Kamis, 23 Februari 2017

teeth capping phuket

>> zpz international productionproudly presents a night of sizzling films in one hot reel. if you are ready for heartpulsing, blood po... thumbnail 1 summary
teeth capping phuket

>> zpz international productionproudly presents a night of sizzling films in one hot reel. if you are ready for heartpulsing, blood pounding ingestion, you are notready enough for food porn. frame after salivating frame ofthe domestic, the exotic, and just plain weird. you will see all the tastinggorging, and forbidden indulgence forbidden by clergy. all of this presented by zpz'swell initiated cast of players

and proudly hosted byinternational hard body, tony bourdain. >> oh god, how did i endup doing this for a living. >> so losen your belt, takea trip to the commissary, and don't forget the napkins. >> oh that is good. oh god that's good! >> it is a matter of physics,a scientific fact that the human body reacts in verysimilar ways

when anticipating food and sex. capillaries swell, lips andmembranes become engorged, saliva thickens andthe pulse rises. it's no accident that the twopleasures have become confused. the early christians certainlyseem to find the connection worrisome. warning often of the dangers toone's soul, of enjoying one self too enthusiasticallyat the table. throughout the history ofenglish-speaking culture there

has been a basicambivalence about food. as if enjoying its sensualpleasures might somehow lead to harder stuff. to fully savior the smells,flavors and textures of say a fatty lamb chop or a rich,buttery shellfish sauce, might cause bad character. opening the gates to allsorts of awful loose, lustful behaviors. a dangerous communing in one'smind of all the pleasures

of the flesh. >> sinful. >> typically the southerneuropeans, the romans in particular seemed to have lessof a problem with this issue. good food and wineleading to sex? yes, as it should. early food porn, tended tocenter around bright colors, plenty of proteinand good value. meaning, size mattered.

an enticing plate of foodwas a big plate of food. cool shapes, and a generaltheme of quantity over quality. sort of like early porn. they may have been big and ugly,but at least they were there. but today, sex and food combinein far more insidious even perverted form. a twisted, repressed eviltransference of desires emerged. >> food porn. a vicarious enjoyment of peopledoing things on screen or in

books that you yourself arenot likely to be doing any time soon. >> porn is a billion dollarindustry and so is food. >> just as in that otherindustry there is recognizable brands of stars. >> people almost supernaturallyendowed with talent who thousands of dedicated fans canrely on to deliver the money, again and again on cue. there are chefs from whosekitchens regularly emerge

creations so enticing as todrive enthusiasts mad with pleasure. >> this aussie's spaniard is atthe top of the dc dining scene, but now he's goingdown, way down. for some south of the borderaction in america's back door. jose andres in: illegal entry. >> i hate the salt in the rim,so we created air of salt. >> a proud son of spain, joseandre is the point man for the latest and greatest from thenew frontier of that country's

cooking. a powerful force of variablegod father of small plates, and widely created kitchensin washington dc. but oml pays tributeto another passion. the fresh authenticcuisine of mexico. >> are we eating? something? the carnitas on the top. ;>> first up, taco porn.

>> now that is exciting. >> a reliable distinct and veryreliably enjoyed subset of food porn. this stuff, though carnitasof -- of young crispy pork grinds.the other thing, i got tothrow some ice water on my face here. lengua cassata, braised beeftongue with crispy radishes. >> oh, i think you aregoing to love this one. >> well, yeah, that is good man.

>> and the woman will make theseout of -- with her bare hands she will roll the tortilla, shewill put it on the flat -- on the -- and right there she willput the cheese on the squash blossoms. nothing else. >> then some grilledsquash blossoms. fresh and in season, lightlystuffed with casa fresco, just like back in mexico. this stuff tastes likefirst love, let me tell ya.

>> oh that's pretty. but jose, i wanted toorder natural grandes. just kidding. >> can you call police, please? we have security watchfor people like you. >> good thing we're televisionprofessionals, that's all i gotta say. >> oh yeah. >> and finally, chiletome con salsa tomatillo.

