Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

papa roach kick in the teeth album

joe: what's up, wizards! joe: is that a good intro? ed: yea, that was fine. joe: alright, it's rogue wizards! those are my two favor... thumbnail 1 summary
papa roach kick in the teeth album

joe: what's up, wizards! joe: is that a good intro? ed: yea, that was fine. joe: alright, it's rogue wizards! those are my two favorite classes as well. ed: it's rogue wizards! on game soup. ed: guess what, this game came out *literally* today. ed: it's september 27th, 2016. that's when this game was released. *joe tries to talk but* ed: by spellbind studios joe: yea, developed and published by spellbind studios

joe: and we'd like to thank the developers for providing a review copy of this title! ed: yea, we're excited! we had this game just before the embargo lifted on the, like the 26th. ed: we got in early on something! it felt cool! joe: yea, that's pretty rare for gs. usually we're... we're a little behind on our games. joe: we don't have a big staff here. ed: yea ed: so i did spend a little bit of time this morning just trying to get a feel for the game before we came into it. ed: we wouldn't wanna go in totally blind, y'know? just mostly blind is fine with us. ed: so i'm not that far, maybe 30 minutes or 45 minutes and uh...

ed: i dunno, i'll let the gameplay speak for itself, mostly. it's tile based. joe: yea tile based, turn based roguelike game right? ed: yea it plays a lot like any topdown roguelike. ed: it basically is... it's basically an isometric roguelike, in a lot of ways. ed: it's got that turn-based combat, um... ed: it's got a whole lot of systems, inventory, but everything is pretty snappy. i really like the ui. ed: it takes a lot for me to like a ui, and this does a pretty good job joe: hey check that out when you mouse over joe: this is something goofy to talk about

ed: yea i know joe: this is such a small thing but yea that... that has a good feel to it ed: i like the dumbest visuals, but for me it's really the details and uh... like when you mouse over things and it gives you information about it joe: yea ed: that's, that's critical. not enough games do that. joe: yea that's really nice. joe: another game to look at for ui and for... just overall feel, is duelyst, ed: yea!

joe: which we covered recently on the channel. even if you're not into collectible trading card games. ed: yea, that was still nice. ed: quite nice. ed: so i'm not doing too hot here, i'm actually about to die. ed: i'ma heal ed: ah! that's better. joe: so do you control both characters? ed: uh, no, this is your companion. joe: oh

ed: okay this is something i didn't know, my health potion heals her too, ed: so you play as this character, ed: but you can take companions with you into these dungeons. joe: i wasn't a huge fan of that font. ed: oh really? which one? joe: the text bubble, the uh... joe: the speech bubble font. joe: for the characters. ed: oh, i hadn't even noticed it.

ed: i did not even notice. joe: we like to point some things, some critical analysis of games as well. ed: we like to point out the meaningless details in games. joe: we do. ed: heh joe: we pointed out a meaningless -- very positive, not meaningless -- tiny detail that we loved in the ui joe: and then a small detail that we didn't like quite as much. ed: so this is the 3rd floor of the stretch dungeon, which is like the first real dungeon of the game, just after the tutorial joe: okay

ed: and there's a hubworld, where, y'know it's just a map where you click on the place you wanna go ed: wether it's the store, or the tavern to pick up quests or something like that, y'know joe: a lot of those familiar tropes and everything, but... joe: what really sucked me in, at first, was the visuals. ed: wow, they look really good! joe: yea these are drawn in a very high resolution, so that when you zoom in you still see it joe: it still looks like it's, at 720, or 1080. joe: it's very high res. ed: we're playing at 1080 right now.

joe: yea, it doesn't look pixelated, so yeah, i think these sprites are drawn very large. joe: so that you can zoom in and still see them in full detail, so that's very nice. ed: yea, i really enjoy that. graphically it's so clean. ed: i don't know if i've seen a game as clean as this in recent memory. joe: good job on that. ed: yea, yea definitely -- okay, i'm on fire. joe: yea ui and graphics get a plus from us. ed: i heard this game gets hard pretty quickly. ed: and by heard i mean i read it on the steam store page.

ed: i guess we'll have to see for ourselves though. joe: if it's a real roguelike, then it's going to get hard. ed: oh crap! joe: part of roguelikes is that they're really hard. ed: what did that guy just do to us? he just sucked our soul! joe: you learn as you go. you learn from dying again and again. joe: as it is with many games now. joe: every game now has some sort of progression. joe: that's the flavor of the decade i guess.

joe: i think roguelike and roguelite... mechanics, joe: procedural generation, i think that's, like, that's kinda the hot thing to... ed: we talked about this last week, actually. how that's happening everywhere. ed: sooner or later it's gonna come back full circle, where... ed: that's my prediction at least. joe: i think you're right, ed. joe: at this point in time, for some reason, that's just what's big. ed: it's certainly easier to develop, to some extent. not, you know, exactly the same. joe: i like the design of that guy.

ed: yea, i like the character designs and the enemy designs, i think they're all pretty cool. ed: the gameplay's pretty slow though. ed: like, if you can click here and you can see the whole floor. ed: we've barely cover this one area. and... ed: the maps so far have been a little bigger than this, maybe about that size or so. ed: and i'm sure they get much bigger. ed: also there will be waypoints further in. you can freely teleport between them and the entrance and the exit. joe: so it saves you time traversing through. that's a really nice touch.

ed: that's a huge quality of life thing. because i played, uh ed: what was the on rails diablo that i played a couple weeks ago? i was telling you about it. joe: oh, i can't remember the name. ed: there's an on rails diablo style game that just came out in early access i think ed: that game didn't have any teleporting, ed: so you had to slowly meander through each hallway until you got to the end of each floor. ed: i dunno, small things. small things like this, letting you teleport freely, are always nice. joe: this looks like a difficult room. you may meet your demise. ed: yea i think i'm gonna die.

joe: can you retreat here and get them to funnel into the hallway? joe: i have no idea how to play the game, but that seems like it may be a viable strategy. ed: oh, y'know, that's one of the most important things to do in a roguelite or roguelike ed: is to retreat, just like you said, funnel enemies into a hallway so you can take them off one by one, ed: but it's not doing it. it's not doing it at all. joe: these guys have some kind of a magic spell that's really fucking us up. joe: nono, this might work. do you have another one of those magic spells? there you go! *confused mumbling about fire spells* ed: oh yea, let's look at the ui real quick

joe: fuck yea! ed: heh. yea ui!! really exciting! joe: i'm excited by it. ed: so if you're a game designer or developer or you just really love video games, you might be excited by ui. joe: one thing that i think is particularly noteworthy here that i... joe: i don't know if i've seen this done quite the same in any other game is that... joe: every item here has a rank, it just levels up as you use it. joe: it's like final fantasy, what was it, 2? joe: where if you use the weapon enough... or maybe, um, morrowind did that as well.

joe: you jump enough times and you get better at athletics? joe: but with this, y'know, if you get hit enough times you can rank up this tunic. joe: or the more times you attack with your sword... you can level it up. joe: this is rank 4/6. ed: so if you use stuff, it gets better, which is kind of an interesting touch. joe: yea in a game like this, you wanna have... joe: i mean, you don't always have to have it, but joe: if it's a game like this, to have a lot of micromanaging like that. joe: because you want to increase your chances at success...

joe: in a very difficult game. and there's a lot of stuff to tweak. joe: if that's your kind of thing, micromanaging and tweaking your... joe: your item stats, character stats and everything to maximize your... joe: your amount of success, which a lot of people like, then this is gonna be, uh... joe: this kind of game, and this game in particular, probably, is gonna be something that's right up your alley. ed: also worth noting, i'm only level 2. ed: i'm just about to be level 3 and i've been playing for 40 or 45 minutes total. ed: so it could be a very slow game. ed: if that's your thing, which it kinda is for me. i really love dungeon crawlers like this.

