Rabu, 25 Januari 2017

crowned teeth images

welcome to the university of michigan dentistrypodcast series promoting oral health care worldwide. [indistinct talking] when you hold a dia... thumbnail 1 summary
crowned teeth images

welcome to the university of michigan dentistrypodcast series promoting oral health care worldwide. [indistinct talking] when you hold a diamond like this and buryit right to the shank. you will see that the cut is pretty well self limiting and we willtake this diamond into the interproximal as far as we can go without nicking the adjacentteeth. then we'll make a cut half-way through the tooth in this area. again taking it interproxmially. and then one near the incisal.

now we'll make our vertical cut. then we will come to the incisal edge thefull depth of the diameter of the diamond. and then we'll make another vertical cut. then bury this again the full depth of ourdiamond. now you can also take this round bur and useit to open up the embrasure slightly and we will do this with the same diamond. open upthe embrasure on each side of the tooth. now we will start now by reducing the incisalportion. by cutting the little [...] away, bringingthis into the interproximal. now you'll notice here if we can get a profile shot of thisthat is will be done in two planes. this is

the incisal cut and then the cervical cutwill be in this plane because that labial surface of the tooth is curved so it'll bethis type of cut and then this type of cut and that will maintain that curved surface.okay. [drilling continues] now with this diamond without touching theadjacent tooth you can fling this reduction into the interproximal area without scarringthe adjacent tooth and this then will allow an adequate thickness of porcelain into theinterproximal. with the same diamond then this incisal can be reduced and we'll takethe incisal down to the depth of our [...] cut.

now we'll make a finishing line at the lingualsurface. then we're going to change to a chamfer injust a moment and this finishing line was brought out into the interproximal so we havekind of a modified slice that will go into our labial shoulder. the drill bitå¯ into the interproximal. [drilling] we drag the wedelstaedt in a backwards motionacross this labial surface and you can see we'll make then this slight bevel. just breaking,just breaking the corner and making a slight finishing line that's quite sharp that we'llshow on the dye and the lab man will know

where to end the finishing line. i'll alsodo it in this area. just break that at just a slight 45 degree bevel and that bevel isbrought into the interproximal to the slice that we have measured. we'll make this same finishing line with thisfile by holding the instrument along the axis of the tooth and using an adjacent tooth asan anchor you can file this labial portion of the tooth and again make a very smoothbevel here so that there is a very definite sharp finishing line. there's no questionwhen the laboratory looks at your dye where the finishing line is. you have been listening to a presentationfrom the university of michigan's school of

dentistry which is dedicated to supportingopen learning and open educational resources. this recording is licensed under the creativecomments. it may be reused and redistributed for nonprofit use. please attribute materialsto the university of michigan's school of dentistry and redistribute under this samelicense. for more information on how this and other university of michigan school ofdentistry recordings may be used visit www.dent.umich.edu/license.

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