>> this is poor people 's food. this is left over, you know. >> the mexican version ofa trailer park classic. a dip designed forleft over chips and cheese. but in this case, fresh chips,melted chiwawa cheese, usual garnishes. a stoner's delight andpoplar breakfast item. >> when my guys areasked, how do you do this? i always tell themwith a lot of love.

we get ingredients, we talkto the to the ingredients. >> yep. >> we let the ingredients speakback to us, and then we cook. that's all we do. >> from washington d.c. to mybackyard in new york city, the dish so good you'll bleedfrom the ears if i just tell you about it. >> this silver fox has beenputting smiles on the faces of his wealthy clientelefor two decades.

he may look nice but he's a bad,bad man doing bad, bad things. from france by way of endura,you better fear the ripper. eric ripert in: fear the ripper. >> the sea of chile is one ofthe most sexy food that you can find. top of its pride but it tasteslike a sweet ocean on water without the extra salt in it. >> eric ripert is the undisputedprince of seafood is chef and co owner of new york'sco-owner of le bernardin.

and this as he knows all toowell, is my favorite dish. a pricey, off the menu signatureconcoction of angle hair pasta, a buttery emulsion of sea urchinrow, and a thrillingly obscene heap of caviar. >> a fantastic caviar. if you are on first date andyou do a dish like that, it's guaranteed success. >> that's right. plump sacks of -- pushed througha strainer until nearly

liquefied and then enrichedwith butter, then the buttery combination is added to hotwater and whisked until fully blended. >> basically that pasta isembedding inside that sauce. the pasta is just the pillowthat is going to support all the flavors from the seaurchin and the caviar. a lot of that sauce, since allthe flavor is in that sauce, then we have some beautiful,caviar, the most fascinating food you can find, it's almostmystical and each time you open

a can of caviar you willhave a different flavor. so it's a very unique, becauseyou will never have exactly, exactly the same flavors again. when you use caviar,it's about generosity. you don't want tobe cheap on caviar. you want to put a lot of caviar. >> go right ahead,heap that stuff on. >> just a little bit of chives. that's it.

sorry tony, i reallywish you will be here. >> pure indulgence. tony, even the italiansdon't do pasta like that. >> that's a great dish. >> rapert may have the corner onseafood in new york city but in hawaii this is the big kahuna. >> he's so good he'll make youput the rim back in pacific rim. wong is back. and this time, it's for real.

alan wong in a whole lotta wong. >> this is a local delicacy. take the two shells and youkinda like scoop them out like that and... aah, it's great. >> chef alan wong is well knownfor his signature approach for marrying asian and pacificingredients to western techniques. a delightful cultural clashof different ethnic styles,

hand-picked hawaiian ingredientsand elegant presentation. he's one of the best. >> so this is a live abalonefrom -- >> that abalone is really disturbing in a really good way. >> how could one not ponderfrautage with a beauty of a kona lobster tail andbig island abalone. poached in butter then layeredwith mushrooms and drizzled with scallion oil.

i'm not even sure i knowwhat that is, but i want it. the deep waters of the pacificmake this an extraordinary dish. it's a treat for theeyes as well as the pallet. >> next up, everybody is watching it but are we really doing it? >> no reservations. >> how did the simple act of eating become so twisted up in our minds? what's wrong with a society thatspends so many hours watching

other people eat? i mean it's not likewe are starving. >> millions of people arewatching but by no means doing. like the peep shows of old foodis becoming almost entirely voyeuristic activity. a popular kink and you don'teven have to pull a side a curtain in the back of a crummystrip mall video rental shop or punch the pay-per-viewbutton in your hotel room. it's right there infront of our noses.

everywhere, porn. filthy, nasty, unadulteratedwith clinical close-ups, slow, sensual pans, tv is full of it. across the full spectrum ofchannels, fat slabs of oozing, punctilious flesh,dripping chocolate. flaky, tendered, gossamer thincrust which crumble at the approach. and so many close upsof moaning, eye-rolling, lip-smacking and oohing andaahing on basic cable right now

that if you listen from anotherroom you would think it was a dirty shag carpet in encino. >> if there is any doubt in yourmind that the food media are the new porn industry or that theydon't know exactly what they're doing, check this out. >> let's visit the imaginarystudio set of the tv cooking channel where we can follow,veteran director, ted chanco as he walks a new on-airtalent through a pilot. pay close attention.

this is chanco churns every pagein the playbook of -- >> i like it al dente. that means to the tooth. oh, it's hot. >> you've seen this scenebefore, a thousand times and you will see it again. >> so here we go,three, two, one. >> seal all those juices,squeeze it out of there. i taste a little bitof this cream sauce.

perfect. >> hi i'm kerri. welcome to hot and easy. we he are going to startwith a fresh summer salad. >> first, just as in classic70's porn there is the establishing shot. in the old days that would bean exterior of whatever hippie crash pad her suburban homeensuing action is to take place in.

