*huskies howling* "aroooooo!" so, those of you that follow us at instagram, which is instagram.com/gonetothesnowdogs you saw a photo we uploaded yesterday of oakley and some of her fur she is shedding. here's some of the fur i just got off shelby. yes people! this is just shelby and only five minutes, worth of work! a lot of you where asking, what type of brush do we use? i'm going to show you! this is what we use! is a furminator! this is a long hair furminator and has this awesome botton to eject the fur that has come off the dog. this is the mess we made. some of you had asked to show and asked me to make a video of where i'm furminating memphis
because i have not made one yet and a lot of you first found us throughout a ferminating videos. so, i'm gonna do a clip at the end, of me using the ferminator on memphis, cause is her turn! for those of you that had asked, all the time, do huskies shed? nope! they mould! they mould! literally you guys! five minutes worth of work! now, let's see how much hair we can get off of memphis! as you can see... she's blowing her coat too! with the furminator, all you have to do is very lightly brush.. that's it! very lightly!
don't know if you can see em. i'm not pushing down hard on her. just very lightly! *talking to shelby* you aren't gonna sit down, aren't you? you like that or want to be brushed? come here! that's a good girl! i know you wanna play! now all the girls are gonna tease you! ha ha! we're playing while you are getting brushed! she's not shedding as bad! what's that? is that oakley's turn? oakley get's her turn? what? what?
*imitating memphis* that's a lot of furcoat coming off you! look at the dog's up pubbys. look at all the pubbys (sic) *laughter* over here? over here! that feels so good! oh stay there... stay there... you are getting petted... what? what do you see? what you see? do you see yourself? did you see yourself? it's getting covered in fur! there's some fur!
*wind blowing sound* it's a furnado! *laughter* oakley doesn't like to be brushed at all she'll pull out of here in a few seconds! she takes the longest she has the most fur! *oakley barks* i know! she's a typical husky and she likes to complain she doesn't wanna be brushed *oakley barks* i know!
no, is not hurting her! she does the same thing at the vet's office when we try to hold her still! oakley, doesn't wanna be held still! do you? i actually run this over her, very lightly, but don't know i you can actually tell. just this very lightly... *talking to oakley* look it all that! look it all your fur oakley! *oakley whines* why crying? you feel so much better, when this is all off from you! you'll feel so much cooler. this is all under coat. this is what keeps you warm.
right? we got to get that out of here, so that other hairs can keep you cool! right? *oakley howls* *talking to oakley* mama! i said mama! mama! get this side... she's like "oh! i like that scratch right there!" right there... mama! *oakley whines* *laughter* *oakley barks* are you having a fit? as you can see, oakley hair is coming out in giant clumps.
giants! oakley's clumps! *oakley whines* i know! mind if i touch you *oakley whines* i'm just touching her! are you barking? what if i pet you? she's like, being held still... i know is horrible! *oakley whines* mama! *oakley whines* mama! mama! i know! say mama! mama! i'm not even touching you now! *oakley barks* what?
look it! look it all this! what did get in your mouth? go! alright, since i showed you those two, i'll show you this one too! she's got some coming off. like i said, it works on her, for quite a bit. before starting the video... is nice and windy, so it's blowing all over the yard. yes, i will break this up! yes! our neighbors knowns we have huskies. we have a very high fence. some will go over the fence. some of them, will find a bird's nest. worth really having huskies fur for their nest.
makes it nice and warm! *to shelby* you are doing pretty good! we've done her for five minutes, before i decided to end the video wasn't gonna do it, because it was very sunny out and kind of windy but, i knew you guys wanted to see it! we have another furminator video a long time. *talking to shelby* can we get this side? let's get this side. no? just this side? do this side again? oh, they're playing! alright, you're good!
*dogs barking* and now that they're partially de-shedded, they are hyper! and crazy! girls, is windy! we have to go inside! *dogs barking* no, where not gonna be able to hear anything where saying! alright you guys! *laughter* they're ya go! *dogs barking* now you know what we use to dust the dogs and i hope you can hear cause is super windy! thanks for watching! thanks for subscribing! there will be a link down in the video description, where you can buy your own furminator thanks for watching! thanks for subscribing! *dogs barking* stay positive! dream big! *speaking to shelby* shelby! i'm trying to talk to the audience!
*wind blowing sound* wooo! windy! bye guys! *music* *turn around and roll over, snow dog!* *sing a song with your sweet voice* *i know, you've been a good little girl* *good girl! good girl!* *come and join us for a new adventure!* *lots of fun, lots of walks, won't you comeâ into our siberian world!*
*we're gone to the snow dogs* *gone to the snow dogs**gone to the snow dogs**gone to the snow dogs*
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