Sabtu, 07 Januari 2017

benefits of capping your teeth

well, the republicans havefinally announced how they are going to repeal and replaceobama care, the affordable care act. it is not good news... thumbnail 1 summary
benefits of capping your teeth

well, the republicans havefinally announced how they are going to repeal and replaceobama care, the affordable care act. it is not good news. to be fair, it's beenon who you are. if you are young, there isactually a little bit of good news in there. if you are old, not so much. if you are rich, wonderfulnews and there.

if you are poor need healthinsurance, not so much. let's go to description. the plan endorsed by housespeaker paul ryan by contrast to obama care offers lessfinancial assistance to low income people, likely resultingin millions of americans losing the health coverage theyhave today, and provides tax credits to people withhigher incomes. well, isn't that nice of them. the bill scraps key consumerprotections.

consumers, do we really haveto protect them? why do we protect the richinstead? the legislation as a vehicle formassive tax cuts for rich people and corporations, beforeby slashing assistance to poor and middle-class people. enjoy. if you are by the way one ofthose poor elderly people who voted for donald trump thinkingi am finally going to get change, congratulations.

you are about to get change. now i am going to give you thedepth of how much your bill can go up in a second, but before wedo that actually, let's pause here to bring in donald trump because i was led to believe bytrump during the campaign that you were not going to lose yourinsurance and it wasn't going to cost you anymore and you aregoing to get all the benefits. phones for everybody, carsfor everybody. you get a car, you get a car.

you think i'm kidding. what, it's not hyperbole. was trumped out what your planfor obama care? >> obama care is going to berepealed and replaced on it is a disaster. if you look at what is going onwith premiums where they are up 45, 50, 55%. >> audio fix-it? >> there many ways by the way.

everybody has to be covered. this is an un-republican thingto say because a lot of times they say no the lower 25%can afford private. >> universal healthcare. >> i'm going to take care ofeverybody, i don't care because we both are not everyoneis going to be think much better than their tinkerbell. >> the uninsured person is goingto be taken care of? >> yes.

i would make a deal withexisting hospitals to take care of you. and you know what, >> "the hoop is requested >> the government are going topay for it people are going to be able to negotiate great planswith lots of different competition, with lots ofcompetitors, with great companies and they can havetheir doctors, their plans, they can have everything.

>> turns out, not so much. universal healthcare, paid forby the government, and they can have everything. that is what he justpromised you. that's what you just saw. rewind and watch itagain if you want. that would actually be fairlyprogressive. it would be much more progressive thanobama care.

that is not what we got here. we got pretty much theexact opposite. the bill doesn't say how wouldpay for it spending after scrapping the taxes thatfinanced the affordable care act. the taxes that went to the richand large corporations and obama care wasn't because obamaand the democrats are socialists who hate rich people. no, it's because you had to finda way to pay for it.

stuff doesn't grow on trees. you have to be responsible. it actually decrease thedeficit. did you know that? the affordable care act actuallydecrease the deficit. it was planned to. when you take awaythose taxes that went to the rich and giant corporations,they need to have any money

left. then you have created a gianthole in the deficit and you can't pay for the plan. remember when scott kelly askedhim, what about the hospitals? who's gonna pay for? the government. with whose money? in fact, the house republicanleaders are poised to move the measure forward beforescorekeepers of the

congressional budget office havemade an assessment. because that is a nonpartisangroup when they come in and they say yeah, you just put like$1 trillion hole in the deficit the republicans aregoing to be likeã–. sorry we artie passed it. what can we do? deficit? don't worry about it,they don't matter. this is highly irresponsible.

now let's get to the detailsof what it does. it does give cheaper premiumsfor younger and healthier people and new tax breaks for moreaffluent or affluent consumers. if you are rich or you areyoung, you do get a little bit of a break. keep a row, that does happentype you are young and healthy as long as you are sure you aregoing to stay healthy you don't have to payquite as much. if you're one of those peoplethat doesn't care about other

people or what might happen toyou later down the line you are like score. everyone else. as a her? higher out-of-pocket cost,higher premiums for older and sicker people, and ultimatelymany more uninsured. that's the thing aboutinsurance. i am healthy now that mypositive i'm going to be healthy next year or five yearsfrom now, tomorrow?

that is i began health insurancebecause we are not really sure, are we? as long as you are healthy now,yeah, you want to pay that much because it doesn't cost the healthcare companies andinsurance companies that much to ensure you. but the minute you turn said,sad day for you. that is the whole point ofhealth insurance. because we think we're going toget sick at some point and you

don't cover those peopleas much. well then, what is the point? it is a very clever plan thatthey've come up with. your fine if you're healthy. when you get sick though, goodluck. the affordable care act limitedinsurers from charging older customers within three timeswhat they charge younger adults. the house bill would raise thatthe fine times that this may enable younger consumers to findcheaper coverage, but older

policyholders would facehigher rates. now i want to explain to youwhy they do that. it is not that the insurancecompanies he older people. that would be a very randomdiscrimination. no, older people get sick ormore, they are more likely to have bigger health problems andit is more likely to cost them money. if all you cared about was afree market, you would say that's it, once you get to acertain age doesn't pay me to

cover you so go ahead and die. you are not going to be able toafford in leisure incredibly wrists and then when you getsick, you're going to die. free market, request that wedon't like that not only is americans all across the world. in fact, we are far moreright-wing than the rest of developed world, the rest ofwestern society, the rest of europe, etc. those folks have figured out,hey, the point of insurance is

to make sure we are all okaywhen we get sick, when we get older. when we need healthcare. now this program basically saysif you are healthy, that is okay but if you are older, i know they have to charge you more. even obama care, older peoplecould be charged up to three times more than younger people. this plan moves it to fivetimes as much.