joe: yea, this is definitely more ed's kind of game, but i've gotten into game like this in the past. joe: it's not completely out of my interest. joe: but i tend to like more action-oriented games and brawlers, which we just played. joe: we just finished playing lost castle, but that'll probably air after this. ed: so you just noticed i can no longer attack with this fireball because it uses a consumable to recharge. ed: which is called crimson ash. it requires 2 crimson ash, joe. guess how many i have? ed: zero. joe: oh you don't have any crimson ash? joe: what's that red thing?

ed: buckler! ed: this is the spell that i can no longer use. joe: oh, it's not crimson ash, it's just crimson colored. okay. joe: you're the expert here. ed: i am. i am. ed: so we saw this cauldron. i've seen a bunch of these; they show up a lot. ed: so you just create crafting materials so you can craft other stuff. but we can't do anything with that now. ed: so i guess we just keep going. joe: we used to really be into desktop dungeons.

ed: oh my god, yea! joe: that was kind of my roguelike. ed: i went back and played that. ed: after it came out i played it, maybe last year? ed: i didn't 100% it because that's insane. ed: that game is so hard. *joe gives a big fat sneeze* ed: bless you, sir. ed: uh, this is not looking good.

ed: this is really not looking good. joe: you don't have any more healing? what's that red potion, isn't that a heal? ed: yea it is, i just... ed: just taking damage. like, i can't retreat anywhere safely, here. joe: that enemy's called a malevolence? ed: weak shadowlord. joe: this one's called a shadowlord. ed: maybe the other one? joe: yea. ed: well, at least we found a lot of money. we're rich! joe: dead

ed: yea, okay cool. ed: alright, so it does seem pretty challenging so far. joe: should you heal? ed: yea, yea let's. joe: wait, that's a full heal. ed: yea, which is nice. joe: okay, so now you're doing alright. ed: yea. joe: so does this game ease you into it or...

joe: it kinda seems like it drops you in but it gives you enough tools that you kinda know what you're doing. ed: yea, there was a very short tutorial dungeon that explained everything i needed to know up to this point. joe: we didn't show that on the show so that would be useful to comment on. ed: we could start a new game if you want, just to see what it looks like. joe: this is probably gonna be more interesting though, to watch. ed: yea, that's kinda what i thought. joe: if you think the tutorial was good, i'll take your word for it. ed: yea, i thought it did a really good job explaining things. ed: after this dungeon we'll go back to town and i'll show you what that looks like.

ed: because that's the other half of the game. joe: wow ed: hmm joe: fireball? ed: can't. cannot. joe: oh yea, we don't have any. ed: no, so... hmm... ed: alright. oh, there's a waypoint though, so actually we can go back to town now. joe: can you go back to town and then enemies won't respawn or anything?

joe: it'll just leave it how it is? we'll find out i guess. ed: i don't think so, but yea, let's find out, actually. joe: yea that's what we do on wild game appears! ed: the blind impressions. joe: we experiment and figure out how the game works. we see how it ticks. ed: so let's go back to... ed: oh you know what? i wonder if this is only going to take us back to the last floor ed: let's just keep going, because this is the 3rd floor. we might be near the end anyway. like, the end of the dungeon, who knows? joe: okay, cool.

ed: plus we have all these health potions. we'll get back there eventually. joe: this is probably going to be our longest string of wild game appears episodes. ed: haha, yea i think so. joe: we just posted, i dunno, 2, 3, 4? we posted a bunch in a row. joe: then there's gonna be this one and a bunch more coming. joe: because we hadn't posted a wild game appears episode in a while, joe: and we didn't have any new games to play, so we started playing a few free-to-play games. joe: and then i went ahead and requested a bunch of review copies of games. joe: as we do on gs a lot of the time.

and we don't always get all of them, but this time we got most of them. joe: so we have a lot to play now. ed: and you know, all the weeks we were recording, we were like "man, there's nothing good coming out. there's nothing good this week" joe: and then all of a sudden, we found a bunch of games that looked pretty awesome. ed: it just seems to happen sometimes. joe: and this was one of them. ed: yea, this was one of them. this caught me completely by surprise. ed: there's so many roguelikes coming out these days, it's hard to keep track of them.

ed: there we go. joe: yea there was that dragon fin soup. do you remember that one? ed: oh yea, that's been out for a while though. joe: yea, that's been out for a while but... ed: did you play that? joe: a little bit. ed: is that like a traditional roguelike? joe: umm, yea i guess so. it's pretty similar to this. joe: there's a lot of inventory management though, which i didn't really like.

ed: oh. yea, that's not really my thing. this looks like i might enjoy it a little more. ed: just so far. ed: is it anything like divinity original sin's inventory management? cause you remember that,it's a nightmare joe: it was about that bad, maybe a little more joe: i didn't play it enough, i kinda got bored with it. joe: i got it because it was free on the playstation 4. joe: it was the free game for one of the months. ed: don't drop rocks on my head! joe: so i don't feel bad if i don't get into it.

ed: don't drop rocks on my-- oh thank god. ed: everything just dies in one hit. i think this weapon's really good. ed: i got a spear, i wonder if it has a long range ed: oh, gaining a level grants spell points, spend them here and back at home, or at your tower... ed: is this the font that you didn't like? joe: yea, it's alright, on second look, but i'm not a huge fan of it. eh, it's okay. joe: it's not as bad as i thought initially. ed: so when you level up you can upgrade one thing on your spell tree, and you get 4 attribute points. ed: so you can see what i put in here, uh, finesse.

*ed starts saying something about the stats but then* joe: i like this font, the one this menu is in. ed: yea i like this one too, actually. joe: it fits the game pretty well. joe: i don't think it would be good for the text bubbles, though. joe: it doesn't look like a great text bubble font, but for a ui font, it looks pretty good. ed: so here's the spell tree. here's where we are: level 2 fireball. ed: we just unlocked all these i think. ed: it teleports and recovers. interesting.

ed: freeze. create a blizzard at the target, 87 cold damage, okay. joe: 72% chance. that's a pretty big chance to freeze. ed: summons a level 3 sentinel for ten turns! ed: so these are the six classes of magic elements in this game. ed: fire, ice, sky... joe: i guess you get all of them right? eventually, you probably get all of them. ed: probably. ed: chance to banish each level 3 target within 4 tiles? is that like an x zone type move? just instakill? ed: seems like it.

ed: alright. level 3 death. ed: so we already looked at that one... what's this one, stalagmites ed: or, we could upgrade our fireball. joe: that makes a wall, i think. stalagmites? ed: yea, it seems like it. joe: yea 'stalagmite' is the one that comes from the ground. joe: and 'stalactite' comes from the ceiling joe: i know that for some reason. ed: it's because they hold on tight to the ceiling. that's the mnemonic.

ed: let's go with freeze. ed: i don't know what we need-- oh, what's this? it requires aqueous crystal. *ed takes in a big long breath to let out a short sigh* joe: oh boy, we need an aqueous crystal. ed: okay, i'm getting the hang of this. joe: what's force of nature? i'm curious. ed: it summons 3 to 2 tree ents. *jo & ed have a little chuckle time* joe: 597?!

ed: send the force of nature forward, striking enemies within 2 tiles... as it travels 8... ed: oh, it's a line attack, i guess. okay, cool. joe: requires swarm at rank 20. joe: okay, so a lot of progression. we're not gonna be seeing that on this episode of gs. ed: no. ed: maybe i'll get there off the show sometime. ed: this looks like a game i could really sink my teeth into ed: i don't know how the long-term playability or replayability will be, or just keeping your attention. joe: initial reactions are good though.

ed: yea, so far i'm liking almost everything it does. ed: and i'm a sucker for, like i said, a good ui. i'm a sucker for these clean visuals, it's very clean. joe: yea you can definitely tell what's what. joe: you can tell everything apart joe: and it's not even as important for a game like this because it's not an action game. joe: you have plenty of time to look at everything and react, but still. joe: it looks better when the graphics are clear, what everything is. joe: like everything in the background, it's mostly grays and browns. joe: and the characters are very saturated and brightly colored.