>> remember, a food showfollows exactly the same rules. >> in our case the fake kitchenfull of daisies and table scapes. the story always the same. like the timeless tale of thelonely housewife slightly short of money and randythe delivery boy. the medium shot as pizza boymeets new friend, or in our case cook meets food. >> these ones smell really good.

>> and after a minimum of powderwe get down to the action. >> you want to getyour hands in it. >> cutting back and forthbetween inserts or close-ups and medium or pov, point-of-viewshots for maximum morally decaying identificationwith the on camera action. oh yeah. >> some people like to usethese, but i prefer to use these. >> and cut.

inserts, inserts. >> just as in the old days theinserts are often shot before or after the action,hence the term inserts. >> really toss that salad. whack it out. go ahead and squeezeit out like that. >> and finally the pointeveryone is waiting for the money shot. the pay off.

the precise moment when ourdesignated on-camera eater actually leans in and takesa slow rapturous mouth full. >> and the reaction shot. >> al dente, means tothe tooth in italian. that's how i like my pasta. >> very useful in this industry,by way the way, if you have your own signature soundbiter tag line. >> that's the good stuff. >> bam.

money, off the hook, awesome,are taken by way, but you can always stick with the classics. umm, is safely oldschool never gets old. recognition signal as ifrediscovering an old friend. >> perfect. >> the eye roll usuallyaccompanied by, "oh my god!" or other expressionsof blasphemy. or the shutter and moan. not so imaginative but gettingvery popular these days with the

leotard and the -- set. >> wow. that is so good. i think i got alittle bit on myself. aah, look at this. who wants to trymy creamy chicken? >> there is a pretty limitedmenu of options in the genre. i mean, how many ways can youtell the same squalid story? >> hot and easy.

>> then it's back the trailerget busy with the wet wipes and hose down the set. >> i feel a little dirty. no, just kidding. >> do i over statemy case perhaps? i don't think so. because the fact is, the sadfact is that even chefs fall victim to this stuff. >> i mean let's face it, on therare occasion when you have got

incredible food made byincredible people you have to look and you justcan't look away. >> terrance brennanin cheese obsession. >> i mean, what is betterthan baking cheese and onions? >> at only age 13, terrancebrennan stepped into the dark subcultures professionalkitchens and never left. at his highly respected frenchmediterranean leaning pchalene and at his even more cheesecenter, charcesonal, he has more than any other chef championthe delights of stinky oozing

properly aged, properly heldand properly served cheeses. at this, he is second to none. a true pioneer ofthe cheeseboard. >> now this is food porn. >> and for me this kindof footage is pure crack. >> ooey, ooey, gooey, cheesy. goo is good when itcomes to melting cheese. >> first up, bacon,cheese and onion tart. a golden layer of puff pastrytopped by caramelized onions,

soft potatoes, bacon anda tangy robuchon cheese. >> oh, man. a little parmesan cheese. >> this tart is lighterthen the sum of its parts. >> just pure gooey,cheesy, stinky cheese. >> you can smell that rightthrough the screen, can't you? >> all right. we are going to make a very,very decadent cheese and egg and truffle dish.

>> next up, a soft cooked eggwith a bloomsday fondue topped with black truffleshavings and chives. >> really, reallysoft boiled egg. we are making a fonduta whichis like a cheese fondue. >> it's cheesy,creamy goodness. >> talk about decadent. your going to takesome truffles. little micro-chives. now that's food for tony, baby.

there you go. too bad you are nothere to have this. >> none of that lucidiousfrench cheese for me. >> really great cheese is aliving thing to be cared for, looked after respected andreviews the circumstances require. >> taleggio. oh, that looks gorgeous. >> how about a grilled cheesesandwich of taleggio, braised

short ribs and redwine and pickled onion. gets me every time. >> a very creamy, rich cheeseand it gets very gooey when we make a grilled cheesesandwich so it's like... these are thebraised short ribs. the pickled onions are going tocut the richness a little bit. give it a shot of heatand then in the oven. >> each cheese is different. each with a different backgroundwhether hailing from a cold cave

or a cellar of a farm house. whether served hot, warm or roomtemperature, you gotta treat'em just right. >> i got to eat a piece of it. i got to eat this. >> terrance brennan understandsthat better than just about anybody. he's going to like this one. he's going to becreaming in his pants.

