Kamis, 16 Februari 2017

dream moods cracked tooth

in monster mutt dalmatian. chad is thrilledto be back out while other less than experienced jack man, they'll have the tire changers,the... thumbnail 1 summary
dream moods cracked tooth

in monster mutt dalmatian. chad is thrilledto be back out while other less than experienced jack man, they'll have the tire changers,they're going to signal the jack man. in the meantime, the changer will hit that fifth.today, it's all about timing here on pit road, nce welch.>> busch has won 27 sprint cup series races but he has never won a points restrictor platerace. he smiled and said, yes, i want to check that box. well, he starts 18th but says hewants to race from the front so look for kurt busch and the 41 to be on the move early.>> in the 12 talladega races since his last win, he's only had two wrecks with finishesof 30 or worse. so if he doesn't qualify well, but he loves how it races. larry.>> it's a big old wide racetrack with lots

of places to pass. but it's still a constantbattle for track position. the way the crew chief can help the driver keep track position,not many tracks to pit road. now, here's our geico race analysis. 188 laps. 500 miles.pit road speed. 55 miles per hour. a few window 44 laps. to the rear of the field, remember,tony stewart, starting that 14 car, after ty dillon qualified it. as well as ryan newman,unapproved adjustments. >> all the jet driers were working a spotup high in turn number three. a little residual shower from a rain storm that's moved offto the east now and will not threaten us. it may not be the most physically demandingracetrack in nascar but mentally, this is another story.

[1:02:08 pm] >> the first time coming back to a restrictorplate track since daytona 500, running three and four wide, big pass, always trying tofigure out which lane's moving and you're worn out because you're worried about everybodyelse. definitely a different animal, it's one of the most mentally exhausting raceswe have all year long and won i really look forward to.>> does every driver look forward to starting this race or hopping in the plane to fly home?>> it's always a great feeling to be able to drive your car back in the truck all inone piece when this thing is over with. >> this is one of the most intense, as dennyhamlin said, mentally draining. it's also

a lot of fun when things are going right.the problem is, the chances of it going wrong are very high.>> when your head hurts, nothing works right, right?>> let's look at today's ford performance track facts. bill elliott, 29 years to theday of his son winning the pole for today's race. set nascar's all-time qualifying recordin a ford thunderbird here, 212.809 miles per hour. talladega's wear davey allison wonhis first career sprint cup race. that is the super stretch named for the alabama gangoriginally led by brett farmer, than bobby and doni allison. davey and clifford allisonand more. at the back of the field, number 14 tony stewart, ty dillon has his seat, hissetup, in the car. and at the first caution

flag, tony stewart will come in, still nursingthat back injury from january, and ty dylan will get in and relieve him. stewart knowsthat caution could come at lap one, it could come at lap 101. doesn't seem to be a lotof urgency in his situation. doesn't have a helmet on or anything. [1:04:11 pm] >> has to manage, just like these other drivers,is patience versus aggressiveness. to make sure he doesn't get too far behind this fieldbefore that change comes. >> the longest straightaways, the steepestbanking, the fastest track in nascar. unlike its sister track at daytona, the talladegastart/finish line is not in the middle of

this big looping trioval of what would bethe center of pit road. it's all the way down past the pit exit, toward turn one. that makesfor some really different finishes. >> it does. every time we come here, it'sa game changer. flags in the air. we're going racing. folks, boogety,ogety, boogety, let'sgo racing, boys! >>> boy, big gap opened by the 24. now herecomes the big push from the 20 on that side of kenseth. the 3's going to get caught inthe middle. >> this sucker already. how he should havestayed with the 24 -- >> i think that's a rookie mistake -->> i don't know if anyone's running with matt kenseth out there. they're thinking aboutit.

>> i think 39 should have stayed where hewas. i know he thought the 20 had the run on him.>> 20 comes down to the side draft off the three. matt kenseth trying to make somethinghappen. chase elliott leads the first lap. >> we didn't even make a lap and there werethree wide. >> just like daytona, chase elliott leapslap one. >> i think he was hoping to get both of histeammates lined up behind him so they can get in line, take off and control this race.but that's not exactly the way it end. [1:06:12 pm] >> the 3 and the 14 really jumped out thereto a nice little lead and that let the field

get a run on him. right now, i mean, the middlemay come in later, but right now, it's just not the place to be.>> by that 3 jumpping out there, it now opened up the opportunity for all three hendrickteammates to be there, one, two and three. didn't start off as a good plan, but it'sworked out pretty good. >> three wide in the back.>> you get right down on the guy's door. the 3 car gets right down on the door. on thestraightaway, you spread out, put room between you in the car you were drafting with. i thinkthis is where the urgency will come into play. while those up front like being single fileand in control of this race, those further on back, they need to get there. they knowthat they don't have the amount of time they

would typically have here at talladega becausethey know that rain is looming. >> i think on the straightaway, you want toseparate yourself from the car you're beside. in the turn, you want to get right down onthat guy's door. in the corners, if you can get on the right rear corner panel of thatcar that you're next to and dump the air over to the rear spoiler and inside that fenderwell, you're going to pull that car back. that's what we call the side draft. as youcome off the corner, you want to widen out and create a gap to keep that momentum goingfor yourself and hopefully keep dragging that car back that's beside you.>> it's an art. and it takes practice. i'm not real sure the three car did it exactlyright on the start of that race. blaney up

five positions from his 17th starting spot.chase elliott leads dale earnhardt jr. and jimmie johnson around talladega, matt.>> taking a page from joe gibbs racing game plan at daytona, he told jeff gordon on thepace lap that he wants to work more with his teammates. [1:08:14 pm] he told his spotter to position himself onthe spotter stand near eddie dehunt, the 24 team spotter, to help with that messaging.>> that spotter for the 24? >> i can be.>> i want to try to work together. just tell him.>> 10-4, i'll go tell him.

>> i find that fascinating, because if wego back to daytona, it wasn't that long ago, on the opening laps, dale jr. was in the exactsame position. they came through and he made a big move, got a big surge of momentum frombehind and made that pass on chase elliott and took the lead. he wanted to be in control.they saw what they did at daytona, how they dominated the race and won it.>> jamie. >> chase elliott leading the field. even thesame car that sat on the pole for the last five restrictor place races. remember, hewas caught up in the wreck in daytona. they told me that was a lesson they're glad theylearned because today they won't be as aggressive. they're going to take their time and theywant to finish the race. that is the goal.

so far, the 24 doing a great job.>> i'm seeing those teammates goof up already. the 18 started all the way back in 17 spot.he's already gained a bunch of places here. he's getting up there with his teammates.>> this goes right back to what we talked about. the 11, that's not the preferred line,but he knew he had the 17 behind him that more than likely would go with him. he madethat move. now gets to move back down to the 3 car and move with him.>> that's three toyotas in line. right behind the three chevrolets. matt kenseth, dennyhamlin and martin truex. joe gibbs cars are already teaming up, there's the 20, the 11,the 78, they're all getting together. >> you know, they don't qualify as well aswe've seen the hendrick cars or some other

chevrolets but, man, when they drop the greenflag, these cars are so fast. [1:10:18 pm] >> you can bring two kinds of cars in. a lowdrag car will go pretty big. a little battle here.>> somebody forgot to tell denny hamlin about the gibbs cars working together today.>> well, it's early. someone will remind him, i'm sure.>> maybe not the first time for the 11. >> johnson has lost the draft from his teammates.chase elliott and dale earnhardt jr. don't leave your seat and you won't miss a lap ofthe geico 500 on fox. thank you for dining with us. hope to see you again soon. whoa,whoa, i got this. just gotta get the check.

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him. i think he's going to get back out infront, get another chance to keep blocking. emove from the bottom lane to the top lane.he's just listening to the spotter, looking in his mirror the whole time, trying to figureout which line is more organized to bring the momentum he can block. [1:14:22 pm] >> that 20 car is darn fast. he's got himselfup there to the front. i think everybody's trying to get behind him to push him.>> dale earnhardt jr. started third, he is back to 13th on the outside.>> well, you know, and this is where you question how working with your teammates can benefityou or how sometimes they can hurt you. i

think he's trying to do the right thing bybeing behind chase elliott at the start and working with him. now it's cost him some spots.guarantee he's questioning that. >> where did he come from? it's kevin harvickand the 4. >> that wasn't four tires.>> harvick all the way up from 27th at the start. he did not qualify well. they were1 of 6 drivers who skipped final practice friday. that car's fast.>> you see that move right there? now he's going to get a run. and then 11, decided totry to go inside the 20. >> denny's going to have to get up there andwork with that 20 car a little bit. they're getting lined up here. getting teammates linedup. looking pretty good. those two have quite

a history. hamlin made the move. and tookthe race from kenseth. >> did you see who made that move on the outside?dale jr. in that third lane at the top. he's bringing that whole line right with him. whenthey bottle it up, this is where he's so good, he knows how to keep the momentum, get themomentum, get the push from behind and take it all the way to the front. a great, greatmove. >> i'm never really sure what he's doing.i always know he's got something on his mind. he's working on something. thinking ahead.he's always thinking ahead. >> the three and the four lined up.>> the 88 in blue and silver. earnhardt. now jimmie johnson comes up.>> two inside.

>> the 48 gives him a tow and then drops backdown. >> he's just thinking the same thing of hisdad when i wassed against him, and i know you did too, d.w., thinking, can he see theair? [1:16:28 pm] amazing how they know how to manipulate theair around him. imagine, you're on pit road and you're ty dillon thinking, i have to getin the middle of that? >> ty dillon ready to go from 0 to 100 whenthat first caution coming out. they're not counting on you just to ride around, ty, they'rewaiting for maximum points. what is it like standing here just waiting and watching?>> it's something different i've never done.

but it's different, you know, i'm trying tokind of race in my mind while i'm watching tony. said he's comfortable in the car soi'm just biding my time and mentally act like i'm in the car now and prepare to get in.it's going to be exciting here a little bit. >> as soon as the caution flag flies, we'llwatch the driver. >> that 24 is a strong, strong piece. it doesn'tmatter if somebody gets a run on him, he'll go home p high and come back around him.>> looks like here, he stuck four wide in the middle. johnson going backwards. got shuffledthere a little bit. now he's going to get back into the middle, three wide.>> below him is the 17 of ricky stenhouse. stenhouse started sixth. he went all the wayback to 30th. he's climbed all the way up

to 15.>> that's the beauty of the draft. that's the beauty of this track and these cars runtogether like this. you go back and forth, back and forth.>> matt kenseth leads the geico 500 from denny hamlin. pole sitter chase elliott, martintruex and kasey kahne. ♪♪ "lean on me" by telekinesis mcdonald'squarter pounder with cheese seared on our grill and made with 100% real beef with nopreservatives, fillers, or additives. [1:18:41 pm] let's do this. ohhh! toyota let's go places.before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet learned the horn frommy dad and played gigs from new york to miami.

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>> wow, how things change. four of the frontfive right now are those joe gibbs aligned toyotas.>> the two kinds of cars you can bring, what we call a swing car, a car with not a lotof downforce, really go fast by itself. then a car with more downforce built into it tomake the car handle better. i think that's what the gibbs secret is. i think those carshandle so well they can go anywhere they want to.>> david gilliland, his second start of the year. mcmurray.>> you can see the line try to form. as long as they're three-wide, the middle line oroutside lane where chase elliott is out, it never will be able to get to it the lead.if those cars can get in line, that outside

line will move. but three-wide, trying tomake moves, led by jamie mcmurray, but we've got a lot of good cars trying to make thatwork. >> we've been green flag all 22 laps. tonystewart is 38. he is right at the tail end of the lead lap. until that first cautionwhen he will climb out and ty dillon will get behind the wheel of the 14. if you'rewondering about the rule, the driver who takes the green flag is the driver of record nomatter what happens next, no matter who gets in the car, how many relief drivers, one dayin dover, there were five different cars try to get to the end of the race. [1:22:51 pm]

but the car you start, you are the driverof record. >> yes, mike, we just completed the last 22.the average lap of the first caution, lap 24, about two laps from now.>> oh, boy. >> well, that's something to watch for. 24thlap. see what happens. >> that's two laps away. take a look at ournationwide dale jr. performance reports. >> mired midpack. if the key is keeping temperaturesin line so you don't overheat the engine, he has told the spotter and crew chief, you'regoing to have to keep an eye on the grill so i have enough time to work in behind othercars to use that air to try to get the trash off.>> i don't know why, but he picks up trash

on the grill. i don't know why, but he usuallydoes. >> for one reason, he's out in front.>> dale jr. is not happy right now because this is not the position he likes to be in.lock those cars that are forming up behind him. and there's definitely some urgency withhim. and a lot of patience that he's going to have to really show right now because he'llget up there but it's going to take a while. >> he's the next to last car in the middlelane in 26, now 27. that's how fast things change at talladega. matt kenseth, your leader.ok, so the government crashed-tested the f-150. the one with the high-strength military-grade,aluminum-alloy body bolted to a high-strength steel frame. and guess what? it made the strongeststatement any truck can make. it pulled a

5-star safety rating... on all sides... forevery cab configuration. 'cuz when they say military-grade, [1:24:52 pm] they mean: "battle tested." this is the fordf-150. and every other truck is history. [1:27:13 pm] >>> geico, over 75 years of savings and service.thanks to booty barker and the geico tim for allowing us to mount the cam on their 13 today.after 27 green flag laps, matt kenseth has led 14. chase elliott led the first 14. elliott,third, in a car that was rebuilt after he crashed it in the daytona 500 after startingon pole. look at some of the drivers who are

off the pace from their starting spot. fallingwell back in the field. elliott wants the lead back.>> he has a fast race car. look, hamlin wants to go with him here.>> so does the 2 car coming up on the outside, been pretty quick. we might get somethinggoing here, boys. >> we saw where chase elliott was workinghard in that outside lane but they were three-wide further back. as soon as they got two wide,that outside lane started coming. now they're going back to three-wide. a little debrison the grill. >> how about -->> a number of cars do. >> how about keselowski?>> having a good run in the outside lane.

he prefer chase elliott wasn't in front ofhim. saying it was a lot better with him out front.>> how about casey mears, right with him? and then keselowski's teammate joey loganoin the second penske ford, the 22. they're all trying to move on that black number 11of denny hamlin, matt. >> hey, mike, you look at racing here at daytonaand talladega, jeff gordon will tell you the most important part of that race car, dennyhamlin's adjustment this weekend was to help us with the voodoo to the lanes are must wider.positioned up a little bit higher just above the helmet line. because he like so many othersdon't like to look up in the mirror and see yourself in it, it's a distraction.>> chase elliott's going to bring them back

to the line with the lead. [1:29:18 pm] his dad, bill elliott, hall of famer. oneof the fastest ever to run here at talladega. >> we talked about how in daytona, he evenmentioned how he felt he made mistakes. i love watching the rookie driver and how helearn from those mistakes and how they involve. we've seen them putting impressive performancestogether. i love what i'm seeing today. >> it seeps like he's listening to his spottera lot better today than he did at daytona. those moves he's making are coming from upstairs.>> now, dale earnhardt jr. trying to get something going way up in the high groove. watch theblue and silver 88. going outside kurt busch.

trying to get austin dillon to come with.then mcmurray, the 3 and the 1, but they abandon junior.>> had the 3 gone with him a little sooner, i think that momentum would have continuedto carry him forward. he made an aggressive move. he says, i've got to get up there, dosomething, make something happen. that one didn't work.>> what happened there, vince? >> well, austin dillon's team told him onthe radio that junior's team is talking about being on the splitter. austin was going togo with junior but he said junior's not getting going. austin said he feels like he has toogood of a car at this point to lag back with him. that's why he didn't go with junior.>> it's a big issue. on the splitter with

the car on exit. that's where he's losinghis time. the car just too tight rolling off the corner.>> yeah, i just feel like i told jeff, i don't think it's something they can fix. somethingthey'll work on when they make some pit stops. that is not where he needs it to be rightnow. >> remember, this is from daytona, they rebuiltthis car. they're trying to get those right. if the splitter's touching on the exit, itwill make the car a little tighter. [1:31:18 pm] >> jimmie johnson is also back in that secondhalf of the front pack. >> the 20-year-old rookie chase elliott leadsthe field after 32 laps at talladega. i pledge

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a job worth doing, is worth doing right. can-amdefender. tough. capable. clever. >>> the geico 500 on fox is sponsor by advanceauto parts. let's get you back to the garage. >> 36 green flag laps complete. denny hamlin,the daytona 500 winner. if you're making your fantasy picks, you should should consideredhamlin has finished top ten in seven of the last nine restrictor plate races. sprint,better for less. chase elliott is your leader over matt kenseth and denny hamlin. the racehere last fall, larry, went 132 laps before the first caution flag. if we stay green,how long? >> i think you just got your answer, mike.throw it to me and they start hitting pit row. is the caution coming next, larry?>> matt?

>> many of the gibbs cars on pit road, the48 of jimmie johnson. you can see a chassis adjustment for him. they're going to go fourtires. the guy that almost won the daytona 500, matt kenseth. [1:35:23 pm] hitting all five. he's away. he needed tobe a little bit tighter into turn three, jamie. >> martin truex jr. was running exactly wherehe wanted to. a four-tire stop for the 78 as you see many others peeling away as well.>> the new rule this week, all cars must start the race with five tight lug nuts and fivemust be glued up to each wheel and must be installed on each pit stop. every car mustfinish the race with five tightened lug nuts.

