Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

cosmetic flipper teeth

hello, everyone. my name is dr.. tamisha and today. we're going to be talking about implants on your front teeth there are different rea... thumbnail 1 summary
cosmetic flipper teeth

hello, everyone. my name is dr.. tamisha and today. we're going to be talking about implants on your front teeth there are different reasons. why you might need a dental implant to replace your front tooth i'm going to talk about one of the most common even though there are a lot of different reasons but some of the most common reasons i [hear] and reasons we decide to do a dental implant to replace a front tooth one of those first reasons are trauma now trauma is not always something you remember sometimes people can remember having a car accident they can remember having a fight they can remember being hit as a child in their mouth they can remember [a] sports injury in which they fell or

or they just had an accident fell in general so trauma can be known or unknown and most of the time when you see a tooth that is dark in the front or has discolored or has been bonded on multiple occasions usually that's because some sort of trauma has happened, and that trauma can sometimes be fixed with a root canal but oftentimes if the trauma is bad enough and the tooth starts to get infected the choose needs to be taken out and a dental implant is probably a better more permanent solution another reason that people need dental implants in the front of to replace their front teeth is a bad root canal again sometimes you have all the kind of different traumas that happen to the tooth and the previous dentist

root canal the tooth they put a post in the tooth which i can show you in other videos and the post basically means there's not much to begin with so they try to make the tooth taller by placing a little silver screw inside inside of the truth that's not inside your jaw like a dental implant to make it support a crown and then the whole thing kind of just collapses and breaks down and then there's nothing left so now we have to pull the tooth and think about putting a dental implant instead another reason is if you have a bridge again if you have [a] bridge that kind of goes all the way across and those teeth underneath the bridge starts to break down then you would have to shave more teeth in order to replace the bridge so placing a dental implant is a much better

permanent option instead of continuing to break down teeth and link them all together in order to place another bridge that eventually will need to be replaced another more uncommon reason but i do see it often in my teens is maybe you never got that too a lot of times in lateral that's not the two front teeth. that's the next next tooth over just plain didn'it and get it so the baby tooth stays there and the adults who've never came [down] and push that tooth out and if that happens then we need to consider putting a dental implant instead because you're just never going to get the adult tooth if it's a back to a lot of times

i'll tell my patients listen take really good care of that baby tooth because if it ever comes out you're not going to get a replacement you [will] not get a second chance, and that's what we'll discuss placing a dental implant, but in the front it's a lot different you don't want that tiny tooth sitting next to all of your bigger teeth so dental implant is the best way to replace a tooth that you just never got so those are some of the most common reasons that we need to place a dental implant in the front now let's talk about what's the procedure the procedure is i'm not that much different than placing an implant in the back the only difference is the fact that we need [to] consider the

temporary and the reason that the temporary so important is my front tooth this one that one anything in the front was missing i wouldn't want to walk around for three to four months during the healing period of the implant while the implant is under the gum spending time to become a part of my body. i wouldn't want to spend time smiling with no tooth in the front so what we put in the meantime is very important ok one of the first options that we think about placing in the front is called a flipper. now a flipper is basically a pink plastic, please or acrylic piece that has one tooth attached to it and literally you just

snap it into place, and it looks like you have a tooth in the front there look really good they don't look so terrible, but they don't function very well and what i mean function i mean it makes it not so easy to eat with because when you bite down you have to be very careful so social situations can get a little sticky because now you know your front tooth is attached to a piece of something and you kind of have to be very very very careful, so one of the second ways that we can put a temporary in the meantime on you're waiting for your implant to be healed it's sometimes depending on the condition of the tooth next to the place of the implant is we can bond a little fake tooth between now that is almost like the teeth are linked together

it's not always the nicest looking thing because you can see a little bit of stuff stuck between your teeth, but functionally it's a lot better. you don't have to worry about this thing constantly coming out and you're taking it out and putting it on the side because it's stuck inside of your mouth but again there's going to be no corn on the cob and apple cheering for the next three or four months until that implant is healed and then you can eat whatever you like another kind of device [that] we use sometimes it's some sort of we call it an ethics device which looks like an invisalign retainer or tray and we put a tooth inside

and you snap it on and it has the tooth inside. you can smile people just look like you're getting some invisalign done, and they don't really know what's going on. it's not very easy to eat with however it looks pretty good. it just looks like you have invisalign tray some people do choose to not wear anything which i think it's kind of funny but you know depending on how your lip line is and if you can hide the fact that you're missing a tooth for a few months then that is something you can do there are options to put a temporary crown directly onto the implant is that does cause a lot of issues that are not worth sacrificing? healing time to do so that's something that we can discuss and decide which temporary option is best for you now

i always talk to my patients because i give them a flipper or something like that. they say blue i don't like this thing and i say i know and i know because if i thought that you would be happy with something removable that is what i would [give] you but i understand it to be temporary temporary is the key because the dental implant is the most prime option again it's just like you you don't have to think about it. there's nothing to remove there's nothing to think about it all you just have i put it in and that's the end of the story now those are your temporary options again that's something that we can discuss in particular to see which one fits your lifestyle the best now when it comes to the procedure of the dental implant. it's not much different

first and i love to use this little model a lot in my office. let's see if we can get this really close up you look all the way to the front there, [and] you can see a gentle and plan this is a clear model so you can at least get to appreciate what it looks like underneath the gum so most of the time when i have someone who's lost the front tooth the day that we are pulling the tooth we are also placing the implant so on the same day that your tooth gets taken out we place the implant underneath the gums and we cover it up with the gums okay? so you won't even know that anything is under there because that's the healing time now once three or four months have passed and we will talk about that depending on their bone condition then

we will place an abutment, and you will see what an abutment looks like right? so there you go the implant is in abutment is in we will take a mold for the lab to then make a crown for our tooth and usually now everything is very accelerated the procedure time it's much more accelerated when the crown comes back to the lab then we place a new tooth over top and there's your new implant crowns and they usually come out very beautifully of course we choose color and shade and make sure that it matches everything you like and of course because it's the front i spent extra time making sure that you're happy with your new front tooth

i've missed so many people who have lived without a fun. shoot that. they've won on a flipper which is temporary which they were not a partial which is due is not the best option and when they have a dental implant placed on their front tooth, they're so happy to get rid of that slipper and that partial so they no longer have to worry about their front teeth they could smile confident they don't have to wear if something's might come out on accident. so that's the procedure of how we place a dental implant so there you have it those are [all] the reasons that we need dental implants on our front teeth these are one of the most life-changing implants that i place because it gives people so much confidence in their smile and it gives them confidence

that they don't have to continually take something on and off to replace their front teeth and that brown to now becomes white or that tooth that once you had to put it into a cup at nighttime now becomes a permanent solution, so if you're interested [in] dental implants and you want to know how we can help you at martinsville an implant center to replace any of your teeth including front teeth? give our office a call, and we can set up a free consultation you

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