'a new generation fever' “love on the internet whichreplaces intimacy sms and i-phone call†“it gives a thrill in the minds†“minds of youths are luring,chatting and some cheating-" "- searching and some hacking†“that is the practice of new generation†“sweetness on what’sup some studies on youtube†“even father can’tunderstand this time-" "- bad time this isnew generation eraâ€
what fever is this? what chill it is? “chilling from top to bottom,is it the fever of new generation� “this is a fever created by mind, that is contagious†“searching for new words onfacebook, which has got no face†“on the fourth day relationship is cut, then it becomes sorrow on twitter†“what story is this? what fate is this?†“is this new generation a riverwhich flows in a different path?†“it is like forgetting the past,that is the fate of new generation†all the stories will be having a hero-
- who can be termed as smart active, brilliant this young man is our hero, karthik there is no special reason why his parents had put a name 'karthik' a good name that's all his hobby is bike race not simply hobby it is his passion that'll be more correct, what is seen here is the pratice for delhi race a real representative of new generation that is what karthik is
now over to heroine of the story induja! even though there is modesty in name but in character it is not there she is bold, bubbly and energetic if not, the boys in the campus will they name her 'war horse?' mother!hey girl, can't you drive properly? are you driving without seeing the signal, zebra line and turning? look coming here and hitting and talking non sense is it? what? i was on the right side
look girl if you shout also, you won't get a single penny from me because the mistake is not onmy side, i wasn't over speed also when the higher up in traffic got changed, it is same as usual child we both had made mistakes, we both didn't notice coming and hitting and then he is justifying that one hey man take it and go!morning itself coming to create issues the power of this horse who has got the power to react we've witnessed directly, indu is also a gifted singer
her singing talent gave her- - in the music competition conducted by 'sky blue channel' presented her a flat worth of one crore my goodness sister! get on! all though she is having lot of positive qualities in her character there is a big minus asking what it is no? she believes fully what is seen on internet thank you sister
today also annu has got ice cream with her where did you get her indu?in front of that ice cream parlor when she sawme, she was shrinking! if you eat ice creams daily, ammu's teeth will go, you’ll become a grandma i'll bear that uncle, you takecare of your teeth she is very smart pilla brother, what is upwith the daughter's marriage? what to do child, all the peoplewho are coming have high demands
child, don't you know by toiling here day and night, what is gained? now everything is inthe hands of god child, shall i go there? mother, tea! earlier there was amildness, now it is an order wants tea, wants this, wants that! comes when she likes, goes when she likes! i shouldn't ask anythingher tea! here, drink it!
what happened? todayprameela amma is really angry i was late, is that the problem? or did you think i was roaming with karthik? i've no problems when you go with karthik by the way what is your plan? either me or his family is against your relationship everything is your obstinacy; marriage is after getting a job his family is rich tosatisfy any of your wishes then why do you want a job?
my mother in today's world,only if females have a job husband will respect! hey girl, will you get a job in this century? what is it girl?what are you doing? look mother, i got a job in this century only do you where it is? in thefamous 'sky blue channel' they have put one lakh rupees in the account - one lakh? they offered this job onseeing my stage presentation - - and my talent to sing
mother, you wait and see i'll just rock! my god! look your prayersare accepted, but one thing that stupid 'scooty' which she is using now is a mis-match for her beauty from the salary which she has got she will buy a good two-wheeler you shouldn't deny that, it is my order yeah shylaja! shylaja!coming grandma okay, come fast my dear
why are you not coming here? grandma, i got a small jobis it so? my gift, grandma you must bless mewhat is this girl? god, give her a good life god! why are you taking grandma for your favor? proudave, give this moneyas offering, send it fast it was send as a money order, no? lord venkateshwara is a big person, he has got a bank account
i'll transfer the cash grandma, you don't worry, if the post office isn't here i'll go to a place where it is and i'll send the money order the cash i gave let it be with you for me? god, shall i go?okay grandma come on tell girl this is for you, to buythe text and guide hold ittell the truth, did you win a lottery?
lot of kindnesscome, i'll tell you come, i've told about a job, no? that was through over the net? received the advance of that anyway you got a job that you wished now what is the nextplan of karthik and you? will there be wedding?go, girl wait, now only received the job now let me stand ina 'self-stand' are you coming? wants to buy a surprise item - i would have come but grandma is alone
mother has gone to tanjavoornever mind that one by the way, how muchdoes this surprise cost? almost 50,000 then i'll in the place of that stupid 'scooty' of yours you are going to buy a new one hats off to you, your intelligence though you are a fool by the way, wait to say scooty is stupid i'm planning to give that to you also monthly rupeesthousand as petrol allowance
see, look at the way he looks on seeing will know he is a flirt this is latest model135 cc and that black one?this is our prestigious model mam 55,000 indu, see that one mileage is 60 kms, it is avery good moving vehicle good, no? what to do? will take this, no?
girl, how beautiful it is to see this? on this price you won't get any other good vehicle vehicle is' tvs', no? takeit boldly nothing else to think girl grandma is all alone, you settle the things here and come there okay then you may leave, i'll come with the vehicle mam, shall we fix this? this will do okay man, i'll call hey..!
raja?indu! -where were you? which is this girl?my marriage is over it was in the last june then what, your marriage, on that day crow will fly other way it is true girl, can't you see her wedding chain on the neck? hey man, earlier also you used to entice girls who are married! you have notspared even the teachers hey girl you look at the stills of marriage function did you see?