>> thanks, terrance, but i'llbe buying my cheese at the supermarket with the restof right-thinking americans. >> life may be filledwith delights of mere infinite variety but sometimes butsometimes you just want plain old vanilla. my regular when we come back. >> if there is a consensus onanything except with dreary inevitability, most men likegirl on girl sex and most women get really excitedaround chocolate.

>> frankly, neitherfloats my boat, but even a word as inviting associations right? i mean, say it. >> chocolate. what's the next word? always. sinful. >> said to have aphrodisiacqualities, chocolate is a famously guilty pleasure.

women claim it makes them feelbetter about the inevitable disappointments of having toshare the planet with well, men. but wearing chocolate? i don't know howgood that feels. >> i don'tknow, chocolate. for me it's about as exciting asnicole kidman trying to express herself. leaves me cold. >> john down is, insidethe chocolate factory.

>> but john down, coowner and chief chocolate -- at christopher norman chocolatesin new york city is an artist at heart. he uses his background inpainting in fine arts to create a uniquely artisan quality handcrafted look for all of his chocolates. each piece from the truffles andganache to the geometrics are handmade and painted. >> this isturmeric and paprika.

>> here he starts in onsomething he calls, chocolate jewels by painting in the hollowdiamond molds with edible food die. >> coach neal from the beetle. >> these are all edible, allnatural dyes, by the way. ancient derivatives of plantsand roots like spinach, annatto seeds, red cabbage, dyes madethe way the myans used to. painting with his fingers, helayers the white chocolate on top of the colored dyeto bring out the colors.

then tempers the chocolate. a method of heating and coolingchocolate to use it for coating, dipping or molding. to give the chocolate asmooth and glossy finish. fills the mold in with thetempered chocolate, upside down to remove excess. same process for the otherhalf of the chocolate diamond. attach two sides. chill in fridge.

remove from mold,whala, chocolate jewel. >> i always get so thrilled justlooking at them when they come out like that. it's glamorous, i guess. >> i can't, i shouldn't, i must. you hear it again and again. desire, beauty, sin. all packaged together in asexy, inexpensive little box. i'm in the wrong business.

this chocolate racketis bigger than crack. you know life may be filled withdelight of infinite varietiy but sometimes you justwant plain old vanilla. you may have lived the culinaryversion of touring with motley crew but by now, if you arelike me, you know what reliably gets you off every time. stuff that never gets old. wet and spicy may be it's apheromonic thing like love at first sight.

but for me a good bowel ofpho will always make me happy. take me to that special placewhere everything is beautiful and nothing hurts. bare minimum table, veryimportant low plastic stool, karmini neon light, sign ofgreat things to come, i have got my lime chunks. got my chile paste, tissuebox, very important. this is where the foodporn really is, okay? the sweet vendors of vietnam,setup their stalls early in the

morning. stocking up with entirelyfresh ingredient. prepping their stocksand their garnishes. >> i'm looking forward to thiswith a ferocious anticipation. >> pha is something between asoup and a noodle dish. usually made withmeat and vegetables. >> the smell of that broth cabe detected down the street. each version,slightly different. >> the smell coming off theend of this table is driving me

out of my mind.. >> i'm- (beep)with desire here oh, please. jesus let it be mine let it bemine .... >> that could have been mine that couldhave been mine ... >> dam you stranger. >> honestly i jerk a rustybutter knife across my best friend's throat just forthis okay may be not my best friend.