>> this can be a really challenging pit roadto get to under green as well. you guys are doing a great job so far.>> you have to let people know what your intentions are. or you'll get run over.>> i'm a little concerned with dale jr. making a pit stop.>> whoa, little old faithful from keselowski. >> we thought we saw some debris on his grill.so this is an opportunity for them to get that debris off. looks like he got a littlehot. >> so those ten cars that pitted last lapexit together and will form up in a draft. and here come the leaders. chase elliott,kasey kahne, trevor bayne, michael waltrip and more.>> wow.

>> oh.>> oh. >> trouble.>> around goes -- >> danica patrick.>> paul menard. >> got a lot of damage to the left side.>> i just don't think paul realized she was hitting that early. this is going to costher a lot of time here. got to get in the box. matt.>> he had to do the hard left to get around dana patrick in the 27 car. junior was notaccustomed to pitting so close to the entry of pit road. he told them he needed bettersight lines and reminders. he said the car was plowing.

[1:37:25 pm] big adjustment for the 88.>> elliott and almirola coming out together. jamie.>> tony stewart came in but he made a pit stop and he stayed behind the wheel. remember,they only wanted the drivers under caution to save as much time as possible. it willtake about a minute. tony's in here. he's happy. the car is good. waiting for that firstyellow flag before ty dillon gets his shot. >> chase elliott having coming out of thepits, he's not yet up to speed with everybody else. he just came off pit road.>> there seems to be a caution. this is the problem when you're in that number one pitstall. even if you have a great pit stop,

it's a huge difference in momentum, that linethat was already on the track. they just went right on by him.>> wow, i thought there was something wrong with that car. the way it was not able tocatch up with the other cars coming out of the pit.>> why it's so important to pit with a group and come often pit road with a group becausea draft means so much at speed here. >> pit penalties. trevor bayne, tony stewart,too fast exiting their pits, and the number 38 of landon cassill's team was over the walltoo soon. >> i don't know what's going on with 24 buthe's just falling back like there's a problem. >> i think it's because he's by himself. thosetwo groups were all built up together and

they just had so much momentum that he couldn'tkeep him behind him. >> kyle busch, your leader after pit stops.kenseth, truex, hamlin, all out front together. jamie.>> jeff, you're exactly right. being reported on the 4. the car is neutral. he simply lostthe draft and he's running by himself waiting for some teammate health.>> well, he's not exactly by himself. >> well, what happened is he came off pitroad by himself. these were six, seven cars. look at this, debris on the front. [1:39:27 pm] that's going to be a big problem.>> got to get that off.

>> that's a windshield tear off.>> about three or four inches. >> that will burn the engine up in a hurry.got the whole bottom covered up. >> kyle busch your leader. let's go back tothe contact on pit road. >> can see the 43p almirola.>> when you're pitting early on pit road, you need to get down as early as you can tomake sure no can get inside of you in that situation.>> brian scott's 44 to the list of teams over the wall too soon. and serving a pass-throughpenalty at pit road speed. kyle busch, martin truex, kenseth, hamlin out front. a bit greenflag pit row chaos on the first stop. this is the all-new 2016 chevy malibu. wow, it'snice. let's check it out. do any of you have

kids? i do yes. this car has a feature builtin called teen driver technology, which lets parent's see how their teens are driving.oh, that's smart. it even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. will it keeptrack of how many boys get it in the car? (laughter) cause that could be useful. thisis ahead of what my audi has for sure. wish my beamer had that. i didn't even know thattechnology existed. i'm not in the market for a car but now i may be. this is shaving.a blade. many blades. sharp blades. blades here, blades there. some more over there...whoa! that's not another blade. this is shielding. with lubrication here and here. the new gillettewith proshield lubrication before and after the blades shields from irritation for a close,comfortable shave. the new proshield from

gillette. the best a man can get. and oneproshield refill gets you up to one month of shaves. [1:41:30 pm] [liquid dribbling] do you sell high-end champagne?in the back. [beep, beep][cork pop] have a good night. the new water-resistant galaxy s7 edge.>>> still green at talladega. high strength steel for high strength dependability. silverado,an official vehicle of nascar. still all green at talladega 46 laps in. 142 to go.>> how did kyle busch get the lead in this race?>> they taped up the grill.

[1:43:31 pm] >> you know who's the best at getting to pitroad and getting off pt road, that guy right there.>> vince. >> you know to the 18, with that debris onthe front end of kyle busch's car, the spotter and the crew chief talking about the factthey don't believe that that debris is covering enough of the grill to be a major problemyet. obviously keeping a very close eye on the water temperatures. kyle said it wentup to 250. picked up 10 degrees right away. but since leveled off. keeping a close eyeon it obviously. >> that debris on the grill is not hurting,maybe helping a little bit.

>> things sure have changed since that roundof pit stops. >> yeah, let's take a look at our advancedauto parts pit performance. see right there. i'm seeing a lot of toyotas there. this isthe two lapsen cluding the pit stops right there. all of these drivers went with fourtires, four good year tires. you can see kyle busch right there, just a little bit behindhis teammate. i think the other thing that helped kyle busch and some of those toyotas,they were the first ones to pit road and there was only seven that came to pit road. pitroad was a lot clearer. >> getting half a second entering pit roadon the competition. to help get him out front. >> well, now, tony stewart, of course, thatpenalty is what got him in the position he's

in. tony stewart's getting ready to go downa lap right here. >> stewart. for being too fast exiting pitroad. along with trevor bayne on the first stop. that's his 14.>> the task of ty dillon just got greater. >> oh, yeah, yeah.>> we're seeing joey logano make some big moves out there. getting to the outside ofedwards. here goes kyle. by tony stewart. he got the debris off his nose with that path.>> you know what else, the job for tony stewart just got a little bit more difficult too becausehe's got to stay up with his pack. [1:45:34 pm] he doesn't have the luxury of riding behinda bunch of cars like he did earlier.

>> he has to be that last car, one lap down.>> tony's teammate kurt busch drops to the bottom. now right up against matt kenseth.and take a look at what happens to that piece of debris.>> yeah, there it went. >> trouble. caution flag. dale earnhardt jr.bringing out the first caution of the day. oh, said he lost it. teammate. first cautionof the day. that's a caution. dale earnhardt jr. would bring out the first yellow flag.let's look at the middle lane on the replay. on the right running nose to tail right here.got the 2 car to the outside. he's in an awkward position. this is just like what happenedat daytona. the car just comes around on him also gathers up teammate kasey kahne.>> let's ride along.

>> outside. on you tight. the 5's coming toyou. >> d.w., the 2 is on the outside of him. whenthe 2 came up, i think that took the rest of the air off the 88.>> i just felt like they were never comfortable with the car.>> matt. >> mike, he was tight on that first one. juniorsaid he felt like it made the car too free on the second. here's the result.>> when you put fuel in and tires, a lot of times these cars will start loser in a run.i think the adjustments they made, as well as the fuel, just made the car too loose atthe beginning of this run. [1:47:38 pm]

>> also getting some damage. that's his whiteand green car at the top of the screen behind danica patrick. and there's where dibenedettogot him and knocked into the wall. >> we see it every once in a while at daytona.we saw it with the 88 and the 24 at daytona. here at talladega, i'm shocked.>> last time i saw it was daytona. >> low, real low.>> good job. >> get big and watch this one.>> whoa. >> pit road is closed. we anticipate the driverchange for tony stewart. stewart gets the free pass. he's the first car one lap down.so he'll have to come around, make up that lap before he can pit and swap off for ty.>> one thing i do question, most everyone

that came to pit road changed four tires.they only put two tires on that 88 car. >> that's a great point, larry.>> that's david green. just walking past the camera shot. he's a nascar official. now he'sa former champion of the busch series. he's in charge of safety issues. he will be oneof two officials closely monitoring the driver swap between stewart and dillon.>> yes, he's got two brothers, they all raced, and of course david was -->> yes, i raced a lot with green in the busch car national series, now xfinity series, cupseries as well. looks to me he's reminding all those crew members of what they can andcan't do. >> pit road is not yet open. that's davidgilliland with damage as well. pitting early.

jamie, what's the plan on the 14?>> on the 14, nascar just told them, remember, you guys can't come in yet until you get thelucky dog wave around. ty dillon waving. the air hose. he just let him know the air hoseis now behind the seat so they'll have to look him up. [1:49:38 pm] they're expecting it to take about a minute.remember this isn't something tony really wants to do. he's just erring on the sideof caution. he doesn't want to get out of his own race car. but ty dillon is ready totake over and they will do that as soon as the wave around happens.>> tony said earlier this weekend, this is

the deal i made with the surgeon and the doctorsso i could run talladega, i'd get out of the car at the first opportunity.>> maybe also so they can run richmond. a lot of them in there maybe a week earlier.>> i know football players, they'll be well enough to play football but they don't wantto take a chance on injuring the injury they already have. just giving a little bit moretime for that back to heal. >> during the run of green flag pit stops,michael waltrip took over the lead. this is his 16th talladega start and the 34th timehe has led here. >> i'd say we may see a lot of fuel only andthat's when things really gets con jechted on pit road.>> pit road is now open. matt.

>> mike, larry mack touched on it. so closeto the last round of pit stops. you could see a variety of plans here. for kenseth,just a chassis adjustment and fuel, top him off. oh, contact on pit road. the 11 of hamlinand the 16 of biffle. >> wow.>> what is going on on pit road? >> larry told us exactly what was going tohappen. now they'll back him up, put tires. >> they might as well take advantage.>> it's when you do the unexpected. this is what happens.>> when there's this many cars on the lead lap, that pit road congested.>> at vance ought. advance auto parts race off pit road. five cars did not pit at thefront of the field.

>> bad timing. [1:51:38 pm] >> that wasn't as bad as i thought it was.>> so aric almirola, your race leader who did not pit.>> we saw everything that happened on that replay. we're going to show the replay. howclose is that to what happened at daytona? >> same thing. we just -- i think trying toput the nose in between the 19 and the 14 is a lot of air coming off both them cars.it just pins the nose real tight. the splitter was on the ground real bad the whole firstround and we took some rounds of the back and that made the car too loose in the corner.we just have to look at our adjustments different.

>> would four tires on that last stop havehelped? >> i don't know, you know. i don't think so.it gets loose. the car wasn't driving very well. it was on the split real bad. real,real bad in that run. and it just, you know, tight through the center on the splitter andit swings on exit. in the pack, middle of that air, no real downforce. just gets loose.>> thanks, dale. >> hendrick motorsports did not have a carfinish in the top ten at daytona. casey kahne's 13th was the best of the four. and dale earnhardtjr. is out early at talladega. diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my familyto graduate from college and trained as a nurse. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nervepain any longer. so i talked to my doctor

and he prescribed lyrica. lyrica may causeserious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away ifyou have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. orswelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feelingor blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swellingof hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machineryuntil you know how lyrica affects you. those less diabetic nerve pain. ask your doctorabout lyrica. people know me as dale earnhardt jr., racecar driver. but there's more to methan that. [1:53:40 pm]

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five real meals, each for five bucks. kfc,it's finger lickin' good. [1:55:57 pm] >>> 54 laps complete. first caution of theday. there's tony stewart who ran one-third of the race before the first caution happened.and he was able to climb out and ty dillon climb aboard. they did take a couple roundsout of the rear. you can see the wedge wrench there. they did not change during the driverswap. we've seen a number lower that rear end on these pit stops.>> we saw that there. i think a lot of these teams to that. they have the tolerance there.especially here at talladega. typically up until we saw dale jr. come around with theback of the car, typically you can get away

with it here because handling is not nearas big an issue. cars getting loose into the corner. i'd be a little more careful aboutthat. >> if you take two out of the right, you needto take two out of the left or you'll get balance off.>> the hardest part is the window net because it has to be tight in order not to drag.>> when you have your helmet on and the hans device on, getting those belts and gettingthem latched it can also be very challenging. nobody can really fit in there to do thatfor you. >> kasey kahne's team hard at work in thegarage. looked like one of those talladega things, wrong place, wrong time. what it yousee there?

>> the 88 went left, then came back right.so i didn't really know exactly what happened. didn't have anywhere to go once he came backacross the track. so we were done at that point but we had a great chevrolet. i feltreally fast. it was kind of -- i got in with the gibbs guys. they stuck to their plan.they were doing a good job of it. then we were running. something happened on the pitstop. i don't think it was our team because our guys are as strong as can be on pit road.we were coming back through, had a good car. [1:57:58 pm] >> thanks, kasey. mike.>> david ragan is the new leader, under caution. matt deben debt also out in that crash. hewas 11.ay's gonna be pretty easy. i want each

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>>> the nascar sprint all-star race is rightaround the corner. you have the power to vote one driver into the field. go to nascar.com/sprintfanvote.you can vote once a day and, remember, votesd via facebook and twitter count twice. mike,who's leading the race? >> that would be young michael curtis waltrip.>> celebrating his birthday this weekend. >> he is the only driver who did not stopunder this caution. >> he's a contrarian. he may not be, he maynot stop. >> yes, he has about 12 more laps, you know,on his tires and less fuel. [2:02:06 pm] you know, i wouldn't want to be that -->> i wouldn't want to be that guy.

>> i thought he would come in before we wentback green. >> you know what, you're not running for points,you're running to win the race. >> absolutely. get your sponsors on tv.>> matt kenseth alongside. truex. kurt busch, the first chevrolet. as we complete lap 57and go back to green. 131 to go when they get to the line. green flag.>> up to speed. look at that. kenseth. chase elliott. almost got into the 41.>> they're pushing. getting really aggressive here.>> they want that outside lane to move. the 22 is also pushing the 78.>> coming to your bumper. >> if you watched the xfinity series raceyesterday, the rule is, you can push all your

heart desires.>> yes, you certainly can. the reason they allow that is because these bumpers don'tline up very good. if you're going to push in this series, you're going to cause some.we see it when it's time to go, time to get aggressive.>> these cars will get hot. the opening for the grill is a little smaller. the openingis hot, just stays pushing forever. >> matt kenseth has his nose in the wind.right behind his teammate kurt busch. elliott and keselowski. the 20 car is strong, boy.>> well. >> whoa, now.>> oh, mike. >> whoa, mike.

[2:04:07 pm] not going to be good. oh, no. come on, man.>> contact. two other cars go around. and casey mears' car is all torn up.>> oh, man. the 78 gave him a big shot, put him under the yellow line. he tried to staydown there. just had such a bad angle coming back up on the banking there.>> michael waltrip spins. casey mears had heavy damage.>> what the hell happened? >> yeah.>> 78 got a run to your bumper. instead of letting off, he got shoved right into yourbumper. >> well, let's show what you just heard. michaelwill be third. the blue car on the inside

line.>> 78's got the 22 pushing him. >> he's being pushed. he wants to hit himas square as possible. unfortunately, goes left a little and clips him in the left rear.>> which sends you straight down like that. michael did everything he could to stay outof cars coming around him. >> sideswiped casey mears. the blue car goesaround on the bottom. wow. here's what martin truex jr. had to say.>> do you think we're going to go? >> 22 is leaning into you.>> hell of a save, michael, good job. >> look at that.>> was for a while there. >> hang on to it, bro.>> had he not sideswiped casey mears, everybody

would have probably kept going under green.>> think he has that much damage? >> there are the three cars with damage. danicapatrick will get the free pass. right along with casey mears. hold on tight. [2:06:15 pm] we're just getting warmed up, mike.♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪♪♪ ♪♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. ok, so the government crashed-testedthe f-150. the one with the high-strength military-grade, aluminum-alloy body boltedto a high-strength steel frame. and guess

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to do it. you know, if i wouldn't have brokemy back at the end of january, we wouldn't be in this situation, so good news is it'sthe last time we got to do it and then i'm back next week. [2:10:23 pm] so appreciate, really appreciate ty. he'sbeen a rock star. especially this weekend. he's done all the heavy lifting and i justgo ride it around for 50 laps and turn it over to him. luckily, we got the lucky dogand kept him on the lead lap. so the change went pretty smooth. no drama there. we gothim out there and let him go race now. >> we're going green, mike.>> all right, dylan will restart 22nd. kenseth

and busch, the race leaders, in toyotas. bradkeselowski's fourth. they are the front five after the second caution of the day. caseymears has gone to the garage. the car would drive, had no rear spoiler and trunk, so they'remaking repairs. michael waltrip and aric almirola continue as we go back to green.>> we've seen this before, out of these two. by the way, i don't think -- those lucky dogsare definitely stewart and dillon. they got a lap down. they got a lucky dog. and he'sback in the race. made the driver swap. they're good to go.>> regardless of what happens, even if ty dillon ends up in victory lane, the win willgo to stewart. nobody knows that better than you.>> i was relief for him and won the race.

>> not really well received in victory lanewhen i got there. >> you did all the hard work.>> did all the hard work and they said see you. donny got the trophy, the points andthe money. >> and bought me a bottle of gatorade.>> the driver who starts the race is the driver of record.>> another even more current event, if you ask aric almirola what happened to him atmilwaukee. nationwide series race. denny hamlin got in the car.>> how about a second place car here, vince? >> we've avoided the precipitation so fartoday but we are wet from the heat and humidity. [2:12:24 pm]

kyle busch feeling it. he said nothing neededfor the car but he said i need a cold drink and a bag of ice. that's what they got tothe 18 driver. >> all right. we're trying to get to halfway.31 laps from now. about 25, 26 minutes. that's about how far away the rain is. kurt buschriding third, had this to say. >> about seven miles out to the race, i wastold. >> now, how much rain is there, like the endof the day kind of rain or get dry and get going again?>> one small cell, then it opens up. >> and the reason he's asking that, that'scrucial. because if he thinks he can get to halfway, he's racing for the win and he canmake some more aggressive moves. if there's

a cell that's going to hit us and then goracing again possibly, then that's a whole different set of scenarios and you have tohave more patience. >> big racetrack, takes a long time to dryoff. >> those pop-up afternoon thunderstorms. thebig weather system is way west of birmingham and should not be a factor. these pop-up showerscan raise havoc on race day. >> i'm going to tell you, if we get to halfwayhere, you might want to see things heat up in a hurry if there is a big cell coming becauseit does take a long time to dry this track. >> i think the urgency is kicking in rightnow. i think everybody's worried about the weather. you never know down here, is it goingto rain, are we going to get going again?

got to make your move, make them now.>> if we stay green to lap 94, can they make it without a pit stop?>> a little brotherly tap there, a little brotherly love.>> fighting for some real estate. >> oh, baby.>> all right, well, the skies are clear. time for good old talladega superspeedway. crankit up. [2:15:06 pm] >> bottom of three again. bottom of three.middle. bottom of three. >> three-wide.>> jamie mcmurray rushing up to third place on the outside with trevor bayne behind.>> look at that debris.

