so are you curious to know on how much porcelainveneers cost. well my name is michelle and i'm a dental assistant with solutions andi'm going to give you a couple of different prices on the cost of porcelain veneers. nowevery office varies so you definitely want to check with your general dentist or thedental office that you go to in order to get an exact quote but normally full porcelainveneers they start anywhere from about nine hundred dollars and they can go all the wayup to twelve hundred or thirteen hundred that's for a full porcelain,meaning that the fullveneer is all porcelain. if they have to do anything to the tooth below, beneath the veneerof course that's going to raise your price. also if it's an in house dental lab usuallysometimes that cuts down on the cost because
it saves on shipping the case out to anotherdental lab. they can just keep it there in the dental office and make the porcelain veneerfor you. so if you can find a general dentist that has an in house dental lab already therein the dental office, that, therefore that will cut down on some of the cost but definitelycheck with your general dentist because the prices always do vary, and also dependingon how many teeth are going to do. usually sometimes in most dental offices they'll giveyou a break if you are doing you know a full arch of all veneers or maybe like the frontsix of your teeth so check with your general dentist and he will be able to give you anexact quote. but normally full porcelain veneers range anywhere starting from nine hundreddollars and it can go all the way up to about
twelve hundred and thirteen hundred. and onceagain my name is michelle and i just explained to you the different costs on porcelain veneers.
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