Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

emerald tree boa teeth size

ðÿžµmaybe red's like roses ðÿžµ ðÿžµmaybe it's the pool of blood ðÿžµ ðÿžµthe innocents will lay in ðÿžµ ðÿžµwhen in the end, you... thumbnail 1 summary
emerald tree boa teeth size

ðÿžµmaybe red's like roses ðÿžµ ðÿžµmaybe it's the pool of blood ðÿžµ ðÿžµthe innocents will lay in ðÿžµ ðÿžµwhen in the end, you've failed to save them ðÿžµ ðÿžµtheir dying eyes ðÿžµ ðÿžµare wide and white like snow ðÿžµ ðÿžµand now they know ðÿžµ ðÿžµthe cost of trusting you's obliteration ðÿžµ ðÿžµmirrors will shatter, ðÿžµ

ðÿžµcrushed by the weight of the world ðÿžµ ðÿžµthe pillars collapse in shame ðÿžµ ðÿžµthere'll be no rest ðÿžµ ðÿžµthere'll be no love ðÿžµ ðÿžµthere'll be no hero in the end ðÿžµ ðÿžµwho will rise above ðÿžµ ðÿžµand when it ends, ðÿžµ ðÿžµthe good will crawl ðÿžµ ðÿžµthe shining light will sink in darkness ðÿžµ

ðÿžµvictory for hate incarnate ðÿžµ ðÿžµmisery and pain for all ðÿžµ ðÿžµwhen it falls ðÿžµ [port] emerald and mercury of haven! [port] versus! [port[ coco and yatsuhashi of beacon! [velvet] good luck you two! [coco] hey... [coco] love the outfit, kid.

[emerald] i'll try not to get blood on it. [yatsuhashi] i can't promise you'll leave without a scratch. [emerald] i won't be the one bleeding. [coco] oh, i like her! [port] three, two, one, begin! ♪ [music begins playing] ♪ [crowd screaming]♪ welcome to the blood bath, jump into the tub ♪ ♪ fist-fight, death-match, come and join the club ♪ ♪ kick-start your face with a metal-clad boot ♪

♪ you should give up now, your retaliation's moot ♪ [blake] look out! ♪ i'll run circles round ya, i can touch the sky ♪ ♪ i'm gonna make ya hurt and i'm gonna make you cry ♪ [sun] he's good! [scarlet] yeah, but where's the girl? ♪ you want to mess around? well, come on, let's go ♪ ♪ i got no time to waste, let's start the show ♪ ♪ i'm the one that your mama said ♪

♪ "don't mess with them or you'll end up dead ♪ ♪ that type, they don't follow any rules" ♪ ♪ you're looking tall, you're looking tough ♪ ♪ i'm sorry dude, it's not enough ♪ ♪ your girlfriend's purse won't help you win this duel ♪ ♪ the bigger they are, then the more that they bleed ♪ ♪ the deeper the scars that won't heal ♪ ♪ buckets of pain as they lie there in shame ♪ ♪ knowing how true defeat feels ♪

♪ [instrumental] ♪ [yatsuhashi] coco! ♪ i'm the one ♪ ♪ that was born in a nightmare, a murderer's son ♪ ♪ got no gun ♪ ♪ but i gleam like a blade and i'm harder than iron ♪ ♪ who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one ♪ ♪ delusions ♪ ♪ i'll steal 'til your blind and defeat you from inside your mind ♪

[music stops] [coco] i take it back... i don't like her. [coco] damn! [yatsuhashi?] coco! [coco] watch out - she's in the trees! *loud buzzer* [port] oh, and with that final blow, yatsuhashi is eliminated!

[coco] what?! *trembling, footsteps crunching* [coco] damn. *crowd cheering* [oobleck] and with an amazing upset, emerald and mercury are victorious! *crowd booing* [velvet] coco...? *crowd - mixed cheering and booing*

[weiss] you're... leaving? [winter] yes. [winter] i was merely needed to oversee the transport of additional units to vale. our last shippment was lost to an ambush. i believe you had a run-in with it's cargo, actually. it's fortunate those paladins were still in the prototype stage. otherwise, your team may not have fared so well. weiss... you've done...

...well... ...out here on your own. you should be proud. i'll be honest, it was quite amusing seeing father's face the day you left for beacon. [weiss] i can't wait to show him what i've learned. [winter] oh? and what do you think you've learned? [weiss] what do you mean? i'm getting better and better with my glyphs.

i've even started time dilation. [winter] and what of your summoning? [weiss] i... you know i can't. [winter] don't be ridiculous. every schnee has the ability to summon. we have for generations. [weiss] i've tried! it's just... it's the one thing i'm having trouble with!