>> got a little trash on the grill.>> good thing he's a lead car there. but i don't know, pretty serious.>> that looks very serious. >> yeah, third car on outside. that's ty dillonfor tony stewart. >> he's here to win the race. that's whatthey want him to do. he's all in. >> you can hear the voice of tony stewart,how difficult that was for him. he knew he needed to get out. he made that deal withthe doctors. he didn't want to get out. he wanted to drive this car to victory. boy,ty dillon what a great job he's doing. he's only been in there for a few laps.>> well, he got to do all the practicing. the cars set up for him. he's very comfortablein the car. watch this kid.

>> now, if jamie can get in behind that 2car. he might be able to get that debris off his grill. that debris on his grill is rightover the opening. >> talking about mcmurray on the 1. in theoutside lane. might get a little help there. nope, not enough airflow.>> on the left side, is there. there, just moved up and made it even worse. you got somethingon there? >> changed position a little bit.>> jamie mcmurray's crew chief, he said for a second there, we were in good shape. [2:17:07 pm] now we just saw that debris flap up a littlehigher. they're telling jamie, just pay attention

to your temperatures.>> just get in behind somebody just for a second, it will pop right off of there. mayberight here. >> well what everybody's wondering, lap 94,24 laps away, larry, what about fuel miles? >> one of the days i love being in the broadcast booth. i think they can go further with that first time, but if you stay at 40 laps,with the 9 caution laps, i think they can go somewhere in the last 96 to 98, which isjust past the halfway point. >> 94 laps is halfway. we've just completedlap 70. >> look, these guys are racing, but they'rethree-wide. nobody's driving right now -- everybody's up there trying to get the lead, because theyjust don't know when that weather is going

to hit.>> if you've ever watched talladega races in the past and you have seen them go singlefile. they know they have to make it 500 miles. if there's a point they can relax and takeit easy and get to that point in the race, until they need to start battling it out.but they don't have that opportunity right now. that's why you're going to see this typeof racing all the way throughout this race. >> the good news for now is the rain cellthat is closest to the speedway is about five miles to the south and it's going to missus. so i think a good chance of making it at least to halfway.>> let's make sure we don't tell the drivers that. i love the racing. these guys are gettingafter it.

>> cars are stirring up. ♪♪ ♪♪ kylebusch, the 2015 champion! [2:19:13 pm] ♪♪ toyota. let's go places. the folksat marketing want you to know a few things about the kfc zinger sandwich: 1. it is ahand-prepared sandwich. 2. it is available as a $5 fill up. 3. this amazing price isonly for a limited time. 4. it is finger lickin' good. kfc, it's finger lickin' good! [2:21:17 pm] the folks at marketing want you to know afew things about the kfc zinger sandwich: 1. it is a hand-prepared sandwich. 2. it isavailable as a $5 fill up. 3. this amazing

price is only for a limited time. 4. it isfinger lickin' good. kfc, it's finger lickin' good!>>> kenseth has led the most laps today. he is no longer the leader, however. the sprintnetwork delivers faster download speeds. sprint, better for less. 75 complete. brad keselowskihas his ford in the wind, ahead of the chevy of chase elliott and the toyota of kenseth.>>cy believe keselowski -- oh, did you see the 24 got a little loose on turn two there.>> trying to get down in front of the 20. >> man, he almost lost that thing.>> we've seen him working aggressively trying to get this lead from the 2 car of brad keselowski.that's what i love about young rookie drivers. they're not thinking about the end. they'rethinking about now. how do i get the lead

and maintain it.>> three-wide. >> they don't know what they don't know. that'sthe problem. going to the outside of austin dillon there. no hope for the 78.>> you can see the 24 backing up to the 20. to do that, you ride the brakes. if you'rethe 2 car, you don't want to build too big of a gap. here's the downside to what the24 did. allowed the three car to get the run up to the outside to get that quarter panel.>> i think he's giving him a look to the bottom, a look to the top. i think he's really usinghim up. >> he's been in the lead. he's won races herebefore. he knows he can move and maneuver his car from one lane to the other, manipulatethe air, try to block any kind of momentum

that any of these other drivers or cars geta run on him with. [2:23:19 pm] >> the other thing, too, remember, the 88spun out. just like daytona. this 24 car spun out at daytona. he almost did that on parttwo -- a couple laps ago. >> 2 is strong out front.>> after winning the pole, chase said, i made a lot of rookie mistakes at daytona. in, i'vegot more races under my belt. he says, i'm better prepared for this race.>> i tell you what i think i see him doing today. when he says, you're clear, he makesa cut. when he says go high, he goes high. >> you have to trust that spotter.>> 18 is ahead.

>> that was a key element. 18 is off. thatmeans you're not going to get a big push from that line.>> the 1 with the 3 up top. >> they're far more organized. mcmurray issuch an aggressive driver. he has a lot of confidence at these restrictor plate racetracks.>> 20's off of you. 18's off of him. >> big run off of two. right into the backof the three. they might be able to get a head of steam going in the back.>> jimmy is three-wide. >> 20 behind him. logano behind him now.>> the former modified racer. so calm on the radio.>> i would say he would put me to sleep. >> jamie.>> something that's key for chase elliott.

helping him today is he ran the xfinity seriesrace yesterday with the spotter and they told me that helped a lot. get those reps down.trust that spotter. understand what he's saying. they also made some changes to the car sincedaytona. [2:25:20 pm] a seat insert and mirrors. his mirrors arebetter. he told me yesterday he feels much more comfortable than at daytona.>> that is the car he put on the pole in daytona. it's been repaired since the crash in the500. the other driver who did the same thing, repaired the car from daytona, dale earnhardtjr., has not faired so well today. lap 50. dale earnhardt jr. in silver and blue. middleof the screen. just got loose off turn two.

the car turned around. matt yocum.>> the greatest asset any race team has is people. steve bird, who's in charge for daleearnhardt jr., learned racing. he spent the last four weekends getting him ready to comeback. crew members from the 48 and 88 working, trying to get it fixed up enough so he canget back out and at least play with the boys and girl on the racetrack.>> i think you got to admit, these guys are racing halfway right now. that's what they'rethinking. >> absolutely, you can tell. i mean, they'remaking big bold aggressive moves. they want that lead.>> 14 laps. signifies halfway. if it rains after that and the race can't be restarted,whoever is first is the winner. people know

me as dale earnhardt jr., racecar driver.but there's more to me than that. i'm also an animal lover, and to my animals i'm thewhisperer. gus, hey, sit! where are you going? i know one that'll listen to me, little junebug.junebug! hey! ughhhh. well there's two i can always count on. that's laverne and vera.c'mon girls, speak up! (bison grunt) well as you can see, we're makingsome progress. for protecting my pets and more. with t-mobile, you pay $95 a month fora smaller network, and monthly taxes and fees are always extra. with cricket, you get anunlimited plan on a bigger network for $65 a month after $5 auto pay credit, and monthlytaxes and fees are always included. [2:27:28 pm]

looks like t-mobile's not all it's crackedup to be. and now for a limited time, switch to cricket and get a $50 bill credit. cricketwireless. something to smile about. crowd: danica! danica! danica! yeah, you.danica, you had a rough run in the last lap there, how do you adjust? can you feel it?can you feel it? ♪♪ oh, coca-cola. ♪♪ you're gonnashow this whole world. ♪♪ ♪♪ you're gonna shine.♪♪ ahhhh oh,coca-cola. what was the question again? uh, i honestly don't remem... can you feel it?can you feel it? this is the all-new 2016 chevy malibu. wow, it's nice. let's checkit out. do any of you have kids? i do yes. this car has a feature built in called teendriver technology, which lets parent's see

how their teens are driving. oh, that's smart.it even mutes the radio until the seat belt is fastened. will it keep track of how manyboys get it in the car? for a car but now i may be.>>> ten laps to halfway. goodyear, superior tires to face challenging conditions on thetrack and on the road. [2:29:32 pm] goodyear, the official tire of nascar. thanksfor that superior camera work. here comes dillon. it's going to be three-wide for thelead. >> nobody giving an inch right now.>> the 2 and the 11 are just racing side by side, like a drag race around the track.>> you got to give hamlin a lot of credit.

he is a great drafter i guess we'd call himhere. he works the air to manipulate the car so well. of course he's got a great race car.my gosh, the job he's done by picking the different lanes, getting the momentum. tobattle keselowski for the lead. fantastic driving.>> you know this, some guys just have a knack. they have a knack for this kind of racing.they understand it. they know how to execute. and then denny hamlin is a good example ofthat. >> we talk about how you have to have a goodcar but you got to be really lucky to win at these restrictor plate races. he also gotvery lucky earlier in the race when dale earnhardt jr. crashed. dillon was right in the middleof that. and could have very easily been taken

out. he took a little contact but it justscuffed the paint on the nose of the car. one they'll look back on and say, we got luckythere. >> he made contact with the 24 car and allthat. very minimal damage. very fortunate. >> he's been close to the lead but can't quiteget there. >> well, no one has pushed mcmurray. i'm notsaying he hasn't pushed a lot of people, but nobody's really gotten behind him and helpedhim. >> the 22 of logano. i promise you -- a littlebobble there in front of the 48. >> you got to tap dance a little. dance alittle. look at this. >> i mean, you'd think this is the last lapof the race, the way they're driving right

now. [2:31:38 pm] >> i think some are thinking that way.>> still, keselowski's ford and hamlin's toyota, two wide, are able to hold off the entirefield. keselowski get up on the corner panel of hamlin, get that side draft, take it downin the corner and clear a little. >> these two are battling it out. trying tofigure out if one of them can get the momentum. >> whoa, he almost pushed him off the track.>> boy, being really aggressive. >> hold tight, hold tight.>> such huge dividends to be in the lead. they want to get that lead. so hard to dowhen you got them three wide behind you.

>> that three wide is what's slowing thatsecond group down. >> two by two by three all the way back.>> this is the first restrictor plate race for spotter kris osborn. working with the20. now, he texted matt kenseth this morning and reminded him, through turn three, that'sgoing to be more oatt's shoulders. when he sees a car's bumper, breaks the plane of another,to try to alert him. >> that's about a mile away from the starterstand, right there, in turn three. boy, that 3 car. the top up there. help was all theway to the side of the 2 and then lost momentum. >> it's one tng to block one or two.>> he has to be three-way right here. >> he's doing it. just pick a lane, dude.>> for a second, we were three by three by

three all the way back.>> how strong must that 2 car be to hold back the entire field?>> he's out of the bubble. the bubble is pushing him. [2:33:38 pm] the bubble of air is behind him pushing himforward. as long as he can stay there, he can stay ahead of the bubble and stay outfront. >> how strong is the 3 car of dillon to makeit three wide to get to the outside of hamlin? when denny was outside the 2, they were sideby side. look how pushed him. if you look who's behind the 3, i believe it's ty dillonup there pushing him. i'm sorry, truex. i

get those two cars -- similar paint scheme.>> four laps to halfway. that is important because if it rains after halfway and therain -- it cannot be restarted, then the race would be official and the winner called asof the red flag. >> how long do we pit?>> within the next ten minutes. >> thank you.>> that's his spotter. >> making another big move here. going allthe way to the bottom. >> we know that 78's strong. he proved thatat daytona. >> just a few nkles here.>> they're saying it's possible -- >> lap 90.>> halfway.

>> they don't know. this could be the win.for the win right here if it doesn't -- if it rains and it doesn't get dry before thebig one hits. >> 22 cars within one second of brad keselowski.>> wow. >> halfway.>> that's talladega. >> single file now.>> i think i would have rather had side by side.>> i think it's pretty good right here. >> first two are single.>> i think they're pretty good right here. some of the cars behind him. but then a bigwall behind them. [2:35:41 pm]

see how these cars are three wide. middle,middle. have to be concerned about the 2 car. if they get single file, there's going tobe a big surge coming at them. you're going to have to block that.>> two laps to halfway. halfway does not end the race in the event of rain but we mustget past halfway for the race to be official. >> we're only talking about halfway. lookat how these guys are racing each other. you'd think it's the last lap.>> it may be. >> if mother nature shows up.>> come on. >> we've seen come get back to two wide here.seeing big surges. look at that big burst of momentum that 24 got.>> almost touched martin truex. they come

through the lap to halfway. they've got alap. casey mears drops down to the apron. >> whoa, tight. the 3 car squeezed the 24down there. >> two former drivers.>> i love it. here's what i love. mart truex jr., to me, he feels like one got away fromme in daytona. i want to get it back in talladega. 11 and 24 have something to say about it now.>> that 3 is strong and the 78 is strong. >> hamlin and the 11 hooked up with kensethand the yellow 20 trying to get to keselowski's ford. 94 laps, hatchway.>> can't let your guard down. even though it's halfway, we're still racing. [2:37:42 pm]

>> somehow thquad is going to have to figureout a pit stop. and then we have some drivers that pitted that last caution like newman,biffle, menard, they can go beyond lap 100 because they did pit that last caution.>> y, decisions. you don't want to pit early because that rain may come but if you stayout there too late, you could run out of fuel. >> i thought that was somebody trying to geton pit road. i think the 14 maybe. >> off the pace, ty dillon.>> harvick taking an opportunity to fill up. just going to be two tires. this car justloose early on in the race. >> oh, no!>> a big hit. jimmie johnson. oh, man. on his lid. lands back on his wheels. caution.>> oh, man, we saw four wide off the corner

over there. i was afraid of that.>> michael annett involved. of course buescher had the worst of it. austin dillon turnedquickly. and the 48 got quite a bit of damage. chris buescher reported on his in car radio.he is okay after a big flip. >> you see him moving around. he's movingaround. >> oh, me.>> wow. i just wonder, was that caused because -- they knew pit stops are coming and theywere trying to get in position to get ready to come to pit road.>> they were four wide off turn two. i said i don't know about this.>> that doesn't work for too long. >> you know what happens when you squeezean accordion together?

[2:39:45 pm] watch this. three on the outside. it's the35, gilliland, above the three. mcmurray in the 1, the red car, comes up, just brushes.and dillon gets in to gilliland, joey logano turned the 48 and buescher goes for a bigtumble. >> i didn't think that was going to stop fora second, d.w. >> goodness.>> really good to hear he's doing okay. >> it's just almost inevitable.>> it just sucked the 1 up into the 3. the 3 had nowhere to go. the 35 was to the outside.>> big impact by annett hitting that wall. luckily there's a s.a.f.e.r. barrier there.>> rookie chris buescher's wild ride down

the backstretch.>> been a while since we've seen one do this. >> i don't see a roof slap. didn't come openyet. seven cars involved. and pit road is open, matt.>> a lot of conversation with mike wheeler and denny hamlin about how many tires theywant to take on the 11. wheeler wanted to go four. they went back and forth.>> brad keselowski, they pulled a lot of tape on the grill. that car working well now. fourtires on the pit stod. jamie. >> martin true ex-taking for tires. the 24of chase elliott, right side only, waited on fuel, and 7.6 seconds for right side. [2:41:45 pm]

>> chase elliott leads pit road. trevor bayne.here's a strange twist of fate. the driver got pinned into the outside wall, david gilliland,he's the leader. 1 into 3 into 35 into mayhem. apparently the engineers who designed theford f-150 have been burning the candle at all ends. cuz' check out their latest brainstorm:pro trailer backup assist. just turn this little knob on the dash and it helps steeryour trailer exactly where you want it to go. it's just one more bit of brilliance youcan't get on any other truck. freakish. this is the ford f-150. and every other truck ishistory this is shaving. a blade. many blades. sharp blades. blades here, blades there. somemore over there... whoa! that's not another blade. this is shielding. with lubricationhere and here. the new gillette with proshield

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you expecting in the second half?>> it's going to be wild and crazy, that's for sure. [2:46:17 pm] we've already seen that. denny hamlin's winlessin his first 33 plate races. but he's won two of the last eight. if you look at whathe did in daytona and what he's showing here, speed and experience, so i'm going with hamlin.>> timing is everything. we talked a lot about kevin harvick. the minute we came to halfway.when all this shakes out, mr. where did he come from will lead the race.>> i raced with his dad bill elliott. he was the king of speed. chase elliott is impressingthe heck out of me today. 24. my buddy's car's

going to victory lane today.>> martin truex jr.'s crew chief said we gambled by taking four tires there. he said, don'tworry, we've got a strong car. watch for truex to hook up with his teammate and get the firstwin of the year. >> david gilliland, he's the luck just driverhere today. keselowski won here three ties. the way he held back that entire pack comingto halfway, impressive. >> carl edwards going for his third straightwin. eebs not led outside the top 30 at the moment. the highest he's been in fifth. madethe scheduled driver's stop with tie dylan at that first caution that came on lap 53.that's your midrace report. you're watching fox nascar live from talladega superspeedway.let's head backup stairs to jeff gordon, darrell

waltrip and mike joy.>> thanks, chris. three caution flags. this one at lap 96. four wide. the red number 1of jamie mcmurray. tips into number 3. which pins gilliland to the wall. michael annettgoes spinning. there's annett's car, into the wall. chris buescher flips down the backstraightaway. >> that 46, hard into that s.a.f.e.r. barrierdriver's side. >> the 46 of annett actually made contactwith the 34 car and that's what send him spinning up into the air and flipping over and over.then he went down to 46 of annett, went down, made heavy contact with the inside wall. [2:48:23 pm]

even though there's a s.a.f.e.r. barrier,when you hit with the driver's side like that, still a big, big impact.>> it's a sting. >> chris buescher is okay. he walked fromthe car, took the mandatory ride to the care center. here are the cars involved. ironically,gilliland kept going and was the race leader for a lap.>> he didn't really have to come in to fix the damage.>> 88 laps to go in talladega. tonight, the american country counsel count countdown awardsare live on fox. plus math mccon hi. paying tribute to merle haggard. the american countrycountdown awards live tonight on fox. chris buescher's car. ironically, csx slogan "playit safe" on the hood. michael annett released

after a checkup. around railroad tracks. objectson tracks faster than they appear. that's true of talladega. little brad keselowskiteam audio. >> sounds like we're being aggressive. wayto stay up front there, nice job. figure it's a whole lot easier to be aggressive and stayup front then have to get back up front, right? >> yeah.>> i think you'd agree with me wholeheartedly. >> couple of pop-up showers in the area.>> i'll tell you, i looked behind us because -- just to see what it looked like. it lookspretty good, mike, i'll tell you, it looks pretty good.>> debris on the track is going to hold us one more lap under caution. we'd hoped togo green this time.

