when you decide to keep pets, you should understandthe risks you're taking. here we present to you ten deadly pets thatkilled their owners. number 10: pit bull dogin august 2016, a 60 year old woman by the name of susan shawl was viciously mauled byher two pit bulls at her home in conifer, colorado. her adult son richard who tried stepping inalso got injured, and had to call 911 for help. when rescuers arrived, the dogs were no longeraggressive, but the elderly woman was already drawing her final breaths.
richard who survived the attack, had no ideawhat prompted the pit bulls to attack his mother. however, the mother and son pair who livedtogether had been issued warnings before, as their two dogs were known by neighborsto be overly aggressive and loose. the animals were rounded up and taken intocustody, and later euthanized. the whole incident was deemed an extremelyrare and tragic case by officials. number 9: black widow spiderin 2004, local police in dortmund, germany had to respond to complaints of a horrendoussmell coming from an apartment. when they entered the place, they found thecorpse of mark voegel, the home owner, covered
in cob webs, with hundreds of spiders crawlingall over his body and in and out of his mouth, ears, and nose. in addition to the creepy crawlies, mark'sbody was being snacked on by hungry snakes, termites, and a gecko. he was estimated to have died at between aweek or two before the discovery of his corpse. officials described the apartment as a crossbetween a botanical garden and the butterfly breeding ground in the film "the silence ofthe lambs". the creatures had been kept in terrible conditions,a form of animal cruelty itself. it is assumed that mark's black widow spiderbettina, had ended her owner’s life with
a venomous bite. number 8: red deergerald rushton had been raising a european red stag since it was a faun, along with otherexotic animals in his property in harrison county, texas. he had been ignoring the advice of wildlifeofficials to get rid of the stag as it was an exotic animal unsuitable for domestication. in november 2010, as gerald entered the stag'spen to feed it, the 550 pound animal suddenly became aggressive, charging him, and pinninghim against the fence. it went on to trample the 67 year old man,and gorged him several times with its antlers
on the chest, abdomen, and back. the red stag had to be shot so rescuers couldget to gerald, however, the poor man had died on the scene. experts commented that since it was fall,the deer had entered mating season, causing it to become highly aggressive and dangerousduring that time. number 7: domestic hogin september 2012, terry vance garner, an elderly farmer went to feed his herd of hogson his oregon ranch. the man never returned. when family members went looking for him,they were shocked to find bits and pieces
of his body scattered throughout the hog enclosure. due to terry's old age - he was 69 at thetime of his death - and no signs of criminal activity, it is believed that terry had sufferedan accident, possibly a medical emergency such as a heart attack. the helpless man would have then been knockeddown by the 700 pound animals, before being killed and devoured. not much was left of him, apart from his denturesand an undisclosed body part. it was confirmed that at least one of thehogs had been aggressive towards its now deceased owner in the past, having bitten him at leastonce.
although domestic hogs are not known to beas violent as wild hogs, there seems to always be exceptions. number 6: hippopotamusyears ago, a baby hippo was saved from a flood in south africa. marius els, an army major, then bought thehippo at the age of five months after it grew too big for the people who first took it in. named humphrey, the creature would grow intoa 1 ton adult hippo on marius' 400 acre farm in free state province. marius was repeatedly warned to let go ofhumphrey, as it was considered a wild untamable
animal. with their enormous teeth and incredible speeddespite their weight, hippos kill more humans than any other wild beasts in africa everyyear. despite this, marius insisted he had a specialrelationship with humphrey, and took pride in owning what was considered one of the world'smost dangerous animals. but as nature intended, the wild instinctsof the beast took hold. humphrey frequently escaped its enclosure,killed other farm animals, and chased humans it encountered. humphrey would eventually attack his ownerone night in 2011, biting him repeatedly.
marius' body was found submerged in the riverthat ran through his farm, mutilated beyond measure. number 5: black bearmichael walz was a dealer of exotic pets who had been keeping wild animals in his homewithout a valid permit. his wide collection included a lion, jaguar,tiger, and a black bear, all looked after by michael himself and his wife kelly. in october 2009, kelly walz entered the blackbear's steel cage. she distracted the 350 pound creature withsome food she tossed at one end, and went to clean the other end.
