this video presented by the new movie, lazer team! get tickets now, at lazerteamthemovie.com! stay tuned for more info after this video! some of the best action games require more than just running into a room, guns blazing. they require stealth. and metal gear solid is a classic example of that. it's a game that challenges players to infilitrate heavily guarded bases using nothing more than
their agility, their wits, and inexplicably, a huge cardboard box. but, come on, scooting around underneath a box wouldn't be an effective strategy in real life... or would it? today, we've come out to our roosterteeth military facility where we've created our own custom stealth course and, the best part is, we have two brand new lab rats. miles, kerry, how are you guys doing?
both: good, yeah! so, do either of you have any idea what's in store for you today? i'm hoping for box fort building. you would be wrong. we have provided you today with state of the art camouflage technology... the cardboard box. cardboard box: *noises* both: ayyy! we'd also like to welcome our newest scientist, mr. gavin free!
burnie: congratulations on your promotion. gavin: thank you very much, thank you. the cardboard box is clearly a useful means of deception, i was in there the whole time and you guys didn't even notice. so gav, what are we gonna be doing to these guys today? your mission will be to infiltrate and escape the military base, with a keycard and dossier about a particular rooster teeth staff member. just like in metal gear solid, the rooster teeth security will follow a set path.
you will each carry a weapon with two shots, and you can use these to neutralize the sentries. however, if they become alerted to your presence, or discover a downed guard, they will trigger an alarm and search the facility. you will each have to retrieve this information and then exit at the far end of the building. if you are patient, you will be able to observe their patterns without being spotted.
if they do not see you move, you will go unnoticed. you're advised not to remove your camouflage because if you're spotted without your box, you'll be shot on sight, with one of these. kerry: jesus christ.miles: jesus christ! wow, okay, well that seemed pretty dangerous, so you guys look like you're all set, we're gonna go to a protected area. no, you're gonna be fine, c'mere, okay look. kneel down a little bit.
kerry: alright here we go.miles: it's christmas morning. miles: some little kid's gonna get disappointed when they open me up. get in yours, get in yours. kerry: alright. miles: where'd you go?! where- kerry is that you?! kerry: hey miles.miles: hi kerry. miles: hey c'mere gimme a smooch.kerry: no! miles: oh shit! fuck. [laughter]miles: god dammit.
okay, so, kerry's up first and they each are gonna have two attempts of five minutes each to get the dossier and the keycard, and get out of the building. let's see how kerry does on his first attempt. gus: beginning guard check in. blue moose check in. barbara: blue moose good. gus: tiny dancer, check in.tyler: tiny dancer good. gus: pixie sticks check in.jon: pixie sticks good. gus: check in complete.
gus: tiny dancer check in. gus: pixie sticks check in. gus: huh? tyler: get out of the box.gus: we know you're in there. gus: we won't hurt you. gus: must've been my imagination. gus: tiny dancer check in.tyler: tiny dancer good. [tranq gunshot] gus: oof.
tyler: mittens down, mittens down... [unintelligible] tyler: sound the alarm, sound the alarm.[alarm blares] so when the alarm goes off, the guards go into high alert mode, where they actively search for intruders. and kerry is gonna have to hold absolutely still if he doesn't want to get spotted. [gunshots][kerry screaming] [game announcer voice]: kerry? what happened? kerry! alright, miles is up. let's see if he does better than kerry
[dogs barking] gus: come out! gus: i know you're in there. gus: i promise not to shoot you in the balls. [mouthing]: what the fuck? gus: huh. i swear these boxes are always moving. miles: he's going away. alright motherfucker. gus: mittens check in. mittens good. tiny dancer check in.
tyler: tiny dancer good. burnie: bold move! miles has removed his cardboard box. i guess he has no faith in science. jon: pixie sticks good. [tranq gunshot]gus: ugh. tyler: mittens down, mittens down. sound the alarm, sound the alarm. [alarm blares] alright well now miles has... thrown his gun, i guess as a distraction, but now he literally has nothing left
to protect him. [gunshots] [game announcer voice]: miles? miles? miiiiiles! alright, well obviously our lab rats did not do very well in their first run, but let's see if they've learned anything as kerry starts attempt number two. kerry: oh man, okay. okay. gus: euh.
barbara: beginning guard check in. barbara: mittens check in. mittens check in. barbara: investigating mittens. [gunshots]kerry: ow, ow, ah, oh fuck. [game announcer voice]: kerry. talk to me. kerry! okay. let's see if miles learned anything from his first run. gus: beginning guard check in. blue moose.barbara: blue moose good. gus: tiny dancer, check. miles: oh no, oh no.
[tranq gunshot]barbara: ow! miles: suck a dick. [tranq gunshot]gus: huh? oof. miles: no. no no no no no. miles: can't fucking see! gus: huh?tyler: hey. tyler: what's in the box? barbara: what's in the box? tyler [distressed]: what's in the box?!
gus: shut the alarm down, we're back to patrol. gus: mittens check in. mittens good. jon: i got eyes on a moving box. jon: what's in the box? get out of the box right now. jon: get out of the box. jon: nothing here. miles: oh my god, oh my god. miles: ha! hahaha! yes! eat a dick, jon!
alright, so i think that was a very successful experiment at least from where we were watching. gavin: [laughing] kerry's legs! miles: dude, sweet ink bro.kerry: yeah. burnie: congratulations on your first run as lab rats you both did two trips through the course with varying levels of success, but miles, congratulations. you are the winner of science for this episode of immersion.
burnie: congratulations.miles: yay. gavin and i were a little bit upset that we didn't get to shoot anybody, and we figured since you guys are both captured spies, that captured spies get executed. so. we're gonna give you guys about a five second head start. starting now. burnie: 4, 3...miles: oh, fuck.kerry: jesus fucking christ. burnie: 2, don't forget to grab a box, guys! hey, everybody. i'm very happy to say that our movie
lazer team is headed to theatres this january. so head over to lazerteamthemovie.com to see if it's playing in your city. if it is, buy a ticket. and if it's not, we've given you the ability to set up a screening in your town through a partnership with tugg. for more details on that, go to lazerteamthemovie.com thanks, gorgeous. michael: oh, god. what is that, what is that? what is that?
hit it, hit the light. michael: is it already on? [both screaming] gavin: we're still looking at it! gavin: aaaaaaah. michael: oh, jeez. hit the vent. did you hit the vent?gavin: vent, vent light, vent light! [both screaming] gavin: his eye is properly out.
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