[2:50:26 pm] with harvick cycling through as the race leaderwith elliott to restart on the outside of the front row.>> the first to get relief from the incare center. how did it unfold?>> really don't know. typical talladega. you can see, not really running towards the middleof the pack, you know, or the front. so you see smoke and it looked like the 31 didn'tcheck up when we did and got to the back of us. last thing we saw was the 34 get airborne.you never want to see that. luckily, he came out and talked to him in there. that's twodays in a row seeing hits like that. those angles, i'm sure they're smarter than me.just seeing the two cars hit the same place.

terrible impacts for us. hard hit. but, youknow, it just shows it's a perfect storm, you know, you get past halfway, you know weather'scoming. just go around or go for the win. we were trying to stay ahead of that 38. sojust kind of everything unfolded. you know, don't like being in that position but luckilyeverybody's all right. >> we saw it hit just like that in the xfinityrace yesterday. >> fortunately, they did have a s.a.f.e.r.barrier there. >> he brings up a good point. that wall isdesigned to allow trucks to get out on to the track in a hurry. but it would be niceto see this one straightened out. >> let's check in. ryan newman who got intothe back of michael annett 25th there. austin

dillon was involved in that crash, he's backat 34th. danica patrick made a stop and is 20th. while hamlin and logano are amongstthe leaders. chevys on the front row, harvick and elliott. baynes, ford. he's quite a restrictorplace runner. [2:52:27 pm] along with busch's chevrolet. toyotas forkyle busch and denny hamlin. chris buescher released from the care center. green flag.>> some interesting characters up here right now. got the 2 and the 6, couple of fords.then you've got denny hamlin looking for some help.>> you know what i realized, we need to have the threat of weather around weekend. becausethese drivers cannot hold back. they have

to be aggressive. have to take the lead. justlike you see denny hamlin, already, three-wide, the inside of the 2, keselowski.>> didn't have much work. it might backfire on denny hamlin. chase elliott, he's almostout in front of kevin harvick there. >> that's not where the finish line is. thelast lead is counted right here. it's elliott. >> you know, that 4 car. he's been kind ofmidpack. now all of a sudden, here he is. >> yeah, that was really fortunate to be onpit road, when that caution came out. now, he's going to take advantage of it. he's goingto work hard to keep the league. we see 24 getting a big push from kevin's teammate.>> harvick was 24th when he came on to pit road. the caution waved quickly. he came outbehind the caution. everyone else pitted under

yellow.>> you know this, it's amazing when you get a car up front, up in the lead pack up here,at the front of the field, how much faster and how much better your car feels.>> it's like being on a road course. [2:54:27 pm] if you can hit pit road and get into yourstall right as that caution comes out. you're in a perfect position. matt kenseth. whata fast race car he had. making some really aggressive moves. that's another one thathad one get away from him in daytona. had a lot of motivation.>> he let a lot of them get away from him this year. he wants something good to happen.>> kyle busch's toyota follows. right in the

tire tracks. there's the 78 right there. they'retrying to get grouped up. all right, chris buescher has been released from the care center.>> our xfinity series champion. obviously a wild ride. what happened?>> really have no clue. you know, not the way we wanted to finish talladega. have toget a replay. we got clipped. i'm tired of superspeedway racing, i can tell you that.if it wasn't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at these places. it's a bummer. i hate itfor the guys. they worked hard. and now we lost another one.>> what was that ride like? >> miserable. really quiet. you know, that'sthe first time i've been on my roof in a stock car for sure so it's a bummer.>> thanks, chris, good to see you're okay.

>> the scariest part is having to watch thereplay. it happens so fast, you really don't know what happens.>> the quietness, you know they're getting ready to be -->> oh, yeah. austin dillon has returned to the racetrack one lap down. chris buescherjoins michael annett in the garage. other damaged cars that have come back out includedibenedetto and dale earnhardt jr. >> this is going to be a big, big -- chasingelliott here. he's out front. he's got to work those lights just the way keselowskidid, control this lead if you can. [2:56:32 pm] whoa.>> you don't control kurt busch.

>> this is not going to be good for the 24.he's going to be on the outside, three wide. >> kurt busch anticipated that and was ableto second-guess him better. >> several times kurt busch has pushed a teammateto a restrictor plate win. he's finished second several times. but he's never won one of theseraces, vince. >> they didn't think they had a car reallyall that fast on its own. but they said it drives really well in the draft. he says,i'm going to make some friends and hopefully be with a teammate in the end. his teammatein that 4 car is right up there next to him. >> good point. look who else is right there.trevor bayne in that roush fenway ford. from knoxville.>> that's your old buddy there.

>> when you have him committed to stayingon the bumper, there's nobody better. >> committed to the almost end.>> now, they've been doing a nice job with the 6 car.>> overall, really picked up the performance. clint bowyer. in sixth place. has had whatwould best be called a lackluster season so far. he's spending this one year with thenumber 15. next year, he replaces tony stewart in the 14 upon stewart's retirement but it'sbeen tough sledding for the 15 with store bought cars and little development. said,maybe we grew too far too fast. but here, bowyer is right in contention.>> they came off a great finish top ten at bristol. went to richmond with a lot of hope.really turned the corner. had a miserable

day. but here they are today. this is whathe needs. the top six. >> look at this, battle for the lead. trevorbayne going to the lead underneath harvick. [2:58:36 pm] >> ford's on the inside, chevy's on the outside.>> did kevin harvick want to get up in front of his teammate?>> car in the wall. >> down at the first corner. caution wavesfor a two-car crash. dale earnhardt jr. for the second time today with carl edwards andjunior's car is aflame. >> oh, man. i think that will do amelia in.i think that's about it for her. >> send what's left of that car to the southpacific.

>> yeah.>> map what a bad day for jr. >> it doesn't sound too good. like a bullhorn inside there. >> well, let's go for a nationwide insideride. dale earnhardt jr.'s number 88 bringing out the fourth caution. remember, worked onit, repaired it, and carl edwards in the 19 had damage from the last caution.>> man. he had a tire go down or something there.>> right front. looked like he had some damage on the right front from that wreck. up thehill it went. >> poor junior's just -- can't catch a break.talk about wrong place at the wrong time. ooh, wow. carl edwards walking away.>> wondering if he had a little bit of damage.

jamie little.>> you guys hit it on the head. he had a lot of damage. he lost the draft earlier in the race and could never get up there. hesustained a lot of damage on the right front. he had a vibration. said it felt squirrelly.he wanted to run around until they could bring it in and work on it. the 48 told him he thoughthe had a right front rub. tough day for carl edwards. [3:00:36 pm] >> so no three wins in a row for carl edwards.>> it's a tough call. you rely on what you feel. you rely on your past experience. yourely on your team, spotter, to tell you how bad that damage is so you can make the rightcall. unfortunately, they were not able to get to pit road in time.>> this is a typical talladega race today

with all these wrecks we've had. just unbelievable.hey, guys, we only ran seven laps and most drivers changed four tires but what this doesabsolutely puts you in being able to make this race until one more stop. i think we'llsee a lot of fuel only here of the drivers that come to pit road.>> yeah, that's probably a good strategy, larry, but i tell you, coming in giving mesome fuel, can i have four brand-new tires, please?>> looks like to me nobody wants fuel or tires. >> i think the pit road is closed right nowbut i just think track position. we've seen it play out. so important to be up front,not only to be in a position to lead this race but to stay out of trouble. i agree withlarry. i think they'll do whatever keeps them

on pit road the least amount of time but theyneed that fuel to make it on one more. >> yesterday, joey logano was the only carto take four tires and he drove himself right to the lead.>> 77 laps to go here at talladega. saturday, mlb on fs-1 is back with two monster gamesfeaturing some of baseball's best. it all starts with the rangers taking on the tigersand a game you can only see on fs-1. then the nationals head to wrigley to take on thecubs. action begins 12:30 eastern on fs-1. or watch it live on fox sports go. 17-5 rightnow, in first place. >> i thought we were blowing up for a secondwhen we shifted. i didn't have any help behind me.

[3:02:38 pm] i felt like 75 miles per hour rpm. it waspretty wild but once we got rolling, we were fine.>> how about a great day? >> you can get in the wrong spot. we saw withthe 24 car earlier today when he came out of the pit, lost the draft. looked like somethinghappened to the car. somebody gets up there and starts pushing and away you go. austindillon will get the free pass. if i didn't mention it, the third caution of the day waslandon cassill getting the pass. >> this is starting to shape up like we mighthave a long shot win today. i'm just saying. look at mcdowell, running ninth. scott running11th. smith running 12th. you got a lot of

guys up there that could be surprise winners.>> bayne is the race leader. harvick behind him. keselowski. busch, kenseth, bowyer.>> doesn't look like they're coming to me, not those leaders anyway.>> they're staying out, out front. 77 laps to go. carl edwards into dale earnhardt jr.to bring out the caution at lap 110.now more reliable than ever and i'm on a mission toprove it's the fastest. i'm traveling the country betting anyone and everyone that sprintis faster than their network. and guess who's winning? the guy with a trailer full of yourstuff. i bet my space suit for that slightly oversized jacket. come on. come on. sprintwins! that was fast! yeah, sprint's killing it. the sprint lte network is now more reliablethan ever. so why overpay for wireless? switch

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roof flaps work. the airflow changes. thatrear spoiler almost lifts the car up. once the airflow and the pressure changes, thisone normally opens first and there's a channel that joins the two where the left one opensup and that's what spins that car back. because that boiler is your best friend going forward,it's you're worst enemy going backward. >> they certainly did their job right there.>> they did. i just feel a little concerned about the ones on buescher's car.>> i think it's just because he got hit so suddenly by the 46 that it just sent it upin the air. >> getting ready to go back to green. trevorbayne. who overcame a speeding penalty on the first pit stop of the day is the leader.harvick alongside ford versus chevrolet, green

flag. i'll tell you who i think is going tobe anxious to get back out front is that 2 car. he has the thing under control.>> don't get too far out. he's being stated up. cleared to the bottom. cleared to thebottom. don't overdo it. tight out back. >> great advice from the spotter. don't gettoo far out there. the further you get out there, the bigger run that can come from behind.>> i'll tell you what, that third car on the outside lap, clint bowyer, he's having himselfa pretty nice run today. good for him. >> good for clint.>> we thought this is the type of track that car, that team, certainly him as a driver,could have their best day. >> he's good on these restrictor plate tracks.>> he's great.

>> he was good at bristol. that's how comehe got good there. >> 72 to go. [3:11:45 pm] >> down to the garage.>> you saw some damage on that corner. any idea?>> we're not sure what let go. the guys do a really good job of making sure the car issafe. so just something was wrong with it from that previous crash. i just have to thankeverybody for coming out here and i feel bad about tearing up dale's car. it's just somethinglet go. >> dale earnhardt jr. also down here. twotimes in one race. we have to stop meeting

like this. it looked like before that restart,were you having an issue with the steering wheel?>> yeah, it come off. luckily, it was under caution. i just grabbed the shaft, steeredthe car that way. i ripped the skin off my hand but i wasn't going to let it hit thewall. that was just a freak deal with the steering wheel. we're working on somethingto keep that from happening going forward. but that just -- we were just riding around.something broke in the 19 and he came up into us and, you know, we were just there chillingout having fun. >> tough day, thanks, dale.>> i once heard of a driver who had a steering wheel break and he had vice grips to steerwith but nothing like this.

>> jimmie johnson up in phoenix i think itwas -- >> i've never seen anything -- oh, my gosh.that is so scary. you know, i just really believe they've got to find -- you have topull that couple ler back to engage it and lock it on. we've got to find a way whereit goes on and locks on. it's the second time we've seen this. huge impact at phoenix earlierin the year during the qualifying run. that could have been really bad.>> it could have been. >> we saw what happened to jimmie johnsonin phoenix. pretty bad. >> i can't believe he was steering that withhis hand. >> it looked like something his dad woulddo.

>> you could only do that here though. couldn'tdo that anywhere else. pretty fortunate he was at talladega when it happened. [3:13:49 pm] >> trevor bayne continues to lead. many saidafter he won the daytona 500 that would be a one-hit wonder. and bayne has not had thebest of season, but he is now maturing. boy, he loves these two high-speed tracks.>> we just know the roush fenway performance hasn't been there. these cars have not beenthat good for these guys. now we're seeing the drivers aren't too bad either.>> the last time when he won that race at the daytona 500, that was the tandem draftingtype of race, so completely different. so

for him to be having this type of run todaysays a lot about his ability. >> chase elliott is 16th. denny hamlin is20th. or 18th, rather. a while ago, they were racing together at the front of the pack.now, they're midfield, matt. >> we documented earlier in the show abouthow chase elliott wanted to prove mistakes he made at daytona. make those successes.under a earlier caution this is conversation from the daytona 500 champion to his spotter.>> kind of a break there. looks the same way. not clear. not clear.>> yeah, so obviously, you know, he feels like chase elliott made an aggressive movethat could have been disastrous for both of them.>> he's made some really aggressive moves.

watch the two cars on the bottom last timearound. brad keselowski, 2. boom. >> key to that. this is the one that makesme nervous. he slowed his momentum down. he got to the left rear side of the bumper. whenyou can hit him hard on the right side of the bumper, you can't hit him on the leftside it will spin them out. >> that's what happened to michael. hit hardon the left side. sent him to the infield. [3:15:50 pm] michael waltrip, despite that, still on thelead lap, 1 of 33 cars on the lead lap. 22 of them are within one second of the lead.held by trevor bayne. thank you for dining crispy duck. hello! nice to meet you! welcome,welcome! today i'm going to show you the all-new

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[3:17:54 pm] it's a meal that's freshly prepared everyday. court adjourned! colonel quality, guaranteed. >>> geico 500 on fox is sponsored by marvel's"captain america civil war" in theaters everywhere friday.>>> 64 laps to go. trevor bayne continues to lead. in support of mental health month,fox sports is proud to team up with the national alliance on mental illness and their commitmentto improving the lives of families and those affected by mental health conditions. to learnmore about how to be stigma free, visit fox sports supports.com.>> i'm noticing like the two car was able to set out here kind of control the pace ofthe race from one side to the other, trevor

stayed on the bottom pretty good. when youget out front, particularly guys two and three wide behind you, they just keep pushing youalong. it was explained to me like a bubble of air. once you get in front of that bubbleit will push you forward. then wait for somebody to hopefully not break through that bubbleand get up there to you. >> being led in the southside lane by busch.got the 78 behind him. they got a nice run going on the inside.>> you see that side draft? jumped right off of him.>> see the 7, regan smith, great run for him. [3:19:58 pm] ahead of him is michael mcdowell. great dayhe's having, vince.

