicely at the end of that play. tell you what. mychal cooper had him beat. >> basically swinging this thing and getting it out. really nice swaoeurl. cipriano. has eyes in the back of his

head. turned around. didn't mean to. watching the eyes of the wide receiver. got his hand up. nice job. penalty on the play. second down.

>> again, good pressure by the holmes huskies. they're very veteran along the line with their linebackers. they've got some guys that can really get after you on that side of the football. >> here's hurt. kj stevens.

trying to get out side. can't. ramirez came up from the linebacker spot with a nice play to slow them down. >> sure did. taft is gonna want to run a lot left side of the line of scrimmage because they've got a

senior laden side of the line on that side. big boys over there on the left side of taft. you add that with the running ability of kj stevens. more often than not it's gonna pose some problems for the opposing defense.

third down now for hurt. it's caught. nice job going straight ahead is dehoyos. not gonna be enough for a first see if they pun it away here. >> jace hurt pleading with the side line to go for it. that's all he can do.

just find the soft spot and pick up some yards and give your punter some room to punt. holmes doing a good job. four, five guys back there protecting the sticks. stkpwhrf so, dehoyos will be your punter. right at him.

little bounce. rolled inside the 15. all the way down to the 11 yard so another good punt. this one a 50 yarder. and taft will have it -- i mean holmes will have it when we come scoreless. >> great to be a husky.

>> it is. you guys had a big competition this past weekend. two weekends ago we had our big competition. we got straight. we'll be competing this saturday on our chance to go to states. >> wow, yes.

just an exciting time on campus. with our football team. 24 bands will be showing up. four. at the end of the night four bands will be notified for the marching contest. >> that's open to the public. >> it is open to the public.

anybody can go. we'll be seeing that at halftime >> you will see our halftime show. you will see us performing. >> good luck to you. >> thank you very much. >> congratulations. >> appreciate it.

>> back to you guys. >> d'qurian haney on first down. picks up eight. second down and two for the good defensive foul. holmes coming up with a huge punch out. defense has settled down here. fighting for yardage but going

nowhere. jordan trimble. as was tj wright. >> little bit of a different wrinkle. we talked about that. eddie solas said he was going to put in some gadget plays. do all kinds of things to junk

it up and maybe show taft some things they haven't seen all again, nothing to lose. they put themselves in a great spot. i know it's been a great couple of weeks for them. pretty good showing last week despite their loss.

i think 300 yards of offense almost by halftime. >> on third and two. picks up fluff for a first down. going to be a first down. we want to remind you vote for san antonio sports all star cheer challenge. one of four cheer squads will be

selected to perform at the u.s. army all american bowl. quarterback draw all the way. nice pickup. we're gonna call adam's name a lot tonight. james valdez has the freedom when he sees that to just go with what he's got.

>> there were two linebackers just spying him. valdez was simply too quick. that's one of those you see the look and saying this probably isn't going to work. sometimes you got to match what you see. they were able to do that.

>> second down and one. likely the last play of the quarter if they run it. play clock has been turned off. gonna kick this off. tied up at 0-0. valdez happy to let him kick into the field. come back it will be second and

one for the holmes huskies. scoreless tie. >> we're back. it's the beginning of the second quarter. take a look at the first quarter stat. the only thing keeping this game scoreless is 41 christian

helping taft from getting in the end zone. >> jake lee was the intended pretty good coverage. valdez. >> i like that call. >> yeah. as much as holmes likes to run the football, you know he will

be able to probably take some shots at some point down the field. taft is having to come in off the run. they show them that you're willing to take a shot down now it's third down and one. pretty much stick to what they

want to do. valdez all the way on that quarterback keeper. he gets the first down. push back. forward momentum will move the sticks. that will be media first down. tj wright.

>> just feels like the kind of game, doesn't it, where you just feel like the first team to make a big mistake is really going to be one of those things that gets the momentum going. both teams, you can see holmes doing a nice job executing their they really tried to concentrate

on that this week. >> communication issue going on with haney and valdez. right. left side. didn't look right from the get go. >> jordan trimble was over there from the right side.

trying to do a wide receiver screen to the left. kind of hard to throw when 9 was blitzing. tough guy to throw it through. really disrupted things. got a piece. second down and ten. haney.

he's thrown down. ball come out? no. trimble made the tackle. haney had it the whole way. what a fake. >> threw me off, too. >> he got it. >> he was going crazy.

that's valdez. >> third down an three. check the play with the side right up the middle. valdez scrambles. flags fly. back to the line of scrimmage. they don't get the first down. i wonder if the blitzer was

offside. >> either that or he was held. pressure was coming right up the >> here's gerald green. >> -- third down. >> another chop block, as you said all year, they are cracking down on this. >> every level.

rightfully so. so many rule changes to protect quarterbacks, receivers. finally put in a lot of different things to protect the big boys up front. >> fourth down. >> decline by brian davenport. it will be fourth down at the --

about the 5. holmes won't miss it. more great programming on the cw 35. we've got dc legends of tomorrow and the supernatural. that's all coming up after church's chicken thursday night lights.

>> the punting game for both teams has been very important. both of these punters have done a really nice job flipping field positions. >> 50 yards. quentrevious wright. down to about the 20 yard line. taft.

9:45 to go in the second still no score. win or go home. holmes and taft on the cw 35. >> 9:45 left in the second. i'm joined by amanda stevensontaft band director. >> i'm good. how are you?

