Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

pitbull broken tooth

- in asia once, i watchedthem crucify dogs, and so they would get their paws and they would nail-gun them into walls and i think that was li... thumbnail 1 summary
pitbull broken tooth

- in asia once, i watchedthem crucify dogs, and so they would get their paws and they would nail-gun them into walls and i think that was likethe catalyst to where i died as a human being. - [voiceover] this isthe story of marc ching, the man who's fighting to end the brutal practice inasia of torturing dogs before slaughtering them for meat

out of the misguided beliefthat tortured dog meat tastes better or can provide health benefits. as such, this video mightget a little disturbing. but if you're sensitive,you will be warned before we show anything too intense. eating dog meat has been atradition in some asian countries for four or five hundred years. and according to humanesociety international,

in china, up to ten million dogs are believed to be killedfor meat each year. - we can't be hypocritesand say, "don't eat dogs." i think the hardest part to understand is the torture. - the factory-farmingindustry in america, i mean, it's a problem too, and so, you know vegans, they don't even eat meat. where in america, or other countries,

i guess you're supposed to just kill an animal for slaughter. why, to me, there's a difference is they are specifically abusing them because they believe itmakes the meat better. - [voiceover] when he's notrescuing dogs across asia, marc runs his localbusinesses in los angeles. one being the petstaurant, a natural food company for animals

that also provides free consultations for health issues in animal nutrition. - [marc] we make like organic, fresh food. we kind of cultivate our food to focus on skin issues,cancer, kidney, liver. - [voiceover] and the other being the animal hope & wellness foundation, which focuses on rescuingdogs around los angeles from severe abuse and torture.

- in the area, we do a lot of gang pulls, so we go into, kind oflike gang territory. - basically, marc does allthe saving of the dogs, he brings them here, and then i do the finding of the homes. i didn't know what iwas getting myself into when i started working with marc. then when i got to knowmarc, and know what he's doing, it's profoundly changed me.

- [voiceover] marc hasnow taken a total of six trips across asia,and rescued over 300 dogs. and the way he getsinto the slaughterhouses is pretty ingenious. he hires a team of localsto help him do research, and then goes in undercover as a rich american business man,and potential business partner. - what happens is, wheni arrive in a country, you know i have a translator, a guide,

and i kind of teach themhow to be more persuasive, you know when we show up, you know, "this is my client from america. "he's a rich american whobrings all these dogs back "for the importation ofdog meat in the u.s." so based on thatassumption, they'll show me everything they're doing. it allows me to see, okay, their processing techniques,

how they torture, which ways they torture, and so it's a big thing in, like, i guess, really portraying the insideof these places, to the public. i have videos of hangings,burning them alive, boiling alive, cutting their feet off while they're still alive, strangulation. - [voiceover] and it'sthat brilliant cover that allows marc totrick the slaughterhouses into giving him the dogs for free.

- and so, for instance, i'll tell the owner of the slaughterhouse, "look, i've seen allyour torture techniques, "i've seen how you process. "i'd like to try the meat. "i'd like to take that dog there, hanging, "those four dogs on the table, "you cut these legs off. "i'd like to take them and try to see

"how great your product is." - [voiceover] marc's campaign in asia is not focused on just rescuing dogs. he also wants to use the video he takes from inside the slaughterhouses to create international outcry, in order to get the attentionof local asian governments. - it's hard to wrap your brain around. marc will send me these videos,

and i'm like, don't, ican't, i can't look at it. 'cause i can't evenwatch through a screen, i don't know how he stands in front of it and bears witness to it. i just, i really don't know. - [voiceover] what weare about to show you, is what marc comes face-to-face with every time he enters a slaughterhouse. (speaking in foreign language)

(dog yelps) (dog squeals) and that was, in marc's words, g-rated. - it's no longer this heroic act of where, you know, you go to some place and you do these great things to where, you feel so good about yourself. now, this has changed becausei'm in the slaughterhouse and so i have to watch the brutality,

and things like that, so, i don't know. it's totally different. - [voiceover] he is determined to document the most brutal of torture methods, including some he hasn't been able to capture on film yet, inorder to put a stop to it. and sometimes that can get dangerous. - my first trip, to now, because of the countries i'm goingin to, the instances of

endangerment are a lot higher. but not only that, ithink in regions where they have no law, to where there's no structure or consequences, they're more prone toassault you, or things. but the true reason unto why i'm having more occurrences of conflict is that, i'm kind of losing it. this last trip in cambodia,i got hospitalized,

and i got beat up so i was watching this guy dismember a dog and i kicked him in his face, and so that's kind of what happened. and, i don't know. you know, i'm just losingit out there, and so... but, you know, but i have to go because a part of me, like, feelslike if i don't do it, you know, nobody else will, and so...

you know it's hard for my wife, i imagine. you're out there andyou're watching, and like, you know, your husband, who has children, he's over there getting assaulted, and he's in these areas where they have guns and firearms, and sheprobably thinks like, what's this guy doing, man? and sometimes i ask myself, what am i doing out there?

but deep inside, i know. i know it's because somebody has to, andif i don't nobody will. and that these dogs, they'll just end up just being burned alive,and tortured, and i just, i'm already planning my trip seven i'm stuck there, and i'm gonna be there until i get what i need to pushthe government to change it.

i know how to end it,i just need the pieces. and i'm so close. i just never thought it was possible for people to do those things, and so i'm trying tofind that place to where i can record that, i can just record it, and i believe once... i believe once people see that, it'll immediately change everything.

(slow music)

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