Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

flipper teeth amazon

hd documentary wild life turtles and tortoises animal documentary hd them the world 200 million years ago saw some of the strangest animals ... thumbnail 1 summary
flipper teeth amazon

hd documentary wild life turtles and tortoises animal documentary hd them the world 200 million years ago saw some of the strangest animals thathad ever lived of nothing about them suggested they wouldbecome a huge success 1 one but these turtles

were among the first earth's greatdynasties reptiles full wildlife documentaryfull wildlife documentary turtles then and now our unique theirbodies are encased in armor and that shell has changed over millions of views the for varying greatly in size they colonizedmost in the world

but wherever they live the basic shape but the turtles byremains the same some land while internal supporttortoises are quite small others have becomefamous as giants mom %uh %uh some long neck types are at home in and out of freshwater they and theseshorter neck turtles are known as terrapins i'm i'll 257 turtle species exist

they live in every environment from thedriest deserts to the coldest extremes well some that are gentle vegetarians havebecome welcome visitors to our homes others hunt out of our view on ok older than the birds alter smale their success to theirsimple design but future is for turtles living life in a shock said

that up powder room castle in is the ancestralhome lord ever it's also the home of timothy a rathervenerable tortoise to the present law or timothy st oldest member of the family to miss thefirst came into our family and 1892 and he proves tobelong to the captain rutherford who was a sea captain and undoubtedly he was on board ship for quite a longtime

and this is can rise to number for missa bird to it is being silly belong to piratesin a little too much on through to is out the them a number of girls at them i think a.m. adequate conscious aboutsome or maybe i'm others some so rates but he's now up the suggestion is thattimothy is at least a hundred and sixty-twoyears old such a cute most lives on the clovers and things that his favoritereally is is

this cool breeze some ice on what aboutthat cnn to make a mistake need is on hisprogram we want her to the lady was painted red toenails andfigueroa shot me for the tornado thirst nick toon states in those who do it go that no twoserb a hundred live too cold freezing today counting growth rings on their shell isnot always a reliable guide to a tortoises age rings very with died but tortoises always live life at a slowpace

and that may be a reason for timmy'srecord age the fossil record is our best guide to the history of tv'sends the first we know lived some 300 millionyears ago in the world the forests that gave us our caller from such primitive rent turtlesdiverged first leaving dinosaurs and other reptiles togo their own way through the ages there have been turtlesa fantastic size and diversity the source knicks emerge 100 millionyears ago

and witnessed the extinction of thedinosaurs that turtles have survived so long is due to the extraordinary design atthe shell that protects thereby shell has remainedvirtually unchanged for two hundred million years i a thick layer of hardened scale is itsfirst line of defense but a broad bony layer the carapace provide strength in other animals thisbone would be rips the turtles backbone is fused to theshell

it's the support under the bridge i'm the shelhah the turtle serves manypurposes on land its heavy restricting movement but greatprotection underwater in a streamlined for up the show allowsfor graceful swimming with surprising speedup power is provided by huge front flippersup sea turtles migrate thousands of milesswimming on the ocean currents their hind limbs are mainly used asrunners for steering legs have no appeal for these settlerssea turtles only emerge onto land to

nest and even then flippers are sufficient tohaul the turtle over a beach up freshwater turtles or terrapins do havelex with webbed toes to propel theirstreamlined shell in ok when feeding on the bottom of the lakeor river legs are more useful than flippers and terrapins also climb out of thewater

so their legs are essential up a tortoise walking on land all the timeneed strong lakes in this case to carry it out of dangerthe pancake tortoise also has a flattened shell thats handyfor fitting in the crevices a caricature can easily spot a meal inthese cracks but the show love this tortoise beingflexible can be tightly wedged in the rock this pancake tortoise is casey defeatsthe inquisitive kept giant tortoises

and this one on the galapagos island isamong the largest in the world have no natural predators to hide frombut they need weightlifters legs to move their enormous shells she this one is hauling a house thatweighs nearly 300 pounds and is over an inch thick a tiny boxturtle leads a far more troubled life inraccoon country but its don't shell has a cutting device that usually out withsuch hunters it's time to take evasive action