[winter] we schnees are unique. unlike many, our semblance is hereditary. but that doesn't mean that it will come easily. your semblance is like a muscle. the more you practice with it, the stronger it will become. but if you only focus on one aspect of it... if you fail to test the limits of what you think is possible... then you'll never truly grow. [ruby] you'll never beat me old man!

[qrow] heh, you're nothin' but talk, kid. [yang] you can do it, ruby! [game announcer] soaring ninja wins! [game announcer] total annihilation! [yang] ouch... [qrow] by the way. don't ever call me "old". [yang] my turn! [game announcer] new challenger approaches. [qrow] now, where was i?

[ruby] you were telling us about your last mission! [qrow] right, right. i come across a small village in the swamps west of mistral. right off the bat, i knew something wasn't right. [ruby] what were you doing there? [qrow] i needed information. [qrow] tired from battling grimm along the way, i decided to start my search at the town's inn. the place was crawling with low-lifes and thugs,

even a few huntsmen i could only assume had been hired by less than reputable people for less than respectable jobs. and that's when it happened. [yang] what happened? [qrow] i was defeated... by the mere sight... of the innkeeper's skirt length! [yang] you are the worst!

*qrow and ruby laughing* [qrow] best two out of three? [ruby] so, uncle qrow, did you get in trouble with ozpin? [qrow] nah, me and oz go way back. we're cool. [yang] *scoff* cool for an old guy. [qrow] not funny. [ruby] hey, so, what are you doing here anyway? i thought dad said you'd be away on a mission for, like...

ever. [game announcer] ready! [game announcer] fight! [qrow] well, a professional huntsman like myself is expected to get results, as soon as possible. [ruby] yeah, i get that. we're pretty much pros, too. [qrow] oh really? [yang] pssh, yeah!

read the news sometime! we totally saved vale while you were gone. [qrow] funny, because i heard vale suffered a grimm attack after you almost managed to stop a train. [qrow] but they don't give out medals for "almost." [ruby] they do, and they're called silver! [yang] well, we helped take down roman torchwick. he's locked up in ironwood's ship and crime's been down ever since. that's basically a bounty mission.

[qrow] sure, you may be acting like huntresses, but you're not thinking like one. you really think four girls and their friends could end all crime in a kingdom? [ruby] i mean, i did until you said that. [qrow] violence hasn't dropped since roman got nabbed. it's stopped. completely. no white fang activity anywhere around the city.

you cut off the head of a king taijitu, but now the second head's calling the shots. that's what ironwood can't get through that thick, metal head of his. [yang] you... know the general? [qrow] hey, i know everybody to some extent. remember, you're talking to a member of the coolest team to ever graduate beacon!

*sigh* team strq (stark). that's when i met your parents. we were pretty well known back in the day. [ruby] well known for crummy fashion sense. [qrow] hey, we looked good! and i have a number of inappropriate stories that'll back that up. but, i'll save those for when you're older. [ruby] ew, gross!

[qrow] anyway, i'm too old to be hanging out with a bunch of kids. you're gonna cramp my style. look. just remember that you've still got a long way to go. and don't think for a second that graduating means you're done. every day out there is worth a week in this place. you two, you're gonna go far. but only if you keep learning. if you never stop moving forward.

[winter] excellent form! now think to your fallen foes! the ones that force you to push yourself past who you were and become who you are now. think of them, and watch as they come to your side. [weiss] i can't! [winter] stop doubting yourself! [weiss] i'm trying! [winter] if this is what you call trying, then you have

no hope of winning the tournament, let alone succeeding as a huntress. why don't you just move back home? i'm sure father will give you a nice job as a receptionist. [weiss] i don't need his charity. [winter] but you do need his money, don't you? [weiss] what?! how did you know about that?! [winter] lucky guess.

i may have been in a similar situation when i joined the military. so what have you done this time? [weiss] well, that's the thing. i'm really not sure. i went to pay for lunch the other day, but my card didn't work. [winter] how embarrassing. [weiss] i know! [weiss] well, it was!

why would he cut me off like that?! [winter] perhaps so you'd stop avoiding him and call home. emotions can grant you strength, but you must never let them overpower you. it sounds to me like you have two choices in front of you. you can either call him, beg for his money back and explain once more why you want to study at beacon over atlas. or... you could continue to explore remnant.

discovering more about the world, and honestly, more about yourself. it's time for me to go. [weiss] it was really good to see you, winter. [winter] until next time, sister. ðÿžµsome believe in fairy storiesðÿžµ ðÿžµand the ghosts that they can't seeðÿžµ ðÿžµi know that i could do so muchðÿžµ ðÿžµif i could just believe in meðÿžµ

[phone vibrating]ðÿžµmirror mirrorðÿžµ [phone vibrating]ðÿžµi'll tell you somethingðÿžµ ðÿžµi think i might change it all...ðÿžµ

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