>> yeah, that's right, guys. trevor bayne,was an underdog that won the daytona 500. michael mcdowell said he wants to be the underdogthat wins at talladega. this track is the equalizer of sorts. it gives them their chance.this know it's their chance. he embraces the craziness of restrictor plate racing. he said,i like it, i'm confident, i know it's our opportunity, and i feel the pressure, theopportunity to capitalize on it. he's running in the top ten.>> in good shape right there. you're watching from aric almirola. that duct tape specialin front of him. that is danica patrick's car. got damaged early in the race.>> looks like martinsville than talladega. danica patrick be the most laps she's everled in a sprint cup race came right here at

talladega. the car is very good in pack racing.right now, she recovered from that pit road issue. she's just trying to get a couple differentpartners to work her way closer to the front. she's latched on to the 22 of logano.>> caution out for kasey kahne who returned to the track after getting damaged in daleearnhardt's spin earlier. not a good idea to go in the garage, fix your car and comeback out, not today. we'll see this from way off in the distance. kahne's car down lowon the racetrack. >> here he comes.>> i'm not so sure he didn't just come off pit road. was he out there riding around fora while? obviously, something broke. maybe in the suspension. just turned right.>> i don't think that right front tire -- you

can see how that wheel's kicked out there.>> you know, you never want to have to fix a car to go back out and run around laps tomake up points or maintain as many points as possible. [3:22:02 pm] but certainly the last thing you want is forsomething to happen that was not completely fixed or improperly attacked.>> kahne said on the radio he was shifting the car and it just veered right into thewall. >> i just hope he had the steering wheel on.>> yes. >> no kidding.>> you're right, we've seen that now twice

from hendrick cars this season.>> that team is really starting to get momentum. seemed like the last couple of weeks, theystarted to get the thing together. too bad it kind of comes to a halt today.>> yeah, coming off their best finish of the season, fourth at richmond. fifth cautionflag of the day. and pit road will be open this time. tell you, trevor bayne's done agreat job of leading this race. >> this caution comes at an interesting time.no matter what, everybody's going to have to make it, one more stop. i would say, consideringit's been 25 to 30 laps, at least two tires, fill it up with fuel, then you know you'regood to go for one more stop. >> do you do four here and then two or nonelater?

>> i don't think four would be a bad idea.like i said at the top of the show, fight for track position. chris.>> kevin harvick's small adjustments all day long. his crew chief tried to lower the backend of the car. wasn't the way harvick liked it so they pulled it on the last stop. thatcar did balance now. working on the left side tires.>> for kyle busch, it's going to be two tired. denny hamlin's had a problem on pit road.as far as kurt busch is concerned, they'll put four on the 41 after he took right sidesonly on the last stop. >> and the 11 car.>> trevor bayne, good stop for roush fenway. two tires. wons the race off pit road. kylelarson no tires, picked up seven spots. again,

we have issues on pit road. [3:24:02 pm] >> what the heck happened here?>> you're righting with hamlin. >> oh, wow.>> that was landon cassill he got into. >> i just don't think he realized landon cassillwas going to be pulling in, sort of jumped in there and made contact. still not surewhy he spun out though. >> don't know if someone got into him.>> too much rear brake. 360 and back into his pit. trevor bayne. wins the race off pitroad. why do we put so much effort into engineering a job worth doing, is worth doing right. can-amdefender. tough. capable. clever. i am totally

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(dale) lobster mac n' cheese, maybe? so weird...so weird. have any of y'all seen who it is? no.(dale) for protecting my small business and more... why do we put so much effort intoengineering the can-am defender? well, why do you put so much effort at everything youdo? because a job worth doing, is worth doing right. can-am defender. tough. capable. clever.>>> 58 laps to go. ryan newman becomes the lead change. under caution and a quick recap.so the best drivers were aggressive. tony stewart in the first caution. ty dillon hoppinginto the 14 car for stewart and his second race back from his injured back. michael waltripback behind the wheel racing in the 55 toyota. crazy spin but an excellent save. has remainedon the lead lap. huge wreck here. telling

us it was an awful ride but he was glad hewas okay. remember, he had the earlier wreck and then carl edwards going for his thirdstraight win. [3:28:25 pm] you can understand why. cole whitt is nowthe leader ahead of trevor bayne. it's been that kind of day. herky jerky here at talladega.we will continue in just a moment. that's one way to enjoy the race. the gillette mach3 turbo still feels better after 10 shaves than a disposable on it's first. mach 3 bladeshave twice the coatings. for a closer shave with zero redness. get an incredible experienceshave after shave after shave. gillette. the best a man can get. let's do this. ohhh! toyotalet's go places. this new sonic lemonade is

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in there, not realizing the 38 was pittingright in front of him. [3:32:28 pm] >> green flag. trevor bayne. carl larson onpoint. >> these cars are starting to show up. theymight have a little something to say about this.>> bayne got quite a gap there. did he get too big a gap.>> the 1 car. >> oh, everybody's bumping everybody here.bam, bam, bam. that's the tap dance. banging into the 4. i was surprised carl bush stayedwith larson on that. he could have easily taken him three wide there.>> he just hasn't been able to get by harvick.

>> the 6, trevor bayne, did not break outof that bubble of air. they've caught him. >> it's pretty hard to do. you've got to reallyhave a big, big run. we haven't seen that yet.>> sieve seen where trevor bayne has chosen. i'll just stay on the bottom. protect theyellow line. will have to go by me on the outside.>> i've always been a believer, that yellow line is your best friend. make them go byon the high side. >> 25 cars within one second of the leader.52 laps to go. chris neville. >> there was damage from that early wreck.what happeneded this second time? >> we were just trying to finish and we hada lot of damage, the car was moving all over

the track, end up losing it, you know, that'sreally all that happened. we had a great car early and then got in another one.>> good to see you're okay. so nothing broke there, just lost the car.>> you saw the 42 of larson get down on bayne. [3:34:34 pm] might be just enough.>> shocked to hear kasey kahne say he just lost it there.>> trevor bayne's been in the top five for 36 laps today. that's more laps he's run inthe top five, jamie. >> he's happy up there. keeps telling histeam what he's doing and what his plan is. they said, just focus, you're doing great.he also said the car's driving really good

out front. they took right sides and one canof fuel. >> kyle larson just became the 16th differentleader of this race. 42 gets down on the 6 and then swings out. trying to get a littleside grip but it's not working. >> kyle larson, somebody we haven't talkedabout enough, he's such a talented race car driver but he's not had the type of seasonwe were hoping he would have. this is a great opportunity for him to take advantage of nowbeing in the series for a couple of years, having experience on these types of racetracksand having a great, you know, position on the track right now to get that first win.>> think it's just classic though how he's using the side, goes down in the corner, swingsout here on the straightaway, trying to get

that burst of speed. watch when he gets backto the corner. right down on that door, right there. trying to get that push.>> the 2 and the 4 are pushing. that actually is going to break. keselowski made too muchtalent. i was just getting ready to say the inside lane's formed up a little better. herecomes the outside lane. >> guys, kyle larson got up there. they pittedon that caution at lap 112. i thought more drivers would pit. that allowed them to dofuel only, the last stop. >> he gained seven spots on pit road.>> a great run going by the 42 of larson. [3:36:36 pm] good pit on the restrictor plate lap. rightnow, the car just too free.

>> the 48 on the restart, he jumped threewide, right away. and it looked like it was really not going to work out for him. thatoutside lane has been forming. he's coming to the front.>> look at that thing go. >> whoa.>> the 22 of logano has gotten to the back of the 1 of mcmurray.>> you know who sees this 48 coming? kyle busch.>> larson, he sees it too. this is going to help mcmurray in the middle.>> it's just a game of -- cat and mouse. move here, go here. your second guess. a guy that'ssecond guessing a guy. i'm telling you. >> that is the best line, d.w., i've heardin a long time.

>> larson uses the side draft to lead anotherlap. there are 49 to go at talladega. they are three-wide at the front. ok, so the governmentcrashed-tested the f-150. the one with the high-strength military-grade, aluminum-alloybody bolted to a high-strength steel frame. and guess what? it made the strongest statementany truck can make. it pulled a 5-star safety they mean: "battle tested." this is the fordf-150. and every other truck is history. i was shaped by the hands of legacy. forgedin the fires of racing. the truth is- what you're made of... is what you're made to do.people know me as dale earnhardt jr., racecar driver. [3:38:54 pm]

but there's more to me than that. at my office,they call me boss man. i scout the talent, close the deals, do it all with a firm handshake.(loud clap noise) gentlemen. (loud clap noise) to others, i'm water coolerdale. so i got this new chair, had it for a couple of weeks. somebody keeps loweringit. ah, dang it! i mean i reset it to where i want it and i go back to my office, andi sit down and it's lower. do you have a warranty on the chair? no! someone is lowering it!(dale) for protecting my small business and more... you live on a planet that is mostlywater. sometimes water just starts falling out of the sky. when water freezes, peopleplay on it. when it bubbles, people sit in it. when it moves, people slide down it. andsmart people, like this person, say there's

about to be even more water. there's aboutto be even more water. ok, smile. in fact, there's so much water out there, why in theworld would you get a phone that can't get wet? ok, try again. the new water-resistantgalaxy s7 edge. >>> talladega. it's always been a track thatfavored dark horses. 10 drivers got their first sprint cup win at this speedway. kylelarson's best finish, second, three times. he has been mr. win one soon for a coupleof seasons now. >> we've been expecting it, we've been anticipatingit, we've been talking about it. this just might be the place and the day to pull itoff. >> this is just what we expected, at the topof the day, right? larson with bayne out front,

fighting for the lead.>> it also favors the big one. and i think larson and bayne might be the only ones comfortableright now because behind them, watch out, it is out of control back there.>> that is a swarm. right in the middle of it, the yellow 22 ford of joey logano. jamie.>> the word to describe joey logano this weekend is resilient. yesterday, we saw him get penaltiesin the xfinity series. [3:40:56 pm] and then he suffered the hardest hit of hiscareer. he had damage earlier when he got into the 48. they fixed it and now he's sittingexactly where he wants to be, top ten. >> there's nobody out there that has morecars than he has. anybody he gets behind,

he's going to give them a shove. right nextto him at 41 of kurt busch. another very aggressive driver, vince.>> jeff gordon was talking about the swarm. kurt told me before the race he wants to stayout of that exact area. he said, i want to avoid 4 through 10 because that's where itall seems to get bottled up and people get impatient. he said, i want to be in frontof that group. on the last pit stop, they had to take four tires. that put him backin the middle of it. >> that's the eye of the storm. you get inthe eye of the storm, most likely, you're going to get caught up in something.>> here's somebody trying to break out of the eye of the storm, the 20 of matt kenseth.he haven't heard from him in a little while

but here he comes.>> that car is fast, superfast. he's going to get to the outside. got to go the longway around though. >> whoa, squeezed his way in. here comes thetwo car of keselowski on the outside with a nice run!>> chevy, toyota, ford, right across that front row.>> nobody gives it up easy. that 42 car fighting right back. keselowski coming on the outside.in the 2. bringing kyle busch, jimmie johnson and way to the outside, martin truex. gottired of following so he's going to make something happen on his own.>> a nice move for the 78 of truex. >> that was a big move right there. look atthis move. that one car. he's another guy

who has been doing a lot of pushing.>> mcmurray, very happy with the race car today. that car was a edgy but he's very comfortablewith it. [3:43:00 pm] he had a great car back at daytona but raninto some debris there. they had to build a new one here this weekend and it's workingwell for them. right now, seven laps short on fuel.>> kyle larson, the 42, jamie mcmurray in the 1 for chip ganassi, fourth and fifth.>> would i be concerned if i'm matt kenseth, that's too far out there. if anybody breaksfree behind then, they're going to get a big run and go right by them. you see johnsonfour wide on the outside.

>> 44 behind you.>> 4 by 4. two rows deep. look at him moving around. just all over the place. nobody'sstaying in the same lines. a lot of that is just the nature of the beast. the air movesthese cars around a lot more than you realize. >> oh, man. i feel you, d.w.>> oh, boy. >> trying to take a breath up here.>> well, you could be up here or you could be out there.>> i like where i'm at. this is the best seat in the house.>> got that right. you have to drive all these cars. of course matt kenseth is not in a badplace. >> no. leading is good. that 20 car, he'sshown a lot of speed today.

>> they're still 4 by 4, two rows deep, fourabreast. >> how long can they go on?>> not very long. like i always like to say, nfl, not for long. smith getting a big pushfrom mcdowell. >> right up the middle. love to see thosesingle car teams work their way to the front. >> bowyer is sort of the odd man out there.>> with ryan blaney, another rookie. matt. >> a year ago, that finish gave him and theteam a lot of confidence. they try to build on that momentum. the spotter is a formerprofessional golfer. spent four years on the tour. both of them, it's really tough to geta rise out of them. [3:45:02 pm]

they work so well together. and an overheatingissue earlier in the race, other than that, he's been riding nicely.>> matt kenseth out in front of kevin harvick, kyle larson, trevor bayne and jamie.♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ geico motorcycle, great ratesfor great rides. (sloshing)(twist cap sound) unleash a refreshing citrus kick. do the dew. hoods up, america. todayis the day. it's time for everyone to pop your hoods, get some grease on your knuckles.this old boy could have another hundred thousand miles in him. here buddy. and a little freetime and new spark plugs will have this rocket ready for launch. towel? so get out thereand grease that, tighten this, change those.

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are 20 cars within one second of matt kenseth,the leader. caution is out. david reagan. >> caution's out. we're done, boys.>> he can't see inside the car. it's still full of smoke.>> former winner here. great restrictor plate racer.>> i can say confidently casey mears will get the free pass. the only car not on thelead lap. so he'll be 23 laps down. after this.>> there's a chance. >> he's got a chance.>> hey, it ain't over. >> you're in it, you can win it.>> that's right. >> he had damage earlier, they had to repairthe spoiler. i was about to ask when the next

pit stop would be.>> i don't even have to ask him. >> looks how it turns it back.>> wind tunnel out there. [3:49:05 pm] >> yeah, it's a little test.>> he was one of those cars within a second of the leader. but he won't be around forthe finish on this one. >> we have 32 drivers on the lead lap. we'llhave 35 laps to go. this absolutely gets everybody to the end with all those drivers on pit roadand i think we'll see fuel only, two tires. i don't think you'll see four. i think everybodyhits the road this time. >> most importantly, all those lug nuts haveto be tight because if this is the last pit

stop, after the race, nascar indicated allcars will be checked and if there is a missing lug nut, then that crew chief gets a one-weekvacation. >> put five on the left two pit stops ago.that's the last some of them changed. >> i just think four tires would not be abad call right here, matt. >> kyle larson hits in fifth position. thedollar gem guys waiting for kenseth. just a few seconds of fuel. fills him up. he'saway. chris neville. >> kevin harvick led -- oh, a little slowleading the box. kevin's up on the 44. jamie. >> kevin bayne said the handling is good onthe race car but he can feel the handling. >> larson almost got into the back of bayneand they were three wide exiting pit road.

kevin harvick got blocked coming out of hispit, that's why he lost three spots. scott coming in. harvick has to stutter step.>> at least he didn't make contact. >> that's a lot of laps on tires. i know nobodytook tires. harvick having to stop and start. three cars are going by. he companies outseventh. [3:51:06 pm] waltrip must be in a hurry to get to the hollywoodhotel, too fast exiting. >> back it down, son. the bud light partybelieves in change. that's why bud light has a new look... and we want to share it witheveryone... jackpot! still the same refreshing bud light. with a new look. hello! nice tomeet you! welcome, welcome! today i'm going

to show you the all-new 2016 chevy cruze andask you what you think. but here's the catch. you can only answer in emojis. what emojiwould you use to describe the design? 40 mpg highway. [3:53:07 pm] this car is like a unicorn. it's magical!>>> 34 laps to go in talladega. led by matt kenseth. been in a position to win severaltimes this year. however, hasn't made it to victory lane. his last top five was his winin new hampshire last september. kyle busch, seventh, kenseth, 11th. kenseth will squareoff against the 4 of knoxvitennessee's trevor bayne. number 6.>> just take care of your fuel right now,

that's all i need you to do right now. i'mjust doing the math here. can you give me a second?>> a little testy, aren't you? >> this just shows you how much differenttalladega is from daytona. today, we've seen all kinds of different leaders.>> just remember, the 20 car was within a few hundred feet of winning the daytona 500.>> spotters are on the roof to call their drivers to the green flag. it's in the air.bayne will get a push from keselowski and logano, all in fords.>> the 22 could really -- i know keselowski wants to get back out.>> they are shoving and pushing, getting out of control here. you've got to be real careful.you're the sandwich in between two cars. you

have no control over your car at that point.>> when you're coming up to speed here, you're working through the gears, it's not as badas once we get -- [3:55:13 pm] >> i agree. keselowski giving a big shoveto the 6. get him side by side with kenseth. maybe the lead.>> are you kidding me? >> trevor bayne.>> look at that. he just drove up there and went around the 20.>> keselowski is one of his best friends today. >> now the penske team.>> the 2 and the 22. >> these guy p fords, the 6 and the 2. man,they can get runs. the 48 and the 22. they

were on each other.>> just bumping, shoving that car out in front of him.>> getting it on right there for a second. jimmie johnson had 48.>> the 28th place car is less than one second behind.>> look at how tightly packed they are. >> beautiful thing until something goes wrong.>> how fast they're going, all running together like they do, just amazing.>> lots of momentum right there. >> up top, here comes the 27 of paul menardwho early in the race was in a pit road incident with danica patrick. he has surged back tothe front. >> just got in the front in the 2 car. hewas fast in front. he really knows how to

work all three lanes.>> greg biffle. all trying to claw their way to the front. three wide. way up to the outside. [3:57:15 pm] bobonte.>> this is where aggressiveness will really come into play. i know we still have 30 lapstore go. when they're 3 by 3 by 3 like that, that keeps then in check. but if you're aggressiveenough. maybe get two of you to do it. you can break out of that line.>> oh, four wide, harvick. >> 18 was below the yellow line. they're goinginto three. wide into mcdowell i believe it is on the outside. they're still four wide.>> that was aggressive. really aggressive.

