Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

emerald tree boa teeth length

i have in my hands here a spotted python,it is a member of the boyd family of the reptile world. meaning that it is a python or boa,this is ... thumbnail 1 summary
emerald tree boa teeth length

i have in my hands here a spotted python,it is a member of the boyd family of the reptile world. meaning that it is a python or boa,this is a python in particular. the spotted pythons are a easy going small python species,they only get about four feet at max, they stay and small. as you can see he's prettywell mannered and tame, he has no interest in being defensive or in biting me in anyway, shape, or form. they're called spotted pythons obviously because of their spots.they have almost kind of a leopard like print on their bodies. very similar to what differentspecies called a children's python, only the children's python spots tend to fade as theyget larger and the spotted pythons hold their spots. you can see him moving around in myhand there. snakes move with a undulating

movement of their lower muscles. basicallywhat they do is if you take a close look at his undercarriage here. all those scales,they kind of use them as tiny little feet to grab hold of the ground and push themselvesalong. they do it so gracefully and so easily that you can't even tell and it almost lookslike they levitate sort of. so it's actually very impressive. you'll see his sticking histongue out, flicking his tongue about and what he's actually doing there is catchingparticles off of the air and that tongue takes those particles into what's called the jacobson'sorgan in the top of his head and it relays those and what it actually is scent. so he'sactually smelling or tasting the air however you want, the smell and taste are both veryclosely related to tell what's going on around

him and who's going on around him. also, ifyou take a close look in at his face, you can see tiny little heat pits and heat pitsare little indentations along the upper lip area and they use that to judge where heatis and that's also one of their other ways for telling where prey or predator may be.

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