the shell is hinged the drawbridge comesup and all the turtle head limbs and tailis safe inside its castle only when the raccoon retreats with theturtle venture out that hinge on the lower shelf saved itslife the turtle shell has survive some hugechallenges over millions of years but sometimes no matter how good thedesign the odds can be against it that is onelucky tortoise surviving the heat of the desert is aparticular challenge for tortoises they can only control their temperatureby moving into an out of the sun

doctor jeff love each at the united states geological surveyis radio tracking a desert tortoise on a wind farm in california desert tortoises have recently startedto decline and just wants to find out why here'sone ever females hello little warm out here isn'tit it's only 9 o'clock right now but it's already hot out here sprawling95 degrees it's going to be a 115 before the day is over she's heading for the borough off to myright the tortoise needs the bird to

survive and protect itself from theextremes are so characteristic of the desert 115 degrees 30 degrees more than even this deserttortoise could survive out in the open look at her walking into my shadowdesert tortoises take advantage of every opportunity theycan to become cool in the mid-day sun at the other end up thethermometer extremes have called present their ownchallenge some turtles in canada can survive freezing temperatures called painted sliders their frozen bodies arenot drawing breath

and their hearts are not be and yet theyare not dead ste cool these hatchlings born in august freeze and unfreeze throughout the winter untilthe final fall and spring how the cells have their body survivethis nobody knows yet the painted sliders leave their nest and start active life on hard the world such marvelous abilities to survive wereentirely to the turtle families

advantage until humans appeared on the horizon inthe centuries before refrigeration was invented it was sailors who took advantage of the turtlesspecial qualities since turtles can survive for several months without food they could be carried aboard as a supplyof fresh meat killing turtles for their tasty meat isa very ancient practice am one lamb lap a direct hit it's painlessmonitor too low

because we use a special kinda parfumpoint just enough water to penetrate his tough mayor of here that is now known to be nonsense nerve endings by the hundreds fill bothshell and bone but myths die as hard as the turks theseturtles way from 300 to 500 power and their age is estimated at uptown for the year bythe start of the 20th century over exploitation had brought some kinda turtles to thebrink extinction today

turtle soup and meat consumptioncontinues despite international laws which attempt to protect endangeredturtles up ok the turtle may well be ourdefenseless victim but in the natural world thesesuccessful reptiles have for a long time been quite capableof defending themselves ok your tiger sharks and their relatives killsea turtles in deep water but in the shallows this loggerheadturtle can turn the tables ok

the turtle is biting the shark it has noteeth but the sharp serrated plates and its strong jobs can inflict seriousinjury in shallow water the sharks movementsare restricted and has difficulty fighting back after abreath to their the valiant turtle can return defeatingit can give as good as it gets a loggerhead eats a variety of sea foods but its peak is ideal for capturing hardshell pride bad luck for this crap in freshwater a camouflage turtle ishunting

this is a matter matter it will blendwith the fallen leaves and wait for a fish to come within range then it's simply sucks the mid in the fearsome jaws have an alligatorsnapping turtle get and reveal a groom like appendage on itstime lured by its wrigley a fish investigatesthis death trap and there are even turtles that hunttogether donald strident knows that visitors to this war d-ny reptile parkin south africa

are fascinated by the bloodthirstyterrapins he exhibits there it's feeding time in the terrapin pool advice but not big into this water eat am but i'm getting something else toofavorite feed little piece of chicken yeah and thatdown taking a move towards this i'm guys i'm 205 dp read yet terrapins compass they are only the most dominantcomes one now see what's called a review terrapin butthe little

gridlock behind the eye a cadet he's adominant sandy he will come first and yet comeswanted the serrated games terrapins on the side here andthere is never going to respond to the movement attacked a hefty collins a car keys sepia want to come from meet on theother like tear i'm each other but much state sameway puranas to months to get up biting oftrucks and pieces of meat seen it happen iraq dinar reviews got areally good

grip on it a terrible meet ok this is all very necessary nature theyclean up the place bankrupt the aquatic hockey mask forget big game watching here keep youreyes on these little guys eating chicken on a plate in the reptilepark is nothing compared with how these terrapins feedin the wind the predators sizes up its pressure these clearly which block in the house one terrapingrab the burke the others crowd into snatch what theycan