>> you had the big competition a couple weeks agop. >> we did. we did. >> the kids did really well. we're moving on this weekend. >> so the big deal, they have to give ones or twos, right? you're trying to get those ones

to advance you to the next level which is the marching contest. >> just looking at it. love the uniforms. >> thank you. >> pretty much a man versus machine kind of show. so lots of fun. >> good luck tonight.

good luck in the competition. thanks. good play by kj stevens. an improm tu first down. >> 44 doing a good job making tj trying to cut the ball back inside. >> i really like bunch of different things tonight with

kj. you can see his continuing to have leg churn through contact. in fact the more contact there is, the more active his legs. oh, what a play. >> what a tackle. ethan ramirez going low. >> this is just -- look at him.

just over the edge. man. shucking his tackler, or his blocker and making the tackle. what an outstanding play. >> second down and 12. >> christian brewer also in there bring a lot of guys to the party if you want to get kj down

usually impossible to do. one guy. making it look easier than it probably is. >> hurt on a roll. hurt right at the stick. john duhon again on the tackle. looks like they might have been called for illegal formation.

they got it off clean. great job picking up the first. you know, he extended the play as long as he could. he probably had his option there, whether he could throw it or run it. decided to keep it safe. did a really nice job moving the

ball picking up the first. >> this is the first play run by either team on the opponent side of the field. touchdown! raiders on a perfect slide. what a veteran move by mychal cooper. watch on the replay.

nice job creating an smidge of separation with his right hand. outstanding play on both ends. great throw. great catch. huge play for taft as they get on the board first. >> carlos moreno to add the extra point.

it is up and it is good. taft raiders have a 7-0 lead. so taft strikes first in this win or go home game. holmes will have their chance to answer when we come back. mychal all smiles after his touchdown to put taft on top. capping off a four play, 79 yard

drive. as we throw it down to mike hernandez. >> i'm joined by riley walker from san antonio. all of these votes are up for grabs. >> you still have until when? >> you have until december 4th.

speaking of the game, there's some differences from last year's game. can you tell us about that. >> we're making lots of changes. we increased representation. we're at 60 high schools this year in the all-star game. 110 athletes more than last

you will be able to get free transformation. we bust out our ticket price. we've gone from a $30 ticket down to a $20 ticket. >> good luck. keep us updated. back to you guys. >> thanks mike.

another pooch kick. you see who will be represented from this team. jay cruise. mychal cooper will be wide receiver in that all-star game along with his offensive lineman. d'qurian haney has it.

all the way to the 45. nice speed. >> really good patient running even though he was going at top speed. he was waiting for some holes to open up. thought about cutting it up right there.

>> ended up going left. tj wright was there. i tell you what, 28 is all over this football. >> there's so much at stake for both of these programs. been since 2007 since taft was a winner. valdez gets it again.

>> coach davenport was telling us earlier this week he's been blessed with this group the last three years. he talked about his kids, ab how coachable they are. the class they play with. the character that they have. he could not say enough good

things about his kids. >> got a man. lorenzo did his best to bring him in. that will set up fourth down. we're at midfield. no sign. here they come. huskies special teams uniform.

>> that's a tough point to make if you're the wide receiver. if that ball was thrown for to his left side he would have a better chance to catch that football. running down the side line, you're trying to look for the ball, a, catch the ball, b.

then c, try to get your feet inbounds. >> jordan trimble back. another good one. gonna bounce all the way into the end zone. isn't it a nice way -- got lucky the first time. that one took a different kind

of hop. going to be a touch back. >> we were watching him during pregame. he was knocking them straight with a nice spiral, too. he could have a punting future. >> exactly right. if the wide receiver thing

doesn't work out. >> we're gonna take a break. when we come back taft will have the football. >> we got a good football game going on. taft raiders have a 7-0 lead on a 45 yard catch by michael they got the football back after

stopping holmes right at good field position for both defensively keeping the other team in their own end. >> field position has been key one of the reasons the score is what it is. nice play there by the holmes defensive line.

talk about thinking of these kids. lot of these kids were on the group that was 1-9. they come a long way. >> right up the middle on second pick up of about two. >> kj stevens. >> he's in there again.

defenses. both played well. line of scrimmage. >> 95. four wides top of your screen. third down and five. lowered his head. might just be short. gonna be spotted just shy of

the first down. green turns to the chain ref and tells him to move them. >> i thought they got there, too. these refs do an amazing job week in week out. >> great job by holmes stringing that out.

nearly getting two or three guys. jace hurt. kj stevens with the football. tripped up. after a pickup of about two. christian brewer there on the tackle. >> did a really nice job.

gap there. making that really hard for kj to get going on that particular ride. >> counting down inside of four and a half minutes left in the first half. taft with a 7-0 lead. mychal cooper on the side of

your screen. one on one coverage. see if they look to go to. >> stepping in is kj. going in. huskies up front. >> good defensive stance. third down and ten. >> they're having themselves a

game. brewer's been all over the he's seen everything. can't say enough about that strip stack, too. lot of guys give up on that you're a linebacker coming from behind. never stop playing football.

forcing the fumble. big play for his team early. >> big plays this is one for taft right here on third down and ten. blitz coming up the middle. hurt in trouble. tried to get out of it. it does.

flag flies. may have gotten his face mask hurt scrambled. i think he got the first down. in the pursuit of hurt in the back field, i think they may have inadvertently grabbed his face mask. either way it appears it's going

to be a taft first down. >> pretty good there partner. all i know is holmes has this kid dead to right. there you see the face mask inadvertent. man, just jace hurt, that's a back breaker right there. got these guys backed up third

and long. we talked about jace hurt. he put the ball in the air. over 200 yards rushing the ball this year and also three if he can't beat you when he has to. that was just a huge bump by that man.

