Selasa, 07 Februari 2017

pitbulls teeth falling out

vomiting in dogs hello i am dr. mike, in this video we are going to talk about vomitingin dogs. there are a variety of reasons and scenarios... thumbnail 1 summary
pitbulls teeth falling out

vomiting in dogs hello i am dr. mike, in this video we are going to talk about vomitingin dogs. there are a variety of reasons and scenarios that affect how we determine whya dog is vomiting. first, we need to consider if this is an acute problem...did it starttoday or is it a chronic problem...has it been going on for weeks? then we need to performa physical exam and get some history on our patient. unfortunately dogs don't tell usif they got into something or what hurts. we have to do a little detective work.let's consider an acute episode. obviously your veterinarian is going to perform a physicalexam to determine how urgent or critical your

pet is. during the exam he or she will likelyask you a variety of questions. for example: when did the vomiting start? did they vomitfood...bile... or is it just gagging or retching? environmental changes should be considered...arethere any toxins or chemicals in the yard? most people don't think about the fertilizerrecently placed on the grass or the rat poison put in the garage. have you noticed your dogchewing on any plants? puppies will eats almost anything. both indoor and outdoor plants suchas sago palms, oleander and lilies can be very toxic. dietary changes are another oftenoverlooked factor. did you change to a new brand of food? did you give any recent treatsor table scraps? does your dog play with sticks, eat rocks, or chew on plastic or toys? theseare all very important questions.

when a vomiting dog comes into my hospital,some of the questions may vary based on the dog's age, breed, and lifestyle.for example, a 9 month old labrador retriever that chews everything in the yard is a highrisk to have ingested a poison or possibly swallowed an object and may be obstructed.a different example is a 7-year-old great dane that is trying to vomit but nothing iscoming up. this breed is very susceptible to a problem commonly referred to as "bloat"where the stomach actually twist on itself and becomes distended. both of these examplesare very different and both are considered emergencies.after completing the physical exam, your veterinarian will determine the most appropriate testingrequired. initial diagnostic tests may include,

x-rays, to look for a foreign body, an obstruction,possible bloat, or even cancer. blood work can be very valuable in diagnosingconditions such as pancreatitis, liver disease, kidney failure or possibly a toxin ingestedsuch as antifreeze or rat poison. additional testing such as ultrasound and endoscopy mayalso be recommended. we also mentioned chronic vomiting, that whichhas been going on for weeks or months. many people don't call their veterinarian becauseit is simply a couple times the first week and their dog is otherwise acting normal.only after several weeks do they call. the veterinarian will perform a physical exam,ask many of the same questions and possibly perform the same test as done in the acuteepisodes. diseases such inflammatory bowel

disease, liver or kidney failure, and cancercan all seem mild in their early stages. however, once in their advanced stages, they can bemuch more difficult to cure or even treat. with respect to treatment, there are manyscenarios that will affect what your veterinarian decides to do. they may administer iv fluidsand medication for cases of pancreatitis or kidney failure. there are products such asactivated charcoal that may be given to help absorb any toxins. in cases such as a bloator obstruction, emergency surgery is necessary. the bottom line is simple, if your dog juststarted vomiting, you need to call your veterinarian immediately for advise, don't wait. i am dr. mike, i hope this information hasbeen helpful and thanks for watching.

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