now i'm convinced but still why didn't you inform me? after all i was arts club secretary and you were my assistant, no? nothing more to say for the last two and a half years i was at bangalore as told by a friend ofmine i met her through what's up this lady, i never thought it'll be a danger like this she is 7 years older than me when the on line love got high, iwent to mysore as per her invitation on a wine yard i'vemade all the setup for love talks
i went to her house to pick her up like how discovery chanel shows i entered into a den of a lion her family made me to marry her by force! her father is the chief of hit men i was trapped -didn't you seethe photo of this old lady? that is more interesting they have put the photo of nagamma who is 17 years old everyone will fall for her on seeing nagama's figure and glamour
everything is lost leave it man one day you come what is the best now? leave i'll come why madam? you are really angry move, i should go why so hurry?at least mind me why should i mind you? how many days it has been since you left? did you call me? did you send at least one message?
no, is it? my dear i'm sorry, i was busy with the race then son, you do one thing full time you remain hugging the bike let me see whether i can get a person who minds and calls me move backindu, indu! “tender mist covers the orchards near the woods†“heart is filled with sweet dreams†“like a dot of love like a mark of loveâ€
“as you come flowing†“my mind becomeslike a tide in sea†“shall adorn golden bangles†“lotus has blossomed†“hey full moon bird that has come from the valley of stars†“is it you or this night which has got unique beauty?†“ceaseless fragrance†“bearing the rays of moon light†“rays of grace flowsâ€
“with the fragrance of moon flower, you safire bird†“is it you or this rose flowerwhich has got lustful beauty?†“which is more charming?†“like a dot of love, like a mark of love†“my mind becomes like a tide in sea†mother, look a message has come my first job is to interview a person for 'sky blue channel' god, at last youheard our prayers daughter, at first we've torepay that debt of sudeesh
has heard that he has returned from gulf mother will repay all that it has been 15 years since your father has left us after that i managed the things till here you have got fame and a flat to stay and now you have got a job also mother, why do you want to say all this things now? i'll tell, perhaps tomorrow when i'm not there you should take each step forward carefully
so when your father returns with sweet words will you accept him? mother don't you have anything else to say? the program director thatis mentioned in the email listen carefully what i'm saying day after tomorrow is the best business man award function- -at delhi to receive that rakesh menon of danalakshmi group has gone there next day menon will return back
to interview him, is the indu's first task but sir i've heard that menon sir is a busy person will he accept aninterview immediately? that is where you've to show your smartness if have selected youafter studying your talents then talking while talking sweetly with modesty anyone will fall on it, no? sir, over there forthis whom should i contact? over there, there is an executive secretary
one niveditha she is handling everything you should takeher into your favor girl, to whom are yousaying a sweet bye? that internet programs director mother do you know whomi'm going to interview? who is it? the great business man, rakesh menon the business awards are distributed as allotted by central government
at a function heldat business bavan awards are distributed by central industrial minister the award for best business man sri rakesh menon has received it headed by menon himself danalakshmi group at trivandrum secured the award for best - -business establishment as i was not here for 3 days today is a busy day send to my cabin important or very urgent files only
sir, you've promised the inauguration of a detective agency the time is on 11 o'clock today today itself they'vecalled 2 or 3 times thanks to remind me.. a central minister from delhi has told me to attend that function i'll tell them, sir will start immediately today boss is very busy.if anything comes divertit to me. hello, is it niveditha madam? my name is induja, i'mworking for 'sky blue channel'
hi induja, tell me madam's voice is also just like the name really like the voiceof bagiya lakshmi madam can't you try dubbing there is nothing like that by the way why did induja call? if you want life we should pray to brahma, is it not? niveditha madamshould do one help to interview rakesh menon sir, channel has delegated me for that first of all, boss has come and gone out to attend an inauguration function
and for 3 days as he was out of station he is very busy shall we try it for tomorrow? madam, doesn't mind if it gets late today camera man, one assistant and then myself only 3 of us, we'll wait at the reception child, what can i do?if you say like this shall i call you sister? calling this sister to work out on sentiments, no?
no, all though over the phone feels an intimacy towards sister i'm allowing this by risking my job first of all let me say this when boss comes your interview will bejust before the boss leaves that too only if the boss allows you should wait at the lobby down stairs only come up stairs only when called thank you my dear sister this 'blue tooth' vappachanalso known as saji vappachan
on the matter offriends blue tooth is rich the new avatar of 'theetta rapayyi', jumbo giraffe, john and then jacky care taker of jacky shan only in the bath room we can see vappachan without blue tooth when son was doinga good job at bsf in the mind of father vappachan a wish sprouted immediately son should be a ips officer and at last the job at bsf is also lost
didn't get ips also father's next wish was that son should start a detective agency that wish was fulfilledhe has come look, the scissors, they had comemake everything ready is everything ready?everything ready sir greetings sirgreetings i've expected a huge crowd we dont believe in huge publicty,we believe in doing. i aprecite that..
this detective agencyheaded by saji vappachan by wishing all success iconduct the inauguration of this fellow, what a watch is this? uncle, why no icecream and kit kat? that is all there, but it is for the next anniversary okay all of you go -he brought us saying all this will be here everything will be there, next year come here bit early otherwise he will eat everything
if he gets free, he'll drink acid also! go man so you got a jobwith a 6 digit salary today you are going to interview business magnet rakesh menon don't know when is our matter our what matter? so don't you intend to wed me? just wait to fix all that it depends on how i performon the interview regarding my job
first of all let the job get fixed after that comes the marriage no, you will rock the interview any way you won that secretary is it? but still everything will be all right time is going hello, niveditha akka it is me indu i've told earlier today is a busy day can we come and sit at the upstairs?