>> new set of downs. fires over the middle. he is caught. nice pickup for another first down by vazquez, the junior tight end. mark sauceda there to bring him not before another first down. >> good play by jace hurt.

trying to create another window in which to throw through. watch him as he rolls left. little stutter step. 81 on the back end. >> so, for only the second time in this football game, the taft raiders have moved into holmes territory.

last time they were here they scored on the first play. kj stevens who spins out of the gets down to the 30. going to be another first down. after they do, so will the clock. 2:37 to play. >> all starts up front with john

garza. the right guard and the senior center. opens up a cavernous hole. >> brooks and cooper the wide receivers. lot of running backs will try to push the ground and make the move.

almost as if kj stevens relished the opportunity to punish someone. >> on the other end john duhon. i'm already playing with a broken wrist. give me a break. not that kind of break either. >> kj will get a rest.

he comes out. david ariano comes in. tail back. johnson. will lose a yard. probably had 20. chased him down for a loss. >> williams. robert perez 98.

all these guys really nice job for the most part holding up their end of the deal. now we're going to have a time-out on the field. 2:19 to play. taft already leads 7-0. davenport will talk this over. give us time to remind you to

stick around for the halftime we'll have the home fan, the taft band, we'll introduce you to our vaulted scholar athletes of the week. we'll also tell you how you can vote for one of your favorite bands for our band grant. brought to you by north carolina

furniture direct in san martins. band that gets the most votes all year will get a $2500 grant. there you go. if you want to vote for your team already. see the numbers there. university of the incarnate word bringing us smile cam.

lot of pink on the side line. breast cancer awareness. university of the incarnate good student body turns out. good crowds this year. going to be a really interesting first half to see which side is gonna come up with a big play. following his blocker.

tries to get outside. out of bounds inside the 10 yard ethan ramirez on the tackle, but not before he gets into the red zone. >> he had a lull in which to run behind out there pulling to the those guys got out to the left side.

just like a convoy. >> taft will send mychal cooper to the bottom of your screen. he's got about 6 inches on the defender. they don't. running to the end zone. touchdown, kj stevens. >> pulling on the previous play.

this time nothing fancy. give it to your man, kj stevens and watch you go. just pan cake blocks in front. flies through the arm tackle. >> carlos moreno with the extra point. looks good. 14-0 taft.

12 plays. expecting a take away when you watch this kid run hard. >> we talked about the fact that he missed the first five games when he came back, he brought him down slowly as he was getting his strength. tell you what, he's getting

healthy and getting stronger at the right side. taft is off to a big night so far through the first one plus quarters of this football game. up 14-0. that drive t longest drive of the night. stevens caps it off with a nine

yard run. holmes will not have a lot of time to do much with it as we are inside a minute left in the half. >> good news for them is they've got all three of their time-outs. and it will be interesting to

see if taft does one of those pooch kicks maybe they try to return one of them. they need something to tkpwe themselves hyped up. see if they can get a big chunk of yardage right here. >> kids just don't go deep any more in high school football.

too many dangerous return men. and it looks familiar getting somebody running hard for the got a flag down. see what they say. >> somebody off side? >> may have been. >> does not look like they're gonna pick it up and we're gonna

play on. 48 seconds to go. swallowed up by the taft 35 seconds to go. second down and six. same route. this time caught by lorenzo moreno. third down.

will stop the clock. holmes is gonna burn a time-out. >> got a chance. >> not the same jersey. we had christian mallard in our all-star games. former running back total 4,000 yards and 44 touchdowns in his three seasons with the raiders.

played in that all-star game. was voted impact player of the game scoring three touchdowns against the very best that san antonio has the offer. taft very well versed in turning out big time running backs. >> it was navy, i think. i'd have to check.

sometimes these kids switch on us here at the last minute. just a different kind of running back for sure. my goodness, that guy has size, powerful running, low center of gravity. superathletic. really lean on that guy.

shoulder a lot of your offensive woes that's for sure. >> first down and ten. 25 seconds to go. out of bounds. smart play. 20 seconds for that. holmes getting in the area where they can conceivably have a hail

mary down there to quentrevious cooper is in the game playing safety. i mean, you can see taft is rolling safety to that side which is obviously very wide. >> straight drop. that one tipped at the line of scrimmage.

that will set up a third down. holmes. taft has a chance at a hail mary. >> got a chance here on third i think with all the coverage, they got single coverage on a couple of these other guys. >> lot of time to throw.

jake lee did not see that one coming. turned his head around. that was our -- he didn't drop that was a very strange play. normally you will see a quarterback take about a three step drop at least. james valdez

>> looking for just a quick hitter they can get a catch and get out of bounds and get five or six yards. but, tough to do when your receiver's not turning around. >> he's so quick. it's fourth down with 13 seconds to go.

here's how you guys got to this virtual play-in game to play in put together three consecutive wince early on against highland southwest. they got a district win against marshall. and had murderers row there back to back weeks against brandon

mcbrandise. as for taft, kind of up and had a win over lee early on. >> look at the schedule. wagner was ranked when they lost to them. san marcus. they beat them. all these teams they lost to at

some point have been top ten taft has a really tough schedule this year. >> tough snap for wright. picks it up. spirals it. takes another great bounce for him. they down it at the 2 yard line

with three seconds to go. brendan won that zone. >> calculator to help you figure out what's going on. what's really cool is it makes every game absolutely huge. that's the great thing about it. really puts what you do to the tail end of the year.

looks like chase will get the loser and the winner will move on to play warren to see who can sneak in. there's so many good programs in 286 a. so many other teams are trying to scratch and claw and get into the post season.

>> that will be the last day of the half. >> raiders will go into the locker room with a 14-0 lead. >> coach brian davenport has got to be pleased that his team is on top. >> coach, how you doing. >> again.

good ball game. >> both teams are playing well. exciting game. >> solid. >> this is what it should be. play it hard. play it right. let's go see what happens. >> go get some rest.

see you later. when we come back it will be the serrita's mexican halftime show. stick around. >> 14-0. taft over holmes. i am joined by katie. huge weekend for you. it's all about comicon.