please .... i'm all like freak'in steamedyes yes ... thank you.0:23:44.600,1193:02:47.295>> i have got the vapors. oh, god. look at that. oh, speak to me youlovely bowl of goodness. look at that shimmer of fat ontop, that panorama of mysterious meats, i believe ten ma & filetthis is probably one of the best pho in vietnam. oh, yeah ... i don't know knowwhat that is but, the salad

come to papa my friend ...oh, yeah, look at that. oh, yeah ... it has got thiswonderful textural disneyland of a little chewy a littletender, a little meaty, the slurping of course,is essential. not impolite at all. this shirt - i would burn acity to the ground for this. tell me all yoursecrets my love. speak to me like earto ear in docile tones. broth man oh, look at thatshimmering glisserring nod

duals of marrow,fat and goodness. a sea of limitlesspossibilities and loveliness. one spoon full is all it takesfor a come to home momma moment for me. and if you have been a reallybad boy ... you deserve to be punished. a little bit of heat. death row meal? oh, yeah, dripping notguilties this is the stuff.

you might find in the greatkitchens of europe perhaps something as good but you willnever find anything better than this. that is good stuff ... next up. a food orgy ofepic proportions. >> clam coming infor a landing: >> there is not anything thatis like a real irish fish and chips shop.

>> you need someone thatwould make food for like you. >> that is it, yeah. it's the real thing. >> here's my answer tothat it's a chip sandwich. >> i'm already on lipitori should point out. this is wrong. >> how is your sandwich? >> that is great. catch anthony bourdain noreservations philippines only

on the travel channel.. >> in the classic marilynchambers work, insatiable, the protagonist is depictedas an usual individual. difficult to satisfy, alienatedby the apparent inadequacies of normal relationships. this drives her to whatsome might call extremes. which brings me to david changhe is the hottest chef in america and if you wantto eat the changster's food, you cannot beg, you cannotbribe you cannot steal.

you are better get online. otherwise it's momofukustarlight >> i wasn't going to be betterthan the daniels the repairs the carmelinis the thomas kellers. i was just like let's dosomething completely different. >> david chang has changed andis changing the entire landscape of dining in american servingradically different unusually inexpensive fearlesslycreative food. mostly over-the-counters ofhis three-award winning places.

chang's menu is wonderfully andprovocatively are everything i didn't believe in in menusuntil he came along with momofuku salmon and momofuku koa noodle bar fusion a heedless collision of elements korean,japanese, french and italian. how could anythingso wrong be so right? when you have the opportunityto sit down at one of the hardest to get reservationsrestaurant in the city with it's brilliant brick uriel ina highly sought after chef to walk you through the full-onassault of the whole dam menu

of delightfully pantegreullian,wildly creative combinations, you do it baby, you quatrainfor that (beep) because if you are lucky enough to get a crackat it, you go all the way. to the other side. sequences be dammed. the momofuku sandbar iswhere the gorge fest begins. first up a little cured hamachiwith seaweed rice pellets and edamame puree withhorse raddish. the hamachi is cured in salt,sugar, coriander in a sichuan

pepper for two hours likea quick western chinese scandinavian roblox thing. >> solid delicious,. >> people ask me whatkind of food do you serve? and i say i just liketo make something tasty. >> i always thought or i liketo think that chefs ultimately are in the pleasure business. next up, stuffed long-islandflute with yogurt, pickled phenyl and a concord grapepuree thickened slightly with

agurager. chang's dishes are deceptivelysimple ranging freely all over the world for ideasand influences. and packed with layers ofdistinct powerful flavors. >> main diver scallops, crispy, country ham chipsand an x o consummate. >> i have had this before,on thinks but where? spain? china?

portugal? or in my like dreams? what is food porn for you? >> i think bread, butter, isprobably my favorite thing. >> shrimp, i'm over the tailbut i am really into the heads. where did all the heads go? >> uni every time. >> there is some sexy aboutuni.. >> oh, a hoho or buni with chicharones chrisy fried porkrind served with tapioca tofu,

scallions. >> that's porn for me, yeah,really really hot pork >> and -- togethera match made in heaven. the next dish a peckingduck style roasted pork bun. >> it's basically a take onpecking duck but instead of the duck put in aroasted pork bully. some people might find thatnot sexy and disgusting. >> really? i would cheerfully dispense ofyou know any number of my early

sexual experiences in favor ofa good pork like this.. >> the next dish-oh, god a trulyfiendish freshly fallen snow of shaved torshon of shaved foigras with leechy riesling gelee of pine nut brittle. of course. >> oh, man this iscompletely over the top. love it. guilty pleasure. you know, really shamefulhorrible thing that you still

like. all-star you know just to giveyou an idea of how bad that can be you know when you buymacaroni and cheese at the colonel. >> yeah. >> that nuclearorange, i love it. >> i love chicken nuggets man. >> oh, man that is love. >> it's really love.

