>> a woman in new york hasbeen arrested after her two pitbulls attacked two men. this brings up the debate as towhat we should do about pit bulls, and whether or not theyare considered dangerous. cynthia who is 55, is nowfacing charges after video captured her dogsattacking two men. the video we are about toshow you is graphic. i want to give you afair warning. let's take a quick look, then iwill give you statistics
and information on pit bulls. >> call the cops. >> they can't stop it, bro. >> hurry up, these dogs areattacking a man. >>you see a second good samaritan getting attacked. >>let me tell you what theinjuries were. the victim lost part of hisright ear, sustained nerve damage to his arms and had cutsall over his chest and arms.
oliver was arrested andcharged with eight counts of assault and two counts ofreckless endangerment. both of them had to goto the hospital. the person who was initiallyattacked suffered the most, but they are both expected tosurvive and recover. >>so the main man that wasattacked, he is an italian immigrant, an artist. he is a terrific guy as youwill see in the story. he had to have five hours ofsurgery on friday night.
he is still in the hospitalbecause they have to take nerves from his legs and putthem into his arms. the dogs took chunks out ofhis arms and his ear. as you saw in the video, thedogs bit into him and dragged him across the street. we talked generically aboutdogs, dangerous dogs like pit bulls and rottweilers. there are probably 200 milliondogs all over the country. they always say the samething, not my pitbull.
i showed you the video becausenow you can see it coming. they are dangerous animals. that doesn't mean get rid ofall pit bulls. i get it. doesn't mean i don't like dogs.dogs are lovely. i have pets of my own.i am telling you, be careful. they are super dangerousanimals. they are not to betaken lightly. i have never met a dog owner whodidn't tell me, not mine, no way.
who i didn't then see takingtheir dog super lightly. >> i did a lot of research intopit bulls just to see what the consensus is about whetheror not you're actually the most dangerous dogs. i am a huge dog lover and amagainst banning breeds. barack obama said banning anentire breed of dog does not make sense and isnot effective. i am not endorsing thatwhatsoever. however, you look into thenumbers and you realize that
pit bull's do tend to be themost violent dogs of any other breed. let me give you the statisticsand tell you what the aspca and peta say. in a 10 year period from2005 to 2014, pit bulls killed 203americans and accounted for 62 percent of the totalrecorded depth. combined, pit bulls androttweilers accounted for 74 percent of these deaths.
the aspca is saying that it isunfair to say that the entire breed is more violentthan any other breed. they like to treat each dogindividually, and it depends on the environmentthey were raised in. a lot of pit bulls are raisedin poor neighborhoods. they might have owners thatdon't have resources to care for them as muchas they should. as a result, they might be moreviolent than other dogs. that was one thing thatwas mentioned.
peta thinks that pit bullsshould be regulated similarly to how leopards andexotic animals are regulated. they could be dangerous, as aresult we need to be cautious with them. that is coming from an animalrights organization. >> if you are not cautiouswith them, what's going to happen is they are goingto be euthanized. they are already taken intoanimal shelters. let me tell you about thisguy that was attacked.
a priest came by, he is inreally bad shape. the priest tells him don't giveup and he says, "he told me don't give up, so i don'tgive up." i love this guy. it turns out he owns a pit bull. >> wow. >> he said to not euthanize thedogs. >>that is amazing. >> what a great guy. i am nothalf the man this guy is. the cops arrested the woman.
to point out toughsituations, the owner has been arrested 37 times. it was mainly for drug offenses,so we don't know if she is a dangerous person. the guy who was attacked said ã± the cops said she sicked thedogs on him. the victim said no. i would imagine that the victimis more likely to be correct. i don't know why ã± maybe copswere frustrated with her? i have mixed feelings aboutwhat should happen to her.
i would have to hear a lot moreof the context to figure out how negligent she was. this guy says no, itis not her fault. no, don't put the dogs down. but at the end of the day thatmakes him a great guy, but i don't agree with you.those dogs are dangerous. not only because of what you sawin the video, it turns out it's not the first timethey have done it. they also attacked oneof her neighbors.
the neighbor says thoseare vicious dogs. she said any time i go outsidemy house now, i look around to see if those dogs are around. you might love your dog, andmaybe your dog is fantastic. this is not about your dog.some dogs are dangerous. i can't seem to get doglovers to understand that. as ana just pointed out, onlysix percent of the dogs in this country are pit bulls, but theycause 62 percent of deaths. rottweilers can literally losetheir minds, and if they do
they attack anything in sight.that is pretty dangerous. if you have a dog like this,don't take it lightly. it could be a killing machine. most of them aren't, but someare and when they do they cause a lot of damage. i am not saying ban pit bulls,but i kind of agree with the people you quoted there. maybe we should have moreregulation to make sure they are handled in aresponsible way.
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