>> come visit us. we'll be out there tomorrow, saturday, sunday. lots of opportunities. i have had an i want a playstation, dvd set with some of our shows. all day. just sign up to win.

come say hi. lot of fun. those are going to go quickly. you have to come and say hi. >> lot of stuff to see. if you've never been to one of these, they're great. >> i have to shout out to the i'm an alumni.

go raiders. let's listen to the holmes husky band. stphaof ♪ by the way, congratulation. we received over 50,000 votes for all of our bands. again f you like holmes and you want them to receive the band

grant band eight 45203. >> the mexican restaurant halftime show cons here on 14-0 at the half. time to hear the second band of here's the taft high school raider marching band. >> how ab those raiders marching band?

if you like taft to win our band grant text band 20 to 45203. that's band 20 to 45203. great job by both bands tonight. >> thanks for watching. stay tuned for the second half kick off. >> weir about ready to kick off the second half.

taft leads 14-0. really well played football great job keeping people at their end of the field. taft scored on the first play on this 45 yard touchdown pass to mychal cooper made it 7-0. only got in holmes territory one more time.

stevens capped off that drive with that nine yard touchdown run to make it 14-0. look at the stats. taft leads but holmes very much in this game. >> they really are. interesting thing to me is that taft's defense has done a really

nice job keeping everything in front of them so far. keeping the huskies off the board. they need an explosive tight. something to get them going. i thought defensively holmes was really good, too. taft has made a couple big plays

>> holmes huskies will take the second half kick. they do. jake leon the return. he fouls. will send out james valdez. running back d'qurian haney. they have weapons at all but you're right, they have yet

to strike a big play. they're hoping their fortunes will change in the third picks up about three. adam ruth who's been all over the field tonight makes the tackle yet again. let's go down to the field. mike hernandez.

>> he was a little frustrated. at the same time, he thought the team played pretty well. he said on offense, they needed to convert. had some third and shorts. came up short. that was not good. other than that, he was looking

for some bigger plays, kind of open things up. the other thing though is what he said was they needed to get linebackers to come up. they weren't coming up enough. want to try to make them run a different play, to do something a little bit different.

he said they didn't come this far just to come this far. let's see what they do on this >> they needed a conversion. third down and three. they stick with what they like to do. they are in taft territory. >> kwroeu talk about coming out

of the halftime locker room with emotion. all they've done is three straight run plays and just playing smash mouth. >> firing over to wright. host of taft raiders. gain of three. second down and seven.

>> outstanding pursuit by taft. looked like that was going to go for more than it did. more than a yard and a half. >> they switch him to the other he's at the bottom of the valdez hands it straight ahead to the running back haney. another graceland first down.

>> how about d'qurian haney? just a sophomore. not the biggest kid obviously. lot of it has to do with his age. this young man runs with quickness and then really does a nice job finishing off some of these runs.

we talk about the first drive of the second half being the most important, the one that sets the tone for the final two quarters. right now holmes has really come out punching taft in the mouth quite frankly. >> first down when we come back. james valdez has his team on the

huskies trailing taft 14-0. three consecutive first downs. change in the play. to the sideline. faked it. valdez keeps. gets across the 30 before ruth makes the tackle. valdez looks to run every single

chance that he gets. >> this has been a work in progress. they've been trying to coach him to be more of a runner. talked about the high ankle sprain. knocked him out for a few games. they're finding success doing

it. >> right up the middle. inside the 25. adam ruth. i would say double digit tackles for adam ruth early in the third >> we can't say enough. we haven't said enough about the job the holmes offensive line

does week in and week out. in fact just talking to the taft coaches this week. coach davenport. he said this group, you can tell they've been well coached. that was one of the things coach was talking about. that he was really proud of the

way these guys have stepped up. starts with 62 jay cruz. garza 67. delgado 72 playing in the over on the right side, gonzalez and thomas torres. these guys are veteran, they're big. they play well together.

they're making their presence known in this drive. swings it out to the right-hand nice tackle. short gain. first time we've seen valdez doing things. forced down to stop it. before they did something

different. >> that's one good thing from having a lot of success pounding the ball up the middle. in terms of making taft defend the entire field. there goes valdez. valdez is loose. inside the 5.

deep in the vantage college red zone before carlos makes the >> this has been some kind of drive led by james valdez. gets the snap. all of a sudden he's got big boys out there. throwing some blocks. lot of that was on his own.

really tough running between the tackles. >> there's valdez. zone read. maybe down to the 2 yard line. spot it down there. holmes wants to go quick. running tempo. second and goal.

valdez straight ahead. runs it right down the throat. touchdown james valdez. on the touchdown for the first time tonight. >> talk about taking momentum. you already heard mike hernandez saying come too far to stop. they're having a great start to

their third quarter. there's no doubt. james valdez is pumped, as well he should be. came and put it right down their throat. >> they're gonna give him for roughing the kicker. i think they'll pick the flag up

since the kick was blocked. unless it's an offsides. you can't rush the kicker if you can't get your hand on the just might have off sides. they want to kick it again. there was some sort of penalty. >> running into the kicker. half the distance to the goal.

replay first down. >> i thought once they blocked the kick, obviously lot better than we do. >> unless he just kicks it low. >> i don't know. >> holmes will get another crack at it. >> nunez.

another chance. that one was nearly blocked. it's good. makes a big difference. it's now 14-7 taft with the lead. james valdez running right down the field on the taft raiders to get the holmes huskies within a

touchdown. we got a football game. don't leave us. we're coming right back. taft on top of holmes 14-7. valdez 2 yard run caps off a nice 12 play 64 yard drive. now taft will get a chance to answer.

they'll get the football back. >> running right behind the center leo delgado. just clearing out some space. it's hard to do near the goal that was a lot easier than i think they thought it was when they dialed it up. but there's no doubt james

valdez was on a mission on that rightfully pumped up as he got into the end zone. that's a huge start for the let taft know. we showed you something to start the theur quarter. let's see what you've got. >> kj stevens will be back to

receive this kick. they're not gonna kick it to instead it will be downed to the 35 yard line. chance cain with the kick. that's one of the more disappointing developments in high school that i have noticed over the last couple years.

