Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

best chew toys for teething lab puppies

hi guys! are you having problems with your dogs chewingthings? if so, we're here with our top five tips tostop this destructive behaviou... thumbnail 1 summary
best chew toys for teething lab puppies

hi guys! are you having problems with your dogs chewingthings? if so, we're here with our top five tips tostop this destructive behaviour. first of all though it's really importantto remember that puppy chewing is a really important part of the teething process, soyou need to make sure that you have got lots of chew toys around for your puppy. adult dogs are likely to chew because theyare bored, or simply just for fun. and ripping things up like paper can sometimesbe a part of relieving their anxiety, so all of these things are really important to remember.

okay so tip number one is to make sure thatyour puppy and dog proofing your house. when puppies are puppies we remember to putour shoes away in cupboards and perhaps keep our pup in a crate when we're not there tosupervise. however people start to forget that you mightneed to do these kinds of behaviours for adult dogs as well. tip number two is to give your dog a chewtoy instead. by simply interrupting the behaviour if yourdog does start to chew on something inappropriate, you're going to be teaching him what he canand can't chew. this is called positive reinforcement andit's really important in any part of training

your dog. tip number three is using bad tasting repellantsand sprays. now you can pick these up from any good petstore, usually they will have a bitter apple or a lemon taste. these are tastes that dogs don't like. if the dog chews on something and he decidesthat the taste isn't good then it is likely that he will not chew on this thing again. so these are really good for things like furniture- things that you really can't afford your dog to start chewing.

now, tip number four is to simply give yourdog plenty of exercise. for many destructive behaviours includingchewing it can sometimes be down to a lack of exercise in your dog. he's simply bored, or looking for attention. exercise also produces endorphins which releasea calming effect on your dog, so it's really really important to make sure that your doghas plenty of exercise. tip number five is to make sure that it isnot separation anxiety. many of these destructive behaviours includingchewing things up or tearing things up, is actually a sign of a more serious problemsuch as separation anxiety.

if this is a new behaviour in your dog oryou suspect that it might be something more serious, then please do make sure that youtake him to the vets as soon as you can. i'll pop a link in the description below formy video about how to deal with dogs with separation anxiety. now you might remember from last weeks videowe had a little competition on to win this lovely little lead! we're really pleased to announce that lizyou are the winner of this weeks competition, so if you can send through your address then we'll send over your lead for you.

but fear not, we have another competitionon this week, again we want all of your top tips for dogs left in the comment sectionbelow for your chance to win this awesome little chew toy. now this is one of the perfect toys for distractingyour dog from chewing things that are not meant to be chewed! so if you'd like to win this then leave yourtop tip in the comments section below - we're really looking forward to hearing them allfrom you. now we really hope that you enjoyed today'svideo, if you did please do give us a big thumbs up, and if you haven't already thenmake sure you hit that subscribe button now!

but that's it from us for now, we'll see youagain next week, bye!

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