joe: which that's a style that i like. joe: i like when the objects and background are separated from the characters and enemies. joe: and of course you want the brightest things to be things that are going to hurt you, or things you want to grab. joe: and this game does that. ed: yea, so far so good. ed: so i don't know why this lady is following me, i just found her down here in the dungeon. ed: she decided it would be good to tag along. ed: oh wait, this is where we started. ed: man, this floor feels massive, but it's not. it's not that big at all.

ed: okay, we just go over here... ed: let's teleport here and get a little bit closer. ed: so you do move kinda slowly. joe: can you teleport from the stairs or a teleporter or just from anywhere? ed: you can teleport from anywhere. joe: even if you're in combat? ed: uh, i don't know about that. joe: we could test it. ed: we could. ed: buckler of dexterity! so every time you level up a piece of equipment it gains a new enchant

ed: so now we have 16 damage reflected to melee attackers. joe: do you always have to play as this character? joe: is he like the main character of the game? ed: i would assume so, this is what it defaulted to. i think you can change the name. joe: okay, i was wondering if there were different classes, but maybe you just build this guy to be... joe: however you want it. joe: there's different spells, so there's some customization there. ed: why are these gaining levels now? oh, maybe because i'm walking around ed: maybe tunics and stuff just gain experience as you walk around

ed: instead of actually-- okay, that's a boss. joe: that looks like a boss. he's giant. he's a giant version of this guy. ed: oh, it gets a little pixelated when you zoom in, but even then, it's barely noticeable. ed: man, these just look so cool! i like that. okay... well... ed: weakness is sky. we don't have any sky. ed: all we have is ice and fire. i guess we'll use... i should have equipped this before. oh well. ed: ya jerk! ed: oh ed: he's level 4.

joe: what level are we? ed: 3? joe: we'll look at it. ed: probably, yea. ed: we have all these health potions anyway. joe: and we have two guys. ed: ya jerk joe: oh yea, we also have a potion. maybe you've got him. ed: yea, i think you're right.

ed and joe: ummmm joe: do we have an area attack? ed: lol no. joe: does freeze do area damage? ed: i don't think it's, uhh... is it? let's check. joe: okay, we have time to do that. joe: create a blizzard at the target location... uh, no. just one. ed: alright then, sir. ed: sir, that's checkmate.

ed: take that. joe: oh, you got one. joe: i would recommend killing the ads. ed: that's a good strategy. that almost always seems to work. ed: hey, look. oh wait, it did hit! it did! joe: maybe it is a range, it's a range of... joe: is it... is it that blue area? ed: yea, i think it is. joe: the area that turned blue, so it might be one square around the tile, i think that's what it is.

ed: okay, that's a good range. i shouldn't have used the last cast of it. joe: on a single enemy ed: yea, that was really quite dumb. joe: oh, wow. ed: really quite dumb. joe: you really screwed yourself here. ed: you know, joe? ed: and you don't need to burn him, aw crud. joe: heh. now we need that freeze. ed: oh, fiddlysticks

ed: now that guy's not even gonna get close to us. joe: meh, just keep throwing fireballs at the main guy. ed: uh oh, i bet he is, joe. we have no more fireballs. ed: well... wait, okay. ed: helper, help us out! joe: you're getting killed. ed: i actually have a ton of health though. should i heal now, or last one more turn? joe: it's up to you, man. it's gonna be a risk. ed: i'm gonna do it.

joe: okay, take that risk. i would definitely use the potion now. ed: alright, he's almost dead. we just gotta, y'know, slowly meander over there. joe: yup. ed: okay, that's not the way it-- joe: that's knockback. joe: we don't have a lot of tools here. joe: wait, do we still have a potion? ed: we have 3, yea. joe: this guy's toast!

ed: you think? joe: yea. ed: he better be! ed: hmm. so here's the thing. ed: it's turn-based, so if i move here, they both get the opportunity to attack me first. joe: yea they're gonna get an attack of opportunity, as us nerds say. ed: but if i don't attack, if i don't move forward, this guy'll throw rocks at us. ed: i guess i just have to do it i think i just have to do it. joe: okay, brace yourself-- oh look, she... no

joe: i was gonna say "she stunned it so that it didn't get to attack this turn" but she didn't. ed: alright, cool. ads down! ed: ads down--aww. joe: he countered! joe: what a jerk! i'd like to make a counter out of his body. ed: heh, a counter? joe: yea, like a counter top. ed: oh, i see. i see. ed: woah

ed: what? that's really uncalled for, sir. joe: yea, those guys are all slammin' ed: they're all come on and slammin' ed: oh my god! joe: yea that knockback is brutal. ed: let's see, i guess i'll do it here. hopefully it'll hit both of them. ed: okay, that's not what i wanted to do. aww. ed: i guess you have to target a specific enemy and then it hits around them ed: oh, what?

joe: did it hit the other one? ed: no, i don't think it did. joe: did that just fall off the edge?! ed: no no, that's just part of the effect. ed: it's been happening this whole time, that ground effect. ed: he's just off-screen now. joe: oh, he's off-sceen. we just can't see him? joe: oh, okay. okay. ed: it's like that bastion effect, y'know?

joe: yea yea yea yea, true! ed: i like that look. joe: it is neat. i don't know how i feel about it with a dungeon crawler, though. joe: i guess it's supposed to represent the shroud-- ed: it's darkness, yea. maybe it could just fade out. that would probably be a more accurate effect, but this looks cooler. joe: having the tiles fall away like that? ed: yea yea yea. it do-- oh crap. ed: okay, didn't mean to do that.

ed: this fight's harder than i thought it was going to be. joe: this is kinda like the visual of a table top game. joe: you can see around where those candles are, because obviously they're a light source joe: you can see around our characters because... joe: they're our characters. joe: y'know, we're able to see some small amount of space in front of and around us. ed: alright, i find the knockback slightly obnoxious. joe: yea, this looks brutal. ed: i wish this boss didn't have knockback.

joe: this might be random. maybe it's not always this guy, maybe it's another giant joe: other type of enemy that's less annoying, but this seems really annoying. joe: we used a lot of potions trying to get to him. ed: i'm sure there's some item or equipment we could have used to prevent knockback, but we don't have it. joe: wasn't there a treasure chest? did we get that already? there's a treasure chest to the right. ed: yea, let's go get it. joe: yea, snag that. ed: you also get an experience bonus if you clear all the enemies on a floor ed: and, you get an experience bonus if you open all the chests.

ed: so you're super highly incentivized to do that. joe: did we do that? ed: uhh, i don't know. joe: no, there's an area right here. ed: oh yea, there's one too. yea, so we missed a couple areas. joe: we can either go back or keep going ed: let's keep going, for all the money. joe: you mean go back for all the money ed: all the money! no whammies, as they say. joe: who says that?

ed: the guys on that show. joe: what's the show called? ed: i don't know joe: that's my whammy! ed: oh cool, a hunters bow of-- oh god, it's these guys. joe: heh. oh god, the knockback fellas! that's what they, that's what they're... ed: they prefer the term "knockback bros." ed: oh good, knock forward bros. joe: i think it's probably just random. ed: yea, it might be.

ed: i've been playing a tile-based game lately called duelyst. joe: duelyst? we talked about that at the beginning of the episode didn't we? ed: i don't think we talked about duelyst. joe: we mentioned it with regards to uis, remember? ed: oh yea, that's right! ed: it's fun, joe. joe: joe! ed: this is the enemy on the... well it's not the cover of the game, but the steam page. ed: the splash screen? this enemy. on the title scren

joe: he's like a beholder from dungeons and dragons. ed: oh you stupid rock monsters! joe: you ever played dungeons and dragons? ed: not really. joe: me neither joe: but i've played shadow of mystara and tower... tower of doom i think? joe: the old arcade games joe: the dungeon and dragon arcade games by capcom ed: aren't they brawlers?