even birds as big as ducks are not safefrom helmeted terrapins submarine attack ok alone terrapin could overcome murder buthungry rivals are on their way the and turtles can be even morecompetitive when it comes to meeting the birds have dassin island of the capecoast of south africa share their tiny home not only withrabbits but also with more than 10,000 tortoises

but not until the temperature climbs to75 degrees did they come out cry male angulated tortoises hold territoryand once they've warmed up they begin to chase females on theirturf him once he's found one you won't easily lether go %uh so far so good but he's chased her onto another malesterritory which will upset his plans them they do battle a tool in the sun

but a third male has seen an opportunityand he's meeting with their female neither the combatants nor thevigorously made in couple show signs of giving in by the time the fight reaches its climaxthe mating is also over the loser may even lose his life he must write himself or else fry in thesun the temperature is rising rapidly he must get into the shade but that'shard to find with 10,000 competitors his answer

is to dig in covering head and limbs andusing his shell as a son she in tropical waters temperatures are much the same all yearround these male green turtles near born will meet whenever a receptivefemale is available the males have the long tails they're all pursuing one female a male succeeds in locking onto hershell and meeting with rival males are surprisingly vicioustrying to interrupt his success these powerful jobs can injury flip

and not only the metered mail but otherrivals also getting better but to no effect the desire to mate is strong and onlywhen he has succeeded other males have a chance to take hisplace i'm i'm in the sea or on land turtles breed withlittle problem but on the unique islands are thegalapagos a crisis has arisen at the charlesdarwin research station the fortunes have the famous galapagosisland tortoises

are being carefully monitored thesetortoises are giants among the largest in theworld and they are more than just a tourist attraction their endangered and their survivaldepends on them breeding in captivity here these baby tortoise are the hope for the future each island has its very own typeofgiant tortoise found nowhere else and in these pens

babies are being nurtured until they'reready to be taken to their particular island home in past centuries boats landed on eachisland to plunder the docile giants killing or collectingthem today's boat is helping to right thatwrong bringing in young tortoises to replacethose that were taken this is the island have espanol the espanola tortoise was once facingalmost certain extinction now the future arrives

in a bag a thousand young tortoises have beenreleased like this all bred from just $15 adults collectedin the nineteen seventies they should be safer than they've everbeen they're only enemy was people and nowthe poacher has turned protector in 20 years they should all be as big as this adultbut this success has not been repeated for the tortoisesafp into on %uh the last remaining resident have paintedis living out his old age

at the charles darwin research stationthey call him lonesome george of more than 70 yearsold %uh he's the last at his species all theothers start when introduced goats 8 the plants havepinter and shit porn rats 8 the toy sayings zoos and private collections worldwidehave failed to turn up around 0 and even for me were found he could betoo old to breed the pinta island tortoise may be the first turtle species tobecome extinct in the 21st century

home the future i have many of the world'sturtles is a matter of concern even the olive ridley sea turtles famousfor their mass egg laying on this beach in costa ricaare arriving in fewer numbers each season rental arouse is familiarwith the spectacular re-body as it's called here at boston on ever since i was very young boy i wasalways interested marine biology but then one day was 1982 i was sick inyour biology student i walked into the school it was a big sign that said

re: bada we need volunteers at that well i've heard about the everybody'sindividual nothing i should go check it out then i came to austin all right here atthis but i saw the reebok happening and writer then it struck me like i hadto study turtles in i've been doing turtles ever since as many as 200,000 turtles mike hall outonto this beach on one night twenty years ago it wouldhave been a million but this is still one of the biggest re: bodice

in the world the charles right nowcongregating right out there then to congregate what we call the flowand those are coming up after the sun goesdown and private midnight or one in the morning we're gonna have a very highconcentrations journals nothing here on this page and they're not gonna finish untilsunrise valley about eight or nine in the morning so yes gonna be some thirty had prettyheavy work all night long

