Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

dermal hypoplasia teeth

i've got a tattoo on my left leg; it meansleft leg in chinese. yes, i did it on purpose. i don't have to worry about it interferingw... thumbnail 1 summary
dermal hypoplasia teeth

i've got a tattoo on my left leg; it meansleft leg in chinese. yes, i did it on purpose. i don't have to worry about it interferingwith an apple watch, but it might screw up an mri. sup people, trace here for dnews. thanks forcoming by. news broke recently that just like your grandmother, the apple watch has a problemwith your tattoos. apple fessed up and admitted tattoos can interfere with the measurementsof their newest device; they believe the infrared lights in its pulse monitor are bumfuzzledby differing light absorption rates for skin and tattoo ink. after all, pulse oximetry,or the measuring of blood flow using light, has only been around since the 70s. if anything,this "problem" will make medical and consumer

tech even better in the long run! but the trend of body modification is a growingchallenge in the medical field mainly because ink manufacture is largely unregulated. differentartists will use different inks, some make their own, using either inorganic or syntheticcompounds; but there's no standard practice. according to the food and drug administration'sown files, "color additives must be approved by fda for use in food, drugs, and cosmetics,[but] no color additives have been listed for injected use." this is government-speakfor no one checks to see what's in that ink the tattoo artists inject into your dermis,and that has caused issues. magnetic resonance imaging uses giant magnetsand radio waves to image human tissues without

the use of radiating x-rays. before mri scanspatients have to remove any metal, and cannot be scanned if they have pins or plates intheir body. without tattoo ink regulation, however, some have unknowingly scanned themselvesinto a world of pain. some black, red and blue tattoo ink contains iron as part of theinorganic ingredients; and though you're probably imagining a tugging pain, it's more physics-ythan that… a 2009 study in the international journal of environmental research and publichealth found when you run a strong magnetic field back and forth across an iron loop (likea tattoo) it agitates the iron elements sort of like a rudimentary generator; but sinceit's not able to spin and produce electricity, the iron in the ink heats up to dissipatethe energy. it's possible that it gets so

hot it causes swelling, pain and even blisteringsecond-degree burns! on top of that, the mri scan is distorted, so the whole point is lost.of course, this was just one paper, and it's pretty rare, but it can happen. ct scans or cat scans are simply x-ray scanswhich compile a 3-d image. tattoos haven't been known to interrupt x-rays, but piercingscan! cat scans require removal of piercings in the region being scanned, nose, lip, earand tongue piercings all need to be taken out to scan the head, for example. when x-rayshit metal piercings, the beam reflects off the thick metal ruining the image and throwingdangerous x-rays around at random, like water splashes.

but aside from messing up cat scans, the journalof periodontology found fifty percent of people with barbell-style tongue piercings had chippedtheir teeth on the jewelry, and the longer they wore it correlated with receding gumlines.yikes. researchers in these studies recommend avoidingtattoos just in case you ever need an mri, and talking to your dentist before gettingan oral piercing, but honestly, you do you. you're going to anyway, right? but if doctorsdon't assuage you, what about how you're viewed? anthony dug deep into how tattoos affect theopinions of those who carry them… i'm looking to get a new tattoo, and don't know what toget make some suggestions in the comments!!! or or show me yours, i'm on instagram @trace501!thanks for watching dnews everyone!

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