if you are an older american whothatcher was going to deliver for you, you have anotherthought coming to you. if you thought your insurance isgoing to be cheaper, you have a lot of new thoughts comingyour way and a lot of new bills coming your way. insurers could charge higherpremiums to people who did not maintain continuous coverage ã±a lapse of more than 63 days ã± 30% more for their policieswhen they sign a big and. now, it gets complicated in theweeds here, but it is funny.

that provision is criticized byboth sides. the right wing says no, weshould cover them at all. who cares? let them deal with it. i don't want to give any moneyaway to people who need insurance if they can'tafford it. that is called welfare. i don't want it. on the other hand, if youthought, well, i don't worry

about pre-existing conditionsanymore and republicans know that is popular, that obama caregot rid of the pre-existing condition loophole that thehealthcare companies used to use, health insurance companies,and they said don't worry, don't worry about pre-existingconditions. night have to worry againbecause you switched jobs, you lose insurance for some reason,they're going to crank up your premiums the minute they have anopportunity to. cheaper for you?

no. what happened? i thought it was going to becheaper for everyone? starting in 2020, the federalgovernment would no longer provide those federal funds for people who newly qualify underthe expanded eligibility standards. less people qualifying to getcoverage through medicaid plus medicaid gets turned into block

grants and they are capped sothey do not necessarily meet the needs of the citizens ofthat particular state. if after a while it doesn't keepup with inflation and there's just not enough money, onceagain, that is called sad day for you. you no longer have insurance. did i say everybody wouldbe insured? why did you trust me? i am donald trump and by theway, i am a republican.

did you not get the memo afterall of these years that the republicans work for their rich donors whether they are richindividuals or they are multinational corporations. they sign the checks and therepublicans work for them. if you say a lot of timesdemocrats work for them too, i hear you brother. in fact, obama care was not somesort of left-wing proposal thought is almost exactly theheritage foundation's, the

original proposal that theheritage foundation is a right-wing thing think that'sthe same plan that mitt romney did massachusetts. your two options were right-wingand massively, ridiculously right-wing. that is what happens when thedonors write the checks and buy off all of our politicians. i don't know what the next stepis but some conservatives are promising it.

national reviews against this,the coke brothers against this, they say this toolenient on the poor. we didn't put our boot firmlyenough on their neck. those guys still might somehow,some of them still be able to retain insurance. justin amash, anotherrepublican conservative calls this plan, district coney and plan obama care 2.0. it's never enough.

why do they care? when was the last time a poorperson wrote a check to republican? if you're not writing checks tothem, you don't exist. you think they are for you? you have no idea what you aretalking about. how this gets resolved at theend is going to be very interesting dynamic because theyhave to keep a couple dozen republicans in the house,assuming all the democrats voted

against it and with democrats and their craven ability to itsell out and to capitulate to republicans i wouldn't bank onthat, but if they lose some conservative republicans theymay not be able to pass the bill. in the senate, they only have atwo-person majority so you lose basically three because thevice president could break the tie, use the republicans andsenators in the senate you will be able to pass inthe senate.

again, don't worry, corporateshills like joe mansion pretending to be a democrat willprobably step up to the play and help trump the republicans,but you have to be careful about each vote that the moderatesdon't like this either, even the moderate republican so letme tell you that. a monday afternoon, republicansenators rob portman, shelley moore capito, cory gardner andlisa murkowski all from states have expanded medicaid warn thatthey could not vote for a bill that took away federal moneyfor the expansion.

so it is not a done deal yet. there are not many moderaterepublicans at all in congress, but hey, therefore that are kindof moderate in this case because the people in their own states would be crushed by this billand they are not going to be happy about it so let them know. let those senators know, let themoderate republicans, however two or three of them thatremain, let the conservative republicans know about the onesthat are just regular old

massively right-wingrepublicans. let the democrats know, if theyare going to take away your insurance, they're going toincrease your insurance let them know that you are nothappy with that. is a dictatorship yet inamerica, they actually have to pass laws. this is proposed legislation, bythe way, another part of this is also disastrous. they would in essence to fundplanned parenthood and not allow

your health insurance to get, tocover abortion if you want the tax credits to be applied to it. that makes covering abortionmuch more difficult to planned parenthood, tiny percent of thatis abortion, most of it just helps poor people andmiddle-class people particularly women dive you don't like itthere defunding it then fight. this is not law yet and theyfought obama care to the nail. when obama care was proposed,the media would not stop talking about it - it needsto get republicans

to agree with the democrats. the republicans were never goingto agree with the democrats because that is not what this isabout. it is not a debate of ideas. they were always going to do thebidding of their donors. they all voted against it. now i don't hear the mediatalking about any democratic votes.

no, all of a sudden you don'tneed bipartisanship. that is okay. got to the republicans and thedemocrats are wavering, absolutely go after them as wellto make sure this is a real fight. they filed obama care for atleast a year and they scraped out incredibly importantprovisions like the public option that could've made itmore affordable. let's actually fight this timefor doing the right thing for

getting better coverage andhaving a lot more people insured in a humane way.

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