we basically know that these journals come for two orthree consecutive everybody's in a row then they're going to leave and we won'tsee the journal again for another year for another two years the ariba thatwe're witnessing now may easily have a hundred thousandtroops participating and a hundred thousand journals out ahundred expert /url roughly that means ten million eggs are the turtles investment in theirown future but aids can also produce illegal income for poachers so patrolshave armed guards protect these nesting

turtles all night against take seems this female may have made it withseveral males offshore so each of her 6200 fertilized eggs may have a different genetic compositionwhich is healthy for the future of olive ridley turtles randall can alsoinspect the health of an individual or she's lame she seems to be unaware of him in a kindof trance he examines her gently for signs ofdisease or injury

while she's in this curioussemi-conscious state just why she interest this trance is not yet known the studies carried out on the speechindicate that roughly eight-percent all the eggs laid on thespeech actually hasn't earned a little now that does not mean that these littlechildren and adults a wild guess is won out over 100 this beach in austin all is only aboutfour and a half miles long and with turtles still arriving tonested on there is not much space left and someinevitably dig up the nest serve others

many eggs get damaged and the los is enormous the collection a bags is important forthe local economy but local people are only allowed totake them for the first 36 hours avanar reebok it's a conservation planthey're happy with the community lost in all protectorcharles in many ways probably the main way is their respective management plan thereare rules as to when you can harvest when you can

and the community as a whole compliesyou can only harm is the answer the first 36 hours he accepted be packaged in a special wayhas to be receipt is all this paperwork and the people most in all comply withall these rules and regulations to their very best and they get a goodharvest without harm to the terms softshell the aids travel well to aluxury market were summer enjoyed over the bar in apricey drink they call baca well now that more and more people areliving where they do

land turtles such as the californiadesert tortoise face greater problems this rivalryconcerns just love each when you look at what people have doneto the desert in the last 100 years it's amazing that it survive i mean herewe have this rugged old touchstone a place that looks time los yet it's changing very rapidlyin a place that was formerly virtually empty of people and now sitsin between phoenix las vegas and los angeles summer the most highly populatedcities in the united states and we put roads in through the wholedesert we've driven over dinner

motorcycles are trucks are off highwayvehicles we've by encouraging spreading exoticspecies of plants and animals that are changing the landscape in the desertvery rapidly in the desert tortoises become theflagship species for conservation in the mojave desertbut it has a very uncertain future in terms ofhow it's going to be able to survive in this onslaught of human populationincrease its charm maybe a desert tortoises worstenemy people like to have one at home

problems arise when the once loved petoutgrows its work it seem so easy in kind to let it go in the wild but fred or whatever his pet name has been isabout to cause problems among the wild he will inevitably meet he appears tohave a cold a viral infection that he'll soon passon to others a whole population desert tortoises made i because oneunwanted pet was carelessly released

close to towns tortoises are presentedwith other problems our roads cross their territories andthey get injured very and return another casualty for the vet but this one is not from a trafficaccident hi we have here have a look worth looks like it's been chewed out by adoctor coyote or some kind of a predator kateis just like dead skin that scale so this doesn't hurt this isjust like peeling get skin off

fiberglass can be used to repairtortoise bodywork sometimes i feel like a cook when i'mdoing this cover up that will put it covered up another layer much fine because it the fact that it's clear we can see through it and see what thattissue looks like in here so if it ever got to a point where thattoo she started looking bad we be able to take this shell patch ofget in there and treat it alright

convalescence for that injured terminalis available here with dan touchdown the san diego turtlesociety turtles are able to survive much moresevere injuries than a mammal because of their shell and a much slowerconstitution sorry i come on you want it he also hasor sins in his care unwanted pets drink bottles all arepampered here you know the guy breakfast time for youand there you go problems you about the sizable warmer yachip in florida

turtles have acquired a special friendrichard moretti who's a bit surprised by his new passionand moved to the keys in 1983 and start fishing everybody said oh you're so great becamethe keys to save the animals no i came to kill the fish just living in the keys change it youappreciate the environment law okay surely i for and these are the newbaby concerned about sick and injured turtleshe encountered in the late nineteen seventies

richard set up the florida turtlehospital and staff did with a dedicatedveterinary team planet if you get a little larger but yeah she's feeling okay cheesy justi feel a little salt water swimming pool without tarpinian grouper and snapperand all the children they came to visit said you have any turtles so in 1986 relate to the state of lardand said how do we get see charles ahead well either way you can have workto do something for and i feel what would you like to do