when sir gets freeshall meet immediately at last it is as if giving space for the camel will i lose my job? okay come up stairs can you recognize me? the owner of such a sweet voice will be a beautiful girl at the most 30there you went wrong any police will make amistake, akka we are there akka (sister)
only 10 minutes if it isfinished or not boss will leave come i've met you some where for the same channel, on the play back singer program- - i was the winner you got the flat, right? we have heard of maya dasan - - who convertseverything to gold on touching in stories
but on the business firms which he undertakes only gives success one of the biggest business man in india and also for business firms is gifted with golden success, here is rakesh menon on an exclusive- - interview for our channel menon sir, please tell how long it has been after building this business dynasty? it has been around 20 years
last and final question which is the power source behind this success? my family especially my wife suchitra and also my staffs in my firm my well-wishers all of them had supported for my success so have all heard what is thesecret behind rakesh ji's success? to him and dhana lakshmi group niveditha madam who controls each and every moment in the office and to damodar ettan who is the senior most staff
by giving wishes along with camera man ajai gosh your own induja i'll hand over edited copy tomorrow to niveditha chechi i'll tell the telecast date at that time how was your exam? it was good dad sir, it is good flowersgot from there, no? from where is this bouquet? when telling in true sense, moreimportant than the award received-
- from delhi, this bouquetis more important to me that is given by damodar who is the senior most at the office i'll get fresh and comeokay okay come son yes, forgot to mention one thing today for a channel's interview few people had come the news about receivingthe award came 2 days back, is it? yes that girl is known to our niveditha
for the singing competition at the 'sky blue tv' has gained flat, no?it is that girl indu, a smart young girl i don't remember that do you want to listen today's thing? when i was really tired that girl had come, therewas a flow of positive energy tiredness and boredom had gone if she is that smart why not give her a job over there?
that will benefit the company totally all that can be thought later by the way today's programwill benefit the company in a way it is a self-marketing that is the result of offering to lord ganapathy now did you understandthe power of that one? it went upto gaining an awardyeah understood! akka (sister) i've reached within one day without any calls has reached before executive secretary
not only this group, if at all akka becomes un secretary there will be no questions and answers when i ask akka won't say no then why to waste that much time? okay, today also are youplanning to disturb the boss? my dear akka, i had come to give the edited copy of yesterday's interview this is the copy for the bossand this is the copy for akka till it gets telecasted do not circulate this and create a bad mark for me so is it that bad program?
no, no, akka you see this and tell how is this sister's program right now there is no time, time for boss to arrive i'll go home and watch it okay then akka, shall i go? must watch and call mebye are you tensed. sir told, to give that cd where did boss see her that girl who came along with him? our boss saw that girl when he was coming down in a lift
that girl told she hadhanded over some cd here boss told me tocollect that and come so, that is itby the way who is this new avatar along with boss? black cat-karunakaran the new body guardthat was recruited by boss sir! i'll watch the program when i get time generally how was the feedback?sir, everyone in the channel liked it
because of that they had given me a new assignment what again shooting?that is not required sir, you don't have to do anything on this sir, at present you are the number one business man in india how will be one day of sir, that is what this program is all about that is... along with sir, cameraof the channel also travels shoots in one day, it is shown on channel for one hour will it affect my privacy?never sir
sir, won't even know we are with you i should think over this and decide okay, this is my card call me after 2 days - but sir the decision should be positive, okay let me see, smart and beautiful girl for the time being you may go like that, that is overwhat to say? girl, come to flat and go i'm not there your mother looks suspicious on me
which is like taking an x- rayi'll melt - go girl! hi aunty should i help? no need , i can take all this aunty, tell ammu that i've accepted her friend request she is in an angry mood angry? what is the reason? in between this purchasing,she says she wants pizza where is time for me to go there?
that is okay, i've also ordered pizza tell her i'll give one to her alsoindu, you are the one who pamper her pamper? where to getsuch a nice girl at this age? for me to buy all this, only you people are there, no? then what about me? hey brahmin girl, you are my dearest, no? then shall i go daughter? can't her husband do all this purchase? then she'll starve and die
he won't even help he is an addict tocybersex and online gambling have we reached the flat?no sir no tell me on reachingokay sir you control and put the brake okay okay then that person is our character
last week on tvi saw your program what was its name? yeah, lover's corner..that was superb is there any new programs? i'm planning one, thatwill be coming soon aunty, had come just now did that devil come? uncle, if you do this purchasing together, won't it be fun? you are right. but daughter, she won't come
she won't come to this bar and queue in beverages that is the problem, no?i didn't mean going to bar then? this items for the house to shops that sell rice, turmeric, chili, vegetables, is it? that is her job, not mine even otherwise there is ammu with her for the help, no? you dont have to ask this sillyquestions, ok girl, how is my neighbor? -hats offto aunty and daughter for bearing him
how can we save this family? these people will have the addiction that gets cured- - on getting a beating do you know what his hobby is? when aunty is not there, checks her face book for everything makes a mis-interpretation it has been monthssince they talked each other my head is spinning on hearing it how was your program?
his personality is higher than what we heard and known sir, is there any change on that one day program? there is a change - i've informed the program director that you had agreed then indu, you inform him one more thing that you are going to join the dhana lakshmi group which means you are leaving the channel -what? sir, how is that possible? sir, you have not mentioned it earlier to me why? is there any legalagreement with the channel?
