hi, this is a special video version of the frugal frog column for tujawellness.com i'm valerie and today we are going to upcycle old jeans and t-shirts into fun dog toys really super simple what we need to do is create strips from our old clothes, these are clothes that are not suitable to donate like these jeans. what you want to do is just snip the bottom hem, like that, don't cut it all the way up you are going to rip it! it's going to rip all the way up the leg. the reason that you want to rip instead of snip is because you'll have few fibres coming off it. and we'll just do one more snip here, show you how easy that is. you want you strips to be between and inch and 2 inches, that's what you're going to be working with. then you are just going to snip it off at the base, there until you have enough to put together in a braid.
now you can braid with 3 or 6 or 12 if you want, depending on how thick you want it to be. just put a nice solid knot in the bottom there, and then just start braiding. really straight forward, nice tight braid. if you've never braided before it's as easy as taking the right strand putting it in the middle then the left strand into the middle. right strand again, repeat all the way down until you end up with something like this. put another big double knot in the bottom give it a good, good pull, a bit of a workout, make sure that it's not going to come apart on your dog. and the other option is to put an extra knot right in the middle just depends on what your dog likes. okay, let's move on to the t-shirts. we are going to be creating a little bit of a pull toy here or a little throw toy so, you are going to need an old tennis ball for this one and you are going to do the same, you are going to create strips out of your old t-shirts. we've got an old ratty t-shirt here. same thing, you want rip instead of snip
t-shirts tend to rip horizontally along the bottom. so, cut up the seam and then just rip your strip all the way across the front of the back of your t-shirt. and, chop it off. that's all we need. and then we've got 6 here that we are going to feed through our tennis ball so, take your tennis ball. you are going to just open up a little bit of a hole there, see we've already started on this side and i'm going to flip it over and i'm going to cut in the other direction so that the ball is less likely to split in half you don't want it to be too big of a hole, you can always make it bigger you can't make it smaller here's the trick. there's our hole there. you need a pencil to help guide the fabric through the holes. so, just slip your pencil or your fabric right on to your pencil there and poke it through the hole hopefully it comes out the other end. there it is, keep going until you've got something to hold on to, and then you pull you pencil back out. like that. you are going to do that 5 more times. alright, that's my sixth one there, bit of a workout.
and i am just going to pull them so that they are all pretty much equal on this end here. pretty even. you don't have to be really picky about it. and then, i am going to make a knot on this end - all strands through there - make sure it's a good double knot and then really, really pull. another workout for you. there you go now that's a pretty big knot given the size of the slit that i did on my tennis ball so it's not going to come through i'm confident that i can leave it like that. if you had a bigger hole in your tennis ball, then you might want to do a double knot. now, we are going to also put a little bit of a knot at the bottom, just to make sure that ball isn't going anywhere and i am just going to do this kind of knot here. and now, basically we are just going to braid it out. two strands in each one. just like that. keep braiding and after you've completed that you should have something that looks a little bit like this. put a good double knot in the end there, you definitely don't want it coming apart.
and, you're ready to play! good for the planet, good for the pocketbook and definitely good for you and your four-legged friends.
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