they said well when you to rehab laterwe have ur get hit by a pro we take it at that paida belly by the food and pay the bill when it'sready we turn it out so i can do that and that was our very modest start inthe sea turtle hospital. he likes i gotta casper no before i go to the keys i ran avolkswagen facility looks like it's becoming broke into myjob is to find the best mechanics the best parts

well this is the same the turtles canonbroken and my job is to find the best thats and the best med it's the sameexcept by now is that having a given the bill i pay the bill ready to make that nightlike that i didn't get too wet this little tiller is the beginning of a virus that affectseternals around the world this disease started a hundred years agowhen we first started seeing it fifteen years ago in the keys turtles were coming with a singular tourlike this are just hurdles evidently

just got the disease but he's only got acouple a very small tumors which will take off and once we do that lemme nizar againstthe disease bookkeeper for year will make sure she doesn't grow anymoreand they will let her go it appears to be a herpes virus very similar to herpessimplex one into and it's affecting charles worldwide %ah right now all eight species of turtleshave a similar lesions we have been able to get tissue samplesto make sure it's the same virus but we've got tissues samples for abouthalf the total is around the world and

all the ones we've been able examinerabout 95 percent positive to the same virus some turtles infected with this herpesvirus arrive in a much more advanced stage ofthe disease the team intends to do everything theycan but this turtle has been greatlyweakened by the growths there is a contrast even shared a radiopasses a year now this is not bone dance in the science of tissue dance i'm concerned about is we definitelyneed to go into the endoscopy in

document that there there with the some digital photographs in reason to that we have her back likethis is that we don't actually poke into something i can intestine blatter here norian that's going to make her feel somuch better kb ago persist directly in the endoscope does not reveal good newsthey can recognize large tumors within

her body in the wild she may not have lived muchlonger mean okay now we need to roll back overbecause i need to first sutures generic well that's not goodnews for this baby unfortunately they can do nothing for her except ease her pain and put her tosleep all the joy of success helps make up for thesadness a failure and today 4 rehabilitated turtles aregoing home

look like they're ready yeah after neverbring out the tank enjoyed it think tank called an ocean ii have not obey these guys are you readyfor this you look ready you beat me up alreadyget into yep okay little doubt moments like thisreassure richard moretti that their work is worthwhile alrightguy show is ending in pairs sounds good tome alright the roommates miss okay any usually when you see wildlife beingworked on it usually on a picnic table

in the back night we built a state-of-the-artfacility give these animals the care they willingly those little turtles that were justreleased when they came in they had been trapped in route when they were born ina struggle to get out they were cut all the way the bios all over their bodyfrom struggling with those routes i took us two years to get ready and yousaw those are nice healthy charles and the feeling taking a wild animallet's go live a lot longer than i well back out into the ocean it turning itloose for future generations

well you can see good times it's greatnothing feels better than being able to put something back to the future the new the new every day turtles can be seen enjoyingthe attentions have cleaner solution the word the fish feed on algae and in doing soclean the turtle shell it's a partnership that's millions ofyears old the mood generation after generation lived inwhat might have seemed

a perfect world the but change is sweeping through the ocean commercial fishing quelques minutes intothe sea which can break loose and drifted catching much more than intended these death traps can also sneer andround frightened turtles helplessly bound they cannot swim to thesurface to breathe 0 shrimp nets have also taken a toll onturtles

scientist john mitchell in the late nineteen seventies and earlynineteen eighties in the southeast region the united states we estimated that approximately 40,000 sea turtles were killed incidental to trent wrongly and this problem created a need for either a shutdown in the fishery for thedevelopment some apparatus for a technique to

exclude the sea turtles from patrol what they developed was 10 a turtle exclusion device it's tested inside thetrauma had a working fishing boat the net is being dragged behind the boatand the ted is fixed inside the net at the end theidea is that a turtle in the net hits the device is pushed up the rampand escapes through the top at the nap only alive turtle contested in this situation a turtle wouldnormally be fatally trapped with the