because athletes are so good, they talk about limiting the kick off for concussion reasons. they basically eliminated it because of field position. both teams are fine to give to somebody at the 35 yard line. it's taken away the excitement of the kick return for

nonconcussion reasons. it's interesting. lined up at wide receiver. direct snap to kj stevens. he couldn't handle the snap. turned out to be a loss on the play for the taft raiders. >> john duhon again 22. got to love the fight in this

kid. we talked about the fact that he is a ball player. after played db his junior and sophomore seasons. but this kid's playing with a broken bone. he was back there to throw that thing up early.

didn't make the tackle. hard when you're doing it with one hand. >> second and 16 for the hurt. sprint now. fiery. got a man. what a great catch by james

brook. had to go low to get it. hands underneath it. just a fantastic grab. >> you like the catch? i liked the throw. look at this. rolling out to his left. throws it the only place that's

the safe spot. good play on both ends for sure. >> jace hurt's been impressive. >> especially going against his body. first and ten. six minutes to go in the third. here's kj stevens. still on his feet.

now he's brought down. they'll blow it dead. ramirez there to make the >> nice form. my goodness. he's stout. he's quick. he's had himself a whale of a ball game on the right side.

>> senior nose tackle. you look at our uiw smile cam. earn a degree of difference. >> robert perez 98. he commands a lot of double lot of times he's taking the pressure off his teammates. spins out of the tackle. across the 45.

nice gain. tkpwaoeufpb about seven. >> passed through the first line of defense. then really showed his power on the back end. what was going to be a third and long situation if he didn't pick that up.

now made it third and manageable. >> third and two. cooper lines up at the bottom of the screen opposite anthony motta. big height advantage. kj stevens has got it. stevens across the 30.

stevens to the 20. stiff armed down to the 17 yard >> holmes tried to load up. instead taft decides to run it to the left side. all kinds of room for kj we know how tall lengthed a running back is. can't give him that kind of

space. >> very nice run. kj is hurt. getting play for brian davenport. kj will get a rest. johnson's the tail back. >> david ariato also in there. strings it out.

another great job by that holmes >> too many guys over there just holding the edge. making sure jace hurt had nowhere to go. really nice job by holmes. keeping it where it is. it's going to be second and a long way to go for your taft

>> second down and 13. ball spotted outside the vantage college red zone, 22 yard line. second down here. this might be a time to dial up instead they hand to kj. kj stevens gonna score easily. touchdown taft raiders. >> anything you can do, i can do

better say the taft raiders. starts the third quarter. going the length of the field. counting it off for six. when taft needed a drive to counter, call on somebody. look again. big boys on the left side. giving him some extra blocks.

waltzes into the end zone for a extra point is going to be blown dead. we're going to have off sides on free kick is good. can he do it again. >> half the distance to the goal. >> so they blew it dead on an

off sides call. they'll have to do it again. got another whistle. now he's got a false start. >> false start. replay the start. >> gerald getting it all figured out for us. >> we joke.

man, these extra points are huge >> high snap. that one's up. from moreno. it's 21-7. kj stevens all smiles his team's up two scores. 21-7 taft after another kj that drive went seven plays for

65 yards. kj stevens 162 yards rushing on 31 carries. 21. >> he's got to work that horse, that's your bread and butter guy. he's having a whale of a ball now the ping pong match

continues. we'll see what holmes has in store. >> holmes offense and the way they scored on that is two touchdowns down. it's going to be tough for them to stay using that quarterback keeper an preserve clock time to

try to come back from behind. we'll see what the huskies do with the offense here. some sort of big long run. still plenty of time. >> there is still plenty of that's the thing with long drives, too. there's a lot of things that can

go wrong when you're third down and six every time. >> valdez. blows that up from behind. makes his presence felt when he arrives. >> you can see taft committing more guys to stop the run. more guys in the box.

they're looking at two guys that can beat them. 11 and 3 and they're both in the back field. you're taft you want to see the guys put the ball down here. >> second and seven for holmes. throw it out to jake lee, who's got it.

got near the first down. i think they'll move the sticks. mccluskey back to move the >> you can see why jake lee is on the football field. he's got a lot of speed. they flip it out to him. he commits real early on this knowing exactly where he needs

puts his head down and rumbles forward after con tack to move the chains. >> haney goes in motion. they run a reverse. estrada. estrada picks up eight or nine. nice wrinkle there from the holmes coaching staff.

>> we talked about that this week that coach was gonna junk up the play book. give the kids a little something extra to play for this week. always exciting when your coach tells you, we're gonna run some gadget plays and some trick â– â–  add some things to the play book

as you move forward. >> second and two. haney again in motion. they throw it to him. he's got a blocker. he's got the 40. cuts back still inside on his feet before he's wrestled down for a nice first down.

pops up, runs back. he's fired up. >> jake lee. we saw him on the previous play. there he is throwing a block to help spring his guy. >> holmes getting the play from the sidelines. wright at the bottom of the

keeper for valdez. dives forward for about four. >> we talked about holmes. while they really wanted to concentrate on execution, an they've been really flawless since the start of this third lot of rhythm to what they're doing.

>> jake leon a bubble screen. yanked down by the hel helmet. no flag. coach is going crazy. wants to know why that was not a jordan trimble brought him down. looked like he brought him down by the face mask. big break there for taft

third down and six. straight drop going down the side line. incomplete. looking for mccall. coach has an interesting decision. down two touchdowns. ball spotted inside the 40.

is it four down territory? it is. he's going to leave his offense out there. >> good job by randolph for he was stride for stride. had leverage all the way. forced the quarterback to throw the ball up the sidelines.

>> fourth down and six. huge play for the holmes huskies here. gonna look to quentrevious nearly tipped. trimble. right between mccall and the quarterback. two big plays on this drive.