>> four wide, two rows deep. hamlin comingup on bowyer. patrick just in front. >> we're getting down to the desperate hours,boys. >> again.>> you can just see. not only going from one lane to the other, flirting with that yellowline. bumpers starting to hit one another. >> let's show you that. watch the 18.>> right there. >> yeah. i mean, that's questionable. it'squestionable whether they ran them down there. he went below there to make that pass.>> nascar is reviewing it. the rule is you cannot go below the double yellow line toadvance your position. >> tell you one thing, the dominance we sawat daytona with the toyotas, son of a gun,

if we're not seeing it today with these fords.look at that, 2, 22 and 6. >> keselowski's wide here.>> oh, into the wall! turn one. >> oh, it's going to be big!>> oh, huge wreck. >> everybody.>> they're still running into each other. >> 13 cars got away. everybody else is init. jimmie johnson was getting a push from kurt busch when that began. [3:59:19 pm] >> the 11, the 42. that's everybody.>> we've been talking about the aggressiveness, more pushing, trying to break free of thatthree wide.

>> 3 gets wrecked again.>> truex. now watch the first two cars in the middle lane. from our good year aerialcoverage. jimmie johnson and the 41 of kurt busch.>> here comes busch. gets side draft from the 27.>> got him in that left rear. >> doesn't take much.>> can't do it. >> you can do it a little bit in the cornerwhere the car's loaded up but on the straightaway, you got to be real careful. look like justas the 41 was getting there, the 48 moved just a little bit and that's all it took.that little bit of contact. >> you just cannot push on that left side.>> on board here. on the outside, 48. right

there. wow. great camera work. watch this.right up into paul menard. >> just gets a little bit in that corner.>> yeah, sort of like the 48 was turning a little bit to the right. the 41 was turninga little bit to the left. that little bit of contact.>> slight contact. >> what a shame. look at all those cars.>> you can see the hood flap coming up in the air on the 41. so you're also losing frontdownforce if you're the car behind. you're taking the air off the car in front of you.really lightens it up as well. then you make contact.>> here it is in real time. >> wow.>> into the wall.

>> more than 15 cars involved in turn one.>> we've had some crazy races here. and this is one of them. [4:01:19 pm] >> check up, check up, check up.>> oh. >> let's ride with ryan blaney.>> he might be okay. i think hamlin. we'll have to see if there is damage to the splitter.>> blaney's got some damage, definitely got rear damage on the 21.>> he must have had a lot of damage to the split.>> check up, check up, check up, check up. check up, come on, stay low, check up, checkup, check up.

>> there's the 11, the right front, just dugin. >> i'm not so sure anybody made it throughthis one. >> doesn't look like it. now got 17 campswith daniel. now got 17 cars with damage. and there may be more. here's jimmie johnson.>> i mean, come on, kurt, how far are you going to push me?>> yes, the car's destroyed. i mean, he just drove through me the whole front straightaway.>> now, prior to the crash, here's audio from kurt busch's side.>> this is the 48. i don't know where he is. i think there is a car in front of him.>> couldn't exactly make out -- >> no, not sure what he said.>> i heard a little bit about the car in front

of him maybe?>> i think he was talking about 48. >> the only thing i can think of is he's thinking,i can't see, i'm going to be aggressive, i'm going to push here.>> it's the perfect storm though, jeff. looked like the 48 was easing up to the right. kurtcaught him in the left bumper. that sent him straight into the wall.>> sounds like from jimmie johnson's audio this started a long way back where the 41was pushed all the way down the whole straightaway. you can see where they felt the gap as theycame out of the trioval. >> all the way back here, you see jimmy inthe middle lane, the 48. [4:03:19 pm]

this is the 27. and the 41 is the black car,kurt busch. >> not to him yet. okay, here he comes.>> no, he's working all over. >> kind of turned him a little loose. hadto back off through him. >> here he comes again. boom, and then thattime. see, when he hit him that first time, it just made jimmy have to go right a littlebit. it just turned him. that's just aggressive racing that we see here at talladega. if you'regoing to make a move and push that car forward, that's what you have to do.>> kurt busch drives away. 17 cars are wrecked. >> as a former car owner, you know, i seea lot of dollar signs going the wrong way. out the door.>> keep it right here with 26 laps to go in

talladega. america, the sprint network isnow more reliable than ever and i'm on a mission if we don't win you over in 30 days, we'llrefund your money. [4:06:40 pm] >>> well, the first 17 cars were not involved.the next 17 were. after kurt busch send jimmie johnson into the frontstretch wall. johnson'sgone to the garage. 17 cars with minor to major damage from this one. 25 laps to go.let's get a race recap from chris. >> the wrecks which we always expect a bigone at talladega, we've had 28 cars involved in some kind of crash today. this is lap 96.seven cars involved. chris buescher will go flying through the air. amazingly, he wasokay. this was triggered by dillon and david

gilliland. dale earnhardt jr. had to drivewithout a steering wheel for part of the -- this was after he was caught up in a wreck. hewas wrecked out of the race with carl edwards going for his third straight. that's him asjunior and him collide. and then with just 28 laps to go here. remember, rain threateningso everybody pushing throughout the day. a huge wreck involving 17 camps. going, what,under 200 miles per hour. kurt busch, jimmie johnson. and it continues. we've already hadmore lead changes today, 35, than in the race last year. and it's the most lead changeswe've seen in any race so far this season. hope that all the drivers are okay. keselowskiand logano are your leaders with 24 to go. ♪♪♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪♪♪ ♪♪ people know me as dale earnhardt jr., racecar driver. [4:08:47 pm] but there's more to me than that. i'm alsoan animal lover, and to my animals i'm the whisperer. gus, hey, sit! where are you going?i know one that'll listen to me, little junebug. junebug! hey! ughhhh. well there's two i canalways count on. that's laverne and vera. c'mon girls, speak up!(bison grunt) well as you can see, we're making some progress. for protecting my pets andmore. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ kyle busch, the 2015 champion! ♪♪ toyota. let's go places.>>> 22 laps to go. despite the pileup, we

still have 25 cars on the lead lap. [4:10:48 pm] jimmie johnson not one of them. he's in thegarage area. as are kyle larson, ryan newman, regan smith, scott, hamlin, as a result ofthat crash. most everybody else made repairs and stayed on the lead lap. ryan blaney, onelap down. >> not as many as there was, but we stillgot some good ones. >> there were some that made a great job gettingthrough some of that. one of them is ty dillon. he was in the middle of that.>> we could well get a surprise winner here. matt kenseth, fourth, behind trevor bayne.joey logano, brad keselowski, the leader.

in the top ten, landon cassill, waltrip, bayne,dillon, patrick. here we go, green flag. the penske teammates fords out front.>> i think the aggresveness -- >> you think these guys say, we've had a lotof wrecks, we better take it easy? i think ramp it up.>> absolutely. it's go time, boys. >> well, you know, with the weather, the threatof the weather, that made it crazy and chaotic to get to halfway. now we're going to seewho will win this darn thing. >> joey logano out front. 21 to go. teammatebrad keselowski in second. with matt kenseth alongside in that yellow toyota.>> if you think because we had 17 caught up in that wreck before and the chaos is goingaway? no. it's not.

[4:12:48 pm] it's going to -- like you said, ramp up hereas we get closer to the end. >> you know, you're in this situation whereyou've been lucky all day so i'm just going to go for it now.>> still, you have 19 cars within one second of the leader. chase elliott, the pole sitter,way up high, trying to make a third lane work from 12th place.>> kind of fell back in the field. like we said there a minute ago, he missed that bigwreck. but hasn't been up near the front for a long time. a lot of battle scars on truex'snumber 78 but he can draft with them. >> you can take anything out there. as longas you can stay in the pack, you can keep

up, you can draft with them.>> it's amazing how these cars will keep up in the draft even with all that damage.>> caution, debris in turn two, not unexpected after a big crash.>> unfortunately, what comes along with that is a lot of debris flying off these cars.>> you go in the garage -- >> eighth caution flag of the day. debris,turn two, lap 169. >> i was going to say, that car's going tobe pretty loose. there's not much air getting to the rear spoiler.>> i don't know how it's staying afloat. >> might be really fast though. catching alot of air on that left rear quarter panel so that's not working for it. that's a lotof drag there. look, you don't see the rear

spoiler when you're looking at it. by theway, his 12th. that thing's about six inches shorter.>> look, it's not even running straight, it's running sideways. crazy.>> so joey logano leads for brad keselowski, matt kenseth. fox nascar coverage continuesnext week from the great plain. [4:14:57 pm] >>> the mother's day tradition continues.at kansas speedway. will it be moreominance? find out next saturday under the lights. coveragebegins at 7:00 p.m. eastern on fs-1. >> kansas, fs-1. of course, we'll have practiceand qualifying coverage there as well. 19 laps to go. big implications as to who mightwin this and punch their golden ticket.

>> there's a lot on the line here with thiswin. a lot of opportunities for -- you know, this could be their only opportunity, butat the same time, i believe joey logano has not won a race this year so he'll work hardto try to get this win and punch his ticket. >> last fall, that's the last time he's won.>> they're trying to get jimmie johnson back out there. the only drivers in the top sevenwho have won this year are keselowski and harvick.>> i'm guessing there's a slight disagreement on whether or not that car is supposed tobe out on the track. obviously they don't agree on whatever it is they're discussing.>> 16 spots available in the playoffs. edwards, johnson and kyle busch, two wins a piece.harvick, keselowski. the spots will be filled

by points. ryan newman, one point ahead ofallmendinger for the last chase spots but we anticipate quite a number of those spacesin yellow will fill in with race winners before we get back to richmond in september.>> yeah, i say that joey logano has a good shot here, even this car has got a littledamage, but he's still in it. [4:17:03 pm] >> the one that is standing out to me rightnow is trevor. he's not had the best of years this year. and, you know, is he going to winthis year to get himself in the chase? if he wins here today, because he obviously hasa very fast race car. led this race quite a bit. i mean this could be his moment toget himself in the chase this year. that would

be huge for them.>> sure would. >> 18 to go.>> let's not forget landon cassill back there in seventh. there's some potential for hugeupseptembers. >> a lot of contenders there. there's landoncassill in the 38. goodyear tires. to ce challenging conditions. we appreciate these overhead viewsbecause oftentimes there just aren't enough replay angles to sort out what happened here.>> landon cassill's crew chief donny wengo and his spotter, that's a potent little groupright there. yesterday, joey logano was leading elliot sadler on the final lap. they got together.logano hit the wall hard. that was the moment the caution came out. logano getting hit again.and even though young brennan pool was the

first car to the line, they went back to themoment of caution to decide the winner. on his 41st birthday, elliott sadler went tovictory lane in yesterday's xfinity race. logano trying to win this one. up againsthis roger penske ford teammate bradselowski for this restart.>> ford, toyota, ford, chevy, chevy. green flag.>> this is interesting, earlier, when the gibbs cars were one-two like this, they hada little game plan. [4:19:07 pm] put one of them out in front of the other.but the penske cars, maybe they're saying, hey, it's too late for that, we got to racehard, let's get this win.

>> i think it would be kind of cool if kensethin that 20 car got a little redemption today. he had the daytona 500 in sight and got ittaken away from him, finished 14th. >> behind him, harvick in the 4, busch inthe 41, the younger busch. our series champs in the 18 behind him. patrick in the top ten.landon cassill up to six. still anybody's race as they come to the line with 16 to go.>> think we're running at martinsville somewhere. all patched up, beat up, banged up.>> landon cassill had his great performance at martinsville shortest track. here he ison the biggest track for front row motorsports. >> we've seen this car and this team and landondo extremely well here at talladega so i'm not that surprised he's up there running likethis.

>> david ragan and gilliland, you know, twoyears ago, they went to victory lane. >> cassill's overcome a penalty for the firstpit stop for over the wall too soon. aric almirola right in the middle of things.>> he's a good crew chief. >> you know, mcdowell, right there, just ahead.>> looking at him. oh! >> how did kenseth get down there?>> how's he going to get back in? >> excuse me.>> he and logano must have had something. >> wow, again? those two have quite the history. [4:21:08 pm] >> matt give a little wave and "thank you"for letting me back in. pretty cool move there.

see what happened.>> they're four wide. >> watch the yellow, 22nd.>> yeah, he just ran. see. i'm going to tell you, the 22 forced him down there. they saythe rule is if you go down there yourself, you'll get a penalty. there's also a ruleif you get forced down there, they may penalize the person who forced you.>> no harm, no foul, everybody's back going again, no problem.>> right, you're not allowed to go below the double yellow line to advance your position.nascar ruled it kenseth was forced down. no penalty.>> the only penalty really was the 22 who was the one who forced him down there. he'sbeen shuffled pretty far back.

>> i think joey said whoa, that was almosta disaster. i've got to back this off. elliott sadler won on his first day yesterday. kylebusch's birthday is tomorrow. >> this is his 400th sprint cup series start.hoping to add his name to that list but on that particular move, when kenseth got outof shape, kyle went from seventh to second. so sometimes other's misfortune is your gainespecially at a place like talladega. >> he's aggressive, pushing the 4 car. there'sa good chance he's going to work his way back up there. there's a good chance he might seewhat happened on the last caution. >> 12 to go. and they come to the line.>> brad keselowski right where he wants to be. it's been fun listening to the spotter.

[4:23:11 pm] >> oh, got turned! and saves it. martin truexturned landon cassill going into turn one and they all got away with it. sorry, chris,go ahead. >> wow.>> whoa, they're not done yet. that was wild. he had enough room to do just that.>> remember, truex's car has a lot of damage on it. just wasn't quite clear of truex. therejust wasn't enough room. >> that's what you have to do. you have toget the momentum, take advantage of it. that's why we see big wrecks here in the closinglaps of these races. that was one we're fortunate didn't happen.>> took martin out of the lead draft. fords

at the front. keselowski and bayne. the chevysof kurt busch and jamie mcmurray. when they come back, it will be ten laps to go.>> well, it's about time for a -- the last ten spring races, the average lap, the lastcaution came out was lap 182. four overtimings. >> they're trying to live up to your list,my friend. >> the new overtime rules mean unlimited attemptsto get to the overtime line after what should be the final restart.>> keselowski is impressing me with the way he's controlling his racing, controlling thefield. >> he did an awesome job at it earlier inthe race. doing an awesome job here late in the race.

[4:25:11 pm] >> so if you're trevor bayne, do you havesomething for him or are you willing to settle for second? if i'm trevor bayne, i'm goingfor it. >> it's just how do you get the run and howdo you not make that move that you make turn into a 20th place finish?>> yeah, but he -- >> trevor bayne, he just needs a win. he'sgot his fast car. go for it. >> oh, he's going to go for it.>> the busch brothers side by side. kurt to the inside, 41. kenseth and mcmurray. loganoworking his way back up. blaney right along him. joey logano.>> gives logano a little help there. danica

patrick in the 10.>> look who's bumper to bumper. the 22 and the 20.>> watch those two little cars right there. >> danica, she's really aggressive. been doinga lot of pushing. >> don't worry about it now.>> yeah, 8 laps to go who cares. >> she'll last 8 more laps. i'll tell you,it's amazing, you give a guy a shot, he shoots it forward. stanley steamer.>> oh. >> and away she goes. into kenseth. up inthe air and into the wall hard. >> oh, man.>> i thought at it was going to catch there. >> he got the window net down right away.the 4 car, harvick.

>> danica climbs out. radio cord. disconnected.oh, boy. >> you just knew it was coming. [4:27:12 pm] you saw everybody pushing and shoving. thecars slipping and sliding around. >> i think he says just give me a push.>> matt was sixth. and danica walking over. well, you know what? she knows she can getfined. she's going all the way over against the wall. i'm not sure -- she's shaken upa little bit i think. matt climbs from his car. he's okay. couple of hard hits there.>> man, i'm telling you. >> i was so worried. just get up in the air,carrying towards that inside fence. i'm glad

it sat down when it did.>> yes. >> oh, man.>> flipped those cars over. tumble. hit the wall.>> i think this is going to be similar. her car hit the right rear. turned that car aroundthe opposite direction that we're used to seeing. that's what gets them upside down.>> she's right in the middle, the fifth car back.>> i think somebody makes contact. oh, mcdowell got her in the left rear. she hit him in theright front. and when that -- >> just got air underneath the car.>> is anybody left in this race? >> you'll see several things happen here.kenseth's car comes back down to earth.

>> a lot of teams are going to be freezingthose shots and look underneath this car when they leave here. not often you get to seewhat's underneath them. >> right behind the red 21. there's of threeof them. oh, ah. >> realize how powerful the wind is in thatsituation, to be able to take a car this weight, what, 3,000 pounds approximately, just pickit up in the air like it's a piece of paper. [4:29:21 pm] >> there's mcdowell into the 43p almirola.>> up goes kenseth. >> mercy.>> half back. half back. outside. next, we're going to ride with almirola.>> we got it guys.

>> kevin harvick ended up in the grass onthis one. >> danica came back and made contact withhim and put him into the grass. >> let's go out to the camera position. wecall him turtle. hopefully he got everything pulled in when they started heading for him.>> i guess it wasn't danica that got the force. another car that had silver on it.>> bobby labonte i think. >> yeah. i think you're right.>> there are six laps to go. there's turtle. terry still at his position inside the backstraightaway. there's his shot of matt kenseth's car being towed away. eric al mill rola anddanica patrick's next. >> where's the tooth fairy -- is it him ora her?

[4:31:24 pm] >> depends.>> tooth fairy. >> going to be five laps to go. they're goingto give them one to go. give a chance to listen to a little talladega radio remix.>> we didn't come here to ride around, we came here to win, okay, make it happen.>> yes, sir. >> watch him in your mirror.>> i was in the right place. >> hold the brakes, buddy. damn it. you okay?>> yeah, just lost it. >> [ muted ] happens.>> holy [ muted ]. i think he got hit from behind and then -- then got rolling.>> an unbelievable day at talladega.