shrimp but on reaching the ted the turd muchbigger than the shrimp hits the bars is guided upwards and outinto the sea none the worse for it experience it's asimple invention but it saves the lives of many turns andthe use of ted's desperately needs to be encouragedworldwide here in central america we know that incosta rica at least at least 15,000 tales are being called a year and of course isdefinitely can have an impact on the

population there's a denture alright over there youcan see time almost 70 killed by a shrimper if costarica was implementing ted's efficiently thiswould no longer be the case in the stands at this beach in austin onthe olive ridley turtles have been developing for some sixty days what happened under the sand as the eggshatched is quite special the eggs at the bottom up the nest hatch firstthe hatchlings climb to the top

the chamber and down below stand fillsthe space they left as more hatch the floor is graduallylifted to just below the surface and the hatchlings emerge together once out of the nest hatchlings musthead for the sea but how do they know where it is light is a crucial factor fororientation the sea is always brighter than the last it's thought that when they're grownthese turtles will return to this very same beach to lay their eggs

turtles also hatching daily most race directly for the ocean butthey can now be seen by predators theirs is a lonely and dangerous journey on this beach almost every animal has ataste for terms but predators such as this black vulturedon't always get to eat their fill survival up the turtles is important tothe local people when the girls are hatching the womenare organizing to go to the beach sure the printer is a way to make surethat the little turtles can make it into the water

they try to make sure that all theselittle charles make it to the water safely because of course it's in their bestinterest to make sure that isn't yours make it to the water the eventually turn into adults and comeback and participate in in re: bada ten years down the road although some 10,000 hatchlings willsurvive to become a doctor calls remember 10 million eggs were laid inthe sense with a little help these youngsters willbe out to sea

where they will drift away on thecurrents no one knows where they go perhaps theyhide from ocean predators among floating seaweed where they can safely feed and grow butit will be 15 to 20 years before they return to these waters before people ever began helping turtlesto survive alligators have been unwittingly doingso for millions of views young red-bellied turtles are hatchingfrom eggs laid in the alligators nest the writinghe plays

warm and humid as good for incubatingturtles things as it is for hatching alligatorsboth stand to gain alligators eat a good many adult redbelly turtles up for two hundred million years turtles with their curious bodies andcased in their remarkable shelves have endured all manner of change aroundthem today's world is unlike that have longago ok the oceans are threatened by humanpollution in grief

ancient homelands and become desks islands are overrun by firm and thefuture for these reptiles may depend on us good we don't know really what role they playin in the overall scheme of things the ecosystem and ithink that's one reason why we should use any means to protect them there aremany many animals that we really don't humans don't see a need

to to spend the effort and the timeconserve but just the fact that we don't know i think means that we should 0 throughout the world your respective culture there is anaffinity for the turtle throughout the world we have myths thatdescribe various characters and features two turtles thatwe like to teach our children like

being steadfast being resolute here inthis country we have our own myth about the tortoise and the hare and we teach our children that been steadyand continuing to run the race can lead to victory you don't have to be themasses you don't have to be the best this year we were really excited for theturtles that weekend the problems last year in turn girl isit was a great big female probably about fifty years old she crawled up on a beach in centralflorida in late exist here and that's really exciting because youknow up to that point people usually

kept hurdles that with one flipper andaquarium warning now more and i i park well weprove that da three-member charles can go out thereand add to genetic makeup they can actually crawl up on the beachentry members will have their babies in the later innings their two hundred million years old as aliving fossil should we put back in the ocean hopefully with a a lotta help from ourfriends at help us work on titles will see them into the next millennium

but it makes you feel really good youknow you so much have our assets and our environment up it's so nice to put something back tothe future to learn more about what you've seen onthis nature program this is pbs online at pbs doc or or america online keyword pbs 30 much the same way for honors to got together bunching up taxingpieces of meat seen it happen iraq dinar really is there a really good grip on it

morning bottles you know the guy practice time for you yeah there you go problems you about the sizable warmeronly a chip look like they're ready yeah everything out thank god i enjoyedit think tank called an ocean ii had like two babies guys are you ready for this you look readyyour beat me up already get into yep okay you can go we


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