>> look at inside the big numbers. 88. >> 88 i do believe. >> moultrie. long arms. broke it up. taft will get the football back. >> big stop by the taft raiders.

they've got the football with 1:11 to play in the third. two touchdown lead. they run their quarterback jace hurt outside the receiver. didn't do much the last time they tried it. maybe a yard or two here. >> if you're ever gonna gamble

as a defense, that's the time. now, we'll see if taft's got something up their sleeve for later in this football game. there's no doubt when they decide they're gonna do that wild cat, holmes is selling out stop number four as well they should.

until proven otherwise. kid's got an arm on him. >> here comes hurt back in at mychal cooper bottom of your turn and hand to kj stevens. kj stevens gets to the corner. kj stevens all the way down to the holmes 36 yard line. sierra runs him out of bounds

but not before a huge gain of 27 yards for kj stevens. >> they may get him for a late hit out of bounds. i think there's a han ky on the what an incredible run. calling for penalty. that was good clean hustle. he was coming up from the other

side of the field. >> we get another look at this. watch the move kj makes to come just an amazing stop and start. right? going sideways. >> look at the amount of separation he created. would be tackler.

just a guy that will watch him run down the side line. >> keeper for hurt up the nice gain all the way inside the vantage college red zone. ramirez on the tackle. taft is now driving it down the throat of the holmes huskies >> there you see the numbers on

23 carries. closing in on a 200 yard game. two touchdowns. that's the end of the third taft raiders lead holmes 21-7. they're threatening to add to it when we come back when we start the fourth quarter. taft up 21-7.

starting the fourth quarter here on thursday night lights. another look at kj stevens ability to just stop on a dime and cut back outside. he's got strength. he loves contact. loves to take contact at the end of runs.

229 yards. he's got 191 of them. here's hurt being run down from he breaks out of it. hurt is gonna score. or did they mark him short? >> just a player making a play. i thought he was gonna get clipped from behind there.

he broke through the arm that's not easy to do when a guy's got your ankles wrapped >> right here. looks like he was dead to rights. he got out of it. >> able to turn it up field. that was an impressive run.

>> extra point is up and good. taft opens up the lead to 28-7. >> they are fired up at the pep rally. it's carried over here. looks like the taft raiders are on their way to playing warren next weekend. huskies will need to turn thins

around quickly here down three touchdowns in the fourth they've got athletes who can do jake lee. quentrevious wrying back deep to receive the kick. they're having a good time over there taft today. jace wright getting looked at.

may have carpet burn after that dive for the goal line. >> looks like he's looking at somebody. >> just above the hand. fair catch. caught by mccall. holmes will need to score quickly and often.

we talked about so much at stake tonight for both of these programs. taft hasn't been in the post season since '07. it has been since the 2000 year for the holmes huskies. but still, you know, even with what's going on tonight, they're

going to have a chance to win their fifth ball game. we talk about what coach salas has done here. he continues this program making strides. really throughout that entire campus there's been an uptick in all the sports.

the basketball team was really good last year. baseball team went out and just dominated 28 6a laugh year. lot of good things happening at the holmes high school. these guys really should be proud of the year they've had to this point.

it's been surprising to a lot of people. probably not surprising to them. >> here's a little squibber to lee pops through. got one man to beat. that will be short of the 40 james brooks makes the tackle. >> lee having himself a nice

ball game. >> 24 yard return there. one tackler away from taking it to the house. >> you see his speed. normally that's the case. you see freshmen or sophomore. sophomore playing at this level. it's usually because they run

well. either that or they're bigger than everybody else. >> first down and ten for the down 28-7. valdez fires outside. doing a good job bringing him kiernan mccall. mccall is a receiver.

>> taft still doing a really nice job trying to send a lot of people, number six's direction and take him out of this football game. >> valdez wants to throw again. that time he air males it looking for d'qurian haney. i told you jace hurt has a fan

section of about ten deep. how many people are wearing the taft number 5 jersey. mike's with his parents. >> >> paul hurt. >> lori hurt. >> sisters. sister and friends and cousins and relatives.

little brother. how you doing? >> he's having a wonderful game yeah, he's enjoying this sport since he was 4 years old. we're real proud. >> what's the next step? >> we got to get through this game here and we've got one

more. then after that -- >> college ball. nebraska. >> nebraska. >> nebraska, yep. >> starting quarterback. quarterback right there is from san antonio.

we have another one coming up i guarantee it. >> i was a huskers fan. i was stationed there many years ago. >> really? >> hrr. did you get special pricing on the jerseys?

did you buy them in bulk? >> mom bought them. early christmas present. >> thanks for sharing. >> here comes his little nephew. >> got another one. hi. don't mind us. we're leaving.

>> say hi. >> thanks, mike. hurt family fired up. tommy armstrong, quarterback steal. done a great job there at >> all kinds of touchdown records passing the ball this racking up his career as a

we know where he runs so well. keeps running around. got to run around, get his meal. >> huskers mike riley doing a great job turning that program around. >> here's kj stevens cutting it up side. loose.

who's got it? taft recovered. ramirez. >> what's the occasion? got his own ball back. he's one lucky hombre. >> huge break for taft. you know they're out there trying to strip the ball as much

as they can. they need a big turnover here. try to get their ball back to the offense. >> kj stevens now 24 carries, 198 yards, just two yards short of 200. hurt did a nice job dancing out of that tackle.

moves forward for about six jace hurt has the taft offense running in high gear. at this point they'll be happy to keep it on the ground, rack up first downs and burn clock. >> talking about playing the quarterback position and all that it entails.

we can talk about the stats. throwing percentage has been great all year. touchdown interception ratio has been amazing. he's done well. this guy is managing this football game as well as anybody he's seen all year do the job.

>> second down. big loss. johnson has it. good job by the holmes defense to blow it up. brewer isn't there. holmes defense very impressive. holmes defense has been very solid all night.