is there any financial dealings? yes sir, they have given one lakh as advance repay that tomorrow itself if indu is willing from the next day you are my personal secretary sir, i need to think over it what is the problem in saying that now? sir, there is an offer from dubai from dubai, what about payingan equal salary of that offer, here? mother won't be alone at home also
sir, that is... when you say okay, tomorrow itself appointment letter will reach home your salary will be rs 75000 with 7 years, niveditha'ssalary is only rs. 50,000 accepting it okay indu, immediately forward your bio-data to me okay sir i don't think i can finish all the programs assigned by channel indu had told me that menon has agreed
and now what is it? now menon sir is telling me to join with him in dhana lakshmi group how is that possible? indu has received the full advance the advance which i've received will be repaid by menon sir that is not possible, indu we've planned lot of programs with you now, when you say you are joining in another company..! what is our profit? i've given word to menon sir
but again we may requiresome other helps from indu at that time you should help mesir, what is that you mean? please if there is anythinglike that, leave me indu, is joining dhana lakshmi group indu obeys our instructions also which we've given before by the way, you don't have to repay the advance immediately in return do some things which we tell and indu will get benefit of that "when i saw youwhen you were young"
why narendra oflately the roaming is more? from the district court sir is droppedat home, i've just returned back i've come here because an appointment is going to take place now without any notification andinterview which appointment has- - taken place inthis group, narendran? so far has not taken place, what i told is, it is going to take place now are you so sure?that is good who is that influential candidate? you just see the festival that is going to take place
or you know it by hearing when i saw you,you were very young" i'll be bit late to arrive by 2 o'clock send narendran to home then one more thing, immediately make one appointment letter all the details are there on my mail let jeevan sign that andsend it to concerned party so is she that candidate? i know she is a tiger!
are you happy now? asking whether i'm happy? then you join tomorrow itself i'll reach by 10 o'clock good morning akka ( sister) akka ( sister) from today onwards i'm to take charge as menon sir's- - personal secertary good your appointment letter was drafted by me and send it to you
and then you are telling me about it! akka, do you know i rejected a good offer which came from dubai and i accepted this job that too menon sir compelled me indu i really appreciate you with a short span of time, you gota job in a reputed company like this menon sir is calling indu madam sorry akka i thought my arrival will make you happy okay indu, so we'll start
discussion room, big discussion business center along with this business will also take place why man are you laughing?are you mad? not for me, i think many are mad here hey fellow tell clearlyhow many years it has been - - since you joined with menon sir? it has been around 15 years how is this sir?what do you mean?
my dear brother when asking how is menon sir? which means that one! don't talk non sense get lost man it is not there but now it is there menon sir has appointed that girl, no? induja what is the reason, why menon sir appoint her so fast? you think that one there is something wrong on thatwhat is wrong? now when i went to sir's room with a file
that girl and sir.. my dear brother in thename of god, i saw with my 2 eyes brother you come here, i'll tell in the office many people had started talking about this about what? i'm telling this to you because it shouldn't spread more as you are faithful to sir now you do whatever you like hey have you gone to saturn?which saturn?
that red planet no - what you toldnow, if sir knows about this he will take you to saturn if not there, youwill be send to mercury thursday, friday, saturday sunday, you can return only on sunday sunday it is a holiday, no beverages, your life is lost! brother..sorry..dont touch my legs..brother don't tell anyone my dear brother i have not told anything to you or you've heard anything it is a truth that you have not told anything
but i have heard everything brother!go, go man my god i got busted! i would have believed thathell with him! then mother has told to say thanks to sir what is that for? - if hadn't given this job to me by leaving alone motheri would have gone to dubai no indu, it is your talentswhich made you reach here indu, deserves it, your aimshould be the growth of the company
according to performance the salary will also increase this going, there is something wrong in that i also felt the same she has got some calculations the moves are very precise while thinking even our boss got trapped in her net you are the mainreason behind that she was brought here for the shooting you only introduced her to the boss
by the way after shootingit is 5 to 6 days - yes it is now the time for telecasting has come, no? - yes it has will do one thing, just call in that channel ramanathan!yeah coming, i'll come now so, please connect itto editor incharge.please stay in line please.. sorry madam there is no reporter named indu in our channel or office we've not done such an interview we've not delegated anyone to interview rakesh menon we've not done such an interview.someone has given you wrong message.
what is it? channel people had not given permission for such an interview sudeesh, how is mother?no problem aunty to walk there is some problem will it always takethis time for indu to come? she has just entered the job, no?she'll be late by the way whenare you returning to gulf? aunty nothing is decided, planning to do some business in native place i'll come now
hello, yeah tell me girl, no, i'm only there not yet time for her arrival but i don't knowwhether indu will be there i'll definitely come -auntyyeah - i'm leaving okay then fellow yeah you tell that i'll check at night and give the report in the morning call me when everything get okayyes sir hey girl now what is the time?
you should think that you are a matured girl how long you have been talking at the down stairs? mother that is rakesh menon sir, he came to drop me here we've been discussing some urgent things at office right from the days when fatherwas not there, i grew you up- - without any bad name you shouldn't create a bad name for me mother, i'm the personal secretary of rakesh menon sir sometimes i may have to go on a long journey with him
perhaps may come home late also i thought mother will be having some common sense did you call me here to watch face to face? i should go to office i'm going to say athing which you don't like yesterday there was a call from delhi is it regarding therace? you should go for that race then aren't you worried? when asking do i? yes there is
for some days i've to part you, no? for me you are important sure dear.. i've called you urgentlyto give some business assignments must enquire about a bombay based company's stability and reliability has given a big order give us the name and the address of thatcompany within a week sir will getthe details needed on this table will that be enough?