joe: yea, they're fuckin' awesome too. ed: okay, so there's tons of loot. ed: do we have anything better? we should probably look for an upgrade at this point. ed: oh yea. yes, yes we have an upgrade. ed: what else? hmm... no, no. ed: bonus experience per kill? that sounds good. ed: but it's only 18 experience. we need, what was it? come on. joe: mouse over it.

ed: oh there it is. we need 15,000 joe: 18 per kill? that doesn't seem like very much at all. ed: no joe: oh, look at that though ed: i just used something that does more damage. joe: what's this character's name, game soup? ed: game soup? no, i just left it the default name. joe: ok ed: where does it say his name though?

ed: i feel like that would be, you know, prominently displayed. joe: there's a lot to display. i won't fault them for it. ed: what's my name?! what's my name bro? joe: you should remember your own name. ed: hehehe, you know, it's not my name. it's his name. joe: yea, you're right. ed: alright, i think we're almost done here joe: come on, get it together. get your st-- joe: you've got enough health.

joe: wait, is he chasing that wizard to beat him up? ed: was he? i don't think so joe: it looked like it, but maybe it was just the animation. i think it was. ed: oh, i found a treasure goblin type enemy earlier, when i was playing this. joe: oh, really? ed: it was a guy i managed to corner, and every time you hit him he dropped money ed: he looked just like a treasure goblin from diablo 3. joe: and behaved like one? ed: and behaved like one. he was just trying to run away every single turn.

joe: oh boy, i love diablo 3. ed: okay so there's a stat-- joe: there's a sphere on the ground. ed: there is. we'll pick it up in a sec ed: what i wanted to mention is that there's a stat here called finesse, which is used for detecting secrets. ed: now i haven't found any secrets that i'm aware of ed: but i feel like if there was going to be a secret, it'd be there, or in an off colored wall tile or something like that. joe: the walls aren't really off colored though, they're just based on your distance from them. ed: yes, you're right.

ed: so my question is where are all the secrets? joe: i wonder how they program that lighting effect there. joe: actually, we could probably figure that out, but let's not. ed: ha, "let's not" joe: unless we need to make a lighting effect in a game at some point. then we'll figure it out. ed: i don't think we'll have to anytime soon. joe: no. ed: skip our turn, see if he comes--yea, there we go! joe: there you go!

ed: sucker! joe: what a moron. ed: heh, that's what's supposed to happen ed: that's what's supposed to happen, then it's easy. joe: he's hiding behind a barrel that-- joe: hey, he cracked it open for you, what a nice fella! ed: thanks bro! ~take my ghostly money!~ ed: we just bashed 'em

joe: we're really kinda the rude guys here. ed: we're invading their dungeon. joe: yea, they offered us money. is this retaliatory? ed: this is actually the story of a gang war between wizards and monsters. joe: it is? ed: i dunno. it seems like it. ed: we're invading their territory, taking all their gold. ed: yea! so we just cleared the entire floor of enemies. ed: and i'm guessing this treasure chest is the last treasure chest.

ed: let's go ahead and try it. ed: yes, perfect! joe: i love diablo 3. ed: heh, that's the moral of the story. joe: i was playing it for the ps4 ed: i've never played it for console. joe: it's really good. it's better in my opinion. ed: uh, what was that? oh, there's a trap there. joe: oh, she just did a q-bert swear.

ed: she sure did. joe: that's kinda cheap though. you just teleported and she teleports onto a spike? ed: yea, well, at least it wasn't us. ed: so here's this map screen, the hubworld. it looks pretty sweet. joe: yea, this is, like, bastion style, the platforms rise and fall. ed: nothing wrong with that, so why don't we just blacksmith ed: oh, it's her. she's the smithy. joe: welcome to *my* smithy ed: she's the smithy of her smithy.

joe: your name's ky- kyveth. both: kyveth ed: yea kyveth. rolls off the tongue. ed: okay, i'm glad you're staying in antarit to help us. ed: so there is a story, by the way. maybe we'll get back to showing that later. ed: i'll be the best blacksmith in our little town. joe: this really is like bastion, 'cause bastion had a layout sorta like this. joe: you didn't, like, click on it, you ran through it and went to the different-- yea, this is very similar. joe: this game has probably taken some influence from bastion. nothing wrong with that

ed: no, not at all. ed: so you can upgrade vendors to improve their goods. selling items reduces the upgrade cost. ed: so now it's 2,000-- and a sledgehammer?! ed: i don't have a sledgehammer ed: oh, that's one of these games man! ed: this is one of those games that sucks me in, that's for sure. ed: wow joe: cool. okay, yea. ed: i'm getting a lot of vibes from this game that i would spend many late nights playing it.

ed: i hope that doesn't happen. well, i do hope it does, actually. joe: i start glazing over sometimes when there's just inventory management in general. i've always been like that though ed: look how simple it is, it's 5x5. joe: it is very simple. and the graphics are very colorful. joe: as far as inventory management goes, this looks-- ed: oh look, it's free! ed: we don't have a sledgehammer joe: oh, we need a sledgehammer

ed: free gold, but you need a sledgehammer *ed fumbles with words* ed: the ui. it's amazing. joe: heheh, well, i can't say enough nice things about it, but ed: it's hard to do a ui really well. joe: in general, inventory management is not my favorite thing in games. joe: it's something i do just to get it out of the way and get back to the fun part of the game. ed: did we have a sledgehammer? i think we just sold one. ed: where do we get a sledgehammer?!

joe: the 1980's television program sledgehammer ed: sledgehammer, that cop drama? ed: cop drama? joe: i mean it was more of a comedy show. ed: satire ed: i've been practicing my spells and fighting. this is the other guy we found in the first dungeon ed: the tutorial dungeon ed: we could probably recruit him this time. let's see. ed: oh, vault. okay, so this is your permanent storage, like your stash area.

ed: we have nothing in there. joe: great storage for bout, that's something you're probably gonna wanna do pretty soon ed: you're alive! i'm relieved. ed: i think you're ready for a to-- oh, good. ed: master wizard of ice, to channel magic through a powerful new rift. ed: we must close it. that's the extent of storytelling in this game. ed: at this point. if you start the game, of course. ed: okay, so this is a fully rested pet. joe: so you get a pet *and* a companion?

ed: it does seem that way, yea. joe: nice after the first dungeon was completed i had to wait. there was a cooldown on this guy. ed: so i couldn't take him into the dungeon we just did. joe: oh, like darkest dungeon ed: sorta, yea. joe: in darkest dungeon you can't take the same character with you 2 times in a row. joe: this is similar to that. joe: that's a decent balancing mechanic.

joe: nothing wrong with that. joe: a lot of things in this game there's nothing wrong with. ed: no, nothing wrong with it. ed: umm, frozen rift. oh okay, so thats... ed: that's fully lit up now. joe: this is a pretty good game so far. i'm enjoying it. ed: yea, i feel like it just takes a lot of mechanics from other games that have been proven to work very well, ed: and presents it all in a very clean fashion. joe: yea, yea.

ed: which that's okay i'm cool with that. joe: that's what everything is now, just combining elements from joe: that's what all art is, games are not excluded from that. ed: i'm gonna clean you out lady, clean you out. joe: yea we need those spells. joe: and some potions. don't forget about the potions. joe: only allowed 5. yea, i like when they limit the number of potions because it can feel really cheap joe: if you bring 99 potions you just can't lose. joe: metroidvania style games are like that, where you can just cheese your way through the game by using potions over and over again.

