Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

rooster teeth immersion wiki

[rwby volume 4 intro - let's just live] ozpin: i'm sorry. oscar: y'know... the weirdest part is how it feels. leaving home is cr... thumbnail 1 summary
rooster teeth immersion wiki

[rwby volume 4 intro - let's just live] ozpin: i'm sorry. oscar: y'know... the weirdest part is how it feels. leaving home is crazy. going to the city is crazy. everything you’ve told me is completely crazy. but it doesn’t feel crazy anymore. it feels like i’m doing the right thing. ozpin: well… i suppose that’s good.

oscar: no. it’s scary. [thunder crackles] oscar: stupid thing. i’m assuming whatever weird magic this is doesn’t come with an infinite supply of money? ozpin: i’m afraid you’ll have to solve this one on your own- oscar: huh? ozpin: be on your guard. oscar: what do you mean?

hazel: here. hazel: don’t let such a small obstacle block your path. oscar: that man... i felt... who is he? ozpin: someone from my past. someone who should not be taken lightly. jaune: oh man. ruby: come on.

any of these places look like a pharmacy? jaune: it’s... honestly hard to tell. ruby: ren really didn’t want to come here, did he? jaune: uh... didn’t seem so. ruby: do you know... why? jaune: [sigh] i think i have a pretty good idea... an ren: why, hello, little lie. are we trying to catch a fish? young ren: i’ve found a flower on the water!

an: ooh, i see! ren: can we take it home and plant it in the garden? an: oh no, sweetheart, that flower lives here. an: but i’ll tell you what you can do. take this lien and go find something nice for your father’s return. he’s been hunting for quite some time. i bet the journey’s been very tiring, don’t you? ren: yes.

an: do you think you’ll know what he wants? ren: i think... he wants a water flower in the garden! an: why did you have to inherit my sass? ren: what can i buy with this? blacksmith: heheh. well, something just your size. ren: sake, please. ???: hey, get back here! [mocking laughter]

tall boy: where’d you get that bread? i didn’t see you pay for it, thief! short boy: no, look, it’s all moldy! tall boy: i think she got it from the trash! medium boy: lemme see! medium boy: ah! she bit me! short boy: where’d she come from? she's dressed all weird! tall boy: i bet she’s abandoned! like a dog or something!

medium boy: does that mean i have rabies? ren: father? li ren: what is happening here? li: do you wish to run with the rest of them? sometimes the worst action to take... is taking no action at all. go home. i need to speak with the mayor. jaune: nothing. ruby: we should get back to qrow.

[ominous roaring in the distance] ruby: it’s far off. jaune: i know, but ren and nora are still out there. ruby: i’m sorry. jaune: huh? ruby: this is all my fault. i should have never dragged you guys into this. jaune: you didn’t drag us in. we wanted to come. ruby: but, you didn’t know about tyrian, about-

jaune: ruby. we lost... we lost pyrrha. you lost her, too. and penny, and your team, and in a way... your sister. but you’re still here, despite everything you’ve lost, and everything you could still lose, you chose to come out here. because you felt like you could make a difference. you didn’t drag us along.

you gave us the courage to follow you. [unknown grimm roaring] an: lie, get up. we have to go. ren: mother? an: now, right now, okay? let’s go! li: [breathing heavily] an: li! li: an, what are you doing?! we need to hurry! an: we can go to the safehouse!

li: no. i saw the beast. we need a huntsman. and you two need to leave. an: what? [an unknown grimm roars] ren: mother... an: it’s ok, darling. everything’s ok. [crash] [li breathing heavily] ren: father? what... where's mother?

ren: what’s going on?! where's mother?! ren: father! li: lie, you have to run. ren: no. don’t. please. get up! li: listen to me, son. you have to be brave now. do you understand? ren: no, please. please, i can’t! li: yes, you can! take action, son

your mother and i love you. ren: father... li: run! [nevermores screeching] [young nora sobbing in fear] [nevermore screeches] [nuckelavee grimm roars] [ren crying in sadness] [nevermore screech]

ren: hey! we have to be brave. nora: i'm scared. ren: me too. it's okay. [violin cover of "boop" plays♪] ren: we'll keep each other safe. what's your name? nora: nora.

ren: my name's lie ren. ren: we never get the easy path, do we? nora: easy’s no fun anyway. nora: you okay? ren: mmm. and you? nora: i’ve got you here, don’t i? come on. there’s more than one way up a mountain. nora: hey! there’s wind blowing out of this cave!

think it might lead to the peak? ren: i suppose there’s only one way to find-ah! yes, yes. very funny. nora: hey, what’s wrong? ren: this is the symbol for shion village. nora: shion? but that’s... that's the village where we found the huntsman. it’s weeks away from here! ren?! wait!

oh my gosh. no... [the nuckelavee grimm roars]

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