Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

pitbulls teething age

hi. i'm kathy santo with we're going to talk about what to do when you bringhome your new puppy. we'll cover everythi... thumbnail 1 summary
pitbulls teething age

hi. i'm kathy santo with we're going to talk about what to do when you bringhome your new puppy. we'll cover everything fromsupplies and preparation steps to the car ride home,the first few days-- how to introduce him or herto your family, and more. before you bring your puppyhome, prepare yourself with the following supplies. premium puppy food to get yournew puppy off to a good start,

stainless steel non-tipfood and water bowls, identification tags with yourpuppy's name and your contact information. a collar, and a leather or nylonsix foot leash that's 1/2 to 3/4 inches wide, stainremover for accidents. brushes and combs suited toyour puppy's coat, dog shampoo, toothbrush andtoothpaste, high-quality safe chew toys to ease teething. flea, tick, and parasitecontrols.

nail clippers. a room, or at least a place hecan call his own, like a cage or a crate that willfit his adult size. and of course, treats. once you have the supplies,it's time to puppy-proof your home. raising a puppy is a lot likeraising small children. they get into everything. some of what they get into canbe hazardous to their health.

so start preparing for yourpuppy's arrival long before the actual date. you'll thank yourself later. a helpful tip: get down on yourhands and knees to view the world like yourpuppy will. it may help you to find thingsthat you wouldn't have seen otherwise-- electrical wires, small objectshidden under couches and chairs that could beswallowed, or hiding spaces

where a small pupcould get stuck. there are sprays that can beapplied to furniture legs, woodwork, and other immovableitems to help deter your puppy from chewing on things you don'twant him to chew on. are they rooms your puppy shouldbe restricted from entering until he's bettertrained and more reliable? if so, install a baby gate, orkeep the doors to those rooms closed until yourpuppy matures. exercise pens are excellent forwhen you're home, but busy

or unable to fully dedicateyourself to supervising your young pup. if you're about to make dinner,for example, rather than crating your dog or lockinghim in a puppy proof room alone, set up an exercisepen in the kitchen with you. this will allow him to getused to being around your family's routines while alsostaying out of the way. it will also allow him to feellike he's part of the family. once your house is ready, it'stime to bring your new family

member home. you're wanting to do your bestat keeping this from being overly stressful experiencefor your puppy. so it may not be the best ideato bring the whole family, especially if you haveexcited, young kids. also, keep in mind that thevibration, sounds, and the movements of your car can bevery scary for young pup and make them nervous. on the first trip home it's okto have a passenger hold your

puppy in a soft blanketor towel on their lap. after the first trip home, youshould begin using a crate to travel for both the dog and theother passenger's safety in the car. try purchasing a dog seat beltthat's specifically designed to restrain and protectyour companion in case of an accident. the ideal time to bring homea new puppy is when the house is quiet.

do your best to minimize thenumber of visitors stopping by the first few days so you canestablish a daily routine by following these steps. step one. before bringing him in thehouse, take him to the area in your yard that will serve ashis potty and spend a few minutes there. if he goes, praise him. if not, proceed into the house,but be sure to take him

to this spot each time he needsto go to the bathroom. step two. take him to the room which willservice as his new den, and if using one, setup his crate. put bedding and chew toysin the room and let him investigate. if he chews or urinateon his bedding, permanently remove it. understand that a young puppyis not like an adult dog.

treat him with patience andconstant supervision. the way you interact with yourpuppy at this age is critical to his socialization. use these tips: one. you should spend a little extratime with your new puppy on his first day home, but youwant to acclimate him to your regular routine quickly. if necessary, hire a dog walkeror ask a neighbor to

come take him out at regularintervals during this training period, and going forwardas your pup grows up. two. supervise your puppyat all times and interact with him regularly. three. be alert for signs-- sniffing and circling-- that he has to goto the bathroom.

then take him out immediately. four. establish your routine. a young puppy has no bladdercontrol and will need to urinate immediately aftereating, drinking, sleeping, or playing. at night he'll need torelieve himself at least every three hours. five.

don't punish an accident. never push his nose in thewaste or scold him. he won't understand and mightlearn to go to the bathroom when you're out of sight. six. praise your puppy everytime he goes to the bathroom outside. seven. feed your puppy a formuladesigned for puppies.

like a baby, he needsnutritious, highly digestible food. eight. have the contact info of yourlocal veterinary office readily available in caseof an emergency. for those with children, anotherextremely important part of bringing home your newpuppy is making sure your kids know how and how not tohandle a young dog. if your children are young oraren't familiar with how to

handle puppies, you need tospend some time with them during these first few daysexplaining commonsense rules on how to play with the puppy. for example, tell them that dogshave sensitive hearing, so it's important notto shriek or yell. puppies in particular need alot of rest, just like a growing child. limit puppy-children playsessions to 15 to 30 minute periods two to threetimes a day.

you need to keep aneye on a puppy. an excited puppy can be strongwhen he jumps, and play bites, which can be too roughfor young children. always supervise interactionand separate them if play is too rough. if you have other pets, you'llalso need to spend some time getting them used to havingeach other around. at first it's best to keepresident pets separated from your new puppy, but onlyfor a few days.

after that time, let pets smelland touch each other through a slightly open door. do this several times overthe next few days. after that, give the residentpet access to the den area with your new puppy. supervise their meeting and goback to through-the-door meetings if trouble arises. exercise pens can also help oldand new pets get used to each other's presence in arestricted and safe manner.

lastly, what you'll need to dois get the puppy in to a veterinarian for an initialpuppy examination to make sure he's in perfect health. i'm kathy santo foriams with howdini. i hope that you found thishelpful as you welcome your new addition into your family. for more information on puppycare and training, visit

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