>> that is terrible. is there a saucewith the nuggets? >> sweet and sour.. >> yeayou didn't have to think about that? and the food keeps comingand coming and coming. there is more and more. honey crisp apple kimchee,fried brussel sprouts with mint, fish sauce vinigrette. >> ham or many hams to beprecise with red-eye gravy:.

>> oh, that issexy right there. >> nice. >> a bonnme of hamand chicken. sichuan beef tendon with greenmango and peanuts or pork tenderloin pate withred onion marmalade. pork shoulder steak with zuchiniand butter milk dressing,. >> that is really evil. >> razor clam comingin for a landing. >> we are up 22,000-caloriesi think and still going.

>> is there a point ofdiminishing returns? >> you mightexperience it today. >> yeah but itrain for this. >> got do the spicy porksausage and rice cakes for with chinese broccoliand crispy shallots. can't miss that. >> it's very spicy,well i like very spicy. >> or the chris pee pig's headtorshau with fried zuki beans. is it time to say uncle yet?

but wait. there is more. oh, i know what is comingthe legenddary crowning achievements famousnotorious bohemouth bosao. a whole bershire pork shoulderslow roasted eight hours until fallen off the bone and servedwith garnishes of raw oysters, two kinds of kimchee, riceand lettuce to wrap it all in. the sign of the beast. >> oh, yeah beautiful pork.

owe man it really is toomuch of a good thing. the meat near this part of thebone is the best the shoulder. get some of thatcrunchy goodness. >> kimchee. >> pork, kimchee, oysters, it'sthe (beep) magic combination. >> great date food. >> date food? yeah may be if yourdate is mario battali. you are going to have to rollme in a freakn carpet and

drop me in the trunk toget me home. oh, yes, desert. maybe just a tiny what the(beep) good lord a chocolate chip and banana cake so big andso high i'm afraid if it tips over on me, i'll be crushed. >> soft served concord grapeand oatmeal flavored ice cream sunday why yes. and cookies of course,.. >> they have a pool down in the kitchen.

>> no, they were sayingwhen i was gonna vomit. >> i think we havedone well here. we have done well ... >> i'm really feelinggood after this meal. >> i'm not going to bedoing any wind sprints. >> we made it man. like over to the other sideto the back of the blue bus, another dimension, anotherpant size, one of the great meals of my life andis a chef who's really doing

something new. breaking every ruledeliciously .... >> next up we go hard core with a true heedonnist.. >> that is just filthy.. >> if what you have seen so far doesn't turn you on, thenthere is always the harder core stuff thatmight just do the trick. from montreal there is martinpiccard who's doing it like

no one else. >> martin piccard is going noseto tail for some serious pork in. lumber jack style. this paul bunion's got woodlike you have never seen before and he is got it bad baby. bad to the bone.. >> some serious deep woodspork in. veteran, visionary andreactionary martin piccard is classically trained and servedyears stacking twee little

towers at the bestrestaurants of town. then he we want offer thereservation and with a like minded crew of rogueculinarians, opened up a shop. an ode to the monument to thefatty, fleshy delights of pork, foi gras and more pork. here piccard and his accolitesreconstruct the pig not as god made him but as he should be. each constituent part taken tothe outer limit of indulgence. is this illegal?

>> this is the tailso we already cook it. >> piccard makes use of eachand every part of his victim. >> and we stuff itwith some cabbage. a type of cabbage. we put also some bacon insideand we put a piece of foi gras inside and we roll the tailwith a sheet of cabbage and with that stuff. i don't know how to call that. >> the word he isstruggling for is crepey net.

the delicate envelope of gut. perfect for wrapping pat atas or in this case, cabbage wrapped bacon stuffedtail.. >> this is the head. >> oh, yeah the crispyfried pancake of pure head made by first packing up the entire head and then molding it into a pattybreading it and deep frying it in duck fat. the texture on theinside is like gelatin. >> and this is the nose.

the nose of the pig. and it's going togo on the head. >> the piggy nose is saryd inpork fat and then grazed in vinegar and sprinkled withsalt.. >> this is the tongue of the pigglet. >> tongue is seared andbecause it's filled with fat, the inside becomes jelly like. it's then pickled in vinegar. >> 24 carrrot sheet of gold.

