♪ (ragtime music) ♪ - ♪ sexy boys ♪ ♪ fancy boys ♪ ♪ playboys ♪ - (unsure) okay... - ♪ i fink u freeky ♪ ♪ and i like you a lot ♪ ♪ (light rave music) ♪ - it looks like some kind of primitive art.
♪ (rhythmic breakbeat) ♪ ♪ (rhythm speeds up) ♪- i like the rhythm. - it's got rhythm. i'll give 'em that. - ♪ mother[bleep] get buzzed off... ♪- oh my god! i can't stand rats. - ♪ glow-in-the-dark rave, aura pumping ♪ ♪ it's nice and different,yo [bleep] the system ♪ - damn. - ♪ step into my world,nou's jy tuis in paradys ♪
- not exactly the beatles, huh? - ♪ i fink u freeky and i like you a lot ♪ - are they in costumes or that's really them? - ♪ i fink u freeky... ♪- that guy's too weird. the guy's beating a dead lion. - ♪ i fink u freaky and i like you a lot ♪ - ♪ hold up! ♪ (rapping) ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa wait a minute-minute-minute ♪ ♪ jesus christ ♪
- one thing, they picked all the good-looking people here. - ♪ back in the day them dwankies ♪ - are these legitimate artists that have a record deal? - i'm totally lost. - ooh, i kind of like this. ♪ (tempo intensifies) ♪ - it looks like tweaker heaven. - oy, does she even cut her hair? and those teeth!
- is this an advertisement for dental work? ♪ (music grows frantic) ♪ - looks like someone had a real heavy acid trip. - interesting, unusual characters. - well, very creative.a little bit out there. - (whispering) ♪ i think u freeky... ♪- oh, look at that. oh, nice effect. - well, that's rather disturbing. - interesting and confusing.
- they crazy. straight out. ♪ (unsettling rave music) ♪ - she's gonna jump? - ♪ black cats ♪ ♪ white cats ♪ ♪ all my zef cats ♪ - oh, it's about animals now. - ♪ big dog in the place to be! ♪ (aggressively) ♪ pit bull! ♪- pit bull... terrier.
- (giggling) it's so stupid! - (rapping) ♪ ... for bad boy ♪ - i can see this getting a lot of views,but just who's viewing it? - ♪ you're making me crazy ♪ - i like the beat of this. - ♪ all work and no play ♪- ew! - ♪ make ninja a dull boy ♪ ♪ black cat... ♪- oh man, it's just gross. - ♪ white cat ♪
♪ all my zef cats look out ♪ - it's not that i'm grossed out.it's not that i'm freaked out. it's just boring as hell. - (viciously) ♪ pit bull ♪- (wispily) ♪ terrier ♪ - oh god! that would scare meto death if that happened. ♪ (energetic rave music) ♪ - a bloody, bloody face. - i... i have no idea what it is,but it's pretty bloody and disgusting.
♪ (rave music) ♪ - it's darth va-- no, mrs. darth vader. ♪ (beat mellows) ♪ - (coyly) ♪ here, boy ♪ ♪ are you crazy? ♪- she's gonna tame him, huh? - ♪ down, boy ♪ - i have no idea what this is all about. (laughing) - (aggressively) ♪ [bleep] with the ultimate ♪ ♪ [bleep] [bleep] with the ultimate ♪
♪ [bleep] ultimate ♪ - they sure put a lot of time, effort, and money into this thing. ♪ (beat speeds up) ♪ ♪ (slow breakbeat) ♪ (sharp gasp)- ♪ pit bull terrier ♪ ♪ [bleep] with the ultimate ♪ ♪ pit bull terrier ♪- ew. - ♪ i am a pit bull terrier ♪- it's so gross. - ♪ ultimate pit bull terrier ♪
- this is pretty fricking stupid, dudes. - ♪ a pit bull terrier ♪ you [bleep] with the ultimate! (echoing) - this is the sickest of the sickest i've seen. - that was brutal, but very creative. - gotta give them a for thinking of some really amazing crap that i've never seen before. - that is weird! what is it? (movie reel clicks)
- (finebros) okay, so whatdid you think about the videos you just experienced?- well, it's very interesting. it's very creative. - visually, they're wonderful. the music, it's awful. - that was disgusting. there's no redeeming quality to it. - somebody put a lot of time, money, and effort behind being as extreme as they possible could,
which i thought was such an effort that it went way over the topand subsequently became incredibly boring. - i think when we do stuff like this for the public to see, it shouldn't be as crazy because you gotta think about the young people and what they look at,and what they see. - it's very extreme. it's something like i've never seen before. - (finebros) well, this was the musical artist die antwoord, which is afrikaans for "the answer."
