Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

pitbull canine teeth

animals: at the zoo, in the wild, at the reserve,or even in your're never truly safe. here's what happens when animal... thumbnail 1 summary
pitbull canine teeth

animals: at the zoo, in the wild, at the reserve,or even in your're never truly safe. here's what happens when animals attack. number 9: rhinosgrowing between 5-7 feet tall, rhinos are large, imposing animals known for the hornson the center of their foreheads. they're incredibly fast animals despite weighingup to 5,000 pounds; the fastest of which can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour. most rhinos are found in africa and asia,though people most commonly see them in zoos throughout the world.

one particular rhino attack occurred in january,2013 when a woman named chantal beyer was visiting a nature reserve in south africa. beyer and her boyfriend had stepped out oftheir safari jeep to take some photos and were urged by the safari guide to get closerto the animal for a better picture. they did...and while their backs were turned,the two-ton rhino gored beyer from behind; piercing her chest, penetrating her lung,and breaking several ribs. the white rhinoceros that attacked her isthe largest of the five rhino species and the second largest land mammal that existsafter the elephant. fortunately, she survived.

number 8: crocodiles and alligatorscrocodiles and alligators look and act very similar to one another. crocodiles are saltwater reptiles with a u-shapedsnout and what looks like a toothy grin, as some teeth show when their mouths are shut. conversely, alligators are freshwater reptileswith v-shaped or triangular-shaped snouts. their upper jaws are larger than their lowerjaws; so no teeth show when their mouths are closed. but despite their differences, they attackin a very similar manner. they're responsible for about 2,500 deathsper year worldwide.

one of the most infamous killer crocodileswas “gustave”, a 25-foot monster living on the shores of lake tanganyika in burundi,africa. gustave was a greatly feared local legendwho was rumored to have killed over 300 humans. he has still not been caught. lolong (listed in the guiness book of worldrecords as the largest crocodile in captivity) was also known as a man-killer. the 20-foot, 3-inch reptilian giant is reputedto have killed a fisherman as well as a twelve year old girl whom he beheaded. lolong died in captivity in 2013.

number 7: wolvesas the largest member of the dog family, the canis lupus—or wolf—is known as an animalterrorist. they're one of nature’s most fearsome andfearless carnivores; oftentimes found hunting in packs. gray wolves are the most common in the world,found all throughout the northern hemisphere. news reports tell of a pack of 400 wolvesterrorizing a russian village in 2012. 24 teams of armed hunters were put togetherin the russian town of verkhoyansk with a bounty of close to $250 per head offered toanyone who caught and killed a wolf. the most recent documented attack occurredon march 8th, 2010 at chignik lake, alaska.

candice berger went out for a jog and neverreturned. her body was found by the side of the road,having sustained several mauling wounds with wolf footprints found near the bloody scene. tests proved that candice berger was, in fact,one of the few documented cases of a human killed by wolves. number 6: piranhaspiranhas are freshwater fish found in south america; primarily from the orinoco riverin venezuela up to the paran㡠river in peru and throughout the amazon river basin. they're aggressive fish that hunt and attacktheir prey in large packs of up to 20–40

fish. at about 5 to 7 inches long and armed withrazor sharp teeth and powerful jaws, their attacks are ferocious. they'll devour and attack prey even whilethe prey is still alive. they're also known to be able to strip a cowto a skeleton in a matter of minutes. on christmas day, 2013, more than 70 swimmerswere attacked by a roving pack of piranhas prowling the rambla catalunya, a stretch ofbeach on the parana river in rosario, argentina. thousands flocked to the beach to celebratethe hot 100-degree temperature. during the frenzied two-hour period, severaldozen swimmers were ravaged by marauding piranhas,

many stumbling out of the water with jagged,bloody wounds. some were missing portions of fingers andtoes. piranhas have recently been found and caughtas far as the u.s. and u.k., although these rare findings don’t manage to live longin the wild due to the environment's cold temperatures. number 5: snakesalthough there are hundreds of species of snakes that can kill you, there exists 10–15species in particular that are especially deadly due to the fact that their venom willkill you within minutes. some of the deadliest snakes in the worldinclude the taipan found in australia and

new guinea, the black mamba from africa, therattlesnake found in the americas, cobras found throughout most of the southern hemisphere,and the blue krait of australia. there are also snakes that can kill you bycrushing you to death through a method called constriction. some of these snakes include boa constrictors,pythons, and anacondas. after the prey has died, the snake will consumeit whole. it's estimated that venomous snakes kill upto 90,000 people per year around the world. india sees the highest total loss, with over10,000 deaths annually. in the united states and canada, quick accessto medical care has significantly reduced

snake bite fatalities. you are more likely to die from someone’spet constrictor snake than from a venomous one. in campbellton, new brunswick, canada in 2013,a snake escaped from its cage in an exotic pet store. it then climbed through a ventilation shaftinto an adjoining apartment and proceeded to strangle two young boys to death duringtheir sleep. number 4: scorpionsthere are 1,500 species of scorpions in the world, 25 of which carry enough venom to killa human.

