- hi youtube friends! i hope you're having an amazing new year, i wanted to start off the newyear with a request video. a lot of you have noticedmy teeth transformation, so i am here to talk about it. first of all, i'm gonnatalk about my oral hygiene 'cause i think it's reallyimportant to talk about that, and then i'm gonna betalking about invisalign, and my experience with that,and then i'll move on to zoom
and then veneers, and so let's go ahead and get started with oral hygiene. as far as toothpastesgo, i am not very picky, i use any toothpaste out there, and i like to clip coupons onsundays from the sunday paper, so once i have a 75 cent off coupon i'll go to the grocery storeand i'll use, you know, colgate and if crest has a 50 centoff coupon i'll use crest. but as far as floss,i noticed since i have
had veneers and also even invisalign, my teeth are really crowdedso it's really hard to floss and regular floss makes my gums bleed, so when i use glide it works better. so i like to use tom's,which is a very fresh type of mouthwash without the alcohol. there's a lot of gunk thatis stuck in the tongue that causes a lot of bad breath, so i use a tongue scraper,i think it's important,
and back in the day i woulduse a manual toothbrush 'cause i thought that that was fine, and i would replace it,like, you know, every month. and my dentist actually recommended that i get an electric toothbrush. so now i use a dazzleproelectric toothbrush, and it actually has been thebest thing i've ever done. it has a timer, and i canbrush my teeth for two minutes and it turns off automaticallyafter two minutes.
that way i won't haveto, like, set a timer or know if i brushed myteeth for two minutes or not because it's recommended that you do brush your teeth for two minutes. and i like that mytoothbrush has a setting, it has like a slow,medium, and high setting so you can brush your teethlike insanely fast or do it slow i like that it has intensity settings. and also my favorite partis that it has a uv light
like a bucket in the back of it, where you can sanitizeyour toothbrush heads every single time for seven minutes and it kills rid of 99.9%of bacteria and germs which is an amazing thing,and a lot of people don't know that you're supposed tosanitize your toothbrushes. i never really used electrictoothbrush until now, but i love it because my teeth feel so clean after i brush my teeth,
i just wanna do this,you know, like touch it with your tongue, because it's so smooth it's like you went to the dentist and got it professionally clean. that's how it feels every time, and it doesn't feel like thatwith a manual toothbrush. which is really awesome. so moving on to invisalign. so you know i started working as a teacher
and i didn't make a lotof money as a teacher it's common knowledge that these teacher, they don't make a lot of money, so you know i would set aside some money every month to be ableto pay for invisalign. and at the time, invisalignfor me and my severity and how crooked my teeth were was $5,500. now i see them for around $3,000 because they're not asnew as when i got them
and so i'm just gonnago ahead and walk you through the steps on how i got invisalign. so i went to my dentistand i got a consultation, and they told me thati could get invisalign. so after you get your first consultation they take a mold of your tooth, and then they take that clay mold and they send it to a lab, and the lab creates these plastic aligners
that are called invisalign aligners and you can remove them whenyou eat, which is a bonus, but you're supposed to have them on for 22 out of 24 hoursof the day, which i think in my personal experienceis nearly impossible because i'm a slow eater. so i had it for, like i had mine on for maybe 20 out of the 24 hours. and also you have to bring atoothbrush and a toothpaste
with you everywhere you go, 'cause after you eat youhave to brush your teeth before you put on your invisaligns, oh and bring your floss too. so that was not thatgreat, invisalign was a lot of hard work and you haveto visit your dentist as much as you do a regularorthodontist for braces because you don't getyour invisalign aligners, like, they don't hand you all the sets,
you have to go every twoweeks or every four weeks to see the progress, andthen they're gonna add more bumps to it. so they place these bumps on your teeth and that'll adhere to the plastic aligners and then you wear the aligners, and the aligners are so painful. and every two weeks youchange your plastic aligners, and you put on a new one,and it moves your teeth
slowly but surely tokind of straighten it. after the 13th week or the 13th treatment, my treatment was over, and my teeth were still extremely crooked. there wasn't much that went on with the crooked tooth on the front. since invisalign didn't work for me, i decided to get veneers. veneers are extremely expensive,
they're about $1200 per tooth, but since my dentist knew that invisalign didn't work for me twice,she gave me a discount and charged me $1000 per tooth. i'm gonna go ahead and talk about that. but first what they did, is they gave me zoom teeth whitening for free, i think they did that'cause they felt sorry for me that invisalign didn't work.
and what zoom is, it's aprofessional teeth whitening, so they open your mouth really big and they put this thing on you and it makes your mouthlike really big and open, and then they put gel on your teeth and they whiten your teeth with the gel, and then there's like a uv light, and they do it for 15 minute intervals and i was scared at first,'cause i have had friends
that had, you know, zoom whitening and they were tellingme how painful it is. but after like, you know, four treatments of the 15 minute intervals it was an hour, and i had felt no pain. but when i was drinkingsome water afterwards there was some sensitivity there, but my teeth were so white. like, they were like yellow, to white.
