Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

best chew toys for puppies teething

is my baby sick or teething? i don’t knowhow to know. babies get sick a lot, because they put everythingin their mouths. that problem gets... thumbnail 1 summary
best chew toys for puppies teething

is my baby sick or teething? i don’t knowhow to know. babies get sick a lot, because they put everythingin their mouths. that problem gets worse when they are teething, because they put everythingin their mouths. i heard that a fever could be a sign of both. a 99 degree temperature could be either one.a fever over a hundred is always illness, never teething. what about whining and complaining? i think that’s just having a baby who isuncomfortable, regardless of the cause. but a teether will have a normal appetite unlessthey’re swallowing everything they find

on the floor, whereas a sick baby won’teat as much. will sick kids sleep more? they might. a teether will nap normally, whereasa sick baby will probably sleep longer and may nap more. i think she may have a sore throat. a teether’s gums will hurt, and they’llchew on this to make it feel better. but teething won’t make a baby reluctant to swallow,make their voice hoarse or cause coughing. i’ve heard everything from tummy troublesto teething blamed for this. here’s another dividing line – the diaper.

what about the diaper? if the baby is sick, they may poop more, havelooser poops or put out poop of many colors. a teether’s poop will be the same albeityucky stuff. what if the baby is pooping less? give the baby cheerios or other small buthard and safe for kids chewable foods. a teether will chew on it and eat it, whereas a sickkid will listlessly play with it for a little while but hardly eat any. why not give the kid chew toys? a teether will love a cold, chewy kid chewtoy. though you have to be careful that the

teether doesn’t go after the dog’s chewtoy, because of the germs. actually, that might explain a lot.

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