scorpions have 8 legs total; the front withelongated oversized pincers. their most recognizable feature is the long,barbed tail that curves over its back topped off by a stinger that carries the venom. scorpions are found on every continent exceptantarctica. they can survive in some of the worst habitatson earth and are usually found in hot, dry desert conditions. over 5000 deaths a year worldwide are attributedto scorpions, making it one of the most dangerous animals on earth. they are both aggressive and lethal.

the deathstalker scorpion in particular (alsoknown as the israeli yellow scorpion) is the biggest killer of them all. 75% of all scorpion deaths are attributedto the deathstalker. the deathstalker is small but deadly, reachingonly between one to four inches long. it is found in north africa and all throughoutthe middle east. most scorpion stings are accidental as theytend to migrate near where humans reside and are often startled while resting in shoes,clothing, corners, and cupboards. number 3: dogsthe most common domestic animal in the world can be a true killer.

based on kills, the most dangerous breed isthe pitbull. though they're known as loyal and committedhuman lovers, pitbulls can actually be very deadly without proper training. its known for its ferocity when engaging ina task, not giving up whatever it is doing; even if it means clamping down its jaws ona person and shaking its head vigorously until either the person or the pitbull itself isdead. because of this, there exists a number ofcountries in the world that have either banned (or partially banned) the importation or breedingof pitbulls. some of these countries include parts of canada,australia, bermuda, denmark, france, germany,

and the united kingdom. in the united states, many counties in differentstates have also banned pitbulls outright. almost all cases of fatal dog attacks in theu.s. in 2016 alone have come from pitbulls. other dangerous dog breeds based on deathsand injury to humans include rottweilers, german shepherds, doberman pinschers, andhuskies. in the right circumstance and under the rightconditions, dogs can turn on their owners or other people, especially children. number 2: tigerstigers kill. they are the largest and most dangerous memberof the cat family.

they are natural predators; strong, fast,intelligent and vicious. tigers have killed more humans than any othermember of the cat family and have killed 500 times more people worldwide than dogs. over the last century alone, they've endedthe lives of tens of thousands of people worldwide. the largest of the big cats is the siberiantiger. an adult siberian tiger can weigh between600-900 pounds. other tiger species include the sumatran tiger,bengal tiger, south china tiger, and malayan tiger. when a tiger develops a taste for human flesh,it's hard to remove it from its diet.

a tiger will usually resort to attacking humanswhen disability or a decreasing food base makes humans easier to attack than other prey. earlier this year, a woman in china was attackedand killed by a siberian tiger while driving through badaling wildlife world in beijingwith her mother, husband, and child. during an argument with her husband, the womanexited the vehicle and walked around to the driver’s side door. during her few seconds of exposure, a siberiantiger pounced on her and dragged her away. the woman’s husband and mother raced outof the car to save her. the woman lived with severe injuries, buther mother was killed instead by another tiger

that was lurking nearby. number 1: chimpanzeeschimpanzees are particularly vicious with a natural tendency for violence. standing up to 5 feet tall and weighing over150 pounds, chimps have proven their reckless behavior both in the wild and in captivity. not only are they armed with sharp teeth andclaws, but they're also very strong and ambidextrous; showing no mercy when they attack. there are several famous cases of chimpanzeeattacks on humans in the united states, each of which left behind horribly disfiguringinjuries.

travis was a 200-pound chimpanzee owned bysandra herold of stamford, connecticut. he had been raised by herold almost from birth,as if he was a member of her own family up until his death at 14 years old in the midstof a brutal, lengthy, and frenzied attack against a family friend. travis was well-known around stamford. he often walked around town without a leashand even appeared in several tv commercials. but one day in 2003, travis escaped the houseand went running through the streets of stamford for several hours, causing traffic jams andgeneral chaos. the incident made both local and nationalnews broadcasts.

one fateful day on february 16th, 2009 travissnapped. charla nash, a family friend known to travis,stopped by to help sandra herold catch travis, who had escaped from the house earlier thatday. when nash got out of the car, travis pouncedon her and delivered a terrifying brutal assault. herold grabbed a large knife and stabbed atthe creature but he still didn’t let go. she proceeded to hit him with a shovel. meanwhile, travis was still ripping nash apart. herold then called 911. when emergency service personnel arrived,travis dropped nash facedown to the ground

and fled into the forest. after a while, travis returned and chargedat police officers, forcing a couple to retreat to their car. there, at close range, an officer shot travisseveral times. he retreated into the woods again, leavinga trail of blood behind. officers later found him dead back in theherold household. charla nash was left with horrible disfiguringinjuries, which she still endures to this day. the attack ripped her face off, tearing hairfrom her scalp and destroying her eyes.

she is now blind. her face was left unrecognizable as eithera man or a woman. additionally, she lost all of her fingersfrom both hands as they were chewed off in the frenzied attack. in 2011, charla nash received a full-facetransplant, which continues to be successful despite several infections and other medical-relatedissues. she also received a hand transplant, althoughthis was not successful. find out more about deadly animals that willkill you by subscribing or clicking on one of the links below.

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