>> matt kenseth just cannot catch a break.he performed so well this year. >> just wild and crazy. just guys runninginto each other. we're gonna go back racing. try to finish this thing.>> the green flag with four laps to go. >> we're going to have an overtime. it's goingto get crazy. >> a lot of damaged cars out there. 16 carson the lead lap. still cars being loaded. it will be easier to list the cars that havenot been involved. another caution before we get back to green.>> let's see what he's going to say about that. [4:33:26 pm]

>> hey, mike, it's c.w., you got me, buddy?>> this is pretty crazy out here. >> i've never seen anything like it, buddy.you're running 11th, you could probably win. >> i'm just going to try to hit every openhole but, man, it's crazy, i've never seen driving like this. bill elliott asked me ifi looked like i was getting out of the electric chair to go have some fun. it's been a nuttyday. led the race a bit. the guy behind me ran me over once. hope he don't decide todo that again. d.w., i'm just trying to pay the rent for the apartment over the pizzajoint here, racing for a living. >> i just hope you haven't peaked yet becausewe have five laps to go. put the pedal to the metal, brother.>> we're in talladega, ricky bobby, i'm-a

go.>> oh, goodness. all right. four to go now. matt kenseth hasleased from the care center.>> tough season, just can't get momentum on your side. led 39 laps today. a wild ride.what happened? >> i'm not really sure. the first thing thathappened is the 22 ran me off the racetrack. an got us way behind. maybe we're not. i wasjust going straight here. this guy ran into. just hanging out.>> thanks, matt. >> good to hear that kenseth is okay. >>cyi realize why danica came over and bent over. she took a heavy hit. i'm sure that knockedthe wind out of her. >> yes, sir.>> so here we are with 18 cars on the lead

lap at least. check the scoring as they continueto cycle around and come out of the pits. get a couple of good favorites up front. [4:35:27 pm] keselowski and busch. wild cards. rookie blaney.some proven quantities, kyle busch and bowyer. chase elliott. anybody can win.>> the real question, are we going to see another -- i don't think we're done yet.>> i don't think we are either. you've got keselowski, bayne. mcmurray, we know he'saggressive. we got a lot of cars up here. kyle busch. it ain't over.>> you don't think we're done with caution? >> i don't think so.>> i know we're not done with aggressive driving

and that's what brings out these cautions.>> no. >> now this will not be an overtime attempt.this restart will come with three laps to go.>> mcmurray's chevy. ryan blaney's ford. four fords lined up on the inside. restart, greenflag. >> keselowski took the outside this time.i think he likes his options out there. he can block. he can get to the inside.>> you've seen everybody else out there. >> 2 1/2 to go. don't touch that dial.>> 18's getting a big push. >> kurt busch, 0 for 60 on restrictor platetracks. >> pushing that 18 car.>> what impressed me right there was the 2 able to get a run and get to the

outside of kurt busch. shows you the strengthof that 2 car. he's strong, i know that. >> two to go.>> i just don't think he had enough help. [4:37:30 pm] >> here co comes mcmurray back up the middle.>> watch that 2 car. man, that thing accelerates. watch him.>> if it comes down to two cars side by side. the inside car is held by the yellow line.outside car can do the side draft straightaway. >> great block by the two of keselowski.>> here comes harvick, on the bottom. trying to come into play.>> the 18 gave the two the shot he needed. got him into the lead.>> we are coming to the right flag to get

a run.>> don't forget the 35 car. the white flags. one lap to go.>> kurt busch just had a big moment. >> he's going to get a run here.>> breaks out of the pack. into fourth place. gets up in front of that 1 car. i just don'tthink anybody's going to get enough momentum. to get a big push.>> just remember where the start finish line is.>> it's not in the middle of the trioval. >> trouble! hard into the wall. keselowskito the line. caution has waved. with keselowski, the leader. and crashing are harvick, allmendinger,stenhouse, truex. labonte. and everybody else. >> i don't know how to explain this.

[4:39:31 pm] i don't know how to explain it. similar toyesterday. caution flies in the last thousand feet of the race.>> any way you cut it, the 2 was the leader. >> upper left is the caution light. this issynced up with the video to establish the moment of caution into the trioval. contractbetween truex and allmendinger. and then cole whitt turns kevin harvick into the wall. stenhouseand allmendinger. slides along and crashes with truex. caution is out. race is effectivelyover. 400 feet maybe from the start/finish line. there's your finish. brad keselowski,bush, austin dillon, third. jamie mcmurray, fifth.>> wow.

>> all drivers involved in the crash haveexited their cars and they are okay. brad keselowski taking home the checkered flagis today'sunoco victory. >> it's like a demolition dutchy. it's likeone ofs short-track demolition derbies. >> but that was the guy to beat. when he getsout, when they got out front, no one could do anything with him.>> you got to give him a lot of credit. for doing such a great job. and then blockingbusch down at the end. >> a wild finish at the world's fastest junkyard.brad keselowski. [4:41:32 pm] roger penske and ford win it. i've just arrivedin atlanta and i can't wait to start telling

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your truck? absolutely. this is the 2016 chevysilverado. it offers the most powerful engine in its class.(whistle) awesome. i'd say it's the best tool for the job. right on. why do we put so mucheffort into engineering the can-am defender? [4:43:52 pm] well, why do you put so much effort at everythingyou do? because a job worth doing, is worth doing right. can-am defender. tough. capable.clever. >>> the black car behind the 4 of kevin harvick.turns into the 4 of harvick. that gets stenhouse. the 47 of allmendinger piles in. with his19th victory, brad keselowski is the man in victory lane. jamie little.>> it is a beer bath in victory lane. a day

that was carnage for so many led to victoryfor one man, brad keselowski. you're the only one with a car in perfect condition at thispoint. describe today's race from your seat. >> i didn't have a great frame to see whathappened to everybody else. and one of the tickets to staying out of the wreck is stayingin front. but this number 2, man, you know, daytona didn't go the way we wanted to go,jamie, and we just didn't show the speed in the 500. the guys went to work and they broughtme a really strong car here for talladega so i'm so proud of everybody at team penske.to be back at victory lane. two wins this year. we're growing as a team. made a lotof changes at team penske. [4:45:54 pm]

it feels really good, really good.>> brad, all day long, everybody was restarting on the inside. that final restart, you decidedto start on the outside. what did you see there that you knew would work for you?>> i didn't. you know, the last three or four restarts behind that, as a leader, it's outof your control. you need the cars behind you to push. a couple of them did. that'sjust part of racing. we just kind of lost the lead actually. we got a better run. jamiemcmurray behind me gave me a great push. without those two, i couldn't make it to the front.so thank you to them. talladega. i never thought i'd win at talladega four times. i'm superpumped. this is awesome. >> it's all about you and your spotter andenergy. that's the key word for brad keselowski.

>> typical talladega finish. kyle busch, second.i know it's not the spot you wanted. how do you describe what was going on there at theend to try to get to where you want it? >> there's some moves that you made that werejust lucky. you know, just trying to get through some of the holes that were there, forming.guys bumping and banging each other. try to get the most out of what we had. with ourcamry. you know, second's not bad. i think the quota is almost three cars on the list.but it's racing. >> thanks, kyle.>> after ten races, brad keselowski joins a few other drivers with two victories. sowe've had just six different winners as you look at the race to get to the chase. 16 advanceand you win, you get in. k. somehow he survived.

he's standing by with matt yocum.>> impressive day for chase elliott from the pole. [4:47:55 pm] finishing fourth. how did you need to havethat final lap developed differently so you can make a better move?>> that's a good question. i don't know. really, i thought we were pretty lucky to get wherewe got to. the prior two restarts never really got in a good start. had a great qualifyingeffort obviously, really proud of that. we tried there at the end. just didn't have enoughmomentum. >> you want to learn off daytona. what stoodout to you most today?

>> just trying to finish. i mean, you can'thave a good day unless you finish. i think it was just trying to focus in a little biton that obviously. it got really wild. >> thanks, chase.>> kevin harvick ran right near the front for most of the race. what did you see?>> landon cassill tried to cause a wreck for the last 40 laps and he finally got one thereat the end. it was just unfortunate for our chevrolet we didn't get the finish. we gotshuffled out there and pretty big wreck at the end. all in all, it was an okay day. weled some laps and just got shuffled out with the 20. i don't know who else got tangledup. got racing where we didn't need to be racing. get it's still finished, just toreup.

>> brad keselowski, who was first on the restart,won by one-tenth of a second. he huts ford in victory lane for the second time this year.we'll have more live from alabama in a moment. [4:51:30 pm] we are! fox sports! thanks for coming today.how you doin'? well today's gonna be pretty easy. i want each of you to grab a 2x8 andcut it. you'll have 2 saws to choose from. a power saw, or a handsaw. so which saw didyou use? power saw. power saw. power saw. you all chose the most powerful tool. wouldn'tit make sense to make the same choice, when it comes to your truck? absolutely. this isthe 2016 chevy silverado. it offers the most powerful engine in its class.(whistle) awesome. i'd say it's the best tool

for the job. right on.>>> one of the hardest hitting races we've seen all summer where the track hit back.it was a thrill ride that brad keselowski survived for his second win of the season.by the way, a.j. allmendinger released from the care center. you saw him shaken up momentsago. of the 40 cars in this race, 33 of them involved in a crash of some kind. these arethe winners through ten races. you'll see the double winners we talked about. austindillon in the 3 car wound up third and vince is standing by with him.>> austin dillon finishes third. you had a look at it there at the finish. what was thedifference ultimately? >> i don't know. probably the 15th pit stopwe went through. i'm so proud of our guys.

they worked their butts off. we've been focusedon going forward and trying not to panic. [4:53:33 pm] they did their job. what a run to the finish.our car probably wasn't good enough to really win the race but it was good enough to pushme all the way through three and four. but those cars are just too good for us at theend. want to thank chevrolet, american ethanol, dow. it's been so fun and to come home withthis and so much work they put into this car, it was wrecked and we finished third so i'mjust proud of these guys. >> unbelievable amount of damage. but austindillon somehow brings it home third. >> exciting finish for many, including jamiemcmurray in the 1 car. did you need to have

larson, your teammate, up helping to makea better push to the front? >> well, you don't really know what you need.when you get to the end of these, it's kind of every man for himself. the 18 gave me pushes.i just kept getting stalled out. all in all, a really good day. we had some adversity andgot torn up along with the 3 car. it's crazy, this type of racing, how you're not as dependenton the aero side of it. our team did a good job. i'm pretty happy.>> you look at your racing resume, you've got some under you. you had a funny conversationabout the ups and downs of plate racing. >> i told him -- he said, i kind of got luckythere, you know, we're talking about it. i said, let me tell you something. he said,i've never on the bad end of getting caught

up in the wreck. you have about two yearsof racing and you can't finish on these so take it today and be happy about it.>> fifth place finish for mcmurray. >> we had eight different wrecks inving 33of the cars in this race. the most leaders we have had in any race so far this season.jeff gordon, i know you're happy to be up there. it was still scary watching, wasn'tit? we're just glad it's over. a couple other bright spots. dillon brought stewart's carhome in seventh. [4:55:33 pm] landon cassill ended up in the top dozen.so many contenders and so much carnage. >> there's a reason why this is one of thefan favorites. racing is wild and crazy and

three wide. the wrecks are big and wild andcrazy as well. thank goodness for safety. nascar's implemented. because everyone haswalked away from these horrific looking crashes. not their favorite type of racing to be in.boy, is it entertaining. we're up here trying to catch our breath. i got to give a lot ofcredit to brad keselowski. how he maintained the lead, getting the lead back when he lostit from kurt busch at the end. >> the way this race played out validatedtony stewart's decision before we even came here. i'm going to start the race. and theni'm going to get out of the car, let my back heel.>> it's almost like he had a crystal ball. four big ones. not just one big one. tonymust have known someone because he could have

easily been in one of those wrecks. so congratulations.>> they put the right driver in there, till lone. that's going to help them get the top30 in points. >> quite a day.>> we're not done yet. moments ago, joey logano, you know the history with him and matt kenseth.kenseth, again, wrecking, saying joey bumped him out on the line. this is him saying andwarning logano after the race moments ago, you can interpret what he's saying when thefinger is pointed in the direction of joey logano. and this was earlier with 15 to go.kenseth was bumped on the line. when he got back in, he was involved in the wreck withpatrick, blaming joey logano for that. remember last year, he had the suspension. exactinga little revenge on him. chris neville is

standing by right now with joey logano.>> joey logano, right at the front for most of today. two hard hits two days in a row.good to see you're okay. i did see matt kenseth say a couple things to you. what did mattsay? >> not much. it's unfortunate. we had a decentcar. [4:57:34 pm] wouldn't say it's the fastest car. took usall day to get to the front but we positioned ourselves well at the end there. i guess itwas around 20 to go up there on the front row. what our shell pennzoil team did. weworked hard all day. unfortunately, didn't end up well. couple big hits. can't wait toget out of this race.

>> thanks, joey.>> we're going to kansas next week. where joey logano and matt kenseth have a history.and this was the last lap when brad keselowski won. we counted eight cars involved in thiscrash. again, from all the reports from those in the care center, the drivers are okay.danica patrick, who was shocken up, was fourth at one point in this race. chris neville caughtup with her. >> danica released from the care center. thatwas a really hard hit with the inside wall. are you okay?>> i mean, i'm okay. i got an x-ray so that was a concern. but just, you know, takinga deep breath and hit my foot pretty hard, hit my arm pretty hard. i hit the inside wallat the superspeedway i think maybe four times

now and that was the worst. these races arejust, you know, i get running close and i get pushing but, like, the 95 was drillingme, like turning it sideways every time. i mean, it's just -- high likelihood he couldtake himself out doing it. i'm all about bumping and pushing and being close but i think thatwhen you hit people with a certain amount of momentum, it's a problem. so, you know,i can't quite remember exactly what started it, but i just -- i know i got drilled frombehind and turned sideways and hello wall. >> good to see you're okay. thanks, danica.>> she was reporting to michael mcdowell in the 95. [4:59:34 pm]

allmendinger as we mentioned, in the 47 car,released from the care center and said to be okay. as okay as you can be. here, he lookslike he's in a lot of pain. after the grueling 500-mile race, run at a frantic pace, it wasa survival of the fittest and the fastest was brad keselowski. we'll have more on foxin a moment. the bud light party wasn't invited to the debates. but we don't need them. wehave debates of our own every night. a hotdog is a sandwich. over bud lights, of course.it's pronounced jif. you cannot outrun a zebra. here's to good natured civil debates. also,it's gif. thanks for coming today. how you doin'? well today's gonna be pretty easy.i want each of you to grab a 2x8 and cut it. you'll have 2 saws to choose from. a powersaw, or a handsaw. so which saw did you use?

power saw. power saw. power saw. you all chosethe most powerful tool. wouldn't it make sense to make the same choice, when it comes toyour truck? absolutely. this is the 2016 chevy silverado. it offers the most powerful enginein its class. (whistle) awesome. i'd say it's the best toolfor the job. right on. [5:02:32 pm] >>> the unofficial result from the geico 500.it was a good time to have endurance. brad keselowski, his fourth career win. his firstcareer victory came here. kurt busch, now over 61 in his career at restrictor plateraces. michael waltrip, nice save on a spin early, winds up 12th in his running of this,his 60th talladega race. jimmie johnson wound

up 22nd. followed by kenseth, patrick andlogano. rounding out, chris buescher, barreling through the air. one of many cars involvedin crashes. wound up 37th. dale earnhardt jr. did not finish. same issue as the daytona500 for driver of the 88. tonight on fox, "bob's burgers," "the simpsons" and americancountry countdown. on fs-1, we hope you join us for "victory lane," midnight. you'll hearmore from brad keselowski. he'll join us to celebrate. and next week, fs-1 under the lights.in fact, three of the next four races are under the lights. jimmie johnson won the racelast year but joey logano won two of the last and of course had that notorious incidentwith kenseth. we want to say thajack simmons. you've been here since day one. we appreciatethat. i'm chris myers. thanks for watching

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>> carl white, v/o: our cooking expert, lizbaechel, shows us how to make a quick and easy egg souffle.>> liz baechel: how easy is that? >> shawn bresnahan: yeah. [5:07:26 pm] very easy.>> carl white, v/o: and north wilkesboro's most colorful newspaperman shares some unbelievablestories about his incredible collection. >> the big panel behind me is the controlpanel of the electric chair in raleigh, north carolina.>> carl white, v/o: it's all coming up right now on "life in the carolinas."♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪ closed captioning brought toyou in part by moxicopy.com. america's source for reliable quality printing delivered rightto your door at a price you're going to love. "life in the carolinas" is brought to youin hd by hampton inn and suites at phillips place. moxicopy.com has the confidence ofcustomers nationwide. like wooten & wooten auctioneers of fine art and antiques, whosedemand for quality is high. >> in our business we deal with serious antiquities,and our catalogues are important to us. moxicopy.com gave us the price, quality and speedy deliverythat we can count on to get the job done. >> carl white, v/o: for the best price, qualityand service, turn to moxicopy.com. [weight clanking]>> sold.