that is going to change nothingbut i love gold, i don't know why, it's going to give somebad view that you will do tomorrow... (speaking french) >> pork foodi love (french). >> this is a leg and becauseit's a piglet, it becomes very very tender and very tastyit's fed only with milk. the ribs are brazed with asauce of at the moment, pepper and pork stock.

this is the tail that i wasshowing you before and things the heart, you know. don't beatthat much anymore. >> after every part is cookedto it's optimum potential in a variety of ways using thestrange and terrible powers of a skilled professional thepig is reassembled. a delicious frankenstein'smonster of what may be a pig should be. the shoulder roasted for fourhours to make

pork shoulder confit. the pigs feet stuffed withporchini mushrooms, onions and garlic for seven hours and thenbreaded and pan fried with lots of butter and served with foigras top a mash potato. the leg, chopped into fourseparate pieces then roasted in pork stock and butter. the loin, roasted in porkstock, butter salt and pepper. twenty-four karat gold leaf isused to cover the pig's heart. a useless yet luxuriousitem used only

to decorate. and finally a mustard saucein a squirt bottle is used to draw on the finaldetails of the pig's face. oh, cute. roasted garlic chute are fittedwith candles for the pig feast celebration and then as we alldo when we are presented with a great meal, they sit down atthe table and observing local custom, skip downto their skimpies. these lads are just saving the environment.

>> we would like to tell youthat this is an unusual afternoon and evening for piccard but i knowfrom experience, it's not. the nose is always good you knowand that is the kind of texture that i love to have in my mouth. >> that is just filthy. and the meat goeson and on and on ... >> next up, you may call itbizarre or kinky or whatever but the rest of the worldcalls it dinner.

>> if nothing of what you haveseen so far has inspired the culinary version of two messes,then may be you better step on food of the specialty section. >> nasty bits. >> with customers with moreunusual tastes are catered to. what is strange anyway? >> what does bizarre mean? bizarre to whom? me?

a rice farmer in vietnam? a wealthy japaneseor sarah palin? i mean to you a sweet and sourduck tongue may sound like the next to last thing that you maywant in your mouth but to much of the world, delicious. business end of a war hog? okay not for me andi assume not for you. but do a bush man or somegermans that i have heard about yummy.

>> cod fish sperm? delicious. testicles, - seemsto like them. bugs? hey, the majority of theworld are insectivors you are probably in the minority likefinding out in fact that one in six hotel guests hit the paperview porn option on their tv, when it's been there allalong right under our noses. bizarre?

kinky? what does that mean if mostof the world gets off on it? in my own going on alfred kinzylike survey, in the world of culinary mores i have learnedjust about anything goes. somewhere in the world. like the most unimaginableking (beep) there is probably a japanese website have a culinaryversion of a foot fetish? you believe probably be (thisis chicken feet) happy in korea where chicken feed are a commondish and chicken ass is just as

happily named in this dish. chicken house approved. you know that is literallyhow you order it. chicken house of poop. >> i'm not suggesting you getout the chaps and the nipple clamp just because you sawsome german erotica but when it comes to food if you have nottried it before, particularly when it comes from asia wherethey have been doing it longer and better for centuries,chances are it's at least very

least worth trying. explicit food talk isalways okay even in japan. if it tastes good, say it. this is a cute one. let's name them. tony, cindy,. >> as a rule, i don't believein getting emotionally attached to things you are going toeat. and the worst thing that can happen, you might findsomething wonderful yet deeply

disturbing about yourself. like for instance, you actuallyenjoy the pleasure pain spectrum, the firing sichuanhot pot, the seattle bubbling pepper infused oil inundatedwith nuclear hot burning inducing inducing chiles withface-numbing black flower pepper. >> this will either be themors painful excruciating experience i have ever had andi'll never eat again or i'm going to become a total addictlike most of the people here.

>> you are going tobe totally addicted. >> all right let's do it. >> this is an experience icould only describe as so nine and-a-half weeks. >> dominance andsubmission al in one dish. >> in summary food is justabout everybody knows by now is not just fuel it'snot just filler. whatever it is, it's pleasure. at least forsomebody somewhere.

why not you? what is it it's delicious. >> why let everybody else haveall of the fun if your body is indeed an amusement park,buy a ticket and take the ride.

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