bandog phenotype is the result of crossinga moloso with a bloodhound. .for "bandog" is considered, 75% have to be moloso, and the remaining 25% has to bedam. molosos are the most used, the neapolitan mastiff and the dogue de bordeaux.also, the most used attack dogs they are the american pit bull terrier, and the preycanary. .it is said that a copy is "bandog" when it has the body of a molosser, and heada dam. usually dogs are very and tremendously strong guardians. i balancedit depends on the dog and much of the copies for crossover. it is important crossingfully balanced single copies,
without notes aggressiveness, because they couldmultiply those defects in the following broods.. if we cross a canary prey, with an americanpit bull terrier, american stafford shire terrier, or alano, the result is a dogmestizo and not a bandog, since we are crossing two dogs. to beone bandog, there must be a moloso in crossing.. this time, meet the mighty,brave, rustic and dog attached moloso and bloodhound at once, officially knownas: bandog. history.
the bandog, is a breed of dog, whose originthe word is to be found in the language original saxon, where "band" meantchain - has the same etymological origin that "ban" (prohibition) in englishat present, which brings us to dogs of prey that used to be tightly held bynecklace given ferocity. tasks these animals usually playedgripping were the cattle, like dog attack, both medieval warfare asin pursuit of fugitives, and hunting higher. temperament. initially because it was created to bea teacher can in the melee,
excels in protection, being equallya wonderful companion. extremely race it close to her family, hard, rustic, is fromeasy puppy to educate and raise. as moloso, it is kind, forgiving and benevolentwith less strong in their environment. as athlete, explosive, with a huge desireto work or engage in any activity physical. confident, strong and courageous. hisinnate aptitude will save all time alert. the bandog, perfectbodyguard ever shall mean the most slightest hint of fear of any threati can suffer his master or property east. it shows a clear devotion to allmembers of his family as well as a clear
suspicion and antipathy with other visitors. general appearance molosoide dog type, straight profile,longilãneo, harmonious and rustic, movements elastic and strong, with head aspectsquare, wide and strong skull with depression naso-frontal marked snout short, wideand deep. it is a very powerful dog, well musculado and harmonious whole. his body is rather close to the ground,ie the distance between the sternum and the ground is slightly less than the heightchest. beefy-looking, athletic, imposing and frightening perceived shortdistance, giving off its path an aptitude
firm and proud. height and weight height and weight may vary depending onstrains that make up the components of the race. even they should always be within aparameters appropriate to their condition moloso and history. the bandog is not a giant amonggiants, but it will be a large animal-media size, muscular and well proportioned in itsset, develop any activity or work great strength and endurance. size: males, 55 females and 72 cm, of48-65 cm. weight: males, 40 to 75 kg and female,35 to 65 kg.
some breeders worldwide referenceraise and distinguish between two types of bandog, within their own breed standard, bandogheavy and light bandog. - heavy bandog: all specimen weighingequal to or greater than 50 kg and height at the withers is equal to or greater than 60 cm.- bandog light: all specimen weighing less than 50 kg and height at the withers is less60 cm. color all genetically combinations allowedexcept natural white solid layer or that exceeding half of the animal's coat. supported common layers:
- coat: gray, beige or sandy, black,any range of atigrado, tawny gold, beige and red.- nose: it supports both red and black. body in his powerful and agile set with goodsubstance. well plumbed. - cross: definite. - dorso: large and stocky. - loin: strongly muscular. - croup: broad and robust, allowing developa powerful thrust. - chest: broad, deep, broad and denotedmusculature.
- ribs: long and arched, without formingbarrel. - coat: fine, short of hard texture, withfine undercoat. - neck: very strong, muscular and robust.without excessive jowls. it blends harmoniously with the back, giving the impression of assembly. - head: should not be too heavyin relation to the body, skull brachycephalic. - depression naso-frontal: marcada. muscleshighly developed temporary. the skin should be smooth, without forming wrinkles hardly exceptthose made between the ears when the dog is attentive.
- nose: large, wide and nostrilswide open. black nose is permitted or red nose, depending on the layerfur. - muzzle: square aspect, very wide anddeep. must not just wrinkles or creases. the chin is broad and strong,easily noticeable when viewed from the front, your profile should not be elusive nor outstanding.penalize excessively short snouts in relation to the skull. - lips: moderately thick; the upper,pendant slightly covers the bottom, that it is barely visible with the mouth closed. heit allows black or red pigmentation. - jaw and teeth: jaws well developed.strong and healthy teeth; incisors
be large and well aligned, caninesshort and wide, far apart. ideal inverted scissor bite (incisorsabove its outer face contact lower incisors on its inner side)although a slight underbite supported. the first premolar absence of (p-1) should notconstitute a default, but is not desirable. - cheeks: salientes and musculaturehighly developed. - eyes: medium size, separatedyes slightly rounded appearance. dark preferably, but may have some relationshipwith coat color, not penalized by it. serious expression and piercing gazeconveys respect and security. - ears: medium high, far aparteach other, usually cut from
base, slightly rounded and pointed,medium-sized according to the skull. - tail: middle birth, thick atbase gradually tapers to the tip. at rest, its size can be pendant orform of very open hook; in action movement can be brought high, no slouchingon the back. - pre- and post members: paststrong, muscular and well aligned. later parallel and in line with the shoulders,well muscled and defined. medium / wide bone. the tread should be well poised ,. movement at step load weight on the frontgiving the appearance of a rhythmic movement.
the head is carried slightly low. fromwide, long and powerful trot.
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