joe: but when i play through by myself, especially for the first time, i like to play them without using potions. ed: yea, if you just cheese it with potions, you're not really learning or mastering anything. joe: yea, it usually takes a few tries to beat a boss. joe: actually the last bosses can be pretty hard in a metroidvania style game without using potions. ed: oh god, our companion turned into a walnut! *ed and joe laugh* joe: oh my god, you killed her! ed: oh no! joe: you killed her wit ha staff!

ed: she deserved it. joe: i was just crying into my ands. ed: into your ands? joe: my hands. ed: my ands! joe: stop making fun of me. ed: yea, this is even more bastion like than before. joe: look at his hand. joe: i haven't really seen anything since bastion

ed: that construct themselves, like levels that construct themselves. has anything else done it? joe: i was trying to think, but no. ed: i can't think of anything, but if you guys know, leave it in the comments! ed: speaking of comments, that's something we forgot to do recently. joe: oh! ed: we ask for comments all the time joe: oh, i forgot to do comments of the week! ed: ohhh joe: guess what i did with comments of the week?

joe: i typed it, well not type, i copy-pasted it into a wordpad file, i didn't even email it to ed. ed: wordpad. joe: whatever. ed: this man uses wordpad. joe: i actually do use wordpad. *ed & joe laugh* joe: i do use wordpad. now you can make fun of me for that. joe: so yea, we're not doing comments of the week this week joe: it's going to be like comments of the last two months, next time we do comments of the week.

joe: what we forgot to do was mention that we... joe: if you appreciate what we do, we don't have ads joe: we don't waste your time with youtube ads here on game soup. joe: so if you value what we do, the only way that we... joe: that we get any kind of, not profit, but just any kind of support. right now we're just using... joe: any donations that we get to improve the quality of the show. joe: we're trying to get a new microphone and some other equipment, so... joe: we don't waste you guys' time with youtube ads so if you appreciate what we do, joe: check out the description box below. we accept paypal, bitcoin, and we now have a patreon.

joe: patreon. ed: patreyn joe: so, 3 dollars isn't money. that's what we generally request. joe: if you appreciate what we do, but of course more... joe: higher amounts of donations are also appreciated. ed: we won't say no. joe: so check it out in the description. thanks guys. ed: yea, thanks! i'm really glad that... ed: what are we, like half an hour in now? i'm really glad that we... ed: we just forgot about that. heh

joe: the viewers that are more likely to donate are probably watching this far in anyway, so... ed: oh, get out of the way! joe: we definitely appreciate it. joe: everybody who donates any amount is appreciated. ed: yea it makes a huge difference for us. joe: oh, they swap places with you. joe: i see. they auto-swap places with you. ed: this looks like a zone where i'd wanna carry fire because everything looks icy. ed: and locked. icy and locked.

ed: there are 3 chests on this floor. i can open none of them. ed: huh ed: is that a wall or a tile? ed: i think it's a wall. ed: no, it's not a wall. it's a tile. ed: alright-- aww... joe: frozen. ed: frozen. joe: there's nothing i hate more in an action game than being frozen in place.

joe: or stunned. joe: but in a turn-based game, it's not quite as annoying. ed: especially for roguelikes. joe: it's kinda an important mechanic. ed: oh god, how do you hit all the way over there?! joe: from a mechanical perspective, even in an action game, joe: it makes sense to put some kind of stunning in a lot of games. joe: but it doesn't feel good for the player, so it's something i try to avoid joe: and that i think developers should try to avoid in action games.

joe: but this is not an action game. ed: oh, i wish i had picked that up sooner. joe: so freezing is a-okay. ed: i guess. ed: yea there are plenty of games where i don't think freezing or stunning are very fun to play. joe: if you can freeze or stun enemies, it's alright ed: that's cool. i mean, crowd control! joe: crowd control is okay. joe: getting frozen just doesn't feel good in an action game.

ed: wait, area, 1? oh no, i think we went back and forth. ed: let's go back down! check it out. ed: where do we want to go? ed: there? i think there. ed: wait what? ed: oh, no, wait this is the guy we were supposed to rescue. joe: yea we rescued him! *laughter* ed: okay, i should pay closer attention to what we're supposed to do.

ed: ... not there, not there. if only i had paid attention ed: it's hard to talk and play at the same time. joe: yea, it sure is. we've mentioned that several times on gs. ed: oh, destroy the guild wizard? joe: and sometimes we get comments from people saying that we missed stuff joe: but if you've ever made an lp before, you'll know how... joe: how it is. if you've made an album and put it out as an lp, a 5 track lp, joe: you'll know ed: you'll know.

joe: wouldn't that be more of an ep? where the songs are really long? ed: i don't even know what an lp is, is that when it's 12 tracks? ed: all i know is ed: no, you're right. ep is 5 tracks and lp is 12 tracks. that's the rule. joe: wait, it is? really? ed: i dunno, i'm just kinda making that up. joe: eps are usually shorter. ed: that's what i heard. ed: y'know, i heard that back when they used to have tapes.

joe: it's an old term, i think it's from records, actually. joe: ep is extended play, which doesn't make any sense because lps are longer. joe: i don't know. it's before our time. ed: well just barely. joe: i just know when it's ep that... joe: that it's short. ed: yea, just a short album. ed: but why, i don't know. ed: oh cool, dude! that's really nice of you. i'm so glad you're there.

ed: don't these remind you of those yetis in nuclear throne? ed: the ones that charge you? joe: oh yea. kinda, yea. ed: what are they, snow monsters? joe: their posture. but those things in nuclear throne had much larger arms. ed: and they wreck you in like a single hit. ed: aw, i didn't mean to do that. joe: that was a dangerous game, nuclear throne. joe: aw man, the adrenaline of that game.

ed: yea, it takes a special game to give you adrenaline. ed: such as time crisis 2. joe: aw yea. hey, we have some videos we should upload ed: do you think anybody will actually be interested in that? joe: i dunno. ed: so okay, backstory: joe and i are... ed: i'm gonna be modest here, we're the best time crisis 2 players on the eastern coast. i'll say that. joe: some of the best. ed: yea. i think we're the best. i mean...

ed: i think we're the best, and we recently got some footage of us playing. ed: i wanna be super humble and super honest. we're the best. joe: look at all these ice spots ed: yea waddup dudes? ed: it's cold in here. joe: what do the ice spots do to you? joe: oh they send you flying. ed: so we got footage of us... ed: what was i gonna say? oh yea, beating the game without spending a second credit

ed: so like a 1 credit clear. joe: yea we each got a 1 credit clear and we got a very very high score at an arcade recently ed: yea it was fun. joe: and we have video footage of it. joe: it's decent quality i guess, but it's in a noisy arcade and everything, so... ed: but it very clearly shows our faces in the reflection. joe: i dunno, maybe we'll release it as a patreon bonus or something? ed: yea. yea! joe: or um...

joe: and also for a patreon bonus coming pretty soon, joe: i dunno, in the next couple weeks, maybe a month or so, joe: we're gonna put up our homemade game soup. ed: oh yea! joe: i wish i could remember who posted it, but joe: it was in the comments section. one of our commenters wrote that we should give those away, joe: that we should post those as like a... joe: as a benefit. joe: for subbing on our patreon. so we'll probably

joe: well, we are going to be doing that. ed: definitely. joe: whenever i get around to it. joe: you know, it's such a great idea. i don't know why i didn't... joe: i didn't think of that at all. it just completely slipped my mind. ed: i think we'll probably do it at like the 10 dollar... ed: the 10 dollar a month... ed: uh, what's it called? joe: tier.

ed: yea, the 10 dollar a month tier. ed: maybe just make it more simple. make the patreon page more simple and just do like the 3 dollars isn't money tier and the 10 dollar tier. ed: yea, and then the 1000 dollar tier if you're really crazy. joe: don't say crazy ed: i mean if you're really cool!! joe: you mean cool. joe: there you go, ed: oh, i think we're about to get a sledgehammer.