>> how did he do that without throwing up? i would be so dizzy. >> i don't even want to get into all the things that could possibly go wrong if i were to try that. >> not fun. mychal cooper third and four.

they look the other way. caught. falling forward right at the stick is james brooks. this is measurement territory. they're gonna move the chains. sauceda. that's a media care first down. nice job by james brooks to show

a little second effort at the very end of that play to make sure he got the ball across the marker. >> not only that, talked ab this when we were doing the game last week. how many times have you seen a receiver not run or get as far

as he needs to in order to move the chains? good football iq right there. >> cuts inside. one man to beat. forced out of bounds right about the 12 yard line. sierra came over to push him out.

another huge gain for the taft 43 yards by jace hurt. >> great vision. guys losing their hats on the cuts it out side and back once again, i can't say enough good things about them. how hard they fight. this is once again another kid.

cipriano was on the other side he's the guy fighting to the end. ain't going down without a fight. whistles blow. delay of game against taft. >> somebody's singing. america's got talent somewhere

down there. not sure if it's the choir. >> touchdown taft. whatever they did worked. johnson goes in to score. that will pretty much put it away here in the fourth quarter. >> i heard of singing for your supper.

johnson for kj stevens. gets the touchdown. good for him. moreno will add the extra point. it is up. it is good. 35-7. taft is starting to run away with their chance to meet warren

next week in the play-in game. taft on top of holmes 35-7. taft raiders looks like will move on. they will also receive the pry tonight from monarch studio. you're looking for plaques or trophies great for corporate events.

just call monarch 344-3777. visit monarch on the web there. nts awards.com. another touchdown. putting that one away. >> 7:00 to try to make a miracle happen here. >> always something to play for. always something he can learn.

who's gonna quit. who's gonna go home. see if they can make something out of this 7:23. even though they aren't going to get to play warren next week, they will have a chance to have a five win season for the first time in over 15 years.

that's really saying something. >> d'qurian haney keeping it. bounces out of a tackle. still going. near the first down marker. finally blow it down there. >> got to love it. >> sophomore doing all that. they're running the football a

back in 2012. gilbert garcia passed for a record through the air. got help from his receivers. he could put 359 yards and two touchdowns when holmes beat marshall on that flash back 45-14 was the final. >> i remember gilbert garcia arm

strength. back there throwing darts that >> unbelievable performances over the last four, five years. >> valdez dropped. have we ever given a trophy to the player from a losing team? >> i don't remember. we have given defensive player,

a player from the defense. kj stevens has to be a nominee. the numbers he's put up are undeniable. i would also vote for 28. he's done a fantastic job. that's a pick! look out. cuts back.

to the 5. garza stayed with him to run him another interception. this time from the taft defense. >> that was an offensive line fumbling down there to make that trying to keep him out of the >> i think he's gonna see fights from start to finish.

>> someone's just got to kick your calf. >> that is a nice effort. big willie garza down there never gave up on it. made a tackle. >> this goes back to what we talked about week in week out where you can see teams that

have been coached. kind of kids and character they're building. we really raved about eddie sal ra s and the job he did last time we were doing their game. just goes to show, got a kid playing football at holmes high school, he's in pretty good

hands with ed salas as the head coach. >> running dehoyos as the corner i think mike hernandez needs an interview her. >> hand off. straight ahead to the 2. producers on the voice. >> he needs a microphone.

young lady can belt it out. >> everybody having a good time on that taft side line. >> don't stop now. >> play clock down to 8. i think they're gonna let it run 4:39 to go. this is a classy move. by brian tkafpb porlt.

not trying to run it up. third down to take the penalty. move it back five yards. get that last call was any indication, he might on third and fourth down hand it off to his backup running backs. >> chance to eclipse their win total from hraflt year with a

win tonight. we talked ab how tough their schedule's been. they're getting healthy. they're getting right at the right time. they're going to have a huge matchup next week that they will be thrilled about.

>> clock ticks down inside four minutes. matthew ramirez on the tackle. fourth down. he will not run his field goal team out there to add to it. he'll just run another play no question about it. they're trying to score.

>> he's gonna also not do anything tricky and just let his guys do their best and see if the holmes defense can stop them. >> doing a nice job this year. you talk about this game what a clean game they have played.

haven't done anything to beat themselves at all. we're gonna take a break. when we come back taft in toll control 35-7. >> they were so cool to see the side line erupt. those are the kids that make your football team.

glue guys. takes the whole team to make successful or not successful. go through the grind of a blood, sweat, tears. >> you can see everybody here. >> they're talking about him. >> freshman, sophomore, junior, look at that.

great team. >> every time they were down in that red zone they were getting extra inspiration. thursday night lights the voice edition. we send it down to mike >> hi, shamika. >> hi everybody.

>> you say you have a son? >> yes i have a son jordan trimble number 9. >> having a pretty good game. >> yes, he is, having a wonderful night. >> we could hear you singing all the way up there. that's amazing.

>> you have to sing for us. will you do that? >> i will. >> i'll hold the mike away. you all ready? go, go raiders ♪ go go raiders >> let's go raiders! >> i want to find out -- i want

to fine out what church she's singing. i want to know if jordan can sing. >> good stuff. lot of smiles with the taft jordan trimble's like, i can hear my mom all the way from the varsity game.

one thing to hear him in the fourth grade. >> i'm wondering if she has to clean the roof off. that would be awesome. ♪ go, go raiders >> nice way to be asked to clean your room. >> something tells me that's not

how she asks. just in case anybody doubted you just proved it. >> everybody was digging it, >> highlight of the year. 2:35 to play. 41-7 taft. star of the game jordan trimble's mom.

>> we're gonna give you the trophy. >> hand off right up the middle. jones. junior tail back. take you inside 2:00. unger making the tackle. let's reset it. what's gonna happen here.

i'm glad i got mark kusenburger. brennan and brandise played in the division. brennan won that division. they'll play o conner for the district championship. outright district championship. brandise will also go to the those will be the top three

warren and the winner of this game which will be the taft raiders will play next thursday or next friday. next week sometime. winner of that game will be your fourth place representative in this district. i believe we are going to have

the brennan/o'connor game for the district championship. we're still waiting to hear the particulars on that. certainly at this point, on this night, all signs lead to that at >> my calculator, i don't know. we're all crunching the numbers and doing the data.

real clear politics. calculating to try to figure it o >> jones on the carry. >> brandise not necessarily brandise will play stevens. depending on what else happens those are some of the scenarios jones goes forward for a few

>> we saw branise. lot of guys getting their play at the varsity level. running back. showed up well that night. >> willie gonzalez gonna limp off. coming back next year. junior.

