[burnie]: a great excuse for playing video games are that they improve your hand-eye coordination. that's the excuse that i used to use when i was growing up. and a popular game, like fruit ninja here, proves that. but if that theory is really true, then playing this game on a mobile device, well -- that should more than prepare a person to have fruit lobbed at their head at a high velocity while they try to cut it down with a samurai sword ---
-- right? [immersion theme plays] [burnie]: so, we've come out to our official rooster teeth outdoor dojo to find out if two idiots have what it takes to become real life video game ninjas. [gavin]: thanks for flying us all the way to asia. [burnie]: (laughs) well, don't thank me. thank our sponsor, audible.com so, how are your ninja skills? [gavin]: black belt!
[michael]: really? [gavin]: yep. [burnie]: so, where did you get your black belt, gavin? [gavin]: found it over there on the floor. [burnie]: really? so, you said -- "i found something in the field, i might as well tie it to my head." how about you, michael? any martial arts experience? [michael]: did you see that? [burnie]: i did. i did. alright, well i figured that you guys did not have
any martial arts experience. that's why i decided to bring out our resident ninja and lead animator: mr. monty oum! [smoke puffs] [monty]: good morning, disciples. as rooster teeth's resident asian -- i am fully qualified to teach you in the art of fruit self defense. lesson one is stealth. let the training begin!
[another poof of smoke] [michael]: (coughing) [gavin & michael]: (coughing) [gavin]: were we supposed to disappear then? [burnie]: no, just look -- he's right over there. just go over there. [burnie]: okay, gus. how we doing this? [gus]: alright, so we set up special stages for michael and gavin to show off their super ninja skills.
[burnie]: so, what? they're just going to be standing there while fruit pops up in front of them? that sounds pretty easy. [gus]: it does sound pretty easy. that's why we brought this giant sling shot to fire the fruit very, very rapidly. [burnie]: so, we're going to be shooting fruit directly at them just like in a real world fruit attack scenario? [gus]: i'm telling you, that's not a thing. [burnie]: it doesn't matter. here's the way that this is going to work:
every time michael or gavin hits a piece of fruit, they get one point. if they hit the special piece of fruit, which is a frozen piece of fruit, they give five points. the person with the most points after three rounds wins science for the episode. [gus]: man, i really hope they learn something from monty. [burnie]: i hope so, too. [training montage.] [gavin]: (screaming)
[burnie]: alright, well it looks like gavin is in position. let's start this off. in three, two, one, begin! [gavin]: jesus. [gus]: you'd think his experience with cricket would make him a lot better. [burnie]: oh, there's a solid hit.
[gus]: oooh, that's nice! [burnie]: he's showing his sliver of atheleticism. [gus]: that's what i was expecting from the sliver of arms. [burnie]: (laughs) [gavin]: fuckin hell! [burnie & gus]: oooooh. [burnie]: alright, that will do for round one for gav. [gus]: oh, looks like michael's up now. [michael]: oh, shit!
[burnie]: there goes his helmet! [gus]: that's penalty. safety first. [michael]: woah, fuck! [gus]: looks like he's going for a blender type maneuver. good one! [burnie]: nice! [gus]: wow! [burnie]: i feel like we should be making notes -- some kind of data of some kind.
okay -- for round two, they're going to face double the amount of scientists. [gus]: very impressive number of misses there. [burnie]: very impressive. [gus]: oh, that was a nice one! [burnie]: that was a great one. [gus]: another good one! he's on a fucking roll. [burnie]: alright, well he's given up the sword -- he's going for the nunchucks. [burnie & gus]: (laughing)
[gus]: if he-- (laughing) [burnie]: alright, now he's back to the sword. and here's the frozen fruit. [gavin]: (strained noises) [burnie]: (laughing) [gus]: he's getting hit by more than he's actually hitting. [burnie]: (still laughing) [gus]: ouch! [burnie]: alright!
that's enough. let's get michael in there. c'mon! [gus & burnie]: ohh, right in the face! [gus]: good one! [michael]: aw, shit! [burnie]: aww, his helmet came off! and now he's using it as a weapon. scientists, aim higher. [gus]: dropped the sword, going for the nunchucks.
[burnie]: oh, nice! [gus]: ooh, was that in the dick!? [burnie]: one of our scientists is getting a raise. [gus]: he does not have the form of bruce lee. [michael]: (yelling) [burnie]: alright! oh, and he caught a banana. that's not any points, but congratulations. good job! alright, for round three we want to see some real fruit carnage.
so, gus. let's call in the reserve scientists. [gus]: --- no! [burnie]: yes! let's empty out the labs. [gus]: we've never used them before! they're untested. [burnie]: well, we've -- never had enough lab coats before. amazon had a sale. [gus]: oh, cool. [scientists]: for science!!
[gavin]: ( screaming) [gavin]: ( continued screaming. ) [gavin]: (noises) [gavin]: my nob! [gavin]: (continued screaming) [gus]: people like grapes, gavin! [burnie]: alright, let's bring in michael for the final round. [michael]: holy, shit! oh, fuck, stop --
[burnie]: alright well, today i think we learned a lot about fruit management and-- [gavin]: we didn't learn anything! [burnie]: what are you talking about!? [gavin]: --- less scientific every week! this is how this one happened: let's --- let's throw fruit at michael and gavin. what game is that? like, fruit ninja? yeah, alright. [gus]: to the -- man, it may appear that way. [burnie]: yeah, it would. yeah.
[gavin]: bollocks. [burnie]: at least you had training from monty! did the training help? [gavin]: useless! no help at all! [burnie]: if you were going to battle with real fruit, would you take the katanas or would you take the nunchucks? [gavin]: i'd take the fruit! deadly! [burnie]: well, i got to say -- if we scored this based on how much you guys hit fruit with your body, your scores would be a lot higher.
but just based on scoring with the weapons, this week's challenge goes to michael. you are the winner of science. alright, well! tune in next time on immersion -- uh, where we'll move our way up to vegetables. i guess. [gus]: we get some broccoli. subtitles by @paokous.
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