i am going forward as i trust youmr, satheesh kumar company's name and details youwill get from the legal section, here ok, i will take care of that sir.see you ,.. i will send the details sir, i need to talk about somethings about indu to sir i know what niveditha is going to tell that can be told in some other time where is indhu. tell her toready the documents we are only going back, after tomorrow's hearing i've arranged your accommodation here
okay sirokay, come sir, this is for the first time moving from home indu, it'll be like thisfor several days thats the duty and responsibilityof private secretary this is the key for your suit the dinner will be served at your room at 8 o'clock yea sujihusband, you don't get tensed i've called to say an important thing today morning along with newspaper there was a cover
those are some photos of bed room scenes of husband and indu! that is not true you send it to me immediatelyokay i saw it suji but this is fake may be i doubt your secretary indu husband you call her and threaten her this morning is not that good what is this? sir, what is this?
that is what i want to ask is it done with your knowledge?sir, what are you saying? after dinner came to theroom, rest of the things i don't know i won't leave them,whoever it is behind this! i am going to end your service for me. with a person who doesn't trust me i'm not interested to work these photos will affect me more, than sir because i'm a girl because of that i'll findout who is behind this is there any truth in that what ramanathan has told?
is there anyrelationship between them? what is it to me? a person made an elephant to fall down, who is that guy? stop there girl! what is this girl? this all created in fake are you saying it is a lie? wheredid you both stay yesterday? that was in a resort so, do you mean to say it is not true?
100% i'm saying this because you are my mother when a girl becomes a bit bold while talking to a male will the virginity of a girl get lost mother? mother do you still doubt? i trust you but one who createdthis bad name for you that menon is there, no? i'm meeting him today itself i'll catch by his collar and ask
why did he do this to you? mother don't do that keep quiet, i know what to do who are you?what do you want? i'm a journalist wanted to meet menon sir is there menon sir? uncle, you may sit greetingsyou may sit who are you? i could recognize you?
sir, i'm srikumar, md of evening sun newspaper yes mr. srikumarwhat is the purpose of visit? there is a concern sir, this cover and some details were received- - today morning in my office sir, you can open it and see without opening it i know what is inside that like this a cover was received to my office and to my wife okay, okay but to a newspaper office if such a cover and- - photographs comes, you might know the consequences, is it?
definitely, without making it public and you came to meet me that is a big thing tell me what is the remuneration which i should pay for this? i'm the owner of a evening newspaper - -which has got 2.5 lakh copies i'll charge rs. 10 per copy you mean 25 lakhs?yes for these photos i've put a price which is mere rs. 2 . 50 if that is okay for you you can return with that
i'll get the money which i've asked and sir will give that to me what if, if i don't? in my newspaper these photos and details on this will be printed what sir has built in all these years will be demolished within a second mr. srikumar what is seen today all this i have achieved by overcoming the challenges so, no need of your threats on me please get out from my house..
on this sir will feel sorry for it what is it girl? - on calling father, he is not getting up he must be got drunk and sleeping what is the use of saying it here? you go and tell the security simply to create problems to others where did you andmother go, to roam? how many times did i call father? you didn't answer at all
if i don't answer once you should call again that is how kids shouldgrow up, did you understand? that is i...to indu chechi's.. came to tell herand did you tell indu chechi? did indu chechi tell you she will set right everything? go inside you girl! she spoiled my entire mood don't cry you girl, go inside i say! after drinking lost the senseswhy do you want to get angry on me?
stop there you girlstop there i say girl, whom am i to you? who is it?father is it how a daughter should talk to a father? father! what is going on here? what?are you mad? madness is for your other person one person has left you and gone, no? not being able to bear you
that person he is mad hey you! that is my daughter,i'll beat or kill my daughter who are you to ask me that one? if you shout at my flat's door! if i shout what will you do, lady? will you give order for killing? -over here drinking and shouting is not allowed so you are so strict, no? i'll drink over here and shout you show what you can do
leave the hand from the bottle hey lady my scotch! you spilled my scotch, no? what is this?go man hey man what is the use of you being here? madam, that is.. siryou don't interfere, go man i'll show youi'll show you lady hey lady stop theresudhakaran sir, what is this?
you don't interfere, leave me lady stop there i want to meet your boss rajesh menon his name is rakesh menon whichever menon he is i want to see him you go and meet that madam what will he do, if i meet him? i don't fear anyone, i must meet your boss rakesh menon without knowing who and why?
then that shouldn't be left out i'm prameela, mother of induja who is working here sir, induja's mother has come here.she is a little violent.. okay, okay i'll tellyes lady i'm voilent enticed my daughter and created a bad name for her, no? he is in a meeting inside whatever meeting it is, i must meet him told can't meet you get lost this prameela has notcome to just go like that
i'll go only after meetingthat stupid menon! then i'll showdon't leave her inside don't open itleave i say i've told you not to open it - i want to meet him, i'll go only on meeting him move back i saycan't go inside move backleave me you are not allowed inside move back, youshould not go inside i must meet him, leavewhat is it?