40 seconds to go. mario deleon is quarterbacking. turns and hands it to marquises jones inside the 30 as we tick inside 30 seconds. clock stops to move the chains. holmes gonna try to put up six more with their second unit. quarterback keeper all the way

to the near side. stays inbounds. take you inside 15 seconds. holmes might have one more play in them. they'll line up with nine. last play of the football game is fumbled. still loose.

that's gonna do it. they will likely play warren for a chance to stay alive. taft raiders will have a huge night from kj stevens on the ground. 198 yards, two touchdowns for brian davenport's squad will host the monarch trophy when we

come back. >> welcome to the church's chicken post game report. >> taft the big winner here tonight 41-7. time to hand out the hardware. >> first congratulations. big win tonight. what do you think?

i know this game had a lot of playoff implications. you did everything you needed before we give out the mvp trophy, i do want to highlight a couple other player. linebacker number 28. stellar game. it's like you were riding a bike

or motorcycle up and down the everybody else was just walking. also number 5 your quarterback jace hur. not only did jace have a great game, but you have a whole squad of number 5's up there jerseys in the stands. congratulations to you.

your mvp for tonight is gentle man who ran for 198 yards, scored two touchdowns, kj stevens, number 4. come on up here. congratulations. >> that was a heck of a game. >> they could not stop you going up there.

just seemed like they fought back the entire game. coach said we got to stop number we got to bring the linebackers so what do you think about now that you're winning, chances of moving on in the playoffs. >> got to get ready for warren. >> what do you think about that?

>> we'll see. we'll see. turn around here so your fans can give you a big round of applause. how about it? coach, congratulations. big win. >> very big win.

>> you said before the game you expected a tough game. that's what you got. >> it was right there. 14-7 or 14-0 half. they come down go down 14-7. i'm proud of high school proud of our raiders. proud of the huskies.

coach did a good job getting them ready. >> real solid game. it seems like you're starting to start to roll. what do you think now with rar repb coming up next week. >> that's always a big one. played a couple years back.

it was a one point game. gonna be nothing different from what we have. warren is very well coached. they do a great job. they put themselves in a position as well. here we are. playing for that four slot.

>> what do you think about that zone play? >> i'm enjoying it. there's a lot of things that come through this. you cannot develop. not see who you are. kind of looks and see who's playing well at the end.

>> congratulations to you and your team. we're gonna present you with our thursday night lights champions i'll let you play it to your young players. here's your winners tonight. taft raiders win 41-7 over the thanks a lot, mike.

taft will live to play another day next week. did you know warren chose purple as their colors because it was a new school. they drew from taft's kids. traft was red. that's why the warriors chose purple.

>> i didn't know red and blue make purple. >> time for our collision of the happened real late. after the play. it was after johnson scored that final touchdown. i don't know if you call it a late hit.

an accidental collision. sometimes collisions are accidents. that is our big collision of the we'll wrap it up when we come time to wrap it up. post game show continues. time for our night office solutions play of the night.

brought to you by the folks at night office solutions. right off the bat. mychal cooper touchdown catch from jace hurt. a beautiful ball. beautiful catch. and that is our play of the it was a bunch closer game than

the score indicates through two and a half quarters. good football game at the half as the home huskies gave taft all they could handle early before the raiders pulled away. let's look at the highlights. this is one we just saw from got him going.

holmes woke up and answered after this touchdown run by stevens made it 14-0. looked like it was going to be game on. we talked about holmes and their ability to play smash mouth to get into the end zone in that right back comes taft.

it was all virtually on the lot of running not only by kj. also by jace hurt getting into really nice job by the taft matching smash mouth be smash mouth. really experting their force especially in the second half. >> 41-7 ends up being the final

score, as chance cain set up this seven yard touchdown run to cap off the scoring. again, good effort by the holmes they'll play one more. as we look at the final stats. the rushing yards of kj stevens. really a big difference in this >> able to control the clock and

control the line of scrimmage in that second half. again, this game once again a time was 14-7. when they got pushed to start the third quarter, they countered with their first drive of the second half. went right down the field.

could not be stopped in the second half. >> we own college football an high school football and pro football in the san antonio market. here's what we got coming up this week on fox 29. west virginia ranked tenth in

the country. showdown against oklahoma state. we got that for you at 11:00 in the morning on saturday. then on the cw 35, we got all kinds of football. we got boston college and north carolina state. that's on the cw at 11:30 on

saturday. busy day at the dome. first of all news 4 at 2:30. we got tphoert dame football. got the fighting irish taking on the miami hurricanes. that brings back some great memories, doesesn't it. saturday at 6:00, north texas.

we got road runner football. it is conference usa battle. i'm gonna wear an orange tie to offset my north texas alumni status. >> we'll koupber punch each other. >> fox 29 on sunday. red skins and bengals 8 a.m.

packers against the falcons 3:00. triple header on fox 29. then sunday night football. dak prescott and company hosting philadelphia. david chancellor will be making the trip for us. we'll have sunday night

our news 4 after the game only we give you 90 minutes of cowboys post game. randy beamer and ramos will enter that. then sports sunday following that. fa sports nation and our friends at the express news.

next thursdayer with ear still trying to figure it all out. we're going to have a playoff we'll wrap up our season. been a lot of fun. >> indeed. it's hard to believe that we're hrr going into the last week of for jordan trimble's mom who was

the star of the show and for everybody. as always, we'll see you next week for that playoff game. good night. god bless.

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