they're a south african rap/rave group.- oh, okay. - i knew of rap.what's rap/rave? like when you combine rap and rave? - (finebros) some people have wonderedif their music and videos are a joke or a hoax because it's so extreme. what do you think?- what do i think it is? i think it's obviously tryingto tell a story. i don't think it's an entire hoax. - extreme on purpose.extreme sells.
i mean, they're looking for a niche. they're looking to make a namefor themselves. - i don't know and i don't care. um, it's just not something i would ever listen to, especially listen to or watch again. - (finebros) one of die antwoord's lead musicians, ninja, has said that he sees their workas an exaggerated experience. he says "people are unconsciousand you have to use your art as a shock machine to wake them up."
do you find any truth to that statement?- i wouldn't go that far. - no, that's not gonna wake anybody up. it's just gonna make 'em disgusted. - yes, people need to wake up but i'm not worried about themwaking up to this kind of music. i'm worried about them waking upto the political situation and all different situationswe need to actually work on and make better for people. but this, no.
- people are sitting back. there's wars here, there's war there,and we don't think about it. we just go with our daily live,so maybe that is a good way to wake people up and make themat least think about what's going on in the world. - (finebros) the band has saidthat their style incorporates elements of zef culture,which is an afrikaans slang word, and the band describes it as "you're poor, but you're fancy," that you don't care what anyone else thinks of you.
after hearing this, can you see how this type of culture was represented in their videos?- definitely. - yeah, they certainly don't care what people think of 'em. - no, i think they cared deeply about what people think. or why would they have goneto that kind of effort? that's a lot of production! - i don't know enough about their culture to tell you that. i can see the shock value,but i don't see the interpretation of the culture.
- (finebros) well, the band has a cult-like following, with fans who praise the band for their creativity and originality. there are many fans who have even been inspired to become creative themselvesand have produced fan art of the band. what do you think about the band sparking creativity to people? - um, art's a wonderful thing. i'm a film school graduate,so art is just great. - it's very vivid and colorful. i guess you could get inspired by it. (laughing)
maybe i have to be younger to get inspired by it. - the younger kids and younger people have a visual and emotional attachmentto what they see. they can see somethingin it that i don't see, and obviously so. there's a difference in my culture and their culture and backgrounds. - you might inspire those people, but it's not inspiring them to anything good. creativity isn't always a good thing. i mean, i can show you 16 ways to set yourself on fire,
but that's not a good thing. - do i find this shocking?no, i find it stupid. (laughing) you know? but if other people find it inspiringand this is their muse, that's the beauty of music is there's gonna be something for absolutely everybody. - i hope it doesn't inspirenegative behavior. it's what i'm more worried about, which proves i'm an old person, you know?
i'm worried about "(sternly) now kids!" - (finebros) the band has a new album coming out soon and they put out a teaser for their new music video recently. would you like to watch it?- oh, okay. - yes. (banging table)- bring it on, man. - (reluctantly) i don't think so. i want to sleep tonight! (laughing) - i have a feeling if i said no,it wouldn't make any difference
whether i wanted to watchthe goddamn thing or not. - (huskily) ♪ she gets everything she wants ♪ - that caught me. - but her eyes are incredible. other parts of her are incredible too, but (laughing). - ♪ she'll [bleep] your whole life ♪(childish giggle) ♪ with a little gucci coochie ♪(sensual moan) - what was that?! - that's it?
- wow. it makes you want more, doesn't it? - (finebros) oh, did you want to see more?- no. (laughing) - thanks for watching this episode of elders react. - if you like what you saw, then hit that subscribe button. - let us know in the comments what we should react to next. - thanks for watching and goodbye, everyone. ♪ (song concludes) ♪
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