- [voiceover] he's a big fatty. - hi leo. - this is leo. - he said tell her not to say that. tell her, actually he saidtell her not to call me that. - not to call him leo? - no, fatty (laughs). - oh. - you know, i had a dog when i was a kid
and i looked at the dog,and it was like a dog, you know, the dog's an animal. and i never thought of treating the dog as an equal, in a way. you wanna get outta here, huh? he has a communication to you. i hear an animal the way i hear anybody i'm having a conversation with. when they say something,they're saying it,
and they're saying it with specific words and specific attitudes. could you please tellmy owner than i am not going to die? so i don't know if you have any-- - oh my god, that's so weird! he's escaped twice in the past, this year, in 2016, and like, has caused overwhelming panic attacks for me.
- he's funny, he said tellher she has to accept me. - he will pat at the door and there's times i'vebeen with him and i'm like okay, where, like whereare we gonna go, you know? - he just wants the option. he just wants the option. - i had the door open the other day when i was bringing upgroceries, and he like came out but he didn't like, run downthe way he normally does.
he just like came out, andwas like looking outside, and i was like okay, irespect you, you respect me, like, we have this like understanding now. - she really wants somebody to help her. there's a certain energythat's kinda stuck in her body, in her nervous system, andi just wanna see if i can't move it out a little bit. one of the things that i do with animals i call emotional clearing.
and it's basically moving energy, so i transmute energy blocks that i can feel in an animal. whether it's in an animal's body or mostly in their emotions. and in moving the energy thatwas stuck, a lot of times they have a realizationthat comes with the release that they have, and they lighten up.
(breathing heavily) do youknow what her background is? - nope, they just said theyfound her on the street. - because i'm hearing her saylike, she was used as bait. i don't know, like-- - that was something i thoughttoo, 'cause she's so small and she's so skittish. - you know, i'm so sorrythat that happened to you. i really really am. and she said, you knowsometimes other dogs
make me nervous. - oh yeah, a lot. - i was blown away. there were some thingsthat just clarified a lot of elsa's behavior. if another dog barks atelsa first, it's like she's very reactive in fear. you know, it's not like an angry, it's like an oh my god, why is that dog
freaking out at me? so that didn't surprise me at all. it almost was just kindof like justification to something i already kindof had a feeling was true. - and the third tool that i use has to do with flower essences. and i basically custom testthose against the energy field of an animal, and see what resonates. it took me a couple of yearsto figure this one out.
and i notice that he's got... does he have some kidney issues? because some of the essencesthat are reading for him are kidney-related. - he's been peeing in my bathroom sink. - so something's going on with him in relation to his bladder, kidney. it doesn't have to be serious. - yeah.
- but i'm just sayingsomething's going on there. so, sure enough, i took leoto the vet this weekend, i told her about ellen the psychic, and the lady was like, okay, sure, we'll run some tests. and this was the motherfuckin' results. in any case, i just wanted to let you know that the urinalysis cameback fairly unremarkable other than some moderatecrystals in the urine.
there're friggin' crystals in his bladder. - i used to think animalcommunication was like, you had to be nuts. i mean, i really justthought this is crazy, there is no way thatthat is a possibility. she said i never had control before. i believe it. yeah, so now you get to choose. you get to choose who you feel is safe
and who isn't, and youknow, if you can't tell the difference for awhile, that's okay. okay, but what about molly? what does she say about...? - i don't know. oh my god (laughs). - sorry, they don't have sensor. well, then it's a good thingthat he's not around anymore. that's right, elsa.
she said we're better off. - yes, we are. - dogs have much more commonsense than we do, right? yeah. she said i tried to tell her. did she ever-- - i believe that. - did she ever act in a certain way? - oh yeah.
- then yeah, okay. situations like that,regardless of what mentally we tell each other, or ourselves,about the fact that well, they're animals, andthey can't communicate, i think shows the fact that we're wrong. that they can communicate. and it's a joy to be part of that. - i feel like we just havea much cooler bond now. like, i don't talk to him like a cat.
i'm not like (talksnonsense in a baby voice). i'm like hey, i respectyou, and your views, and your personality, and um,i'm glad to have you around. - i think we are closer. i think there's like adeeper understanding now. um, i think i know moreabout what she needs and what she's been through and i'm more susceptible,and like, patient, and looking out for those things with her.
any opportunity you canhave to bond with your pet or to learn and to growtogether, i think that's a huge thing to do.
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