ed: this guy sounds like "hey dude, you wanna buy some sledgehammers?" ed: he sounds like that kind of guy, y'know? joe: yea maybe we'll get, uh... ed: he can hook us up. joe: one of those middle-eastern princes that really likes game design joe: maybe he'll do the thousand dollar. ed: i've never met one of those. joe: i haven't either, but they're around. ed: the middle-eastern princes who love game design.

joe: no, not that love game design. joe: but there are a bunch of middle-eastern princes that throw money around. ed: what are all these princes doing? ed: why are they all princes? joe: they're all princes of different countries? ed: i dunno, they have an archaic society where they still have princes. joe: i guess ed: i guess they have princes in england too, don't they? joe: i don't know.

ed: yea yea, like princess diana. joe: you can tell i'm a very worldly man. ed: yea, yea we're not. ed: we're not, although i do watch a lot of english shows. joe: you do? ed: television shows. joe: they have a goofy sense of humor. joe: i used to like that are you being served. they used to show reruns of that on pbs. joe: i liked it when i was a kid.

ed: was that a scripted show? joe: yea, yea yea. ed: i've been watching sherlock recently joe: oh yea, my wife is watching that. a lot joe: i think i've seen every episode of it. joe: most of them. there's only 10 of them now. i think there's 3 seasons and a special? joe: yea, i might have seen all of them. joe: i don't think i saw the special. i saw a lot of them though.

ed: yea, i liked it though. like, as far as that type of show goes, it was pretty fun. it keeps you on the edge of your seat. ed: and martin freeman is great. both of them are great actors. joe: is martin freeman watson? joe: okay. joe: i remember cumberbatch but i don't remember the other guys. ed: look at all these dudes! joe: alright, this is not looking too hot. ed: i think it's time for some fire. joe: they're probably weak to fire. resistance: ice, weakness: fire.

ed: yea, but, but, but joe: there's so many of them. i think we're fucked. ed: yea, i know. there's just too many of them. joe: we have 5 potions though. ed: oh yea joe: you're almost dead. joe: it's time to potion, because these guys are going to surround you and hit you. ed: ohh, that's what happened. joe: what happened?

joe: yea they're taking their turns and beating the crap out of you. ed: ohh. joe: as i censor myself after swearing like 17 times ed: oh no joe: use the potion ed: this is baaad. this is bad. ed: i'm trying to leave. i wanna go over here. joe: this is bad. ed: here's what we can do: we just take a step this way and this ice will carry us all the way out like that.

joe: luckily you're not taking a lot of damage. ed: oh, they're shielding each other. joe: didn't oro have an ice mechanic sorta like this? ed: yea, yea. joe: i really like that game. we played it a few months ago on gs. ed: well, i would just like to get out of here. ed: success! ed: look at this owl! he's not doing anything! ed: how dare you!

ed: come back and fight for me! joe: yea oro was simple. ed: yea. well... joe: well, the mechanics of it were simple. i should say there wasn't a lot of inventory management. joe: i should say it was mostly focused purely on like joe: on the action. not action, on the turn-based... joe: on this. what you're doing right now. joe: oro was mostly focused on this and concentrated on balancing strategy of this. joe: whereas this is a a little bit more...

joe: it's half this and half in-town inventory management. ed: oh noo ed: i was gonna kill him! joe: and, uh, yea. other management joe: character management, level up management, where as oro was a little bit more streamlined. joe: that was a little bit more my speed, this might be a little bit more ed's speed, i think. ed: yea, i like this. ed: i mean, it keeps all the traditional rpg elements you would expect. ed: and i'm fine with that.

ed: i'm fine with that. this is definitely my speed of game. ed: my speed of game. joe: yea, let's keep using the word 'speed' ed: why? ed: so what else, what else. i saw sherlock, ed: what else, i don't know, i haven't been watching anything good recently. ed: i was gonna watch... ed: the debates! joe: we're almost at the end of the episode so we'll talk about the debates on the next one.

ed: last night there were presidential debates. joe: yea. it was a... it was something ed: it was something! joe: i've never actually watched a presidential debate before, actually. ed: no, me neither. joe: the only time i ever watched it. maybe the only time i ever will. i might watch the next ones. joe: i guess we can talk about it. who gives a shit? ed: yea. i mean, i gotta be honest, i didn't watch the whole thing. ed: i watched about an hour and a half and was like 'uhh...'

joe: i watched most of it. i kinda took a break, cause it was getting kinda boring actually. joe: i was getting kind of bored, but i did watch the beginning and the end. joe: and i've watched most of it. joe: but i didn't like that moderator guy. ed: oh, lester holt? joe: yea, he was kind of a dick. joe: i think he was interrupting too much and not... joe: he wasn't... i dunno joe: he seemed a little partial to one side.

joe: which i know a lot of people have said, but joe: i never heard of the guy before, but now i don't like him. ed: oh, stop that! ed: stop that you! joe: who won? who cares. ed: who won? who cares. joe: we're not real political guys here on gs. joe: but i wanted to see the spectacle, and i have been. joe: this is probably the only time i've really followed politics in my life. joe: because it's such a spectacle, this political season.

joe: like i'm pretty sure i'll never follow politics again after this, but it's just, joe: it's interesting right now joe: how polarizing the candidates are. joe: and the amount of drama and nonsense going on. joe: and yea, the debates really exemplify that. especially at the end, how dirty it got. you know what i'm talking about if you watched it. ed: one more. i think there's one more. jesus! ed: this gets pretty intense, and these fights take a long time.

ed: enhanced experience still? yes, for 3 turns. joe: but yea, i don't regret watching it joe: it was interesting, and uh... joe: it had some 'oh shit!' moments, you know? ed: i mean, in the past, the presidential debates have sometimes decided the election. joe: i think they are, probably. i think the debate last night is probably gonna help decide. ed: it might, it might. ed: i mean, i think it's a fact that the first presidential election that was ever televised... ed: led to, i forget who won and who was debating who,

ed: but it was huge in determining the actual person elected ed: god, i wish i knew more about history, but i don't. ed: hmm... we're gonna skip a turn here. joe: yea, if we spend all the time that we spend playing video games and analyzing video games and making game soup, joe: on learning history, we'd know a lot about history, but joe: i'd rather know a lot about video games, honestly. ed: i'll just play video games, it's more fun. joe: if you're gonna waste your life on politics and history joe: i mean, maybe it's not a waste if that's what you wanna do for your job, but

joe: it's kinda like a hobby, it's kinda like sports, if that's your thing, joe: then by all means pay attention to politics, if you're really that into it. joe: like, i don't give a shit about politics, joe: i never thought i would, but this is such a spectacle. joe: it's like a reality show, you can't take your eyes away from it, y'know? joe: but after this election season i'm not gonna. joe: it's gonna be business as usual. ed: that's always an interesting thing, how every election, every 4 years, ed: it's 2 completely new faces

ed: but the matchup between the two opponets is always completely unique every 4 years. ed: it's always got it's own flavor to it. joe: eh, it always seems the same to me, actually. ed: oh really? i disagree, i disagree. ed: do i want this, or do i want to... joe: like, i feel like obama was different in 2008 joe: he felt different, but then he turned out to be the same as everybody else. ed: this is equipped? oh, no, i don't want that. joe: as all the other politicians. and i kinda feel like that may happen again with either of the candidates this time

joe: like, they fool you once, and then they fool you again. they just keep fooling me. ed: heh. they just keep foolin', they just keep foolin'. ed: ah, who knows. it's politics. ed: a topic about which we know absolutely nothing! joe: well, i know a little, but not very much. joe: this may be the last time you ever hear us talk about politics on gs. ed: really? joe: probably. ed: you think?

