hi! this is elise mcmahon for expert village.comand in this video series we are talking about puppy care. if you would like to find outmore about my services, you can visit my website at canineheadstart.com. we are going to talkabout puppy toys in this little video. it is very important you keep your puppy engaged.if you do not keep your puppy engaged with appropriate objects, then he is going to findinappropriate objects to amuse himself with. so we are going to talk a little bit aboutwhat might be something that you can use with your dog to play with. one great idea is somethingcalled a cong. it has got a little hole in it and you can actually stuff this with kibble;i am putting dog food in there and also putting little bits of freeze-dried liver in there,we just shove that right into the cong and
that makes a great toy for the puppy to playwith and great thing to put in his crate. what is going to happen is the puppy willknock this around, chew on it and play with it until he gets the food out. it gives himsomething to do, gives him an activity. another type of toy that you can play with, with yourpuppy is a ball; there are tons of different kinds of balls. this one is a fun ball, ithas got a lots of fun colors, so that is fun for the humans, it is a soft rubber, it bounces,you can throw it or you can roll it and the puppy can play with it by himself. anotherkind of toy you can play with your puppy is one of the speciality toys. this is a lobster,it is a squeaky toy, and it is soft, lot of fun for the puppy to play with. you can playwith interactive toys; these toys are coming
there with actually couple of different kinds,there is beehives and bird’s nest. this one is a squirrel’s tree house; you cansee the squirrels come in and out, the nest is hollow here, so you can put toys rightin here, have the toys right in here like that and the puppies can come around, bitethis, play with it, pull the toys out and then they squeak as well. again it is veryimportant that you play with your puppy with toys that are appropriate for them to playwith, so you teach them that these are the toys that they can play with and they shouldnot be playing with arms of chairs, legs of chairs, shoes, and socks and things like that.
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