[5:09:52 pm] >> carl white: mount holly, north carolinahas an abundance of outdoor water activities. hello, i'm carl white and we're enjoying sometime right here on the catawba river. you know, this is one of those truly hidden treasuresof the carolinas and we've had an opportunity to enjoy a lot of what nature has to offer.>> ken cotte: right now we're located on the catawba river, in an area called the tuckasegeeford. when i get up every day and i come to work, and i look out my office window, i havethe best view in the world and it just, it's just amazing. it's very relaxing, calming.it takes all the stresses of the day away down here. most people come out here and theyjust have a good time. they'll get out and

paddle and spend a few hours. they'll swim,we rent kayaks and canoes and paddleboards. we do classes: everything from basic kayakingto yoga on the stand-up paddleboards. we get people out there, and our philosophy is kindof "have fun and not get too serious with it." i do some fun things. i'll stand on myhead, i'll try to do the tree pose. i mean, i'm not really a yoga guy so, it's kind offun. >> a lot of people have a great time hereon the water, but the mount holly waterways, well they have another vital role to play.>> we live on mountain island lake, which is a piece of the catawba river. and it'sone of the smaller lakes, but it is also the water intake for all of mecklenburg and gastoncounty. so our lake serves the water needs

of about three million people. when you turnon your water faucet, you just expect to see water: good, clean water. and that is whata lot of people on the lake are really trying to preserve.>> ken cotte: we work with the catawba riverkeepers. we do a lot of work with them. we're involvedin a program called river sweep, where we actually go out, we'll clean up the river.i mean, i think nowadays, people are more conscious of what they do and what they throwaway and how they get rid of things. >> ann danzi: there are seven dams and theywere mostly built by duke energy. [5:11:56 pm] and when the dam was built, and formed thelake, this area had rolling hills as you can

see, actually, in the surrounding area still.you'll find that the hills and valleys are all very obvious through the lake, and sowhen you drive on the lake, it can go from 30 feet to 8 feet in a very fast time.>> ken cotte: we get a lot of people that will come from out of town and they'll stayin a local hotel and they'll come out and they'll rent a boat for a few days, they'lltake the pontoon boat out fishing. we even have a few people go out camping overnighton the river and just kind of enjoy the river and what it has to offer: the fishing, theswimming, the boating. >> ann danzi: as we leave our dock and gounder the route 16 bridge, we go further down and around an actual mountaintop, and it'san area that is very much used in the summertime

for people to pull their pontoon boats upand they can picnic there and it's just a beautiful, quiet area.>> ken cotte: it's very special here in the morning, when the sun rises. this morningwas very nice, had a lot of steam coming off the water. all the wildlife is still hereand they're not hiding. you can see the birds, you can see the turtles, you can see the fish,the osprey hunting, fishing. it's just really pretty down here.>> ann danzi: the osprey is kind of like a symbol of this lake. mount holly has a lotof parks and a lot of woods and the birds, they love it here. we have, of course, a lotof ducks, an awful lot of squirrels [chuckling]. the deer are still very plentiful. we're keepingtrack of the ecology, and as a result, we're

able to keep a lot of the wildlife.>> carl white, v/o: it's a beautiful area and one that also has a rich and colorfulhistory. >> ken cotte: it is really the first documentedcrossing of the catawba river, by charlotte. it was part of the tuckasegee trail and itwas used by indians and early white settlers alike. been used in the revolutionary war,transport troops across here, so there's a lot of history in this area. [5:14:01 pm] >> ann denzi: of course it's our major drinkingwater source, but in addition to that, it's a wonderful recreation source. several ofour parks are along the river and they were

planned with the river in mind, and of course,we're right across the river from the whitewater center.♪♪ ♪♪ >> carl white: the u.s. national whitewatercenter sits adjacent to the mount holly region of the catawba river. and as you can see,this is a great place to have a wonderful time.♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪[cheering] now, that's a lot of fun! ♪♪ ♪♪>> ken cotte: being able to come down with your family to mount holly, the ease of accessto the water, to come out and be able to go out on a boat, paddle or take a pontoon boatout and spend an hour or all day and go out

and do some exercise, commune with nature.come back, have a picnic, a barbeque, it's just priceless.>> we moved a lot, we lived on a lot of air bases and coming down to mount holly, i wasjust awed at how welcoming the people were, how friendly they were. i really feel likeit's home to me, and that's saying a lot because, for 40 years, we didn't have any home.[chuckling] >> carl white, v/o: mount holly, north carolinahas attracted people from all over the world. some have made it their home. so whether youstay for a day or a lifetime, i think you'll be glad you did. and nature's waiting.♪♪ ♪♪ when we come back, liz helps make an easy egg souffle.>> is that hard?

>> no.>> no... [laughter]>> not yet. >> carl white, v/o: and we'll meet a newspapermanwho loves collecting pieces of history. >> when the light stops blinking, they knowhe's dead and they cut it off. ♪♪ ♪♪♪♪ can you pretend with me ♪♪ ♪♪ imagine what you'd see ♪♪♪♪ if every child had a book to read ♪♪ ♪♪ so the mission is for us ♪♪♪♪ to get a book to each and every child ♪♪♪♪ reading's fundamental ♪♪ ♪♪ so let's join hands ♪♪♪♪ book people unite ♪♪

♪♪ unearth hidden passion ♪♪♪♪ come on we'll have a good time ♪♪ ♪♪ one book can be the fundamental thing♪♪ ♪♪ that helps to change a life ♪♪♪♪ book people unite ♪♪ [5:16:28 pm] >> levar burton, v/o: read to a child todayand spark a lifetime of ambition. [kids chattering]>> get your [bleep]ass out of the seat. you're not [bleep]sitting here!>> yes, i am. [laughter]>> move. move. [laughter]>> i'll beat your [bleep].

>> give it to him hard.>> no, no, no! ow! >> announcer: every day, kids witness bullying.>> why are you stabbing me with it? >> announcer: they want to help, but don'tknow how. >> carl white, v/o: closed captioning broughtto you in part by moosehead grill, home of uncle donny's national award-winning wings.our cooking expert liz baechel travels all over the carolinas, meeting some of the greatchefs of the region and asking them to share some of their favorite recipes. recently,liz traveled to the yellow house bed and breakfast in waynesville, north carolina where she pickedup this egg-cellent recipe. >> liz baechel: we're here at the yellow housebed and breakfast inn in waynesville, north

carolina, with shawn bresnahan, and shawnalways shares such wonderful recipes with us. [5:18:37 pm] today, we're going to make easy egg souffle.and it is very easy. >> it is the easiest egg souffle recipe you'llever make, liz. >> okay, good.[laughter] >> now, we're going to use a monterey jackand pepper jack combination with this souffle. we do the basic egg souffle right here, butas you can see, we've got some sun-dried tomatoes, some green chilis, some jalapeã±os. firstthing we're going to do, let's start with

some eggs. and i'm going to crack them andi want you to whisk the heck out of them. okay? we're going to use five eggs. no shellsin there, yeah. >> liz baechel: shells, that's what i getin there. >> there we go. and whip that up good. i don'twant any yolks. there we go. good technique. a little bit more wrist. there you go. okay.[laughter] >> alright, now the easy part is just addingeverything else. so we're throwing in our butter and we're going to throw in our cottagecheese, and i like to use a little spatula just so we can get it all out. and our flour.>> okay. >> and you want to use just all-purpose flour,our baking powder.

>> baking powder.>> a little bit of salt, and then throw our cheese in there.>> liz baechel: all right. >> all right? now just mix it all together.is that hard? >> liz baechel: no.>> no. [laughter]>> get it all whipped in. now we're going to put these into our ramekins, our six- toeight-ounce ramekins, and we want to spray them with a little vegetable oil, just sowe know that they will come out once they're out of the oven. and you don't have to measureto put it in there. and i just like to spread it out until we've just used up all of ourmixture. you're going to just fill it up and

you want about, oh, maybe three-quarter wayup the ramekin. >> okay.>> scrape that so we get every little bit of it. and we're going to just throw thatin our 350-degree oven for about 30, 40 minutes. >> liz baechel: how easy is that? [5:20:38 pm] >> very easy.♪♪ ♪♪ >> so our easy egg souffle has just come outof the oven, and it's beautiful and smells awesome.>> shawn bresnahan: we're going to grab the ramekin; it's a little warm. i've got cook'shands, so i can handle it, but you want to

use a towel. use a spoon and just kind ofgo around the sides just to loosen it up and then just pour it right onto the plate, flipit over. it's a nice, nice color. >> it looks wonderful.>> the only thing left to do is dig in. please. >> can i?>> absolutely. >> okay.♪♪ ♪♪ mm. mm. oh. mm! that's good. >> isn't that good?>> mm-hmm. that cheese in there, oh, that's wonderful. thank you.>> you're very welcome. >> thank you so much, shawn, from the yellowhouse inn, in waynesville, north carolina. come see them. shawn will make you this wonderfulbreakfast.

>> shawn bresnahan: have a great day.>> thanks shawn, you too. i will now. can i have some more?>> absolutely. [laughter]>> carl white, v/o: one of my favorite things is to meet interesting people, so i was elatedto meet ken welborn. ken publishes a weekly newspaper called "the record" in north wilkesboro,north carolina. and he's also a collector of very cool, and strange, stuff.>> ken welborn: it's obvious that there's no focus to this collection of stuff. it'sjust kind of whatever comes through the door or whatever i run across. and that's the funof it too. it's kind of a "poor man's museum" you know. i don't charge them anything toget in, but they can have a great time if

they'll be patient and look. if you standand patiently look toward the light, at this stick, you're going to say, "oh, my god, howdid they do that?" so you take a look, all right? and there's no naked ladies in there;don't get all excited. but there's only one way it'll work. a lady came in my office,with that stick, and said, "are you ken welborn?" i said, "yes, ma'am." "i understand you willbuy anything." [5:22:38 pm] i said, "with an opening like that, what yougot?" and one thing led to another and i bought that stick. i was amazed. inside there isa picture of a huge building, and it's on a lake, you can tell and it's got horses pullingcarriages. and on the lower end of it, it

says, "international exposition, fairmontpark, philadelphia, 1876." which is why i say, it's the neatest stick since the onemoses tossed down in front of pharaoh. >> carl white, v/o: ken's also a collectorof great stories. >> the big panel behind me is the controlpanel off the electric chair in raleigh, north carolina, called "old sparky." if you noticethe light blinking... all right, well, when they turn the switch, when the light stoppedblinking, they know he's dead and they cut it off. and there's not a word of that that'strue. but it's a great story to tell. actually, that's a control panel off a generating plantthat the american drew had for about 60 years. they made their own electricity at the plantthere at the end of this street. people come

in from the bait outside; looks a little bitlike an antique store. it's not much like a newspaper office, i got to admit. one ofthe things i learned early on though is that old newspapers are great sources of conversation.for example, they'd have to have a great big "alleged" in here now to keep it politicallycorrect. this one is called "the north wilkesboro hustler." everybody smiles when i say thatand look at this: "dr. sam's jury deadlocked." that is "the fugitive," dr. sam. this is theone the story was all about in the... on the tv and in the movies and stuff. here's anad from spainhour's, from 1931, you see. the local business history. "the yellow jacket."this is, this is from 1947. it had a nationwide circulation; r. don laws wrote it.it says, "our aim: to swat liars and leeches,

hypocrites & humbugs, demagogs & dastards."they didn't mince any words. this is my favorite newspaper in the whole place. "newsworld goesto war; be back soon." [5:24:39 pm] their employees joined the war effort andleft, and they never actually started publishing again. and in those days, you didn't go towar for a hitch; you went to war until you got through. i never intended to be doinganything i do for a living nowadays. but it seemed like all my life, one way or another,i been connected to the newspaper business. when i was 11, in 1960, i got a newspaperroute. best thing that ever happened to me; nearest thing to being an independent businessmanyou'll ever have. and if everything worked

well, i netted about six bucks a week, afteri paid my paper bill, six dollar and a half sometimes. and in 1960, cokes were a dime.candy bars were a nickel. a nickel candy bar big enough to pass around to your buddies.one morning i threw the paper to miss finley's house, and i heard the glass break.[sound of glass breaking] well when i got back home that day, i asked my dad "what shouldi do?" he said, "well, son, you got to fix it. after school's out today, go down andsee her, tell her you broke the window; she's going to know that when she find the paperin the front room," you know. and said, "just tell her to get it fixed and you'll pay thebill. that's all you can do. a piece of pane glass, that shouldn't cost you 50 cents. itshouldn't be a big deal." i walked over to

the counter, i said, "miss finley, i cameto pay for that window." she said, "fine," didn't smile. got out this big black pocketbookfrom underneath the counter there, and laid this piece of paper down and pushed it overto me. i just barely could look, read it good, and it said, "john v. barger constructioncompany. two men, finley house. glaze-in window. $22.50." in 1960. i didn't know what to do.i couldn't speak. i knew if i started talking, i'd start crying. you couldn't cry in frontof a girl; that's the code of the great unwashed up on henshaw street. didn't cry at allifyou could help yourself; certainly not in front of a girl. but i felt my lower lip quivering;you know how that is. i just, i was all to pieces. i was wiped out. this was gonna killme; i couldn't pay my paper bill monday. but

i'd promised i'd pay it, so i started countingmy money out. in no time, i was past any folding money. i was stacking up quarters for thislady. [5:26:40 pm] whole time, she just stood there glaring downat me, getting a little taller and a little sterner every time i'd look up. still afraidto speak because i could just, i knew i'd start crying. i finally got it all countedout, down to dimes, i got it counted out. and finally she spoke... and she said, "fine.if you're willing to pay to fix that window, so am i." and she pushed my money back tome, and wouldn't take a cent. and i learned a lesson from that lady, a life lesson i neverforgot, about kindness to somebody. and from

that day on, i didn't care how stern she was,i referred to her as "the angel on the second floor of spainhour's.">> carl white, v/o: when we come back, if you think the stuff ken has in his officeis impressive, just wait 'til you see the really incredible stuff he keeps at home.>> announcer: being a dad can be tough. >> no, no, no. what do you mean "she's notcoming?" >> when's the fairy princess coming?>> any minute now. [laughter]>> announcer: but when you're willing to do anything...>> it is i... gru...zinkel...bell. >> yay!>> okay, time for cake.

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>> yes.>> announcer: whatever motivation you need, we've got a pep talk for you. get your g.e.d.pep talk and find free classes at yourged.org. >> off-screen: and we're out.>> you got plans? >> you bet.♪♪ ♪♪ 50 million americans struggle with hunger. [5:28:45 pm] but we can do something about it. excuse me.>> what's going on? >> dinner. please join me in helping put foodon their tables. together, we can feed america. you guys keep going. i'm going to get theplates.

>> plates?>> savannah guthrie, v/o: find your local food bank at feedingamerica.org/hunger. thisis not a yoga mat. it's a compass. it's helping mom keep her promise to focus on herself fora change. and leave work before the sun sets. it's her foamy, purple, bouncy, new leaf.and it turns over right now. this is more than a yoga mat. and this is more than shopping.>>> this is "crazy talk". >> today we've got unexpected showers.>> no no no. >> no.>> street performers. >> my stage name is -->> and flashing neighbors? >> she lets her boobs hang out.>> this is "crazy talk".

>> everybody, welcome to "crazy talk." welove television and all its craziness. we love to celebrate. i know you do. are youguys ready? [5:30:45 pm] kellie pickler won america's heart with hersweet singing voice and upbeat personality. she is committed to her family, friends andhusband kyle jacobs. >> do i need to talk like this?>> no. >> my minnesota accent?>> no. >> you want to go home with me, baby?>> no. >> oh, yeah.>> oh, god no.

>> we're going to get crazy tonight.>> no question kellie works hard to maintain and have fun with her husband kyle. she learnsthat the world of chickens the boy/girl thing happens pretty fast.>> now it's time for a little lesson in the birds and the bees with kellie pickler.>> is this a rooster? >> the rooster is the male chicken. and whena rooster loves a chicken very much, he wants to make little chicks with her.>> how do chickens, like, procreate? >> same way everybody else does.>> roosters actually will get on top of the chicken and hold the chicken down.>> it's a beautiful magical process. >> just like two seconds.>> and the mommy chicken and the daddy rooster

form a bond that lasts a lifetime.>> so they just have their way with whichever one they want. chicken lives.>> there you have it. >> the birds and the bees with kellie pickler.>> put it like this. the roosters are not gentlemen.>> you want to have a daddy in your child's life.>> news flash. bill cunningham is a giver and handsome, too. i mean, his show not onlyprovides the most free tissues of any daytime tv host.>> you've got tears in your eyes. >> he also helps us find future careers.>> i'm a better person today than i was yesterday. >> welcome, college grads to the bill cunninghamjob fair. meet mercedes. she's here to tell

you why you might want to consider a careerin the five-minute dater. [5:32:47 pm] >> i was green to the game. i was green. fiveminute dates, no matter what, it's only five minutes. who makes that? like i said, it doesn'tmatter. >> i don't have sex with my executive producerfor my amount of money! i don't do it. >> good cunningham. if you're looking forcompetitive minute by minute wages, forget becoming a talk show host. strap on some stilettosand hit the streets. >> five minutes. who makes that?>> sound advice. >> david is one fabulous celebrity weddingplanner. when he rocks his show, david tuterra

celebration, it's for a who's who of hollywoodbiggies. mr. fabulous drives to keep his cool around his famous friends.>> i'm not freaking out. >> but here david is acting odd during a meetingwith vanessa williams' best friend. is mr. fabulous a mr. fan boy?>> i saw vanessa in kiss of a spiderwoman twice literally she was amazing!>> i need you to be my planner and not the super super fan.>> pocahontas? >> not again. david.>> i used to have long hair down to here and they called me pocahomo.>> remember, kids, calling people names is always a pocanono.>> what i'm going to do, i'm going to sit

here on this bed, i'm going to lay back.>> the folks from "destination america" are getting devilish. exorcism live on television.scary! >> aunt tilly, are you here? are you beingheld back from speaking with us? [5:34:50 pm] >> although not much happened on the liveepisode, it did manage to inspire a brand-new horror film.>> this friday -- >> what was that?

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