so like the before andafter is ridiculous. and then after getting my teeth whitened, they kinda like matched the shade, and they matched it to a shade called b1, which is the whitest shade youcan get for natural veneers. so moving on to veneers now. so when i got veneers, my dentist told me that the whitest shade was b1. but that's not true,because i did some research
after i got veneers, and i found out that there's a bleach line,they're called bl shades, and they're like thereally crazy white shades. but my dentist didn'ttell me that there was, that that option was available, so i got b1, which is a natural white. it's not, like, ridiculously white, but it's, you know, anatural person's white. you know, not like a really crazy,
celebrity white white, likeross-white in friends white, if you guys watch that show. and so with veneers, they go ahead and get a molding of your teeth and then they send it to the lab and then you get these temporary veneers that you wear for two weeks. what they do is, they drill your teeth so veneers is a permanent decision.
you cannot ever go back to your old teeth, it's permanent, it's alifelong permanent decision, and so i want you guys to know that. so they drill your teeth toreally really small stubs, and you get a lot of anesthesia. the procedure takes almost two hours, and it's extremelypainful, and the anesthesia wore off for me, so theyhad to do it so many times i swear it was like 10 to15 shots of anesthesia.
but after you get the anesthesia, you know, it numbs up,but the numbness goes away after, you know, 30 minutes,or for my case it did, so they had to shootup a lot of anesthesia. but after that, you know, they do, after they drill the little stubs, and your teeth are left to little stubs, they put the temporary veneers. and the temporary veneer,the adhesive isn't as strong,
so when i left, myteeth chipped right away and they couldn't really mend it. so i had to wait two weeks,and walk around two weeks with like a chipped looking tooth. then i went back and igot permanent veneers, and what they do is, they give you more local anesthesia all over, they give you shots everywhere, and then they use like this hammer
and they hammer off the temporary ones. it's crazy, they hammer it offand remove the temporary ones and after they remove the temporary ones they put on your permanent,porcelain veneers which is a whiter shade ofwhite than your temporaries, and they glue it on witha really sticky adhesive and they use a light to keep the glue on and it takes less than two hours. the temporary veneer procedure,
when they had to drill theteeth, was like two hours. and then the second time around when you get your permanent veneers it's around an hour long. but after that, you know, yourteeth are perfectly perfect and they're exactly theway you had asked for. so when i first saw it myteeth were really long, they got me really longveneers, and i was, i asked them to kindof like shave it down.
and my dentist was allabout making my veneers look like they were"naturally mine" and not fake so they still look like they're mine because they have imperfectionslike a real person would, 'cause real people don'thave perfectly, perfectly straight, like, straight, you know, teeth. they have, you know, shape,and personality to them so my dentist did that to me,he made this tooth shorter, he made this tooth longer,and it's not supposed to look
like they're fake, but they are, because i'm telling you guys they are. but it's supposed tolook like you were born with these teeth, and the only thing that i am extremely unpleasantly disappointed about having veneers, is that my teeth are sosensitive to cold and hot. i actually called mydentist, and they told me that i had to get a rootcanal for the whole area.
so that might happen to you guys if you get veneers and your teeth are extremely sensitive to colds, cold food, cold drinks, youmight have to get a root canal. i don't ever plan toget my root canal yet, but i might have to ifit becomes as severe. here is my before and afterwith invisalign, to veneers. as you can see, my invisalignteeth were a lot whiter, those were my natural teeththat were whitened by zoom.
and then with my veneersthey're a little yellow, and veneers can't bewhitened, unfortunately, so i can never get them anywhiter than what they are. and they are the b1 shade,which is supposed to be the whitest naturalshade in the teeth line. i wish i got the bleachline, that's kinda new, but my dentist didn't give me that option so i'm left with this shade,i can never whiten it, which is really sad'cause i love white teeth.
but overall i'm really happywith my teeth transformation and here is a picture of mybefore picture before everything and this is my after. that was quite a transformation, and i'm really happy i did it. it was extremely expensive, i think it was i think it was around $10,000 for my whole teeth transformation, and i know you guys are thinking
that's a crazy amount ofmoney to spend on teeth, but it meant a lot to me, i really love having, you know, better teeth. i have more confidence, i talkmore with my teeth showing, i don't like do this anymore,and i'm just really grateful that i finally got my teeth fixed. and, you know, at the timei was a struggling teacher but i managed to, you know,save every single month to get this, to make this happen,
because it's been a dream ofmine to finally fix my teeth. so if you ever feel discouraged that you can't afford tofix your teeth, you can if you save up every singlemonth, little bit little. so thank you friends so much for watching, i hope this video was helpful. if you have anymorequestions about invisalign, zoom teeth whitening, veneer, let me know and i will happily answer them.
thank you so much for watching, i hope that you subscribe, and i'll see you in my very next video! bye!
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