what is the problem here? hey man! leave! hey man, i won't leave youi'll show you i'll show you i won't leave you leave me, leave me!what to do? you come here with these photos and with photos received before, a continous serial
behind the brutal killing, business king that is good - you comewe've got some job “on the eyes the wetpetals are covered by dusk†“on the words, the dusk renders a tinge of sorrow†“thinking of withered days, bygone stories are kept close to heart†“shall share theun-withered dreams†“on the words, the duskrenders a tinge of sorrow†“when the mind is filled with sorrows†"full moon of love renders smileâ€
“memories of loveremained for several days†“hey time, day is slowly fading off†“for the arrival of dark nights†this is the picture drawnas per the instructions from indu apart from, he following you did he initiate any talk? or any kind of challenge,anything of that sort? i had felt that he is following me for 10 to 12 times he has got a peculiar stare! that is hard to bear
sir, he is the person so, you are the person, no? what is your name fellow?that is sir.. saradhi - rascal, tell the truth why did you kill prameela? prameela, who is that sir? have you shown your revenge for not marrying indu to you? my god what is this sir saying? grudge?what grudge? then why do you wantto follow this girl like a shadow?
so that is it no? i'm a big fan of this girl during the time ofstudies, i liked indu a lot after completion ofcompetition in the channel my love also increased sir, each day if i don't see indu, i can't sleep see, take a look at this all this is full of indu's pictures sir, not indu i can't hurt anyone who is related to indu i like indu a lot
sir, is there any rule that one shouldn't like a person? okay you gotake it thanks a lot sir, shall i go sir induja, you may go, we'll contact you sir on the day when prameela was murdered in the evening prameela andher neighbor sudhakaran, had a quarrel after some time along withprameela, he also went out there is a statementfrom watch man then did you arrest that sudhakaran?- yes sir
he is waitingoutside, he is an alcoholic hey manikkanda bring that sudhakaran here hey fellow sudhakara, come inside what hey fellow sudhakara? do you know, who am i?i am not a silly guy, it professional. leave me man this was si, no? sir, what is the problem? i'll tell what the problem issir, you must tell
on the day when prameela was killed did you quarrel with her?there was a quarrel after that you went out along with her yes i went out - tell the truth how did you kill her? i liked that one, dcp sir you keep that intelligence with you keep it with you, i killed prameela amma is it so? okay, okay, okay! hey fellow why did you go out along with her? why did i go out, i don't have to convince you people
if i go after prameela amma, does it mean that i killed her? hey fellow are youarguing before the police? sir you go sir sir, i've seen this threat a lot did you understand? if you don't get the accused - - you make the person that you got as accused don't show that on me okay i am not a silly guy.i am an it professional
hey man put him inside that cell when the thief is not received, will make the caught person a thief show it to this it professional okay, okay, leave me i say leave metake him dysp alex was enquiring on it all the details on prameela murder case, is inside this file sir any clue regarding the murderer? sir prameela's neighbor, one -
- sudhakaran is taken into custody by police like that rakesh menon and prameela's quarrel- - police has receivedone video clipping without getting any clear evidence don't give any news to media like that rakesh menon also he is a reputed business man without any clear evidencedon't take any action against him any way let me study this case what is aganist menon is situational evidences
dcp had just nowcalled and hung the phone i think dcp has got someinterest to trap menon on this case on a program conducted by police i didn't take sponsorship for 15 lakhs from that day startedhis grudge towards me coming to my office a lady who challenged me will i kill? to understand this only common sense is required but some has captured that scene on a mobile that is send to the police stationsir, trap is over there
any small kid will understand it is a planned drama any way you may take ananticipatory bail - for what? i am not guilty.. may be but this bail will help you for the time being investigation is going on, no? what truth is therewhich is not proven by time? okay, then i'll call my advocate okay mr. menon sir, what is the matter?who is he?
he is my body guardso you've started to fear knew that you've taken an anticipatory bail on the fir as it was not an intentional murder you got the bail don't be so happy -it is givenin bold letters, did you see this? it has got the news to trap sir i've expected this the grudge for not paying rs. 25 lakhs as bribe when a false news comes,nothing is going to happen to me i'll deal this legally - the murdered lady challenged you at your office police has received the mobile video clips, your people dragging her
look sir when a lady comes to my office and shouts, i'll never kill her any person with common sense can think like that very good sir sir, do you thinkpolice men are fools? you are getting some privileges because commissioner is your friend when commissionersir changes his attitude- - our language and character will change i know sir, this is the reason why ordinary people lose the trust on police other than police there are several agencies that can prove this case
there are investigative journalists, there are strong medias sir, you prove it, we'll be here only! shall i go sir?come man what i've told is, right from arrival of induja for interview - - to yesterday's thingswhich have happened menon sir, from this one thing is sure behind this, thereis a crooked master brain sir, if we threaten that indu we'll know lot of things exactly giraffei also felt that
she is playing for someone - is sir having the mobile number of indu? yes today itself that number's- - prepare a letter demanding the call details of 2 months along with detectiveagency’s license copy within 10 minutes letter will be ready, with that let jumbo go menon sir, do you'vecc tv in your office? on getting 2 weeksrecordings of that we can trace who hastaken the photo on the mobile