but at one point the bear turned around andbrutally mauled his owner. the horrific incident happened in front ofthe eyes of her children and some neighborhood children, who quickly went to get help. the neighbor came running, armed, and shotthe bear while it was on top of kelly. kelly was pronounced dead at the scene. the attack was in part the owners’ own fault,as they failed to have a two section cage which would allow the animal to be isolatedat one side while the other is being cleaned. according to that neighbor, kelly had carelesslybeen cleaning the cage her way a thousand times without getting harmed.
however, all it took was the 1001th time toget her killed. number 4: burmese python snakein 1996, two bronx teenage brothers named grant and lamar williams bought a burmesepython for 300 dollars at a local pet store, thinking to make a career in herpetology - orthe study and care of reptiles. they kept it caged in their bedroom, oftenshowing it off to friends. one day the 19 year old grant williams preparedto feed his 44 pound snake with live chicken he just bought. but the reptile instead quickly coiled itselfaround the young man's body, preferring him as food.
grant was later found by his neighbors ina pool of his own blood, lying in the apartment building's hallway with the 13 foot long snakestill coiled around him. they called 911, and rescuers managed to freehim from the strong python's grip, but he died over an hour later while on the way tothe hospital. the snake was transferred to bronx zoo. the species is one of the largest in the world,and although can be handled quite well as pets, also readily feeds on whatever preyit finds. unlike professional reptile keepers, the youngbrothers were careless, and had no idea about the precautions necessary in feeding the largesnakes.
number 3: camelthis case itself is unusually disturbing for this list. unlike the other murderous animals mentioned,this animal killed his owner by trying to have sex with her. pam weaver, an exotic pet lover from australiawas given a camel by her husband for her 60th birthday. the ten month old camel showed signs of erraticbehavior early on, having tried to mate with other animal species in the family's sheepand cattle ranch near brisbane. one evening in august 2007, pam's husbandnoel came home to discover his wife's dead
body lying on the ground, with a camel footprinton one side of her face, and another on her arm. investigators concluded that the 330 poundpet had knocked down his owner, lay on top of her, and humped her to death. a camel expert commented that the behaviorwas no doubt amorous in behavior, although its sexual aggressiveness was unusual forits young age. number 2: siberian tigeras chairman of the canadian exotic animal owner's association, norman buwalda was abig advocate for keeping wild animals as pets. the man had 5 wild cats he kept on his propertyin ontario, including a tiger, lion, and a
cougar. in june 2004, a ten year old boy came to hisproperty to take photos of the exotic creatures on norman's property, only to get mauled bythe siberian tiger held there. the 350 pound cat was on a leash held by norman. however, it managed to leap forward and attackthe boy, inflicting serious head and neck wounds on him. norman was never legally implicated as hehad legal possession of the animals. however, the incident caused the neighboringcommunity to campaign to have the animals banned and removed, which norman fought hardagainst and won.
however, norman would soon fall victim toone of his own cats he fought so hard for. one day in 2010, as he entered the cage ofone of his tigers alone to feed it, the beast brutally attacked his 66 year old owner. a family member found his mutilated body shortlyafterwards, lying in the tiger's cage. number 1: african lional abell and his wife kathie had established an exotic animal exhibition farm tucked insouthern illinois. the private zoo was something the couple haddreamt of for years, and were finally able to establish in their retirement age. the couple would go on to manage the placetogether, but fate took a turn for the worst
in february 2004 when al was left to tidythe animal pens on his own as his wife left to run errands. the 52 year old man entered the pen of simba,a 5 year old african barbary lion to change its bedding. it was the first time for him to do the taskalone, and his inexperience led him to forget to lock the gate which separated him fromthe 380 pound beast that was sitting in a smaller pen while he had the area cleaned. when kathie returned home late afternoon,not only did she find her husband missing, but simba was roaming around freely in thearea outside its enclosure.
she had to call the sheriff's office to putthe lion down, and they eventually found al's body lying nearby. kathie admitted her husband was growing forgetful,and was careless as he had grown too comfortable around the almost full grown lion they hadraised since it was a cub. unfortunately, the lion's natural beastlyinstincts were not something that could've been tamed by the couple.
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