joe: about politics itself. we might talk about issues. ed: i was gonna say we always talk about politics. joe: no we don't ed: yea, always! ed: well, we always try not to. joe: we usually talk about video games. ed: yea, that's-- oh jesus. joe: i'd say 90% of our talk on gs is about video games and the other talk is about demons. ed: okay, if you're out there listening to this, i want you to go through this episode minute by minute

and write down what we're talking about every minute. joe: make like show notes for us so that you can see what we talked about. joe: mostly it's just gonna say we talked about... joe: what's this game called, rogue wizards? ed: rogue wizards. joe: yea, rogue wizards. joe: we mostly talked about rogue wizards. joe: and then we talked about the debates for 4 minutes, and then we talked about rogue wizards again. joe: which i'm happy to do. ed: uh, let's see, do we want...

ed: let's get our stats here ed: do we want damage, defense, or... finesse? ed: i guess defense, cause i seem to be getting hit a lot. ed: alright, cool. ed: do you wanna try this out? ed: stalagmites-- oh! joe: it makes a wall. ed: it sure does. that's pretty sweet. joe: and you can smash through that own wall.

ed: yea, that's pretty neat. that's not what i was expecting though. ed: i was expecting to decide. ed: oh, i can't get through here, either. joe: now you have to smash it away. that was kind of a waste. joe: i think that's what you wanna do if you're in trouble, to push some enemies away from you. ed: in fact, like right now, even. ed: alright, maybe we'll try to find a better use for it. joe: this is really cool. ed: i'm really enjoying this game quite a lot.

ed: it's a good game to relax with. joe: i wasn't gonna say this since the topic has already passed, but i think way too many people joe: call things that are serious, when you talk about a serious issue, they just call it "politics" joe: but politics is talking about politicians and policies. joe: it's not necessarily talking about something like war, maybe. joe: y'know what i'm talking about? joe: it's not all politics. just because it's a serious issue doesn't mean it's politics. ed: right, right. ed: yea, i guess i see that.

joe: i don't give a shit about politicians, any particular politician. ed: no, no joe: or any particular side. ed: but they're considered political issues, even though they're not ed: like, you're right. they're human issues. social isues ed: but they frequently get umbrellad under politics because they're frequently mentioned in politics ed: and a person's view on them depends where they sit in politics, in general. ed: so yea, maybe the connection isn't always... ed: i dunno, i think there is generally some sort of connection,

ed: even when there might not necessarily... ed: even when there shouldn't be, maybe ed: okay, terrestrial staff what do we got? what do we got? what do we got? ed: critical hit damage: 250!!! ed: heh heh, cool. ed: this is a long dungeon. ed: this is only the second dungeon in the game. joe: we're doing alright though.

ed: we're doing alright? joe: yea, i mean we should try and finish the dungeon ed: yea, i'm thinking we'll at least finish this dungeon. ed: and take a quick look back at the hubworld. joe: yea, i don't know if we'll have time to do... joe: another dungon, but i wanna see what happens after this. joe: did you just step onto an affected area? i don't think so. ed: uh, i don't know, did i? ed: no, i think i just--

joe: there's just some electricity effect going on there. ed: oh. shocking. ed: oh joe: yea, they really do. they charge you like those bastards in nuke throne joe: oh god, nuke throne. oh god, nuke throne. ed: rogue wizards. what was this game? it was $15, that's right. i was just looking at the price again. joe: yea, quite a value. ed: heh, what a bargin! joe: all these games are at such a value because they don't have to pay for the distribution.

joe: well, i guess the distribution cost is the steam. joe: but you don't have to print a bunch of game cases. joe: and you don't have to stamp a bunch of disks. ed: i mean, people do that now just as a bonus collector's edition. joe: yea, for a bigger game, but it's so nice now that anybody can release a game joe: so you get so many gems, like this game seems to be a gem joe: from our experience with it so far. joe: this game might not have come out if we didn't have such easy distribution platforms via the internet. so,

joe: i love the state of video games right now. joe: there's so many creative and new games. joe: creative new games coming out and new ideas being explored and old ideas being polished. joe: there's so many great games. there's too many great games to play! ed: there are. it's a good problem, really. joe: yea, it's a good problem to have. not even a problem, really. i would call that a boom. ed: a boom. joe: that's a word i use almost every day. *eddie and joey have a laffey*

ed: oh, dear lord. ed: that's frustrating. joe: aw man ed: stop icing me! ed: it kinda reminds me of those slide puzzles in zelda ocarina of time. joe: there's also puzzles like that in golden sun. joe: where you'd slide those things across, those log pushing puzzles. ed: i didn't love those, man. joe: you didn't love those?

ed: they were okay... ed: log pushing puzzles. eh, who needs 'em? joe: yea, better than box pushing puzzles i guess. ed: oh god, yea. joe: that's one thing that i don't wanna play again. any box pushing game joe: you could have maybe a little box pushing mixed in with your game, if it's a metroidvania or something, but joe: a game that's sole mechanic is pushing boxes around, joe: it's 2016, i'm done with that. ed: well, there are some games that do it really well because they're not just, uh...

ed: like, when you have that in an action game, it's just filler. ed: but there are puzzle games that are just that. ed: that can be fun. ed: y'know, like the resident evil box puzzles and legend of zelda box puzzles ed: like that was the thing to do in-- joe: i just feel like we're past that. joe: yea, i mean in ocarina of time, that was still the time when that was fine. joe: there was still design space that hadn't been explored at that point.

ed: jesus this map's huge joe: but i feel like box pushing has been explored. ed: let's go back to town now since we've pretty much cleared this out. joe: we have? ed: uh, well, no, but... ed: will this take us to the second floor or... joe: i believe it will (subbers note: holy moly that's quiet) joe: we got what we wanted. we got this fella. joe: we saved him, what else is there to do?

ed: okay, this is the first floor again so we can actually just leave. let's go ahead and leave. ed: go ahead and leeev. i'll come back later on my own. ed: ohh, sike naw! just kidding. oh, there's a boss to defeat, i bet. ed: i don't know if we're gonna... ed: i don't know if we're gonna make it to all that. joe: we can keep playing, man. ed: alright. joe: we'll just make it a long one, we've had 90 minute episodes on the wild game appears series. joe: and we only have 1 more episode to record tonight that we have to get done.

ed: we're on such a tight schedule! oh, but we're not though, so never mind. joe: we're not on a real tight schedule for now. kinda nice. ed: hey, y'know i just wanna say, if you're still watching here, up to this point, ed: we really wanna thank you. it means a lot. ed: and i know we didn't plug donations until about 35 minutes into the show, ed: and we should've done it sooner, but i totally forgot about it, and i guess we both forgot about it, right? ed: it means a lot to us. we're really glad you're here. joe: heh heh heh ed: what's funny?

joe: i dunno, you're just kinda rambling. ed: no, i-i joe: it's cool man. ed: sometimes, y'know, i feel like it's kinda hard to just... joe: to maintain the same amount of energy for an hour straight? ed: well, no... yea, i guess so. ed: i'm just saying, that's not something i get to express very often. ed: is how much for the viewers, even if you don't donate. joe: yea, if you just enjoy game soup and you're watching and you leave comments,

joe: if you li-- we've never asked for likes, i don't think we've ever asked for a like on gs. ed: it's kinda like, why do you have to do that? joe: if you like it, like it. if you don't like it, don't like it. ed: if you don't like it, dislike it. ed: i guess i want this. ed: i forgot to upgrade our gear. joe: but we do read every comment. ed: we do. and the bad ones make us cry. ed: make me cry, at least. i don't know about you.

joe: yea, there's some annoying ones. ed: if you're particularly rude i'll be rude to you in the comments so if you want me to be rude to you in the comments, leave something really nasty in the comments. joe:yea, and, well i might ignore it, but joe: usually i write something snarky or rude back if you're rude. yawning ed: do we wunt... ed: do we want... ed: let's get sentinel, that sounds handy. ed: have another body on the battle field. on the dance floor.