you go to sir's office andcollect those video clippings i trust you. i hope your team willsolve this case soon...sure sir. when this bureau was inaugurated i never thought it will help on my case sir, you may remain bold, this is our first investigation to prove this we'll use all our efforts sir, letter is ready with this letter gofast to the mobile office chandran pillai?yes sir show us that indu's appartment
sir, that girl is not here for few days there is no chance forthat chandran pillai chetta! where else she'll go? how will i know that? she had left without saying anything to people who stays upstairs can't you try on her mobile? her number is switch off what is the next plan? either induja or some otherperson who knows a to z of her
i've read about your firm on newspaper actually i'm a fan of self independent establishments like this we apreciate that. why we had come now is, we want rajani's help sir, what is that you mean? will tell, induja was your best friend, no? since few days, there is no information on induja she is missingi had gone to her house but it is locked, on calling her phone it is switched off that is true as a best friend of indu
you may tell whatever you know about her that is difficult to mention it over here tomorrow i'll come to your office then we'll meet over there got the indu's call list, okay but on the cc tv visuals, on the day of incident visuals aren't there that might be removed by someone intentionally that is true shylaja you wait outside, i'll callokay sir
excellent detective agency, shucks! hey fellow, who is the director of this one? i'm the one sir, name is sathesh padmanabhan then sir you may ask the questions in a decent manner what if, if not?sir please this is a firm that functions as per laws and rules in this country sir license? - here isthe copy of license sir, none of us are from pakistan not only that all are above 21 years of age and they are indian citizens
i came to know that you' re investigating prameela murder case and also you got some evidences we want thatthat is good that is like sayingfishing without getting hands wet! sir, after the incident after 5 days only menon sir is handing over case to us at first this case was investigated by team of dysp sir, no? for us to get an evidence what proof did sir's put there and go? we detective are investigating the case through intelligent inferences
sir, intelligence can't be purchased we want the proofs which you have found out so far we must get it! in that case we've to ask one more person - - whether we should give the proof or not good morning sir, i'm sathesh padmanabhan your dcp and si has come here and they are playing police here they are askingthe file of investigation hey saji, yougive the phone to dcp
it’s your dgp, collect from him! sir, it is dcphey man at the bsf he was a person with a higher rank than you - - do you want to 'lock horns' with him? -that is.. by the way, their investigationis directly under my control if you try to intervene on it, i'll see that you are thrown from job! here the uniform which sir iswearing i've wished it a lot and i tried for it
that was not tocreate trouble for others so it is not indu alone her lover karthik is also missing this case is really getting complicated what?what happened? i can't i'll fall down now no, that is not allowed,daily should run 10 kilometers why today there is a newpt which was not there so far? first obey..ok
sir, why is he looking there and barking? who is staying there?generally he never used to bark if jacky barks like this, there might be some reason for it come, we'll check itcome, come come, come look there, look there no one is here come, look therein that room slowly, careful
heard one sound sir, come here hey fellow! catch him, don't leave him karthik! come! this is the background of this case karthik, for the investigation of this case, karthik's help is required please co-operate with us
within 2 days this case will be proved, that is what i think the real brain ofthis is still behind the curtain if he is also caught on custody only then - - we can remove allhurdles of this case karthik? where were you? indu was really upset because of not seeing you, do you know that? by the way, there is a good news, indu was received over the phone she is at madhuraiwhat did she say? she had told me everything, by tomorrow'sflight she'll reach native place
at what time is the flight?morning 9:45 why don't we go to indu's flat? no need sir, it is difficult to stay there alone that is why i went to madhurai come with me girl, over there, there is grandma, mother, father, uncle - - all are there shylaja, over there it is not possible we need to ask lot of things from indu then we'll go to agency, that is good not only that we cangive indu one surprise also
surprise? what is that girl? all that we can see directly reaching the target and conductingthe party - it is them! come man! who are you? yes dgp sir who are these people?they had kidnapped karthik what they kidnapped him? and where is karthik?he is coming karthik where and all i searched for you?
i knew everything right from getting the job through internet i've told all the things till going to that resort so, indu have you not seen that program director face to face? no - was all theassignments through phone? yes, but now his phoneis switch off not only that, that web site is not activated now indu that was all fake sites channel interview and one day coverage was only a means to -
- employ indu inmenon sir's company then who is that third party? anyone who wishesthe failure of menon immediately, check the bank account of that company watch man sir, jumbo is smart on thatgiraffe, is also not bad you both roam and comeyes sir we'll reach now itself sir, i got an information in phone.. this is the model which i told
yeah, sir - brother.. where is the thing which you said? how did you get this one here? mobile was brought here by a taxi driver i don't think he is the owner of this one leg got stretched sir this much?that is enough who is this?this is our item how are the things going on brother? what news? who are you ? i don't recognize you? you don't recognize us but we recognize you!
here one murder has taken place, is it? how far is the investigation on it? what investigation? that was over at that time itself, no? that can't over like that brother after the incident on the third day you have taken pledged gold worth of 1.5 lakhs from the bank in the same bank, you've deposited cash of rs. 50,000 twice i'll pledge or deposit money, i'll do what i like who are you to ask all this?