ed: cool. subber's note: fun fact about the word cool is that it originated in jazz places where they'd keep the windows open and it was cool inside. at least that's what i heard. ed: so where haven't we gone yet? ed: let's go... joe: i like this fat guy. ed: he's the merchant. joe: i like the design of him. it's neat. ed: the fat guy's always a merchant. i mean the merchant's always a fat guy. joe: its. neat.

joe: do you wanna buy one of my ed: worms? ed: do you remember that commercial, viewer? joe: yea there was a commercial for gummy worms in like the 90's i think joe: where the kid said 'wanna try one of my worms?' in the back of an elevator joe: and all the adults got really creeped out. ed: but they were just gummy worms. joe: yea. i don't remember what brand of gummy worms ed: it was the only brand of gummy worms... what is that brand?

ed: its... olli. ed: olli? gummy? ed & joe: trolli joe: was it trolli? ed: it was trolli, yea. joe: so yea, look that ad up if you want toooo... ed: if you want to see the 90's. ed: why would you? joe: yea, i don't usually look up that old stuff.

ed: looking up old commercials can sometimes be funny, i guess? joe: a lot of things are better left untouched, though. joe: sometimes you have a great memory of a game, or a show, or something, joe: and then you go back and it's awful. ed: sometimes they're as good as you remember. joe: like recently on game soup arcade we went back and played dodonpachi joe: the arcade game. awesome. joe: like as good as a bullet hell game that would be released today. joe: it's fucking great.

ed: i don't have any memories of that game, but you did. joe: yea. ed: is this-- it looks like a schemada spring (subber's note: i have no idea what that is and i don't know how to spell it. i guess it's a spring of the water kind but google isn't helping) ed: but it looks like it's actually nothing ed: it seems to be doing nothing. ed: alright then. ed: ah, here's another one. another nothing! ed: what's this? ed: god, these floors are huge.

ed: it's kinda claustrophobic because you just get this small space. ed: even though you have the map up here in the corner, you just get this very small space. joe: the map is really nice in this game. ed: yea, i'm a big fan of, god i keep saying this, a good ui. ed: in every game i look at, probably the most important thing is "is the ui good enough to make the game worth playing?" joe: that's a lot of pressure ed: it is a lot of pressure. it's very easy to-- joe: because i have to make the ui pretty soon for our title. heheh ed: oh... no you don't

joe: yea i do. ed: i mean, we don't need a ui, our game's very simple. joe: it is pretty simple, but you still need something. ed: should we enter portal? joe: you need some kind of a ui. there's information to display. ed: yea. yea, i guess. joe: yea, i've never made ui elements or designed a ui before so i'm a little nervous joe: you have any tips or tutorials you can link me to? cause i don't know how to do it. ed: oh, this is gonna be a big boss fight.

ed: what do we need for a weapon... let's get ready here, we're gonna wanna cast this guy first. joe: i'll just look at this game and copy it. joe: i'll just copy the exact artwork! i'll take their sprites and we'll just... ed: sup dude? ed: what's wrong with your eyes? joe: so thanks, spellbind studios. joe: for your stolen assets. ed: he looks powerful. joe: jk, if you don't know our sense of humor. we're not going to be doing that.

ed: "i'm being forced to steal magic from my beloved friends" yea, that's the same excuse i always use. joe: how can we help? joe: so is there a way we can use to free him? ed: we must destroy his body? ed: wow. joe: this guy reminds me of cool. from ed: zoltan cool. joe: from diablo 3. zoltan cool, yea that's his name. joe: he's such a fucking dork

ed: i know. joe: even the skeleton king or the... joe: oh yea, the skeleton king! ed: i thought i equipped this already. ed: oh yea, the skeleton king? god, all the enemies in that game were dorks. joe: but the skeleton king especially. joe: we had an inside joke, this is from before gs, but joe: we used to make fun of the skeleton king mercilessly. ed: oh, i am doing it, i'm so stupid!

ed: that's what that thing is, i keep using it. joe: alright, let's equip, um... joe: stalagmites ed: no, we wanna freeze this guy. ed: we wanna make him chill out a little bit, y'know? ed: the obligatory 'cool' joke ed: this guy might wreck us. ooh, he might wreck us. ooh! joe: you only have 5 potions. ed: and i'm frozen this turn.

ed: hmm, i wonder what happens if we die. joe: you better use that potion. ed: i'm feeling ballsy. i'll do it next turn. ed: oh, he resisted it. ed: oh his weakness is fire and we have no fireball! joe: oh god ed: cool joe: oh i'm falling apart here ed: oh no! our companion died!

joe: i'm falling apart mentally and physically. ed: hmmm ed: that's timed at least. ed: okay, i gotta heal. ed: gotta heal. ed: well, this is a problem. joe: it seems pretty fair, so far. like, the learning curve. joe: you don't take ridiculous amounts of damage early on ed: aww

ed: dude! ed: why'd you go so far away? joe: i think this guy's the dork of this game. ed: he's pretty strong for a dork though ed: pretty strong. joe: well, the skeleton king is pretty strong the first time you encounter him joe: no, not really, he's the first boss. ed: oh my god ed: i'm doing like no damage at all.

ed: he's level 6 though joe: pop him in the head. ed: pop him in the head? you think that'll do it? joe: yea just give him a smack. ed: give him the ol' one two? *thud* joe: heheh, for whatever reason that was really funny. joe: that sound effect. joe: just imagine that, getting popped in the head and just whining.

joe: you got it ed: so it takes a turn to change weapon, whatever you've equipped. ed: oh. alright then. ed: this is bad. i think we're dead. joe: yea, we're getting... oh my god ed: holy shit! ed: we were killed by zoltan cool's cousin. joe: heh ed: now what?

joe: well, we get to see what happens when you die. ed: nothing. joe: this is cool. i like this. this might be my favorite part of the game. joe: this hud. ed: hud. joe: this hub. joe: hub. with a b. that's the word i was looking for. ed: well, it seems that nothing bad happened other than we just got sent back to the beginning. joe: yea you probably just gotta go back in and do that to get to...

joe: did we save that guy at least? joe: maybe not, maybe we just gotta do it again. do you keep your progress? joe: your level-ups? ed: i think we kept the items and everything because-- joe: that is always nice when the let you keep your items but you maybe have to redo the level. joe: but now you're a bit stronger because you got some items out of it. ed: yea, you know what game did that really well? mario rpg. joe: super mario rpg, yup! ed: alright, well, we got back to the hub 1 way or another

ed: let's see if we can find that guy again. joe: colorful graphics. joe: like in super mario rpg. this is another comparison to super maro rpg. i dunno ed: here's another weird thing, this guy is on a real-time cool down. ed: isn't that kinda weird? it's not like "complete 1 dungeon" joe: that is weird. ed: it's a real-time joe: minutes cool down. ed: yea. i wonder if this game is on mobile too. i get the feeling that it is.

joe: yea, that is kinda a mobile-ish mechanic joe: so if you go away from the game and then come back, like later on in the day, joe: maybe he'll be reset. maybe it goes off like your clock or something. ed: but also it has the interface for a mobile game. ed: if it's not on mobile, it should be. ed: but i'm just gonna make a wild guess that it is. joe: but it doesn't feel like a mobile port at all. joe: it doesn't feel like it was a rushed mobile port like a lot of games are. ed: yea, designed for pc and mobile simultaneously if it is on mobile.

ed: it feels like they thought about it. ed: i mean, first impressions, ed: i've been a big fan of the game so far, from what i've played. ed: sword of the infinite. that sounds great. ed: yea, i've been a really big fan of it. i like the ui, like i said. good ui, visuals are really nice, ed: i like the gameplay, even though it's super super slow, it's kinda my speed. ed: i think it's pretty tactical and it has the potential to be a lot more tactical than this. joe: this one gets the gs thumbs up, i'm gonna say. ed: good, good. i'm glad you liked it.

joe: 15 bucks on steam. it's a bargain. ed: yea, it's rogue wizards. go ahead and check it out now.

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