you are only going tounderstand who we are! tell the truth, are you police? if it is police there is some means to escape! but we are higher than police, we are cid's have you seen cids in films and what theydo with criminals? i've seen we are the successors of cids in films to prove the crime we've with us several brutal means if you tell the truth-
- you can be turnedapprover by pardoned defendant sir's what do you want to know? if you can save me i'll tell all the things which i know this load in thisheart for several days like that it will be gone got the report, all the details are there the details on wed site we got from cyber cell now all the doubts on the case has ended but the guy who created this web site is till in under ground
what i can'tunderstand is another thing what is the benefit for theguy who planned this one? i'll tell, best business man award is for me the best business firm is my dhana lakshmi group there are people who doesn't like this growth their aim is to destroy mine and my company's reputation knowingly or un knowingly indu got trapped in this i know when thecase comes at court we can make her an turned approver by pardoned defendant
i've already discussed with the advocate but before the press conference, the thing i mentioned yesterday sir, it must take place that is true sir, detective agency has got limitations with the governmentapproval only police can do it dgp has asked for minimum one weeks’ time within that timeeverything will be set straight what is the problem sir?that will be told later for the time being bestbusiness man get into the jeep
what is the matter? give it here sir sir is it not wise to know whatthe matter is? and enter into jeep we'll tell you which is wise just obey that, by theway don't call dgp and minister sir, let me talk to mylegal adviser. that is a right given byconstitution to an indian citizen do it fast sir dysp has comeand he is creating problems
one minute i'll give it to him it is the advocate hello sir, i am advocate in high court.why are you playing this drama. you come to city police station will give the details from there come on walk manmove away man come on get in - sir, is he the accused in preemala murder case? on this case, whatis the role of sudhakaran? sir on what basis is this arrest?
on this case what are the evidences on him? is this arrest to safe guard theface of police? - will talk later you may disperse sir, plese say something on thisplease sir move back gentlemen, 3 weeks back a murder which shocked this city all the suspicions surrounded by it you are all aware of it
in the various stages of investigation police had to faceseveral challenges but in all those areas where the police was helped by one who couldn't make it to police department very intelligent moves made by 4 young men their excellent detective agency lead this investigationon the right track or else- - could have gone somewhere else sir, does this denote theineffectiveness of police force?
never at all, to prove the truth police can take the help of anyone there are several cases in which people had helped that smart young man is here itself the rest of the questions you can ask him directly mr. detective sir, please come this is the first case under taken by us in prameela murder case mr. rakesh menon has no role in it to prove that, was our first aim but as the investigation moved forward
we had to investigateseveral things related to this before entering into details of prameela murder case i'll introduce another person to you come man sir, who is he? sir is he the culprit?i'll tell this is sreedhara nambiar, owner of nellical group of companies in many of the business fields out beating his business group
this menon sir whohas reached higher he had a hardgrudge and jealousy for that murderedprameela's daughter- indu, in the role of a channel professional he had send her to dhana lakshmi group as he had expected indu, received a job in menon sir's company by using indu, hisplan was to get company secrets but because of prameela murder case
his plan didn't work out sir, what is his connection with prameela murder case? he doesn't have a direct involvement with that case but as per cyber law a case is taken against him on this case police had first arrested murdered prameela's neighbor - a person named sudhakaran tell sudhakaran, what had happened on that day? i'll tell sir on the day whenprameela amma was murdered
it is true that we had a quarrel i had anger towards her also after some time whenprameela amma went outside i also went along with her but that was not to kill her because of anger and hate towards her, i went to drink some more alcohol from the police investigation it was clear that sudhakaran is innocent but because of this casethere was another good thing police admitted sudhakaran in a de- addiction center
because of the treatment over there his drinking habit was completely stopped but sir who is the real culprit? will tell that, in the middle of investigation we've received a link which was ignored by police shashangan finding him as only a fan police had freed him but on this case we got a vital evidence from shashangan's tongue when i went there
i saw prameela amma passing a car behind her, a person went to other side on a bike a blue car striked me off and went after them sir, then why did police arrest rakesh menon? he was arrested on a sales tax case, fabricated by sreedhara nambiar sir, is it a part playedto save rakesh menon? no, no mr. sreekumar you hear the story fully in shasangan's and sudhakaran's story, both didn't notice a character one car!
sir, whose car was that one? tell fellow, how didyou kill prameela amma? i'll tell right from childhood i loved indu a lot many a times i didn't have the guts to reveal that to indu for that first of all i wanted a job i got that, during that time induhad participated on a reality show at the same time i openly told about mylove to indu to prameela amma
she agreed my love and promised me that she'll marry indu to me then why did you kill prameela? on hearing the list of things what she did to me, you'll also do the same hey fellow tell that list to everyone to participate on a reality show lot of money is required several times i've given lot of money and helped prameela amma but after winning on the show prameela amma's character changed very slowly she started to avoid me
when i say the marriage matters she tried to say some excuses in between this induand karthik were in love premeela ammaaccepted their relationship also 2 days beforeprameela amma's murder i reached at indu's house so, that is the thing when everything was set on track, i became a 'useless' what are you saying? what did you do here, which so big?
aunty, don't think that i'm a fool i'm going, tell daughter also on that day i and prameela amma talked about marriage - - and ended in quarrel she said once and for all indu won't be married to me! i tried a lot to forget indu but i couldn't do that i decided to meet prameela amma one more time for my indu
prameela amma! if you don't marry her to me in this world, no maleswill accept her for that reason only i made fake photos of her and menon! you cheat! it is you whodid all this is it? by giving money to security he deleted cc tv visuals the quarrel scene between menon and prameela, he captured on mobile he handed over to police but however he tried to cover it one day truth will come out
the detective agency of sathesh has done a remarkable job in this age also his energy level and enthusiasm that is an inspiration to youths also like that, was trapped in the cheating of internet what had happened to indu internet is spoiling several young men's life when used in a proper manner internet is a knowledgeable guru and also a trustful friend
also a honest path finder you can use internet,but dont misuse it.. “hey full moon bird thathas come from the valley of stars†“is it you or this nightwhich has got unique beauty?†“with the fragrance ofmoon flower, you safire bird†“is it you or this rose flower which has got lustful beauty?†“tender mist coversthe orchards near the woods†“like a dot of love.."
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